Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, December 03, 2021
Will the Glasgow Summit (COP26) Affect Energy Prices? / Politics / Climate Change
By: S_N_Chatterjee
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, has just ended. After two weeks of intense debates among world leaders, there are a few encouraging signs and mainly disappointments standing out.
Topics related to climate change and global warming have been in the spotlight over the past couple of years and as temperatures continue to rise, the COP26 showed a renewed pledge to continue working on limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This was a target set at the Paris climate summit held in 2015 and the latest deal reinforces its importance.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Federal Reserve Asks Americans to Eat Soy “Meat” for Thanksgiving / Politics / US Politics
By: MoneyMetals
Let’s talk about the sudden setback in precious metals markets.
Metals got hammered on Monday and Tuesday. Gold prices fell back below the $1,800 level and silver is back down under $24.
Platinum and palladium also got hit hard. Interestingly, though, copper and most other commodities are holding up well.
The price takedown that was focused on precious metals specifically may have been a knee-jerk reaction to news from the White House.
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Monday, November 22, 2021
The Most Important Lesson Learned from this COVID Pandemic / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: Frank_Hollenbeck
We must reduce government power to a bare minimum, or the next threat to our security will lead to an even greater loss of individual freedoms.
In life, we are constantly making trade-offs between life, liberty, and property. When we take our car out for a ride, we trade life for liberty: walking is safer than driving. When we take our car to work, we trade life for liberty and property. The minute we get out of bed, we make these trade-offs, and we do it so often that most times we don’t even realize we are making them: Indeed, our entire lives are a series of continuous trade-offs. However, for this pandemic, politicians decided they knew the best trade-off for everyone, and like sheep we should blindly accept these government edicts. They even tried to "infantilize" their populations (e.g. most COVID propaganda used child-like cartoons) to quash any dissent.
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Monday, November 22, 2021
UK Covid-19 Booster Jabs Moderna, Pfizer Are They Worth the Risk of Side effects, Illness? / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: N_Walayat
Covid-19 cases are on the rise across Europe with many nations already imposing locks downs prompting civil unrest. So far Britain has escaped calls for a winter lockdown by implementing an across the board booster jab program that started with the over 50's but has now been rolled out to over 40's However, having the booster jab is NOT risk free!
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Thursday, November 18, 2021
Chinese People do NOT Eat Dogs Newspeak / Politics / China
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Chinese people do NOT eat DOGS as part of pseudo religious superstition to ward off Summer heat and the practice is NOT widespread, because eating ones pet looks very bad to outside eyes therefore the CCP dictates Newspeak that Chinese people do NOT eat dogs even though there is annual an annual dog eating festival and Dog meat shops are widespread across China situated in every city and town.
Therefore that is the GOOD FACT that is spewed out from docile chinese mouth pieces across the media from mainstream to youtube to tiktok a case of "Don't be stupid, Chinese people DO NOT EAT DOGS!" When the reality to this Newspeak fiction is that Chinese people actually DO EAT DOGS! But the nature of the crime against Dogs i.e. the manner of their deaths is such that it basically just does NOT happen!
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Thursday, November 18, 2021
CHINOBLE! Evergrande Reality Exposes China Fiction! / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest cunning plan out of the China Clown Party (CCP) was to ORDER Evergrande to NOT default on it's bonds, finish the properties yet to be completed for customers, and make good on all those who invested in their wealth management programmes! Problem Solved! Just order the dying company to basically NOT Die. The Fed had the 2008 bailout all wrong, they should have just ordered the banks not to go Bust! It looks like Xi Ping has been drinking too much of his I am an immortal genius cool aid!
This speaks volumes about the lack of competency at the heart of the Chinese government (CCP). I strongly suspect a day of reckoning is fast approaching for China with it's ghost cities, crumbling infrastructure, collapsing bridges and buildings and dams that's are prone to bursting that are not even 30 years old!
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Monday, November 15, 2021
Covid Vaccinations - THEY WANT US TO FEAR ROOM 101 / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: James_Quinn
“You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.” – O’Brien – Orwell’s 1984
GreatWritersFranzKafka: George Orwell`s 1984: The Downward Journey by Brian W. Aldiss Fauci pressed over U.S. funding of cruel medical experiments on dogs and puppies; Beagles locked in cages with sand flies, vocal cords removed | National | stardem.com
“’By itself,’ he said, ‘pain is not always enough. There are occasions when a human being will stand out against pain, even to the point of death. But for everyone there is something unendurable — something that cannot be contemplated. Courage and cowardice are not involved.” – O’Brien – Orwell’s 1984
When the story broke about mass murderer Anthony Fauci funding the torturing and killing of puppies in Tunisia, with the picture of the puppies with their heads in cages so they could be eaten alive by hungry sandflies, after having their vocal cords slit (so the poor “experimenters” wouldn’t be subject to the harrowing howls of the dying puppy beagles), my mind immediately jumped to the climactic scene in Orwell’s 1984.
