Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Is it Time to Buy Travel Stocks? / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Stephen_McBride
Are you scared?
If so, you’re not alone. Many investors are freaking out right now.
The S&P 500 recently dropped to its lowest levels since September 2020. Many tech stocks have been cut in half over the past few months.
I regularly chat with dozens of investors. From conversations I’ve had in the past week, I sense folks haven’t been this worried since the onset of COVID-19.
But while much of the world panics, I see an opportunity to buy a specific group of stocks—a group that’s still hated after last year’s “fakeout”…
I’ll tell you all about it in a moment. First, let’s rewind the clock…
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Sunday, March 13, 2022
Quantum AI Tech Stocks Portfolio Current / Companies / Quantum AI Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here's a quick review of what I have been upto in terms of buying AI tech stocks over the past few weeks, 2 weeks ago my exposure was 22.7% (AI stocks + High Risk + Cash on account =100%)
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Wednesday, March 09, 2022
Quantum AI Tech Stocks Current State of Drawdowns and Buying Levels / Companies / Investing 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The indices tend to smooth out what is actually taking place in the stock market, as we have had a taste of these past few weeks where some stocks have stuck near their highs, even risen in price, the likes of LMT and GPN, whilst others have crashed and burned all whilst the Dow is currently down barely 5.5% off it's all time high! Try telling that to holders of MOST stocks that are typically down by 50% or more off their highs! And now being joined by FAANGBOOK,
Investors HAVE to expect the potential for 50% draw downs, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS TO MOST STOCKS MOST YEARS!
That is the cost of investing in the stock market, does not matter that the stock is Google, Apple, Amazon, FACEBOOK!, 50% DRAWDOWNS, IF YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS FACT THEN DO NOT INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET because it is normal! And why I often say just invest and forget and you'll save yourselves a lot of grief staring at the draw downs that WILL HAPPEN REGARDLESS OF STOCK!
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Tuesday, March 08, 2022
Want to know the Truth? Most Stocks SUCK! / Companies / Investing 2022
By: Stephen_McBride
Today I’m uncovering a “truth” about investing almost nobody understands.This truth explains why most investors struggle to make any real money in the stock market… while a few achieve life-changing gains.
The truth is… most stocks suck.
Forgive me for the crude language.
There’s simply no other word that so accurately sums up my thoughts on the vast majority of stocks:
They suck.
Let me show you what I mean... and how you can turn this truth into an edge that’ll let you beat 99% of investors.
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Thursday, March 03, 2022
Why I changed my mind on Netflix / Companies / Investing 2022
By: Stephen_McBride
Remember the streaming wars?A few years ago, every news outlet was having a field day debating which company would conquer American TV.
Netflix… Disney… Amazon… Apple… and a slew of other firms are still battling it out for streaming supremacy.
With over half a billion paying subscribers between them, you could say they all “won.”
- But there’s been one big loser in the war…
Wednesday, March 02, 2022
The Quantum AI Mega-trend - m = f - Everything is Waving! / Companies / Quantum Computing
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Imagine in the 1960's most had little idea of the world that the transistor would herald beyond that of maybe transistor radios and colour Tv's! Personal computers weren't even in most peoples imagination given that the movies and media of the day painted a picture of computing equating to giant super computers.
Imagine in the 1970's when few paid attention to Intel's 4004 processor that started the microprocessor ball rolling all thanks to Japan's Nippon Calculating Machine Corporation (Busicom) that contracted the tech start up to design 12 custom chips for them, in response to which rather than developing 12 custom chips Intel decided it was more cost effective to just develop one multipurpose processor that could be programmed and so was born what would become the 4004. Only one problem the Japanese company Busicom owned the rights to the chip! Intel eventually offered to return Busicom's $60k investment in exchange for the rights which the struggling Japanese company agreed to and the rest is history! Or will be when IBM gave Intel what it had been seeking for a decade, a big buyer with deep pockets to commit to volume orders for it's processors by ordering 10,000 units per year from 1982 onwards. All forgotten today just how small Intel was for a good 13 years since inception and that it was only when IBM started making use of Intel processors in IBM PC's that Intel started to take off.
