Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 08, 2014
There Is a Rogue Elephant in Your House / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Casey_Research
By Doug Casey, Chairman
One time when I was in Burma (now Myanmar), I spent a couple of days riding around the forest by elephant back. Elephants are a fine thing to have in the forest but, believe it or not, you have one living in your house with you. And you should do something about it now, before your house is wrecked and you and your family get stomped in the process.
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Monday, September 08, 2014
Will The 300 Year Old UK Survive? / Politics / UK Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
No Longer Certain “No” Will Win
Unsurprisingly to me, the Yes voters in Scotland are getting more affirmative and less secretive about their preference for an independent Scotland. Because its a classic “first past the post” voting system and process, a minority will decide what happens – but few complain about that time-worn electoral process in Britain, except for example the Lib Dems who want proportional voting because it would give them more seats in the Westminster parliament.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Downing of Malaysia Flight 17 Sinister Pretext for War with Russia / Politics / Eastern Europe
By: Mike_Whitney
The Obama administration has failed to produce any hard evidence that pro-Russia separatists were responsible for the downing of Malaysia Flight 17. The administration’s theory– that the jetliner was downed by a surface-to-air missile launched from rebel territory in east Ukraine– is not supported by radar data, satellite imagery, eyewitness testimony or forensic evidence. In fact, there is no factual basis for the hypothesis at all. It’s merely politically-motivated speculation that’s been repeated endlessly in the media to shape public opinion. The preponderance of evidence suggests a different scenario altogether, that is, that MH17 was shot down by Ukrainian fighters in an effort to frame the pro-Russia separatists and demonize Russia by implication. This is precisely why the MH17 story has vanished from all the major media for the last three weeks. It’s because the bloody fingerprints point to Obama’s puppet-government in Kiev.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
The West Paves The Road To War With Lies / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of “our Western partners” to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is there no evidence of this good will in Western capitals, the hostile measures against Russia are increasing. Moreover, hostile measures are on the rise even though their main effect is to disadvantage Europe.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Islamic Terror And North / South War / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Andrew_McKillop
Theocracy and the Police State
August 30 on FOX News, King Abdullah of the Wahabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia said he thinks ISIS terror attacks in Europe will start within 1 month, and in the USA within 2 months. When do they start in your own police state, King Abdullah? In the Wahabite Kingdom, which dates to 1744 and is named for the extremist lay preacher Abdul Wahab, all religions except so-called ultra conservative and puritanical, or fundamentalist and austere forms of Sunni Islam are forbidden. Attempts to practice any other religion are punished by whipping, imprisonment or for foreigners, immediate deportation.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
‘We’ Don’t Want The Ukraine Ceasefire To Hold / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: Raul_I_Meijer
It’s exceedingly safe to assume that the main reason the Kiev government agreed to a ceasefire on Friday was that the Ukraine army was losing on just about all fronts. Which they blame on Russian troops and weaponry being involved in increasing numbers, but there’s still to this day no proof for that.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Scottish Independence YES Vote Panic - Scotland Committing Suicide and Terminating the UK? / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
There is PANIC in the air as the NO Campaigns 20% opinion poll lead at the start of 2014 has now completely evaporated as the YES campaign edges into the lead with just 12 days to go, with the latest opinion poll that for the first time putting the YES vote on 51%, against 49% NO (YouGov for the Sunday Times) will likely prompt a mini panic on Monday morning as the forex and financial markets further discount the increasing risks of a YES Vote that will likely prompt UK politicians to further bend over backwards to accommodate Scotland costing UK tax payers many more billions per year.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Countdown To Global Islamic False Flag Terror / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Andrew_McKillop
King Abdullah Says
Speaking on FOX News, August 30, Saudi King Abdullah said he thought that ISIS terror attacks in Europe would take 1 month to start, and 2 months to start in the US. He also said that the sight of ISIS psychopaths, some in their teens, joyfully carrying severed head on spikes was proof that “they know no humanity”, but King Abdullah did not admit the role of his security services, and of the other Gulf states in turning the Syrian civil war into a cesspit of horror from which ISIS crawled out
Saturday, September 06, 2014
We Live In A New World, But We Don’t Want To / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Looking around us today, it would – or at least could – seem obvious that we live in a new world. Which we don’t recognize – as being new – because we don’t want that world. We instead want more of what we used to know, with icing and a cherry on top. We want to go back, not forward, though we don’t phrase or see it that way. The underlying issue is that the ‘forward’ we do want is not available, and we have no problem fooling ourselves into believing we can still achieve it.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
The Global Economy is Watching ISIS / Politics / Global Economy
By: Harry_Dent
The biggest news topic in our global economy now centers on the growing threat from ISIS. They are well-funded, well-organized and brutal. Their on-the-ground army in Iraq and Syria and their extremely violent actions have the world on edge.
After the beheading of two U.S. journalists, Obama has said that the objective is clear: “That is to degrade and destroy ISIS.”