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Friday, November 12, 2021
Window OPEN! Budgie GONE! PANIC Search for LOST Budgie! / Politics / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
Where’s the Budgie! Where’s the Blue Budgie! Left the budgies in the room with the window open and can not find the blue budgie, it’s GONE out of the open WINDOW!
Panic search begins for the budgie in the garden, is it in a tree, is it on the ground, has it hopped over the fence into the neighbour’s garden – WHERE IS IT???? PANIC!
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Tuesday, November 09, 2021
How to hold up the world / Politics / Social Issues
By: Michael_T_Bucci
As Thanksgiving in America approaches, a time for reflection on the deeper meanings of friendship, family and colleagues who have come into our lives - some who we like and others we dislike - we remind ourselves that underneath the masks and roles we play on the great stage of life we are all human beings. We all need oxygen, sun, food and, most importantly, we need validation for who we are, what we believe and acknowledgment for help we give others.
As we give thanks to those who have given meaning to us, we shouldn’t ignore the perfect strangers. In that light, I thank Market Oracle and its editor, Nadeem Walayat, for providing its readers this website; for providing a platform for astute thinkers and analysts to showcase their expertise. Thank you.
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Sunday, October 10, 2021
Can US Save Taiwan From China? Taiwan Strait Naval Battle - PLA vs 7th Fleet War Game Simulation / Politics / China US Conflict
By: N_Walayat
China over the past week has been ramping up it's incursions into Taiwanese air space culminating with Emperor Xi Jinping reiterating that Taiwan is a province of China and will reunify with the mainland either by peaceful means or by force. Whilst recently the US deployed 3 carrier groups accompanied by Britain's sole aircraft carrier near Taiwan though not in the Straits.
This war game simulation pits the Chinese PLA Navy against the US 7th Fleet that comprises 70 war ships including 2 air craft carriers, also deployed is a third carrier group with the objective of deterring the Chinese Navy from attacking Taiwan.
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Saturday, October 09, 2021
US China War over Taiwan Simulation 2021, Invasion Forecast - Who Will Win? / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The War with China Mega-trend. If you have been following my analysis over the past 5 years then you will know that I expect a war with China is being inevitable with many flashpoint's for an hot war likely culminating in the nuking of the spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
This simulation covers what is most probable outcome if China launched an all out assault to seize Taiwan and the US chose to intervened with determined force i.e. its 7th Fleet comprising 2 air craft carriers and about 70 ships to deter such an attack.
So who would win such an engagement of largely naval forces on an epic scale?
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Thursday, September 30, 2021
America’s Revolving-Door Politics Behind the Fall of US-Sino Ties / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
The US-Sino ties plunged in the Trump era, but the downfall has intensified in the Biden era. Without policy shifts, the tensions, fueled by defense contractors, translate to arms races and elevated nuclear risks in Asia.
In just nine months, Biden’s net ratings have plunged by a stunning 20 percent, which leaves him behind all U.S. postwar presidents except for Trump, many of whose policies his White House has embraced. Today, Biden’s performance divides the nation, just as Trump’s did before him.
True, Biden pledged to end America’s longest war in Afghanistan. That does not spell end to the “forever wars.” It only means shifts of resource allocations to new regions. Last June, Bernie Sanders warned that such policies could "start another Cold War” against China.
The global challenges America faces – climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, massive economic inequality, corruption and authoritarianism – are shared challenges. They cannot be overcome unilaterally, Sanders warned. It is “distressing and dangerous that a fast-growing consensus is emerging in Washington that views the U.S.-Chinese relationship as a zero-sum economic and military struggle.”
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Why Workers Are NOT Returning to Work as Lockdown's End - Wage Slaves Rebellion / Politics / Social Issues
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britains has a record near 1 million vacancies despite economic contraction courtesy of the Chinese virus global pandemic. And similarly is true right across the western world as millions of workers even in relatively well paid jobs are refusing to return. This video answers why it is happening as a message I have been iterating for over 2 decades resonated with the west's wage slave workers, as to why are they wasting their lives creating wealth for others when all they had to do was gather enough courage to take the leap and do what the rich and wealthy have been doing for centuries!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
UK Fuel PANIC! Fighting at the Petrol Pumps! As Lemmings Create a New Crisis / Politics / Social Issues
By: N_Walayat
The lemmings are at it again Last year it was toilet paper. This year it's petrol and diesel. Crazy, insane lemmings. Even fighting at the pumps!
