Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Apple, Ebay and Visa - Stocks to Watch as Activist Investors Unlock Value / Companies / Investing 2014
By: DailyGainsLetter
Sasha Cekerevac writes: One of the most hotly debated topics these days is the role of activist investors. Some people have the impression that an activist investor is not a positive factor when it comes to long-term investing. I disagree, as many times, the investment strategy recommended by these activist investors ends up benefiting all shareholders.
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
The Perfect Profits Storm / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Terry Weiss writes: Michael Robinson has been following the auto sector since 1980 when he was a young analyst living in Detroit.
And over the last 34 years, he’s seen a lot of changes come to this iconic industry – both good and bad.
But he’s never seen anything like what’s happening now.
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Tuesday, February 04, 2014
We Just Found The New King Of The Computer Industry / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: During the Depression-ridden 1930s, with the United States circling the financial abyss, an American industrialist named Thomas J. Watson Jr. gambled the future of his business-equipment company on an expansion plan that included wholesale hiring, investments in technology, and the construction of new factories.
For six years, Watson had his factories at full bore – churning out tabulating equipment there were no buyers for. But he believed in his plan and stayed with his strategy.
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Sunday, February 02, 2014
China Tech Stocks - The Hottest Investment Market on Earth / Companies / China Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: China has been dominating the headlines in recent days... And not in a good way.
Since late last week, worries about slowing growth, financial-system shenanigans, and the potential for an "Asian Contagion" type spillover have whacked global stocks - and have left folks wondering if the Chinese Miracle is over.
But China's kind of like a still-young tech venture: There are going to be reversals, it's going to be volatile, and it's normal to expect this kind of whipsaw market action.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Business Development Companies Investing / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Casey_Research
By Andrey Dashkov
Business Development Companies (BDCs) are publicly traded private debt and equity funds. I know that description isn’t terribly sexy, but keep reading and you’ll find there’s a lot to be excited about.
BDCs provide financing to firms too small to seek traditional bank financing or to do an IPO, but at the same time are too advanced to interest the earliest-stage venture capitalist. These companies are often near or at profitability and just need extra cash to reach the next milestone. Filling this void, BDCs provide funds to target companies in exchange for interest payments and/or an equity stake.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Triple Threat Firms Will Deliver Your Best Stocks Returns in 2014 / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Robert Hsu writes: As readers of my Permanent Wealth Investor know, alternative money management firms are some of my favorite securities for investors to own.
After a great run in 2013, those firms will have a hard act to follow in 2014.
But, here's the thing: the same sources that drove income last year for these companies are firmly in place. And will be throughout 2014.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Secret to Unlocking Huge Auto-Tech Stocks Profits / Companies / US Auto's
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: As a tech investor, I pay a lot of attention to the key trends reshaping our world and setting us up for massive gains.
I've also found that sometimes you can boil down great investment opportunities into a number. In this case its 11.4...the average age of a car on U.S. roads today.
Compared with the new connected car, that's like driving something out of the Flintstones.
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Monday, January 27, 2014
How This IBM Will Outlast the PC’s Extinction / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: DailyGainsLetter
John Paul Whitefoot writes: The first raft of first-quarter earnings reports are in…and they’re not a total surprise. Against the backdrop of a weak U.S. economy and waning consumer confidence, some big go-to stocks are beginning to show signs of distress—few more (right now) than makers of personal computers (PC makers).
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Ebay PayPal Spinoff is a 'No-Brainer' / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Bloomberg
Carl Icahn spoke with Bloomberg Television's Trish Regan and Adam Johnson today about his proposed PayPal spinoff, saying that eBay "hasn't don't as well as it should have" and a separation of PayPal is a "no brainer."
On Apple, Icahn said, "There's nothing wrong with the management at Apple...I just think that the board is just plain wrong in not taking advantage of a very undervalued situation at Apple and not using that capital."
Monday, January 20, 2014
Market Under-estimating Apples Growth Potential Following Moves into China / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: DailyGainsLetter
Sasha Cekerevac writes: When it comes to big-cap stocks, very few are larger than Apple Inc. (NASDAQ/AAPL).
But there’s one question many investors may be asking: is there an investment opportunity in Apple’s stock at current levels? I believe there may be, even after a strong move up since hitting a 52-week low in April at $385.10.
You have to be careful when looking at big-cap stocks and whether or not there is a strong investment opportunity going forward. Just because a stock has moved up over the past year, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily overvalued.
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Monday, January 20, 2014
High Car Loan Delinquencies Suggest Solid 2014 Sales for Automakers? / Companies / US Auto's
By: DailyGainsLetter
John Paul Whitefoot writes: We expect American consumers to do a lot in this country; not least of which is to be the nation’s economic engine, after all, 70% of our gross domestic product (GDP) comes from consumer spending.
After years of strong stock market gains, America is still being bogged down with stagnant wages, high unemployment, and near-record-high food stamp usage—not the best formula for a nation that relies on consumers to spend, spend, spend. However, it is also contingent upon us being able to continually pay our bills. It’s the ebb and flow of consumerism.
