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Category: Investing

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Rolex Watches — a Store of Value / Personal_Finance / Investing

By: Kavinesh_A

Any avid watch enthusiast and collector can appreciate the amount of work that goes into designing a Rolex watch. Thanks to its impeccable design and high-quality, Rolex has become the most recognizable name in the industry, synonymous with classy, well-made watches. Thus, either new or vintage Rolex watches can be used as a unique store of value.

History shows that there were more than a few times when Rolex watches stole the show in world-class auctions and sales, with prices going up into the six-figure range.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Investment Advisor - “Why I Quit” / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Andy_Sutton

As many of you probably already know, I have decided that it is no longer in the best interests of clients to provide ‘advisory’ services regarding securities specifically, and paper investments in general. This decision follows a rather similar move made by former broker Ann Barnhart and while our reasons differ slightly, the bottom line is the same: I feel that it is no longer possible to provide even a reasonable assurance to my clients that I can provide anything in the way of protection from market volatility, bail-ins, cleanouts like 2008, and so forth in an advisor capacity. So, to put it bluntly…I quit. But I’m not done if that makes any sense. Please bear with me and keep reading.

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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Dismal Decade My Assterisk, Stock Market Cycle Investing / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Steve_Selengut

From the end of 1999 through the end of 2009, all of the popular Wall Street market performance measurement tools were in the red. The average bloodletting level of the DJIA, the S & P 500, and the NASDAQ was a disturbing-to-some minus nineteen percent.

The Media has dubbed it "The Dismal Decade".

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to Invest Like Warren Buffett / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Investment_U

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleNot long ago I excerpted a recent New York Times column by Warren Buffett explaining his take on the recent market sell-off.

Despite the dour economic outlook, Buffett expects U.S. companies to report record profits within five years. He is getting fully invested in stocks in his own personal account.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

US Capital Markets Portfolio Composition / Portfolio / Investing

By: Richard_Shaw

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleHow has the US structured itself in terms of equities and debt instruments, and how large is each component?

The financial news streams us a constant supply of fragmentary numbers about this or that troubled asset category or rescue package. Since they are all in hundreds of billions or even a few trillions of Dollars, it's hard to get a handle on the relative significance of the numbers.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stock Market Buy and Hold Strategy Smashed / Stock-Markets / Investing


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleHave you heard these statements from your financial planner, mutual fund advisor, or stock broker? 

  • In the long term the market rises 8% per year.
  • Investors cannot time the market.  The best strategy for investing is to buy and hold for the long term.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Average Returns Expected for Stock Market Investors / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Paul_J_Nolte

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhat else is there to add to a historic week (and not in a good way!)? The markets declined, just in the month of October a percentage roughly equal to the crash in 1987. All the various acronymed bailout packages have not done the trick and confidence among banks is very low. We keep hearing of lack of lending between banks, a lock-up in the bond and money markets as well as commercial paper markets. Industry as we know it could come to a screeching halt without the grease of loans to buy goods for inventory or to make daily/weekly cash commitments.

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Stock Market Investing Safety Over 5year and 10year Periods? / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Richard_Shaw

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn a recent post , we studied 82 years of price change for the S&P 500.  One of our readers commented, “I read somewhere that over 80% of all five year periods dating back to the Great Depression has seen the market ahead; over 95% for ten year periods.”

That rule of thumb isn't wrong, but it doesn't give a full picture. Let's add some dimension to the statistic.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

USAGOLD's Annual Survey of Investment Performance- 12Months to June 2008 / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Pete_Grant

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleGold up 43% - Outshines Wall Street, Main St. Gold continues to shine as one of the best performing asset classes through the first half of 2008, according to the USAGOLD Annual Survey of Investments. Only the CRB index, which of course includes a gold component, outperformed gold itself over the past year. Arguably it was the latest surge in oil prices that allowed the broad measure of commodities to supplant gold from the number one position over the last month of the second quarter.

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Top 10 Global Investment Trends to Follow for the Next 18 Months / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: William_Patalon_III

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThere's an old Wall Street adage that tells us that "the trend is your friend." And there's a witty bit of wisdom we've developed here at Money Morning to help guide our readers and us that says: "Go global or go home."

Combine those two and you'll discover that you've got yourself one very strong investing strategy - if you choose the right trends, that is.

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Ongoing Commodities Boom - What Every Investor Should Know / Commodities / Investing

By: Mary_Rivas

Gone are the days when you only needed to know about stocks and bonds to make money in the financial markets. With revolutionary changes taking place in the global economy and investment industry, you can not afford to ignore commodities.

Never before have commodities been in such great demand worldwide at a time when supplies are extremely low. It will take many years for this supply-and-demand imbalance to improve. This means opportunities for you---rising commodity prices worldwide.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stock Market Investors Running With the Herd / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Roger_Conrad

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleRunning with the herd certainly beats trying to run against it—and getting trampled in the process. But it comes with a cost: surrendering your own common sense for “group think” that often makes no real sense at all.

As I pointed out last week, the character of the Wall Street herd has changed remarkably over the past two decades. Back in the 1980s, individual investors still accounted for the majority of stock ownership. Today, trading is squarely in the hands of big institutions and those who run them.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Corporate Income Tax - Stock Market Investors Enemy Number Two / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Steve_Selengut

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe Investor's Eye view of politics is a simplistic, practical, dot-connecting approach to sorting things out so that win/win change can be considered. Real World politics is not concerned with such things, and that is one of the most serious problems facing investors today. As outlined in Investment Politics 2008, there are at least ten issues that require government action if we are to maintain our competitive position in the World Economy. Most of these are interrelated and need to be acted upon simultaneously... thus causing a major political dilemma.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

2008 Asset Class Investment Outlook Studies Point to Commodities Out performance / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Chris_Ciovacco

