Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, April 15, 2007
Global Warming Opportunities - Jumping onto the Bandwagon / Companies / Climate Change
By: Roger_Conrad
Not everyone is on board yet—or drinking the Kool-Aid, as some call it. The world's major scientific organizations, however, have now endorsed the concept that human-related carbon emissions are warmingthe Earth's overall temperature.
They're joined by the estimated 80 percent-plus of the American public who call global warming a “serious problem.” And US politicians are scrambling to get on the bandwagon--and in plenty of time for November 2008 elections.
This week, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich got together in Washington DC for what was supposed to be a serious debate on the issue. Instead, the event quickly turned into a contest about who was the toughest on global warming. In fact, observers noted—only partly tongue-in-cheek—that the two men appeared at one point to be on the brink of hugging each other.
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Google Buys Doubleclick Ads competitor to gain strong presence in Corporate Ad Market / Companies / Google
By: Shahla_Walayat
In a highly competitive bid for Doubleclick, google won against rival offers from the likes of Microsoft and Yahoo.
The move pushes Google deeper into competition with Yahoo for corporate video advertising and reinforces googles position as the number 1 in overall online advertising. The acquisition will enable Google to gain a strong presence in systems and software used to serve video advertising on corporate website's such as Major New publishers, Forbes etc. As research indicates that consumers tend to interact more with video ads than other types of ads.
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Energy Corporate Earnings Season - Lowering the Bar / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Elliot_H_Gue
Corporate earnings reports for the first quarter are just starting to roll in; a slew of energy companies are scheduled to report earnings between now and the end of April. Earnings season is always an important time for stocks. Several times in the past two years comments from the bigger firms in the energy industry have revealed key emerging trends.But investors often interpret earnings reports and management commentary the wrong way. You can't analyze a company's results in a vacuum, nor can you simply compare results with analysts' expectations and decide whether a release is positive or negative for the stock.
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
BP's Browne steps down with £60 million plus Golden Handshake / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Phillipa_Green
Institutional shareholders rewarded Lord Browne a golden handshake that could be worth more than £60 million, after much criticism from smaller shareholders at BP's AGM.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Investing in China - Fat Profits from Asian Hotels / Companies / Chinese Stock Market
By: Money_and_Markets
Tony Sagami writes, I recently hit the big 5-0, and thanks to the persistent but gentle goading of my wife, I went to the doctor for a very thorough physical exam.
My physician said, "You're the healthiest fat guy I've ever seen, but unless you do something about your weight, I guarantee you'll start to fall apart in the not-too-distant future."
I didn't like the "fall apart" part of his lecture, so I decided to make some major changes in my life. I dramatically altered my diet … I've been working out six days a week … and since the start of the year, I've lost 15 pounds!
If I sound proud of myself, it's because I am. However, in a few weeks, I'll be jumping on a Cathay Pacific airplane and jetting back over to Asia. I know that maintaining this new lifestyle while traveling won't be easy, especially since I have plenty of corporate, government, and educational leaders to visit.
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Monday, April 09, 2007
Uranium Stocks about to Gap Higher / Companies / Uranium
By: Elliot_H_Gue
Charles Steen was born in Caddo, Texas in 1919. He went on to study at John Tarleton Agricultural College in Stephenville and in 1940 transferred to the Texas College of Mines and Metallurgy at El Paso, receiving a bachelor's degree in geology in 1943. Ineligible for the draft because of his poor eyesight, Steen spent World War II working as a geologist in Bolivia and Peru. Returning to the US in 1945, he married and took a job doing field work for the Standard Oil Company of Indiana .Down on his luck after losing his job, Steen read an article in the December 1949 issue of the Engineering and Mining Journal which discussed how the US federal government had issued incentives for prospectors to locate domestic supplies of uranium.
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Monday, April 09, 2007
Investing in Ethanol - The Flex-Fuel Revolution / Companies / Ethanol
By: Money_and_Markets
Martin Weiss writes : In a couple of hours, I'll be flying home from Brazil.
But before I leave, I want to give you a quick heads up about this new motor that's starting to revolutionize the world of autos, transform the markets for energy, and open up massive opportunities for investors.