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Sunday, January 19, 2014
Shell Profits Warning – The Shock That Wasn't / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Andrew_McKillop
New CEO Admits : Shell's new CEO Ben van Beurden has admitted corporate performance in 2013 was not what he expected from the group. Just two weeks after taking over the helm at end-December, he gave what journalists and commentators called “a shock profit warning”, saying that full-year profits excluding “special items” could be about 25% below 2012's performance. For the 4th Quarter of 2013 Shell's earnings before special items fell by about 50%.
Friday, January 17, 2014
New Way to Make Big Money in Biotech Stocks Sector / Companies / BioTech
By: Money_Morning
Ernie Tremblay writes: Traditional pharmaceutical blockbusters like Pfizer's Lipitor treat millions of patients at relatively low cost. It's a high-volume business model that has kept the pharmaceutical industry afloat for a long, long time. But over the past decade, out of necessity, a new model has taken the industry by storm.
As big moneymakers, like Lipitor, reach the "patent cliff," their intellectual rights protection are evaporating, and generic drug makers are taking over their markets.
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Friday, January 17, 2014
Have a Fleet of Cars or Vans? 3 Ways to Save Money / Companies / Business
By: Submissions
David Petherick writes: If your business has a fleet of cars or vans you will be keen to keep these costs down as much as possible. And, as well as making financial efficiencies, you want to be able to improve your company’s impact on the environment and to streamline your operations. However, you have to try and make savings without having a negative effect on your service.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
We’re Riding These Bottlenecks to the Bank / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: Amy Harder asked a pretty straight forward question in National Journal yesterday.
We’ve found vast new stores of domestic energy, she points out, but how do we move it around the country?
In light of the recent crude oil train accident in North Dakota, she brings up a pretty big point. The entire infrastructure network of pipelines, rail transit, barge traffic, and high-power lines hardly seems up to the task.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
2014 Graphite Outlook: Price Rebound, Supply Shift and New End Uses / Companies / Graphene
By: Metals_Report
China's recent halting of flake graphite production in Pingdu, Shandong, made headlines, and has many investors wondering how supply may shift. Simon Moores, manager of Industrial Minerals Data, tells The Mining Report that he sees an interesting dynamic unfolding in the graphite space over the next five years. As buyers for steel and battery markets compete for limited graphite supplies, the winners will be companies that can deliver the best, tailor-made products. In the meantime, offtake agreements are signaling a new confidence in the sector.
The Mining Report: Simon, China is putting mining on the back burner while it cleans up damage done to the environment by mining and other industrial work. Graphite processing facilities, including those in Shandong Province, have halted flake graphite production. Will that affect prices?
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
How to Profit During High Inflation / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Don_Miller
Anyone with a technical degree will admit that college programmed them to consider "sell" a dirty word—to think salespeople use trickery to lure consumers into buying things they don't need. It makes no difference whether it's an investment product or a Pet Rock; anyone involved with selling or its evil twin marketing is guilty until proven innocent.
I spent the majority of my first career in sales and marketing, where I focused on negotiations and pricing. My clients included 40 of the top 500 US corporations. Now I work alongside some of the best economists and analysts in the world, and well, let's just say I bring a different perspective and experience base to our meetings.
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Monday, January 13, 2014
Intel Stock Looks to Revive With Wearable Technology / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: When Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) misjudged the mobile wave of tablets and smartphones, it sentenced Intel stock to several years of stagnation.
But after Intel Chief Executive Officer Brian Krzanich's keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014 in Las Vegas Monday evening, it's clear the world's largest semiconductor maker is determined not to repeat that mistake with wearable technology.
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Saturday, January 11, 2014
Stock Market Investing 2014 - Top Picks / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Charles_Carnevale
My biggest pet peeve regarding common stock investing is how so many people have a tendency to over-generalize this asset class. Commonly held beliefs such as investing in stocks is risky, or that the stock market is overvalued, or that the fed is driving stock prices, etc., are just a few examples illustrating my point. In truth, common stocks are as individually different as people are individually different. When dealing with human beings, most reasonable thinking people would reject prejudicial statements. Personally, I believe we should have the same attitude about common stocks.
Instead of attempting to put them all in the same basket, I believe it is more rational and prudent to judge each common stock based on its own merits and attributes. This is why I continuously point out that it is a market of stocks and not a stock market. All stocks are not the same, therefore, they should not all be painted with the same broad brush. Consistent with this notion is that it also logically follows that not all investors are the same. Consequently, with these thoughts in mind, different strokes (stocks) for different folks (different goals, objectives and risk tolerances) is the more appropriate stance.
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Friday, January 10, 2014
How Sony Could Surprise Investors in 2014 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: DailyGainsLetter
Sasha Cekerevac writes: As the stock market continues moving higher, it becomes that much more difficult to find value stocks. They’re still there, but one needs to dig a bit deeper to find attractive valuations as part of one’s investment strategy.
One company that I've been researching lately is Sony Corporation (NYSE/SNE). Everyone is aware, I’m sure, of Sony, as it’s been around for decades. While the stock had a relatively strong performance in 2013, I believe there is potential for a very good year in 2014, in terms corporate earnings growth.
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