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article2008 Off To Rocky Start
As we all know, asset markets do not like uncertainty. With SIVs (structured investment vehicles) and countless shaky mortgages floating through the financial system, uncertainty abounds. Since none of us know how bad things may get or how long this may last, adding some diversification to your portfolio might seem appealing. Below, is a brief look at the relative attractiveness of several asset classes based on what we know today and what we have experienced in the past. As in any environment, there is no perfect way to address the problems of the current day. However, some alternatives appear to be more attractive than others.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Energy and Financial Investing Themes 2008: A Tale of Two Halves - Part2 / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe beginning of a new year is a good time to make a new assessment of the important investment drivers and themes for the year. If you want to beat the market it is important to understand what is driving the markets and where the best sectors are to find good opportunities. By identifying these factors you will have a solid framework to assess the impact market movements and news events on your investment strategy. This is the first of a five part series on the outlook for the 2008 markets. The first part discussed the key drivers ending with a mention of what sectors will benefit and those that will be hurt. This Part discusses the Energy and Financial sectors. The remaining three parts will review each of the remaining sectors in more detail.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

The Future of Investing 2008 : National Debt, Social Security, Medicare All Point Towards More Inflation / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Chris_Ciovacco

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs volatility increases in 2008, it will be important for us to continue to focus on the most important fundamental drivers of asset prices. If I had to choose only three words to describe the future of investing they would be debt and asset values. Debt and asset values have a significant impact on government policy.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tough Time for Investors During the Credit Crisis and Monetary Inflation / Forecasts / Investing

By: Andy_Sutton

As the current credit crises continues to deepen, much of the focus is on illiquid assets, seized markets and how the Fed and other central banks will attempt to bail the world economy out of this storm. Much of the debate has centered around whether or not the United States will be able to avoid a recession, whether consumer spending will fall off a cliff, and how likely it is for the economies of emerging countries will be able to decouple and survive a slowdown in the US. While these are certainly important questions to be asking, an even more important observation must be made.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wall Street Conventional Wisdom and Stock Market Corrections / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Steve_Selengut

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDuring every correction, I encourage investors to avoid the destructive inertia that results from trying to determine: how low can we go; how long will this last? Investors who add to their portfolios during downturns invariably experience higher Market Values during the next advance. For just as surely as there is a Santa Claus for every five year old, there is another "value stock" rally for every fingernail biting fifty-five year old.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

FREE Market Myths Exposed Video Series - Hits Homerun with Investors and Traders / InvestorEducation / Investing


Good news! The first two parts of Elliott Wave International's Market Myths Exposed video series are online now, and each turns conventional wisdom about the financial markets on its head, allowing you to think independently of the mainstream and call your own shots regarding portfolio management.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

US Housing Sinks! Your Shares Soar! / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe housing market is sinking further, while the oil and gold shares we've been recommending are soaring.

But are you ready?

Are you ready for the day when the average home in America has gone down for 13 months?

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Protecting the Average Investor - Having it Both Ways / Companies / Investing

By: Paul_Petillo

The joke goes something like this: As Christopher Cox, chairman of the S.E.C. navigates his first balloon flight without an instructor, he finds himself in a little bit of trouble. Fog has set in and his compass no longer works. His staff, along for the ride became worried. He decides to descend to get his bearings. The fog clears somewhat as he comes closer to the ground. He spots Ben Bernanke walking his dog with another man.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Making Money In a Supercycle Bear Market Without Margin Or Trading Or Paying Commissions / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Bob_Bronson

If you are a money manager, or professionally advise investors, you may be interested in a market commentary showing some of our latest economic reasoning, which an investment advisor client of ours has been using to make money for their managed accounts during this Supercycle Bear Market – and with extremely low downside volatility. 

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Foreign Investors Will Do Next As Falling Dollar Makes US Assets Cheaper / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTony Sagami writes: Did you jump for joy when the Federal Reserve Bank lowered interest rates by half a percentage point? If you own a significant stake in the U.S. stock market, you probably did.

I say that because the Dow Jones added 417 points from last Tuesday (the day of the Fed announcement) through last Friday. For all of last week, the Dow gained 2.8% and the Nasdaq tacked on 2.7%.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fed Acts to Head off Recession, Stock Market Investment Implications / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Roger_Conrad

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleYou can throw out your economic models, quantitative analysis and research reports. It really just boils down to economics 101: The Federal Reserve is prepared to do whatever it takes to head off a credit collapse and potential recession.

This economy and market still have some bumps ahead. But the key to stanching any credit crunch is to provide more credit. And with the Fed apparently willing to do anything short of throwing bags of money out of airplanes, the odds of a global economic catastrophe are fading fast.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

How to Truly Globalize Your Investment Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Peter_Schiff

Americans may be known for their appreciation of world cuisines … but when it comes to investing, they generally stick with homegrown meat and potatoes.

That's too bad. Reason: As global economic imbalances finally right themselves, the American-only investors may be forced to start an unwanted crash diet.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Hidden Asian Investment Gem / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Tony Sagami writes: I run at a pretty fast pace when I'm in Asia. Every day is packed with factory tours … meeting with company executives … pestering government and university leaders for their local knowledge.

I hit the streets to see things with my own eyes because that's the only way I can know if the zealous investor relations departments are feeding me overly optimistic projections. I'm also willing to shift my entire focus when something really makes my eyeballs pop out.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Stock Market Investmenting - Watch What the Chinese Are Buying! / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article

Tony Sagami writes: Do you remember the gasps when the Japanese were snapping up some of America's most-loved landmark properties during the 1980s?

Back then, the business news almost always included a segment about the Japanese buying an American icon, whether it was Pebble Beach, Columbia Pictures, or the Rockefeller Center.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wealthbuilder Monthly Stock Market Portfolio Investment Note / Portfolio / Investing

By: Christopher_Quigley


Overall markets continue to work higher, despite the existence of Hindenburg Omen clusters. The nature of this indicator shows that the internal breadth of the Market is weak. In the event that the current rally stalls there could be significant technical breakdown.

The risk in the market is high and ideally investors should wait until a pullback support level has been tested before adding significantly to new positions.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tipping the Investment Odds in Your Favor / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Mike Larson writes : By the time you read this, I'll be on my way to the airport. My destination: Las Vegas, where I'll be attending The Money Show. I'm looking forward to meeting many of our subscribers in person and talking to other investment professionals.

But it won't be all business. I'm going a few days early so I can meet up with an old friend and enjoy some of the city's top-notch restaurants, nightlife, and of course, its casinos.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My favorite way to diversify Investment Portfolios... / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Tony, here. In just two weeks, I'll be flying over to Asia. It's going to be a whirlwind trip, with stops in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Bangalore, Singapore, and Manila. And I'm frantically trying to put together all the last-minute preparations.

