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Category: US Dollar

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

World Abandoning the US Dollar as International Currency For Trade / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Julian_DW_Phillips

The foreign exchange markets are not solely about exchange rates. They are about values, smooth flowing of international trade, about trust and reliability. The sight of the $ falling over a long period of time, with bounces and recoveries that don't change the downward trend is far more than simply a drop in value!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Falling US Dollar to Boost US Stock Markets and Consumer Spending / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleImagine that you have $2.8 trillion sitting around. And for kicks, let's assume that most of that money, about two-thirds, is invested in U.S. dollars and other dollar-denominated assets like U.S. Treasury bonds.

And let's assume that your currency was linked to the U.S. dollar, too. In other words, you often buy dollars to maintain a stable value relative to the buck.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Weak US Dollar Looks Set to Lose Role as the Worlds Reserve Currency / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Adrian_Ash

Goldfinger? Bofinger! "...Once the Dollar loses its role as the supreme reserve currency, just what other uses might it be put to exactly – wall-papering the inside of central bank vaults? Rolled up for use in the People's Bank restrooms...?"

YOU THINK you've heard it all before. But then some idiot comes along and stops your heart.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Foreign Investors Set to Abandon the US Dollar as Fed Gives Up Fight Against Inflation / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Peter_Schiff

As internal debates in the Gulf and Asian nations intensify over the need to continue propping up the U.S. economy, dangerous signals this past week from the Fed, Freddie Mac, and Wall Street may be pushing them to finally let go of the lifelines that have kept America afloat.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

US Dollar Loses the Currency War - Gold Readies For Next Move Higher on Inflation / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jim_Willie_CB

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe competing currency wars are beginning to escalate. Since 2002 the battles have certainly shown signs of economic damage. But they are really heating up. The winners are difficult to define. The losers are all nations involved. The important viewpoint is to identify which nations and economies will lose relatively less, and how they manage the warfare so as to gain an advantage over rival nations. The losers are clear. They are the United States and all nations which hang on with their tight US$ peg for political reasons. It is difficult to identify China (plus Hong Kong ) and Arab oil exporters as uniform winners when their economies are suffering some blatant distortions of their own.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

US Dollar Devaluation is a Supply and Demand Problem / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Andy_Sutton

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDollar falls to all-time low against the Euro"
"Canadian dollar hits all-time high versus US counterpart"
"Australian dollar at multi-year high"
"British Pound crosses $2 threshold"

These are just some of the headlines that have emerged during the past year concerning the ails of the US Dollar. There have been hundreds, perhaps thousands of explanations for why this is a good or bad thing. Thousands more questions asked, but never answered. At the end of the day though, it is really about our old friend: The law of Supply and Demand.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Bernanke Squirms As the US Dollar Burns / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Brady_Willett

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBernanke's larger than expected 50 bps cut on September 18 helped spark a sell off in the U.S. dollar. A deteriorating outlook for the U.S. economy and another Fed rate cut on October 31 accelerated the dollar's decline.  Fear has taken over in November…

It is not surprising that against this backdrop talk about how wonderful a weaker dollar is for America has nearly vanished. As a quick example, head of currency research at Morgan Stanley, Stephen Jen, was claiming a few weeks ago that although the dollar may weaken further, “…investors should keep in mind that the dollar is undervalued and ready to appreciate as soon as the economy regains traction.” The most recent sell off in the dollar now has Mr. Jen rattled, not to mention many others:

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Friday, November 09, 2007

US Dollar - A Crisis to Shatter the Whole World / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Adrian_Ash

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTHE FRENCH PRESIDENT was in Washington this week, speaking to Congress en Français and telling the United States to stop dumping Dollars and risking a global financial crisis.

Ooh la la! Sounds just like old times...

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Friday, November 09, 2007

China Slams US Dollar; Yen Looks Great! / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJack Crooks writes:China is getting very good at controlling currency values, and not just their own. While it's no secret they've been artificially suppressing the value of the Chinese yuan, they're now pushing down the value of the U.S. dollar, too!

The implications for the currency markets are huge. Most importantly, this development propelled the yen much higher, and I expect the momentum to continue building. Here's the scoop ...