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Saturday, February 26, 2022
JRS.L Capitalising on Russia's War CRASHED Stocks / Companies / Russia
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My plan to capitalise on Putin's the war was centred around accumulating into JRS.L . first very lightly between £5.5 and £5, better this investment trust than individual Russian stocks that can fall victim to sanctions, so less volatility and better long-term prospects for an ultimate bounce back to well north of £8 as JRS.L is an investment trust I have traded in and out of for decades. Generally buying when under £5 and selling when over £8.50 as part of my legacy stocks portfolio. However since upside is limited, I won't be adding this to my public portfolio's. Nevertheless I was set to accumulate big well ahead of the invasion that I expected to trade to well below 5.0 and likely could fall further all the way down to as low as £2.50, and then hold for the long-run to sell at a target of around £8.75, just as I did a few months ago when I sold ALL of my holdings at £8.72 via a long standing limit order. I.e. apart from the current accumulation phase it's not a stock that I intend on monitoring closely.
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Thursday, February 24, 2022
FACBOOK MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Whilst CNBC Clowns Buy the TOP and SELL the BOTTOM! / Companies / Social Media
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The best time to buy a stock is when no one will touch it would a barge pole and that is where Facebook currently sits, where all those who were FOMO-ing before the earnings announcement such as this clown on CNBC Kevin O'Leary who said he was buying META big before earnings that's at about $325 per share!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Stock Trade-of-the-Week: Golden Ocean Group Ltd. (GOGL) / Companies / Investing 2022
By: Donald_W_Dony
Company profile: Golden Ocean Group Limited, a shipping company, owns and operates a fleet of dry bulk vessels comprising Newcastlemax, Capesize, Panamax, and Ultramax vessels worldwide. It owns and operates dry bulk vessels in the spot and time charter markets. The company transports bulk commodities, such as ores, coal, grains, and fertilizers. As of March 18, 2021, it owned a fleet of 67 dry bulk vessels. Golden Ocean Group Limited is based in Hamilton, Bermuda.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Facebook, Microsoft… now Walmart? The Metaverse! / Companies / Metaverse
By: Stephen_McBride
By Justin Spittler : The world’s largest retailer has its eyes set on the metaverse.
I’m talking about Walmart (WMT), where more than 240 million shoppers visit each week. Walmart’s not the sort of business you’d expect to dive headfirst into a brand-new tech megatrend.
But it recently revealed its massive plans for the metaverse.
On December 30, Walmart filed several new trademarks indicating its intent to sell virtual toys, sporting goods, and home decorations.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
How To Profit From The Coming Helium Wars / Companies / Investing 2022
By: OilPrice_Com
Sunday, February 13, 2022
NETFLIX - You Cannot Say You Weren't Warned! / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Some six months ago in response to Patron requests for why I do not include Netflix as one of the FANGs in my list, my quick analysis painted a dire picture for the stocks future prospects that I saw as destined to trade down to between $250 and $400 for several years, and thus the price being bid up towards $600 at the time was literally a stock asking for an INVESTOR PANIC to CRASH it at least halve in price.
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Friday, February 11, 2022
AI Tech Stocks 2022 Correction / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
People tend to over complicate investing, looking for that which will give them the exact bottom price to buy at because they cannot cope with draw downs, even though the draw down delivers lower buying prices and thus risk missing out on the golden opportunity of accumulating into some of the best stocks one can ever dream of investing in at deep discounts to their trading highs, virtually all of which traded at least 15% lower during the week with a number such as Nvidia and AMD trading lower by more than 1.3rd of where they were trading barely a month ago!
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Tuesday, February 08, 2022
Buy This Top Payment Disruptor Stock / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Stephen_McBride
Did you add payment stocks to your portfolio yet?
A few weeks ago, I showed you why payment stocks are one of my top investment ideas for 2022.
I told you one “threat” weighing on these stocks: the buy-now-pay-later trend.
But there’s another reason some folks in the know are worried…
Today, I’ll share all the details. I’ll explain why it’s only more reason to buy world-class payment stocks.