That's why I've asked Dan Ascani, Executive Vice President of our separate affiliate, Weiss Capital Management, and Portfolio Manager of three ETF programs, including the Weiss ETF Strategic Allocation Portfolio, to fill in today.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

The 6 Giants of Global Profits - China, India, Brazil, Canada, Austrailia and Japan / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Martin Weiss writes: The U.S. dollar is falling so quickly …

And so many of our favorite investments are moving up so broadly …

I've gathered the wisdom of our entire team this morning to give you a full run-down on the six giants of global profits.

I won't keep you guessing as to who the giants are.
They're China, India, Japan, Brazil, Australia … and Canada.

There is nothing, I repeat nothing, that you do every day that is not connected to, or dependent upon, these six countries.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Values Plus Growth Investing Strategy (Part 1) / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

Many investors seek to beat the market buy using value or growth strategies. Does an investor have to chose one approach, or can they be blended together to get the best of both? To help people to learn to invest his is the first of several articles on value and growth investing.

As defined by Investopedia , “value investing is the strategy of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value. Value investors actively seek stocks of companies that they believe the market has undervalued. They believe the markets overreact to good and bad news, causing stock price movements that do not correspond with the company's long-term fundamentals. The result is an opportunity for value investors to profit by buying when the price is deflated.”

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Four Rules for Investing in Asian Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Less than a month ago, everyone was talking about the Chinese stock market's 9.2% single-day loss, and the global sell-off it triggered. At the time, I urged you to hold steady and treat the drop as a buying opportunity. I said,

"I believe this is an unwarranted knee-jerk reaction. But it's also a good thing for longer-term investors. There are dozens of Asian blue chip stocks that have now come back down to levels that look pretty darn appealing to me."

That proved to be good advice. Reason: The Shanghai Composite Index hit a new, all-time high last week. Yup, in just four weeks, the Chinese stock market recovered everything it had previously lost … and then some!

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Important Global Financial Markets Update - Gold Miners and Japan / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Martin Weiss writes : We've just arrived at our beach house in Brazil, where our nephew's two boys also love to spend their vacations.

It's early Saturday morning, and the family is still sleeping. Soon they'll be up and about, ready for a full day of activities.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to spend some quality time with my family. But I also wanted to send you a quick update while I had the chance.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

The 12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from the Stock Market / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Submitter

By Dr. Steven Lee (Ph.D)


Make more money, this is the answer to most people.
If your reason is to make more money, then ask yourself these three questions:

1.Is your strategy making money?
2.Is your strategy safe?
3.How to increase the profit and minimize the risk?

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Harness the Power of China’s $1 Trillion! - Gala Edition / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Martin Weiss - The timing of our second international teleconference this week couldn't have been better.

Every single one of the foreign stock markets we covered has since shaken off its earlier correction ... turned sharply higher ... and blasted off toward new highs.

So I hope you were able to make it and call in at the appointed hour. But if you couldn't, this double-length special issue gives you a second opportunity to get the information in a handy, readable format ...

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Is your portfolio properly diversified ? / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

If you have ever watch Jim Cramer and his segment “Are you diversified?” then you probably have some idea what lack of diversification means. The idea is to Beat the Market investors should maintain a diversified portfolio. The problem is that many investors think they are diversified and therefore protected from the market's risks (at least somewhat). Well, this might not be accurate. 

Gary Marks a successful money manager has written a book that is causing some problems with some brokerage firms. The book Rocking Wall Street: Four Powerful Strategies That will Shake Up the Way You Invest, Build Your Wealth And Give You Your Life Back received a highly complimentary statement from a senior portfolio manager at a major brokerage firm that lead the firm's compliance department to issue a written warning to Mr. Marks not to use his quote to promote the book. 

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Two Very Important Stock Market Investment Rules! / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Someone once asked the famous bank robber Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. Willie's answer was simple – “Because that's where the money is!”

You know, Sutton had a point. That's why I was very interested to hear that Kevan Watts, the head of Merrill Lynch's international division, will be moving his office from London to Hong Kong.

Guys like Watts aren't flocking to Asia to eat sushi or fried rice ... they're going because that's where the money is. Heck, a third of Goldman Sachs' 2006 pretax profits came from Asia!

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Investing in Rural US Telecom companies via Trusts and REITS / Companies / Investing

By: Roger_Conrad

Where have all the high yields gone?

With top-quality utilities and real estate investment trusts (REITs) paying out 3 percent or even less, it's certainly become a lot more difficult to earn a decent income return in recent years--particularly if you stick to Wall Street's beaten path.

Of course, real bargains are hard to find, even if you're willing to buy something that's not a mainstream, NYSE-listed stock officially sanctioned by your broker. But your odds improve considerably if you go where others fear to tread, either because of complexity or simple bearishness.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

US Stock and Investment Portfolio - Update 11th March 2007 / Portfolio / Investing

By: Robert_Moore

The markets seem to be undecided. I wish there would be a good old-fashioned correction so I would feel comfortable spending some money.

Gold: Last Monday would have been a good time to pick up some gold. I didn't get my order in so I'm hoping to see a little bit more downside so I can buy at a slightly better price.

I am bullish on gold so I always buy when the price gets close to the 180-day Moving Average and I back up the truck and load it when the "Accum" trigger is hit, now at -.37. If you are building your portfolio, now would be a good time to buy some gold.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Crash Proof your Stock Market Invesment Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

You buy home insurance to protect your home against fire, storm damage and theft ... auto insurance for your car ... and perhaps even long-term care insurance to prevent undue erosion of your assets in later years.

But do you take similar steps to protect your investment portfolios? Think it's not needed? Before you answer, consider these facts:

Fact #1. For many investors, the total amount at risk in their stock portfolio is similar to — or even larger than — the amount at risk in all their other assets combined.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Quiet Energy Crisis as Mexican Crude Oil production tumbles / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Do you think gasoline prices are too high? Do you think illegal immigration is a problem? Well, get ready for more of both, because Mexico, the #3 supplier of imported fuel to the U.S., is spiraling into a quiet energy crisis that could interrupt our oil supplies, send shockwaves through our economy, and force a million or more Mexicans to migrate across our border.