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Deadly Dollar Downtrend States All Inflation Adjusted Statistics Are Wrong, True Inflation is Double CPI! / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jim_Willie_CB

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe public and investment community continues to be bombarded with denials as to the importance of the seemingly endless slide in the US Dollar, along with curiously shallow commentary that the US $ slide seems overdone. The US$ exchange rates could justify a 50% decline from here, out of sheer principle, not based upon the relative price of milk cartons or taxi rides. The comprehension of the gold breakout signal seems equally misunderstood and minimized. To be clear, the people have begun to sense with alarm the nature of the energy cost problem, but do not detect its weak currency roots.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

US Dollar Devalution - When Cash Is Trash: What To Do ... / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleLarry Edelson writes: Your cash — whether it's in money markets, bonds, or hidden under your mattress — is quickly becoming trash.

You see, just as I've been predicting all along, the Fed continues to flood the market with unbacked paper dollars. The latest: An injection of $41 billion, the day after the Fed cut interest rates last week.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

US Dollar Bear Market That's Threatening Nearly Every Portfolio / Stock-Markets / US Dollar

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSean Brodrick writes: Despite some hiccups, the broad indices have had a great run recently, pushed along by good data on jobs, personal spending and more. It's what you call a "Goldilocks market" — a time when the economic data isn't too hot and isn't too cold.

Gross domestic product is rising at a 3.9% clip, so investors feel things are just right, and they keep pushing stocks higher.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

US Dollar Slumps to New Lows - British Pound (GBP) 2.10 - Commodities Soar - Dollar Rally Expected / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe US Dollar slumped sharply to new lows against major currencies which included falling to $2.10 to the British Pound. The latest sell off was attributed to comments by a chinease official who suggested that China should look to transfer its over $1.4 trillion of forex reserves to 'stronger' currencies. "We will favour stronger currencies over weaker ones, and will readjust accordingly," said Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of the National People's Congress.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

How to Survive The Declining US Dollar: Free Report from Weiss Capital Management ... / Stock-Markets / US Dollar

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWith the U.S. Dollar Index now trading well below its previous low of all time … with its value now risking a virtual free-fall … and with the Fed's latest rate cut adding even more impetus to its decline … virtually every market in the world is being impacted:

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Monday, November 05, 2007

US Dollar in the Doldrums / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Regent_Markets

The Dollar again grabbed the headlines last week as it hit all time lows against the Euro and levels not seen in generations against the Pound & Canadian Dollar.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Factoring in the Fed Interest Rate Decision - Where to now for the US Dollar? / Interest-Rates / US Dollar

By: Regent_Markets

Wall Street leapt higher last week after the Federal Reserve calmed investors' fears about a sinking economy, implying that risks to the financial markets from the summer's credit crises have eased, says's Michael Wright.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

US Dollar Haunted by the Ghosts of Halloween / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Gary_Dorsch

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe story of Halloween goes back over 2000 years to the ancient Celts. Druidic priests regarded October 31st as the end of the year. Not only was it their day for celebrating the year's harvest, but also a festival for honoring the dead. In order to appease the wandering spirits that they believed roamed at night, the Celtic priests made fires in which they burned sacrifices, made charms, and cast spells.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Is an International Currency Crisis on the Way? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Gerard_Jackson

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn trying to resolve the basic issue of where prices go from here, we have to balance short-term market momentum against the increasing drag of economic reality and we have to weigh the price enhancing effects of inflationary monetary policy and deliberate currency neglect against the price depressive ones of a meaningful frustration of current entrepreneurial assumptions. We then have to grope towards some tentative conclusions on the vexed issue of whether the cycle in Asia (and, indeed, in Continental Europe) has achieved sufficient automotive power for it to ride out any more serious abatement of Atlantic Rim over-demand.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dollar Devaluation Is Annihilating the Middle Class and Worse is Yet to Come! / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Robert_McHugh_PhD

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleYou Want to Know Why You Feel Like You are Struggling Financially?
Because the U.S. Dollar Has Just Been Devalued by a Third Over the Past Five Years.

And more devaluation is coming. Perhaps another 50 percent. The markets are convinced that the Fed is going to drop rates again on Halloween by another half percentage point. This means hyperinflation, and all markets moved accordingly Friday. The Dollar hit a new low, at 77.00, and is worth 53 percent of what a Euro is worth.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What to do when the U.S. Dollar Falls? Buy Foreign Stocks / Stock-Markets / US Dollar

By: Donald_W_Dony

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs the U.S. dollar continues its downward plunge below $0.80, the question arises as to stock selection. Where are the best markets to invest in with a falling currency? The answer appears to be in Chart 1; Foreign stocks.

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