And I’ll share one of my favorites to buy today…
Wednesday, February 02, 2022
AI Tech Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels and Limit Orders for Buying the Panic! / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A reminder that my plan is to capitalise on a valuation reset in the over valued tech giants as they are one by one marked lower by at least 20% from their bull highs as we recently enjoyed with Facebook down to $300, with Nvidia and AMD already along their path towards triggering buying opportunities and the likes of Microsoft and Apple to soon follow suit.
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Tuesday, February 01, 2022
Unloved Biotech Stocks Sector / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
And the same it true for the unloved Biotech sector, where here's a taste of what to expect when I take a detail look at the biotech stocks. It's definitely going to take something special to buck the sector downtrend!
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Tuesday, February 01, 2022
Stock Market Sentiment Speaks: It's Time To Invest Based Upon Corporae Earnings / Companies / Stock Market 2022
By: Avi_Gilburt
We have all heard the phrase “earnings are the mother’s milk of stocks.” I believe the phrase was coined by Larry Kudlow. In fact, I have some commenters to my articles that claim that earnings are the only thing one needs to know about investing in the stock market.
But, is it true?
Bob Prechter has done some research into this topic, and has outlined some very interesting market history that flies in the face of the common perception regarding earnings: The Myth of Company Earnings and Stock Price
Are stocks driven by corporate earnings? In June 1991, The Wall Street Journal reported on a study by Goldman Sachs’ Barrie Wigmore, who found that “only 35% of stock price growth [in the 1980s] can be attributed to earnings and interest rates.” Wigmore concludes that all the rest is due simply to changing social attitudes toward holding stocks. Says the Journal, “[This] may have just blown a hole through this most cherished of Wall Street convictions.”
What about simply the trend of earnings versus the stock market? Well, since 1932, corporate profits have been down in 19 years. The Dow rose in 14 of those years. In 1973-74, the Dow fell 46% while earnings rose 47%. 12-month earnings peaked at the bear market low. Earnings do not drive stocks.
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Saturday, January 29, 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The great valuation reset that I have been warning of for a good 6 months is taking place with a vengeance! As it's not a question of everyone waiting for the Fed act to raise rates because the market is already raising rates anyway and at their sharpest pace in over a year which punishes the high PE garbage growth stocks whilst rewarding low PE strong cash flow stocks.
Look at ARK GARBAGE STOCKS - NO EARNINGS, NO SALES, JUST SOME GARBAGE MANTRA of "DESRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY" THAT SPEWS OUT of CATHY WOOD from time to time! The only thing getting disrupted are the portfolios of all the poor souls who fell for her snake oil sales pitch!
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Friday, January 28, 2022
Financial Stocks Sector ETF XLF $37.50 Continues To Present Opportunities / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Recent volatility in the US markets ahead of the Fed comments/actions have prompted a relatively big pullback in almost every sector. Many traders are concerned the Fed may take immediate action to raise rates. Yet, a small portion of traders believes the Fed may be trapped in a position to act more conservatively in addressing inflation going forward. I think the Fed will continue to talk firmly about potentially raising rates. The Fed is more interested in decreasing the assets on their balance sheet before they risk doing anything to disrupt support for the global markets.
Suppose my analysis of the Fed predicament is correct. In that case, the recent collapse of the US markets represents a fear-based emotional selloff of many sectors that may still represent a strong opportunity for a recovery rally in 2022. One of those sectors is the Financial sector – particularly XLF.
I wrote about this on January 7, 2022, in this article: FINANCIAL SECTOR STARTS TO RALLY TOWARDS THE $43.60 UPSIDE TARGET
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Friday, January 28, 2022
The right way to play Climate Change Investing (not green energy stocks) / Companies / Climate Change
By: Submissions
By Justin Spittler : The climate change money continues to pour in…
Two weeks ago California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed a $37 billion budget to fight climate change.
The six-year plan is mostly focused on green transportation and cleaner energy.
And that’s just the latest news…
In November, Reuters reported that “banks, insurers, and investors with $130 trillion at their disposal pledged to put combating climate change at the center of their work.”
$130 trillion!