Consider this: In December 2005, Mexico sent the U.S. 1.7 million barrels of oil per day (bpd). This past December, Mexico only exported 1.2 million bpd to the U.S.

Why is Mexico sending less oil? Because it's producing less oil. Total oil output fell to just below 3 million bpd in December 2006. That's down from nearly 3.4 million barrels at the start of the year, and Mexico's lowest rate of oil output in seven years.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

US Stock and Investment Portfolio - Update 5th March 2007 / Portfolio / Investing

By: Robert_Moore

I'm late with my post since I was at a remote, isolated Costa Rican jungle location on vacation last week. What a surprise it was to pick up a copy of the jungle news after a week of isolation and read that CNBC was being sold to the Chinese National Broadcasting Company, hell, they don't even need to change the call letters! It's really interesting to get away while the markets melt down.

OK, I lied. Staying at the Four Seasons Resort Peninsula Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica is living in the lap of luxury. I saw the market melt down between golf, swimming, good food, drinks, sailing, reading, windsurfing and monkey watching. Too awesome to describe here. What was interesting, however, was that the resort seemed to empty out on Tuesday. Not sure why but I'm speculating that a number of the guests were in some way intimately tied to the markets...."Dear, I believe we may need to cut this vacation short as I've got to get back to New York/London to check our hedge fund...We're short a few Yen/Swissies and long mortgages and stocks". Gulp.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse / Economics / Investing

By: Peter_Schiff

With the recent sharp decline in the stock market, the timing of the official release of my new book "Crash Proof" this Monday could not have been better. Ironically the media and Wall Street are assuring investors that the fundamentals have not change and that all is well. Of course what these market cheerleaders do not understand is that the fundamentals are just as lousy now as they have always been. In fact, they are about to get a whole lot worse!

Despite the upbeat tone coming out of Washington and Wall Street, the U.S. economy is only a shadow of its former self. The country has gone from being the world's largest creditor to its greatest debtor; the value of the dollar is sinking; domestic manufacturing is winding down -- and none of these trends seem to be slowing down.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

China Telecommunications Boom Investment Opportunities / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

I recently found myself flying to Chandler, Arizona to meet up with a good friend of mine, David Phillips. Not only is David one of my very best friends, he's also a great person to talk to about estate planning. Heck, he wrote a whole book on the subject! Estate Planning Made Easy

I'm certainly not rich, but I will have some things to leave behind when I depart this world. So, I figured my trip would be the perfect way to talk business and catch up with my pal all at the same time.

The timing of my visit was perfect! Not only did I enjoy some very welcome Arizona sunshine, I also managed to catch David's 17-year-old daughter, Kelsey, performing with her church choir.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Gold and Uranium Investments – A European Perspective / Commodities / Investing

By: Dudley_Baker

Last week was a very interesting one here in Ajijic , Mexico , land of tacos, tortillas and tequila. We had representatives of a private European bank here visiting current clients, making a presentation of their organization and recruiting new clients/investors for their bank.

Our village is always on their list of locations to visit because of the large numbers of Americans and Canadians living in this community. Most investors are advised of the need to get some monies outside the U.S. and Canada so this was a great opportunity to see what this European bank had to say.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Call Options, Leaps and Warrants - Investor 101 / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Dudley_Baker

With the Precious Metals markets heating up once again, and investors, both individual and professionals, considering how to invest appropriately, we thought it would be timely to discuss objectively some of your choices to increase leverage.

We realize investors have different views, different time horizons and different levels of risk tolerance and this affects our opinions and choices of investment vehicles to use in the search of ways to increase leverage.

While we at Precious Metals Warrants are biased as to our personal choice, we will discuss and define objectively the difference in call options, leaps and warrants so that readers can have the knowledge to make their own decisions as to which is the best for their situations.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Uranium Boom set to continue for Decades / Commodities / Investing

By: Elliot_H_Gue

Once or twice every century, investment opportunities come along that, if understood and acted upon, create incredible riches.

Maybe this is the year you take that once-in-a-lifetime cruise, or you're paying tuition for a child or grandchild. Perhaps you simply want the peace of mind and security that comes with having bundles of money in the bank. Whatever your personal investment objectives, think "URANIUM".

A fundamental understanding of uranium will likely prove to be the single most profitable way to protect and grow your nest egg in the years ahead. Investors who truly grasp the famous Wall Street adage "don't fight the chart" have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what will likely be the most impressive secular bull market of the 21st century.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

US Stock and Investment Portfolio - Update 25th Feb 07 / Portfolio / Investing

By: Robert_Moore

The Permanent Portfolio fund hit a new record high this week, again.

Gold: I just love it when gold moves up like this. Not only does the value of my portfolio go up a lot but I get a warm-positive feeling that there are people out there in the world that understand that gold is precious. I'm not buying or selling right now. I am bullish on gold so I always buy when the price gets close to the 180-day Moving Average and I back up the truck and load it when the "Accum" trigger is hit, now at -.37.

If you are building your portfolio, you might want to wait for the next dip. If you are in sell-mode the past few days would have been a good time to sell a few coins to get you through the month. If you are balancing your Permanent Portfolio to get gold to 25% selling now is OK. Put the proceeds into the Long Bond or into whatever class you are short.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Immediate Global Stock Market Investment Opportunities / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Martin here with a special gala edition based on our just-completed global teleconference — one of the most popular of all time.

We had four international experts on the line — myself in North America, Larry Edelson in Asia, Joseph Weiss in South America and Claus Vogt in Europe.

We had precisely 5,071 investors registered to call in.And the incoming call volume was so intense, it even overwhelmed one of the best, most robust teleconference providers in America.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Building a Better BRIC ETF - Brazil, Russia, India and China Investment / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Michael_K_Dawson

In a 2003 research paper Goldman Sachs argued that the combination of countries Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) has the economic potential to be larger than the G6 in US dollar terms by 2050.  The countries are forecast to encompass over 40% of the world's population and hold a combined GDP of nearly $15 trillion dollars. 