\As soon as their fuel needle drops from 100% to 99% off they go to join the queues to full up their tanks back to 100%.
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Saturday, September 25, 2021
Cryptocurrency policy choices and consequences / Politics / cryptocurrency
By: Raymond_Matison
Almost all countries of the producing and developed world have made a policy decision as to how to define crypto currencies, and they do not define them as securities. The United States has not finalized its singular definition as its designation is not uniform among agencies: the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission defines virtual crypto currencies as commodities, while the Internal Revenue Service defines them as property on which to collect capital gains taxes. The U.S. Treasury Department Financial Crimes Enforcement Network sees them as “counterfeit money” to be treated accordingly, and the Securities Exchange Commission wants to treat them as securities, which they would regulate. It is clear, that there is a “turf war” taking place as to which agency is to exert control regulation over this new virtual asset. There is much at stake: much more than which agency will regulate cryptocurrencies or be able to “extract favors” from the implementers of this new asset class. However, if policy decisions are not constructive to supporting this fast-growing industry, or if this decision takes too long to reach, the dynamic entrepreneurs will move to countries which are more supportive.
Let’s be clear, decisions have consequences, and how we define and regulate cryptocurrencies will have long-term nation-impacting consequences. Political leaders base most of their decisions and cast their votes in Congress for near term political benefits – as most will be out of the government when the long term consequences become operative. For example, politician’s support for increased government spending is nearly universal, despite the fact that over the longer term government debt accumulates to consequential levels.
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Thursday, September 23, 2021
Should School Children be Jabbed with Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine To Foster Herd Immunity? - UK / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: N_Walayat
Covid-19 is less severe in children though some do get long covid symptoms Astrazenica was the Aldi version of vaccines, good but higher risk, Pfizer is more the Tesco or Sainsbury version, a little more effective and a little safer. Yes, the risks of covid and its many variants in Children is very low.
However, the key benefits of vaccinating kids is that it greatly reduces transmission, spread of the virus to others i.e. the vaccinated infected shed much less viral particles, given that the virus has not gone away as the latest graphs illustrate.
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Thursday, September 23, 2021
Corruption at the Fed: Are America’s Money Masters Engaged in Self-Dealing? / Politics / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: MoneyMetals
By Jp Cortez : America’s central bankers are tasked with impartial oversight over aspects of the American economy. But could these individuals be making decisions on interest rates and bailout operations based on what is best for their own personal investment portfolios?
After some embarrassing revelations regarding the trading activities of two senior officials, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell abruptly ordered a comprehensive examination last week into internal compliance with an ethics rule directing Fed employees to avoid “actual and apparent conflicts of interest.”
Monday, September 20, 2021
New arms race and nuclear risks could spell End to the Asian Century / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Dan_Steinbock
Since 1945, the only successful economic modernization worldwide has occurred in Asia, with focus on economic development. After a decade of US pivot to the region, arms races and nuclear risks are rising.According to the new trilateral security pact (AUKUS) between the United States, the UK and Australia, Washington and London will “help” Canberra to develop and deploy nuclear-powered submarines.
The $66 billion deal effectively killed Australia’s $90 billion conventional sub deal with France, thereby causing a major ruckus with Washington’s NATO partner.
Stunningly, US and Australian officials had been in secret talks for months over the plan that was hatched more than a year ago by the far-right Trump administration. Yet, it was both embraced and accelerated by the Biden White House, which claimed to offer an “alternative” to four years of Trump devastation.
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Thursday, September 16, 2021
An Update on the End of College… and a New Way to Profit / Politics / Education
By: Stephen_McBride
It was one of my most popular (and controversial) essays to date…Last summer, I laid out my case for why “college is never coming back”…
Of course, it wasn’t the first time I wrote about this idea. That was back in 2019.
But last year made the idea “real” for most people…
COVID was a lightning bolt of disruption that fried the business model of college practically overnight.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The Delta Variant Scam / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: James_Quinn
“This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm
“There are three types of lies — lies, damn lies, and statistics.” ― Benjamin Disraeli
It’s amazing how you can lie with statistics when you don’t provide context and/or leave key information out of your false narrative. As of July 4, the entire covid fear narrative was dying out, with cases crashing to new lows and the Big Pharma vaccine profit machine sputtering. That is when those controlling the media narrative began running the stories about the Indian variant and the imminent tragedy. As cases soared over 350,000 per day, the MSM was predicting bodies piling up in the streets.
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