The world’s Geopolitical cycle is heating up. And it doesn’t bode well.
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Thursday, September 04, 2014
NATO Dead, King Dollar Wrecked / Politics / US Dollar
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The Paradigm Shift has reached a higher gear. The danger and risk levels have gone to critical levels. The risk of economic destruction has gone into recognizable critical levels. The source of the problem has become more easily identified. The typical tactics not only do not work, but expose the bully, the warmonger, the hegemony advocate, the wizard of violence, the imposer of self-serving rules, the crime syndicate bosses, the masters of espionage, the man with killer drone toys. The USDollar is defended by war, market interference (see LIBOR, FOREX, debt ratings), accounting rules gimmicks, rigged detonation of banking systems, pointed assassinations for heads of state, even fabricated natural events (see HAARP in Philippines).
Thursday, September 04, 2014
From Russia With Love - Cyber War / Politics / Cyber War
By: DK_Matai
Hackers have stolen gigabytes of data from JPMorgan Chase, the biggest bank in the US and one of the largest banks in the world.
1. The sophistication of the cyber attacks appears to be beyond the capability of ordinary criminal hackers and could be nation state sponsored?
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Thursday, September 04, 2014
Ban-Ki Moon's Climate Summit Dead In The Water / Politics / Climate Change
By: Andrew_McKillop
World Leader's Declare Lack of Interest
The heavily touted UN “summit” on climate change, later this month in New York was supposed to set the scene for next year's UN follow-up Paris conference and lead to “binding international resolutions” to cut CO2 emissions and defeat the menace of Global Warming.
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Scottish Independence Opens Pandora's Box of Disintegration, Balkanisation of Britain / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The peoples of the United Kingdom are literally being sleep walked towards the edge of the cliff, most completely unaware of the potentially disastrous ramifications for not just Scotland but for what lies in store for the remainder of the United Kingdom following a Scottish Independence YES vote that would break start the process for ripping apart a 300 hundred year old entity of an United Island of Great Britain, which as I have repeatedly warned of during 2014 that a YES vote would literally sow the seeds for the balkanisation of Britain as this Island would literally tear it itself apart as the status quo of what had been taken for granted would no longer exist.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
I Didn’t Believe the IRS Anyway / Politics / Taxes
By: Don_Miller
Lois Lerner’s emails are back from the dead—sort of. The former IRS official’s BlackBerry, however, is still long gone. The IRS intentionally destroyed it in June 2012 (after congressional staffers interviewed Lerner about the IRS targeting conservative groups) as the Deputy Assistant Chief Counsel acknowledged in a recent sworn declaration.
We’ve all met someone we just don’t trust but don’t know why. There’s often a pretty good reason to feel that way.
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Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Crusaders, Sieges And Fortress America / Politics / US Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
ISIS is More Menacing Than Russia
In a sometimes virulently anti-Russian but sophisticated propaganda piece, 1 September, D. K. Matai tells us that Russia, or Vladimir Putin, and the Islamic State, are “our” two greatest threats (“Islamic State or Russia? Ten Key Questions Towards Pragmatism” .http://tinyurl.com/q3dkq99).
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Why US Fed Must Act Now to Get Money into the Hands of Ordinary Americans / Politics / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Ellen_Brown
When an article appears in Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the policy-setting Council on Foreign Relations, recommending that the Federal Reserve do a money drop directly on the 99%, you know the central bank must be down to its last bullet.
The September/October issue of Foreign Affairs features an article by Mark Blyth and Eric Lonergan titled “Print Less But Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly To The People.” It’s the sort of thing normally heard only from money reformers and Social Credit enthusiasts far from the mainstream. What’s going on?
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Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Western Economy - This Is As Big As We Will Get / Politics / Social Issues
By: Raul_I_Meijer
This is it. This is the biggest we’re going to get. We won’t grow anymore. Not bigger, not wider, not taller (just thicker perhaps, in the sense of more stupid). I return to this from time to time, and still I never see even just one voice in the media with even one hair’s breadth of doubt about the overarching theme of growth at all costs. Is this a sign that economists and other poorly educated people have taken over the world, or is it simply what we are all programmed for?
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
NWO Enforcer: NATO Threatens WW III / Politics / New World Order

Tuesday, September 02, 2014
France And The Long-Gone Thatcher Moment / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
More Failed Remedies
Writing for Saxo Bank, 1 September, Steen Jakobson said “France needs a Thatcher moment, with a new leader brave enough to get elected on a mandate for change”. He also noted that Francois Hollande is the most unpopular president since the start of opinion polling on French presidents in the 1950s but did not say that former president Nicolas Sarkozy and his riotously unsuccessful “liberal reform program” of 2007-2012 also set out “do a Thatcher moment”.Sarkozy paid homage to Thatcher but also called it a Gerhard Schroeder and Tony Blair moment due to these supposed social democrats doing exactly the same thing.