Goldman predicts China and India will be dominant global suppliers of manufactured goods and services and that Brazil and Russia will be dominant suppliers of raw materials. Brazil and Russia would form logical commodity suppliers to China and India;   cooperation amongst the four countries would create a powerful economic block.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Investing in Uranium Stocks - As Uranium set to soar to $100 / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

The price of uranium is poised for a sprint to $100 per pound this year, and many uranium stocks are already taking wing. So is it too late to buy? Not by a long shot — especially if you can find uranium “ugly ducklings.”

You remember the story of the ugly duckling, don't you? As ducklings go, this bird was far from handsome. The other ducks didn't think he'd amount to much — they considered him a freak with a beak! But once he grew up a bit, he spread his wings and revealed he was a beautiful swan.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Investment decisions based on the Business Cycle and Sector Rotation / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

The business cycle is a long-term pattern of changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that follows four stages: expansion, prosperity, contraction, and recession. After a recessionary phase, the expansionary phase can start again. The phases of the business cycle are characterized by changing employment, industrial productivity, and interest rates. Some economists believe that stock price trends precede business cycle stages. As a result the economic cycle provides the strategic framework for economic activity and investing. The business cycle affects employees, employers and investors. For example:

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinease Communist Party - with over $1 trillion to Invest / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

If you watched much CNBC last week, you might have thought it turned into the “Ben Bernanke channel.” That's because the cameras were fixed on the Federal Reserve Bank Chairman's two-day testimony to Congress.

Given this kind of superstar treatment, it's no wonder most investors consider Bernanke to be one of the most powerful financial people in the world. Don't get me wrong, Bernanke, as well as people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, are definitely forces to be reckoned with. But there are also big fish across the pond.

Today, I want to tell you about two other investors that top my “world's most powerful” list. I'll also tell you what they're likely to be buying, and how your own portfolio can benefit …

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Monday, February 19, 2007

The Investor, Trader and Gambler - How to make Profits / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

What do an investor, a trader and a gambler have in common? As professionals, they have succeeded by following a strict set of rules. Actually, we all live our lives by following some set of rules. Some of us are more disciplined than others. Shortly after we are born we start to learn the rules of life. Some of these rules we had to learn the hard way, such when you fall down you can skin up your knees. Others we learned from our parents, like look both ways before crossing the street. Learning from our parents is easier, at least sometimes. However, we seem to do a better job remembering the ones we learned the hard way.

As investors we have a choice. We can learn the hard way and hopefully survive our lessons and not run out of money. Or we can learn from three very successful professionals.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

US Stock and Investment Portfolio Update - 18th Feb 07 / Portfolio / Investing

By: Robert_Moore

The Permanent Portfolio fund hit a new record high this week. Everything just keeps going up and up and up... Where will it stop and what will stop it? What asset classes will bring it down a bit? What's relatively high and low right now? I have no clue where it will stop and what will stop it, but I do know what asset classes are relatively high or low. That's what we look at in this weekly review.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Cult of the Bear - Another Missed Bull Market / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Clif_Droke

A gradual procession of super bears has been quietly admitting they've been wrong in their bearish assessment of the stock market. As the major stock market indices continue to push to higher highs and as market internals continue to reflect a stellar market condition, even the most stubborn of bearish traders and market commentators have been forced to reconsider their positions. Slowly, and with little fanfare, they've been covering short positions. 

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Friday, February 16, 2007

How to Set Stop Losses to Lock in Profits / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

I have had several questions regarding how I set stops and why sometimes I use a trailing percent stop and other times I use a specific price. I hope to help clarify my approach with this Point of Interest. The trailing stop is an excellent method to lock in profits or protect from greater losses. By placing a stop order below the current price it limits your loss to a predetermined amount. When the bid price hits the stop price your position is sold and you exit your position. 

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Brokerage account cash balances - Use Savings accounts and ETF funds to maximise returns / Personal_Finance / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

Here is another example of how our stock brokers do not have their investors' best interest at heart. Brokerage firms have discovered that they can pay a very low rate to investors for their excess cash and then invest that cash in higher yielding alternatives. This is great for the brokers as many of them are reaping substantial profits from reinvesting their client's excess cash. Meanwhile their customers are receiving substantially less. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article “How Wall Street Sweeps the Cash,” January 7, 2007, Brokers pay as little at 1.5% when their money market funds are paying as high as 5%. Small investors are receiving the short end of the deal.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Metals ready to explode higher ! - Gold, Silver, Uranium / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

I spent last week at the Money Show in Orlando. As usual, I was frantic — trying to race between speakers, my own presentation, and sit-down interviews with some of the best little natural resource companies you never heard of (yet).

And the metals markets were just as frantic last week! Silver was leading gold higher, but gold had such a strong Thursday and Friday that the yellow metal might be taking over as lead dog now.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

International Exposure Through Investments in Foreign Index Funds / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Hans_Wagner

International markets, through their index funds, offer excellent investment opportunities with parallel risks. Investors can gain appropriate exposure to these opportunities while mitigating the risks through several viable investment options. The purpose of this article is to explore how to approach the international markets and offer some investing options to increase growth and diversity.

Basically, there are three categories of foreign index funds. The EAFE (Europe, Australasia & Far East) is a widely followed index. For some reason Canada, the world's 9 th largest economy, is left out of this index, as well as the U.S. based indexes. Next, are the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. These economies are experiencing rapid growth and are considered emerging rather than the mature economies of the U.S. and EAFE. Finally, there are the remaining emerging economies of much of the rest of the world.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bob's Permanent US Investment Portfolio Analysis Update - 9th Feb 07 / Portfolio / Investing

By: Robert_Moore

Gold (Currently Bullish): Gold has continued to hang around "Shed" all week. I'm not buying right now. I am bullish on gold so I always buy when the price gets close to the 180-day Moving Average and I back up the truck and load it when the "Accum" trigger is hit, now at -.37. If you are building your portfolio, you might want to wait for the next dip. If you are in sell-mode the past few days would have been a-good-a-time-as-any to sell a few coins to get you through the month. If you are balancing your Permanent Portfolio to get gold to 25% selling now is OK. Put the proceeds into the Long Bond or into whatever class you are short. Read full article... Read full article...