I'm talking about the flex-fuel engine.
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Friday, April 06, 2007
US Economic Growth and Corporate Earnings Growth Expectations / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: Hans_Wagner
Investors who wish to beat the market should have a good understanding of the market's earnings expectations. The U.S. economy is slowing and the market has lower earnings expectations for 2007. This will limit the expectations for potential growth in the stock market as investors take a more cautious near-term view. However, global growth in the emerging and BRIC countries should help global companies grow their earnings helping to offset the impact of lower earnings in the U.S.
Many of the large U.S. based companies derive more than 50% of their revenues and earnings from outside the U.S. This could set the stage for a change in the current bull market trend. Joe Ellis has written an excellent book on how to predict macro moves in the market called Ahead of the Curve: A Commonsense Guide to Forecasting Business and Market Cycles .
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
US Utilities 'Stealth' Nuclear Power Revival to result in more Demand for Uranium / Companies / Uranium
By: James_Finch
While the big talk is about nuclear reactors being built in China, India, Russia and elsewhere, U.S. utilities are enjoying a ‘stealth’ nuclear renaissance of their own. Since the NRC ‘power uprate’ program began, utilities may add the equivalent of up to seven new reactors by 2011.
The news media love headlines, especially those which mention that no nuclear reactor has come online in more than a decade. How would journalists (and environmentalists) react if they discovered U.S. nuclear utilities have added the ‘nuclear power’ equivalent to four large reactors? A fifth or more could be on the way.
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Monday, April 02, 2007
Will the Vacation Industry be a Victim of Sub-prime and ARM Problems? / Companies / US Housing
By: Marty_Chenard
Where and How will the sub-prime/ARM problems hurt other parts of the economy?
Who will get hurt first?
You are probably tired of hearing about the sub-prime problem by now. There is another aspect about sub-prime problems that the no one is talking about that has underlying implications regarding delinquent debts problems .
Larry Jeddoloh, of TIS Group, made a good observation about consumers caught in debt problems relative to their mortgage payments and losing their homes. He said that, " ... when a consumer is in deep debt, they always try to save their homes first. They will let their credit card payments go, stop payments on their car, and default on loans from a relative before they lose their house." What about those who are not in deep debt yet?
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Regulation Rules - The Risks of falling out of favour with the Industry Regulators / Companies / US Utilities
By: Roger_Conrad
When it comes to utilities' long-term profitability and performance, nothing is as important as regulation. In fact, nothing even comes close.
A good relationship with regulators can restore even the weakest player to health. And history is littered with examples of hostile relations ultimately wrecking even the most vibrant company's prospects.
Up until the late 1970s, US utilities operated under what came to be known as the regulatory compact. In recognition of the long-term, capital-intensive nature of building and maintaining essential service infrastructure, federal and state governments granted utilities monopolies. Companies were allowed to recover all prudently incurred expenses in customer rates, along with a solid return on invested capital.
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Monday, March 26, 2007
American Auto Industry - Driven to Fudge the Numbers / Companies / US Auto's
By: Rob_Kirby
Much has been written lately regarding the woes of the North American Auto Industry and why they seemingly cannot compete.
Reasons proffered as to why the North American auto industry has fallen upon such hard times run the gamut from quality issues to aging work forces to greedy unions.
One of the less talked about or ignored issues that has greatly impacted the plight of the auto industry is the misreporting of inflation - thanks to financial shenanigans by Central Bankers like the Federal Reserve.
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Boardroom blitz! Sir Alan raises the bar as The Apprentice moves to BBC One – starting Wednesday 28 March at 9pm / Companies / Resources & Reviews
By: Sarah_Jones
Multi-award-winning series The Apprentice is back for a 12-week run, now on BBC One , from Wednesday 28 March at 9pm.
The critically acclaimed show returns for a third series to challenge a new group of 16 high-fliers to test their skills in this unique business series. The standard of applicants was higher than ever with over 10,000 ambitious hopefuls applying for the coveted, six-figure salaried job in tough talking tycoon Sir Alan Sugar 's business empire.