Saturday, February 10, 2007

SEC New Definition of Rich to Restrict Investments into Hedge Funds / Personal_Finance / Investing

By: John_Mauldin

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has posted a new proposed rule that would raise the minimum net-worth requirement needed to invest in private funds from $1,000,000 total net worth to $2.5 million liquid net worth. This is a major change, and it means that some 7% of American households will no longer be able to invest in private offerings. In my opinion, it is likely to become law in the not too distant future unless there is significant public comment. This week we look at the proposed rule and some of its consequences, as well as a very interesting proposal by SEC commissioner Roel Campos.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has posted a new proposed rule that would raise the minimum net-worth requirement needed to invest in private funds from $1,000,000 total net worth to $2.5 million liquid net worth

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Investing in Oil Sector Companies - Peak Oil / Companies / Investing

By: Elliot_H_Gue

Earnings season is a busy time for the stock market. And the January/February season--when most companies report fourth quarter results--is the busiest of them all. That's because companies typically offer a look at the year ahead, shedding some light on new themes to consider.

There's a handful of companies I watch more carefully than others; I see these firms as key "tells" for the energy market. One such firm is oil services giant Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB). The reason I watch this stock so carefully and listen to all of management's conference calls and presentations is that Schlumberger has its hands in every region of the world and in every conceivable type of oil project currently underway. If you're looking for the 35,000-foot view of the oil market, Schlumberger is your best bet.

One such firm is oil services giant Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB). The reason I watch this stock so carefully and listen to all of management's conference calls and presentations is that Schlumberger has its hands in every region of the world and in every conceivable type of oil project currently underway Read full article... Read full article...



Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Investment Gems - Avoid these three investing mistakes / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Most of the time I tell you what I think you should be doing when it comes to your investments. But today, I want to tell you about three things that you shouldn't do.

I've had a lot of investing victories over the years, but I'm far from perfect. So I want to revisit three lessons that I learned the hard way. It's not that I like eating humble pie … I just want to give you an opportunity to learn from my past mistakes.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

How To Invest in Canadian Stocks & Warrants / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Dudley_Baker

Frequently I read comments from other analysts regarding the difficulties of trading, i.e. buying, the Canadian mining stocks. They usually suggest investors seek out a broker that specializes in these stocks and while that is not bad advice, it is not necessary to do so.

Allow me to first provide some insight on the mining sector and in particular the investment conferences being held frequently in both Canada and the United States .

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Investment Shock and Awe - Opportunities from growing risk of world conflict / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

5 new shockwaves, 5 big dangers and 6 opportunities

A new world war is unfolding with untold consequences for investors. But Wall Street remains largely oblivious. This war is not confined strictly to Afghanistan and Iraq. It is already spreading to Pakistan, Iran, Gaza, Lebanon and beyond. Nor are its protagonists limited to the few countries regularly mentioned in news reports. To the contrary, even considering only those countries that are directly involved with troops or weapons, I count over forty — the U.S., Britain, Germany, and nearly all the members of NATO ... plus Iran, Syria, Pakistan and many other Muslim nations from Morocco to Malaysia.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Global Warming Resources Boom - Invest in Uranium, Gold, Silver and Diamonds / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Seeping Giants and Untold Riches! - Look out your window and see if pigs are flying.

Why? Because the impossible is happening: Major corporations are joining forces with environmental groups in an unprecedented, unholy alliance to push for quicker action on global warming. A decade ago, if you'd placed bets on this kind of partnership emerging, you probably could have gotten 100-to-1 pay-offs in your favor.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Four Ways Companies mislead Investors in earnings reporting using Intel as an example / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Intel recently reported its fourth-quarter results. The headlines celebrated the fact that the semiconductor company delivered $0.26 a share in profits, beating the Wall Street consensus estimate by a penny. Everyone seems impressed … except me. In fact, all I see is a company whose business is sinking fast, and a stock that's going to get hammered.

So today I want to use Intel as an example of how companies use different tactics to convince investors that everything is better than it really is. Think about these the next time you're about to buy a stock …

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Emerging Markets Investment - Brazil the Next China Like Miracle / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Just a few years ago, suppose you had known that China, a backward, deeply impoverished communist country, would quickly transform itself into the fastest-growing capitalist economy on the planet. And suppose you had invested $10,000 in the leading Chinese companies.

That single insight alone — plus a dose of standard due diligence — could have been sufficient to transform your initial investment into $50,000, $100,000, or as much as $200,000 today.

Even if you could go back just 19 months ... and even if you made no effort whatsoever to pick a better-than-average Chinese company ... your $10,000 invested in the Shanghai Composite Index would be worth $28,372 at the close of trading this past Friday.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Investing in Uranium Mining - China's Uranium Fever ! / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

A rush of Chinese miners is heading for Australia right now. We've seen this kind of thing before — in 1851. Back then, the Chinese miners were after gold. This time, they're after another metal ... uranium. Will they find it? If history is any guide, yes.

The Chinese are very good at mining. In fact, they were so good at finding gold that the Australians considered them supernaturally lucky. The animosity was palpable, evident in phrases like “a Chinaman's chance.”

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My favorite ways to invest in Asian and Chinese growth story / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

There's no question that I consider some American companies to be great investments right now. Some have strong business models, defensible niches, and great products. But one thing they don't have going for them is a sound economic backdrop. Unfortunately, the U.S. just isn't roaring ahead right now.

Meanwhile, Asian economies show no sign of slowing down. And that's why I advocate paying attention both to the companies that are based there and the American companies that are doing business there ... the right way. More on that in a moment.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Invest in Russia - Russian Stock Market Surges 71% in 2006 / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

This is the year I return to Russia — for the first time.

My mother's father was born there, but I never met him. He died before I was born — in a New Jersey fire when my mother was just five. Ironically, years earlier, my grandmother suffered a similar fate: Her father died in an accident when she was also just a young girl, in the village of Velozhin, now in Belarus . This double tragedy is a legacy that brings me both gratitude and sorrow. I'm grateful that, unlike my mother and her mother before her, I had the benefit of my loving father by my side for over five decades. But like them, I long to touch base with my roots, which, as fate would have it, have always eluded me.

So a few months ago, I began learning Russian. And a few months from now, I will be in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and one of the small villages of my ancestors. Elisabeth will tour ballroom dance centers and perhaps even compete. I will dig through family archives.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Investing in Africa - First buy signal in 22 years ! / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Twenty-two years ago I told investors to clear out of all investments in Africa. I said, “Don't look back. Africa will not recover from colonialism and apartheid for decades.”

That was good advice. Between 1975 and 2001, Africa's per-capita gross domestic product fell an average of .7% per year. Since I issued that all-out sell signal, Africa effectively became a “lost continent.”

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Three reasons to love and invest in uranium / Commodities / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Uranium had a great year in 2006 — prices doubled . But I think that its performance in 2007 could blow the doors off of last year's results! That's why I'm starting to line up my favorite uranium stocks for the coming year. More on that in a moment. First, I'd like to tell you why I'm so bullish on this white-hot metal.

Uranium: The Most Recession-Proof Metal I've Ever Seen
Hey, I'm a pretty bullish guy by nature. But there are certainly troubling signs when it comes to the U.S. As guys like Mike Larson have been telling you, the housing bubble is imploding, Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs, and more.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Ethanol Explosion! How to Invest and Profit from Ethanol / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Suddenly and silently, the world's demand for ethanol is about to explode, creating a global business that could make early investors wealthy. It's about time! Ever since I first met Elisabeth and began visiting her family's sugar cane farm in Brazil, we've been talking about a future in which millions of cars would run on ethanol.

Investing in ethonal

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Plastic Logic - Plastic chips and electronics - the Next Tek Revolution / Companies / Investing

By: Sarah_Jones

A British firm, Plastic Logic has announced that it will build the world's first factory to manufacture plastic electronic circuits.

The firm aims to have the factory operational by early 2008. The factory will produce large sheets of flexible plastic upon which circuits will be printed, much as circuits are printed upon silicon wafers today. These can then be used in a whole host of flexible devices focusing on flexible display units already on the market and being produced by the likes of Panasonic and Sony. I.e. flexible plastic books that can literally hold a thousand books.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Five ways to invest in China for 2007 - Exchange traded funds (ETF's), Mutual funds, Chinease companies.. / Companies / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Last year was a happy one for domestic stock market investors. All the major U.S. indices were up in 2006. But 2007 might not be a repeat.

Reason: The U.S. economy has been slowing rapidly. In the last week, the stream of discouraging news has just kept coming. Four examples:

The Commerce Department said gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2% in the third quarter, down from 2.6% in the second quarter.

The Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators rose by just 0.1% in November. Over the past six months, the index is up a meager 0.2%. According to Ken Goldstein, one of the group's economists, 'The slower economy of the second half of 2006 might continue into the first half of 2007.'

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Stock picks for 2007 - The Shares and funds to invest in for growth during 2007 / Companies / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The theme for 2007 is to diversify into high growth economies, which includes both emerging and developed economies. The UK and USA are expected to slow during 2007 and better growth is likely to be found outside these countries, as was the case for much of 2006.

These are our stock picks for 2007 and beyond, the aim being to provide long-term sustainable growth rather than short-term speculative holdings, and as always do your own research before entering into any investment decisions. Also, we intend on focusing more on managed investment trusts rather than individual stocks so as to reduce the risk and this further enhance the long-term aspect of our selections.

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Buying gold - The easy and safe way for personal investors to Buy, Sell and hold gold at market price / Commodities / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Russian and Chinese governments together with private investors are all buying gold bullion in strength, and the gold price has more than doubled in 5 years as a result. Owning physical gold is fast returning as the favoured way to secure wealth against the rising tide of global economic and financial weaknesses. is a revolutionary online market for private investors to buy gold, and later sell, directly within international high-security vaults. Customers trade gold with each other, or, at the best price in a multi-currency real-time market. The service launched in May 2005 and is proving immensely popular. All bullion is held in the Brinks vault of choice in London, Zurich or New York. All accounts are openly audited daily.

BullionVault is currently being promoted with 1 gram of FREE gold bullion, stored in their Swiss vault, which is valued at $24 FREE

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Three Markets Trumping the Dow Jones , China, Brazil and Austrailia ! / Stock-Markets / Investing

By: Money_and_Markets

Normally, by this time in December, I'd be with Elisabeth's family on our farm in Brazil. But this year, they've decided to come here to spend the holidays with us, and I'm glad they did. I've lived overseas for many years — two years in Japan, twelve in Brazil. I've crisscrossed Europe and Latin America. I've visited Australia and China. And I've loved every moment of it. But never in my lifetime have I been in a country that provides the same combination of opportunity, security and freedom as the United States. So for me, there's no better place to live. But for my investment dollars, it's a different story ...

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free financial information from ADVFN - in depth information on company financial's and price charts / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Shahla_Walayat

ADVFN should be the lynch pin of every online trader's portfolio. UK traders are very well catered for, with real-time LSE quotes and charts, all for free. However, US traders can take advantage of the real time indices. Nasdaq and NYSE are also there.

After a simple registration on their site, the free services which ADVFN offer include real time quotes for stocks, real time monitors (which include bid/offer prices and the last price and volume of a share traded), share portfolios, alerts, charts, in depth company information , news and bulletin boards.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

High dividend stocks Strategy, consistency and dividend cover in United Utilities / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Shahla_Walayat

A portfolio of high dividend yielding stocks has consistently shown itself to outperform the broader market in the long-run and without the same degree of volatility associated with growth stocks. The strategy involves finding consistently high yielding stocks which provide an income of 5% or more on top of capital appreciation, this dividend is also likely to rise so as to maintain the yield on any gain in the share price, so as to maintain the Yield %.

The dividend yield is simply the total annual dividend divided by the current share price, which equals the dividend yield.

Taking a popular high yielding stock, United Utilities as an example - United Utilities is a British company that is listed both on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Its principal activities are managing and operating the regulated electricity distribution, water and wastewater networks in north west of England.

Investor Education - High dividend stocks Strategy, looking for consistency and dividend cover in United Utilities

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Investing in Nigeria, potential opportunity for strong growth due to high oil revenues / Economics / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The Nigerian economy is expected to grow by 7.5% during 2006. With prospects of growth exceeding 7.5% for 2007 and 2008, as Nigeria continues to enjoy dividends from the high oil price and inward investment into the oil and support industries. The Nigerian government also makes strides towards ensuring power generation to feed the growing economic activity.