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Investing in Asia - An update on 13 Asian powerhouses / Companies / Emerging Markets
By: Money_and_Markets
Larry Edelson : I'm on another whirlwind tour of Asia. I just wrapped up a four-day visit to Kuala Lumpur … before that I spent four days in Hong Kong and Macau … and now I'm resting up for my next stop, Dubai. I can't wait to check out the financial capital of the Middle East, which also happens to be an important source of capital for Asia.
But while I'm taking a breather, I figured now is a good time to update you on the Asian stocks I told you about last June . How are they doing? Great!
Of the 13 stocks I highlighted, 12 are in the winning column with gains of up to 66.6%! There's only one loser, which fell about 11%.
So, as you can see, while a lot of people were busy talking about China slowing down and Asian markets looking shaky, many Asian stocks posted solid gains.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Investing in Gold Mining Companies - Hispaniola / Companies / Metals & Mining
By: Money_and_Markets
Sean Brodrick : On my way to check out a mine in Hispaniola! - By the time you read this, I'll be flying to the Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola. I'm not going there for rest and relaxation. Instead, I'll be investigating a small mining company. It's exploring a rare spot where gold is literally laying on the ground just waiting to be scooped up!
I'm in a hurry to see this place in person. Especially since gold looks ready to move past $800 an ounce. More on why in a moment.
First, let me tell you about my golden ticket to the Dominican Republic. Let's start with a little background …
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Investing in Rural US Telecom companies via Trusts and REITS / Companies / Investing
By: Roger_Conrad
Where have all the high yields gone?
With top-quality utilities and real estate investment trusts (REITs) paying out 3 percent or even less, it's certainly become a lot more difficult to earn a decent income return in recent years--particularly if you stick to Wall Street's beaten path.
Of course, real bargains are hard to find, even if you're willing to buy something that's not a mainstream, NYSE-listed stock officially sanctioned by your broker. But your odds improve considerably if you go where others fear to tread, either because of complexity or simple bearishness.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
The Demise of the American Auto Industry and the Rise of Toyota - Quality vs Quantity / Companies / US Auto's
By: Money_and_Markets
When Elisabeth and I lived in Japan many years ago, the tender loving care of our host family, the Kondos, is a memory we will always cherish. So right now, we're delighted to have the chance to reciprocate while we host the next generations of Kondos at our home here in Florida.
In a moment, I'll show you how their story may intersect with yours — and with America's as a whole. But first, I want to tell you about one of the most sweeping megatrends of our time:
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
China Telecommunications Boom Investment Opportunities / Companies / Investing
By: Money_and_Markets
I recently found myself flying to Chandler, Arizona to meet up with a good friend of mine, David Phillips. Not only is David one of my very best friends, he's also a great person to talk to about estate planning. Heck, he wrote a whole book on the subject! Estate Planning Made Easy
I'm certainly not rich, but I will have some things to leave behind when I depart this world. So, I figured my trip would be the perfect way to talk business and catch up with my pal all at the same time.
The timing of my visit was perfect! Not only did I enjoy some very welcome Arizona sunshine, I also managed to catch David's 17-year-old daughter, Kelsey, performing with her church choir.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Investing in Uranium Stocks - As Uranium set to soar to $100 / Companies / Investing
By: Money_and_Markets
The price of uranium is poised for a sprint to $100 per pound this year, and many uranium stocks are already taking wing. So is it too late to buy? Not by a long shot — especially if you can find uranium “ugly ducklings.”
You remember the story of the ugly duckling, don't you? As ducklings go, this bird was far from handsome. The other ducks didn't think he'd amount to much — they considered him a freak with a beak! But once he grew up a bit, he spread his wings and revealed he was a beautiful swan.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Old Europe does Battle with Google - As Belgium court rules against Google News / Companies / Google
By: John_York
A Belgium court has ruled that Googles News is breaking Belgium copyright law by syndicating news headlines and brief summaries from Belgium news website's. And ordered to pay Euros 25,000 per day.
The case was originally brought by Copiepresse (which represents many Belgium newspapers) in Sept 06, when a ruling was made to fine google Euros 1 million per day, which has now been reduced.
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