Investing in Nigeria, potential opportunity for strong growth due to high oil revenues

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Investor Education - What's the PEG Ratio ? / InvestorEducation / Investing

By: Shahla_Walayat

The Market Oracle is starting off a series of educational articles with the Price Earnings Growth (PEG) Ratio. The PEG ratio compares a companies price/earnings (PE) ratio to its expected Earnings per share (EPS) growth rate

Investor Education - What's the Peg Ratio ?

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Savings rates rise following the UK interest rate rise / Personal_Finance / Investing

By: Shahla_Walayat

Has your savings interest rate increased following the Bank of England's interest rate rise to 5% earlier in the week ? Many of the top paying savings accounts have increased, which includes those that carry a base rate tracking guarantee.

Savings accounts to increase interest rates -

  • ICICI Bank UK - has raised the rate on its online Hi Save account rises from 5.15% to 5.45%.
  • Chelsea BS Double Guarantee Account rises from 5.25% to 5.50%
  • Derbyshire BS Easy Save Tracker rises from 4.95% to 5.10%
  • Cahoot, has raised its online savings account to 5% from 4.8%.
  • IceSave rate will rise to 5.45% from 5.2% as of 15th November 2006.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Poor Cash ISA Interest rates despite high interest rate futures / Personal_Finance / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Whilst interest rate futures have rallied to the previous highs set in 2004, one staple investment vehicle has dismally failed to benefit from the raises. The range of Fixed Rate Cash ISA's currently on offer range from 5% to 5.25%, whereas in the lead up to the 2004 peak in interest rates, Cash ISA fixed rates ranged upto 6%. The difference is further exacerbated by the fact that Non Cash ISA Fixed interest bonds currently range upto 6% as one would expect and inline with what transpired in 2004.

Poor Cash ISA Interest rates despite high interest rate futures

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Stock Portfolio Update - Portfolio Roars ahead as the FTSE Makes NEW 5 Year high / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Against expectations the FTSE continues to march higher to new highs, pushing the Market Oracle portfolio higher with it. The portfolio is now up over 40% on a 12 month basis (dividends) reinvested.

Despite getting itchy fingers with regards some of the gains racked up. I am again not making any changes to the portfolio, other than the inclusion of the speculative online poker stock Party Gaming, which is showing a small loss.

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bargain Hunting - Buy PartyGaming / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Over 65% off the price of PartyGaming ! An opportunity presents itself !

Partygaming gets maybe 60% to 75% of its revenue from the USA, so it will initially be a big hit to revenues and prices, but over the last 6 months it has expanded its overseas base by some 150% earning $150 mill in revenue! So given that were investing rather than playing poker, it is conceivable that they will be back to $1.6 billion of revenue within 2 years which would suggest a price of some £1.60 ! Much higher than the current low of 37p !!! Okay the dividend has now been removed ! which given the circumstances is expected.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Portfolio update - The Safe Blue Chips come back in Vogue / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The portfolio surprises to the upside by making exceptional gains since June 06!

As 'safe' blue chip stocks come back into vague the marketoracle portfolio benefits from this shift in market sentiment, posting an overall gain of 10% since June alone ! Additionally the portfolio earns £294.40 in income.

Given the surge in prices, I cannot at this point see any thing appealing for the long-run, though the online gambling stocks as a speculative interest would make a good addition at the the right price.

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Portfolio Bargain Hunting / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The portfolio was expected to decline a little given the drop in the market during May / June 06, but two stocks going strongly against the grain result an overall gain - TATE up some 40p to £5.93 and Enodis the speculative pick up over 60p !!! at £2.11 Dividends - Rolled in this month totaling £205.39 !, with LLOYS topped the list paying at a whopping £117 !, then came BATS at £66, hmmm BATS, I am starting to think it may have been a mistake to liquidate BATS in April, luckily the price is a little lower now, so it may be worth recommitting for the long-run !

For this portfolio update I will look at what to do with some of the £11k in cash, time to go looking for some cheap stocks, I would love to add to it the United Utilities holding but this is already the largest single investment, as well as wanting to take a closer look at why Enodis rallied so much.

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Taking profits ! / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The portfolio has continued to perform well beyond expectations, with the stocks running well ahead during the most favorable seasonal period of the 12 month stock market cycle, resulting in a 15% gain to date ! Dividend income is also coming on stream with the portfolio receiving some £200 in income, with further large dividends expected in the coming months from the likes of Lloyds TSB and United Utilities.

Time to Take Some ProfitsIn advance of the expected downturn some of the stronger performing stocks are being liquidated so as to lock in some profits, as of last Fridays closing prices as below. The remaining positions will be held throughout the market downturn for the long-term.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Good Seasonal Run ! / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The expected seasonal rally boosted the model stock portfolio by 9% in just over 2 months, this is much better than expected !. The strongest performance was amongst the commodities stocks namely TATE and BLT, with UU contributing a strong 9%. The weakest performer was the small speculative stock holding in Enodis.Overall the portfolio is up some £1804 - AFTER charges, and we have yet to receive any dividend income !

So where to next ?The analysis on the FTSE posted recently suggests the bull market is set to continue, so there is no reason to make any changes to the portfolio at this time. Nor can I see any reason to commit the remaining £2,454 of cash to the portfolio.

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Market Oracle Stock Portfolio / Portfolio / Investing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The aim of the Market Oracle Portfolio is to present a long-term income and growth portfolio, with a starting capital of some £20,000. The Portfolio actually mirrors my own portfolio as virtually all of the stocks mentioned here form part of my investment portfolio, as nothing engages ones mind than if one has ones own money on the line ;).

The portfolio has 3 key types of stock selected :
1. Income - This is likely to form the bulk of the portfolio, as high dividend stocks tend to be more stable as long as they continue to pay high dividends, but also with an eye on capital growth from these stocks.
2. Capital Growth - There is some overlap with Income Stocks as many of the capital growth stocks also inline with the philosophy of the portfolio i.e. safety and long-term investment provide good dividend yields. The actual allocation is more on a sector basis where those sectors likely to perform the best are targeted.
3. Speculative- This is a small section of the portfolio and as the name suggests are very long-term punts, the whole allocation is to be kept to below 10%.

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