Category: Business
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, March 21, 2017
How do Client Acquisition Offers Affect Businesses? / Companies / Business
By: Submissions
When looking to grow a business there are three key things you need to do. Get more clients, get them to visit you more often and get them to spend more each time they visit you. This principal is true for all businesses that's aim is to turn a profit.
The hardest of these three steps to achieve is arguably ‘getting more clients’. One way that a lot of businesses aim to attract more clients is with acquisition offers.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Have a Fleet of Cars or Vans? 3 Ways to Save Money / Companies / Business
By: Submissions
David Petherick writes: If your business has a fleet of cars or vans you will be keen to keep these costs down as much as possible. And, as well as making financial efficiencies, you want to be able to improve your company’s impact on the environment and to streamline your operations. However, you have to try and make savings without having a negative effect on your service.
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Setting Up Your Own Business - 10 Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs / Personal_Finance / Business
By: Casey_Research
By Jeffrey Tucker
One of my favorite web spaces is It interviews startup entrepreneurs, people who created something new and made it successful. Through casual conversation, it investigates their thinking, mode of working, trials and tribulations, breakthroughs, and visions of the future. Just hearing these people talk gives you a real lift.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Franchise Dangers - Why Buying a Business Franchising is a Bad Deal / Personal_Finance / Business
The most often cited reason to go into business is to make money. At least that is what you are supposed to believe. If that was the only motivation, there are many other options to turn a quick buck and avoid all the pit falls and responsibility of making a payroll. For the brave of heart and persistent of will, starting your own business is a dream come true. Therefore, at first look, it seems reasonable to follow a pattern of a proven winner, when the leap requires putting your entire net worth on the line. Franchising has the appeal of lessening the odds of failure, to the uninitiated.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
10 WAYS TO SAVE TAX WITH YOUR COMPANY / Companies / Business
If you’re not taking advantage of these 10 ways of improving your company’s tax efficiency your missing a trick or two...or ten.
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Thursday, May 13, 2010
Professor Klein on Beating the Business Investing Odds / Companies / Business
By: Douglas_French
Entrepreneurship has been a hot buzzword recently. Classes in entrepreneurship are being taught at both the high school and college levels. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation: The Foundation of Entrepreneurship has big fancy websites advertising that its President and CEO will give a "State of Entrepreneurship Address." There are global entrepreneurship conferences being held in far-flung places like Dubai. Learning programs are offered to test your "Entrepreneurial IQ." The US government even has an entrepreneurship website, advertising a Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Law, and a Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Monday, May 04, 2009
New Business Model Comes After Communism and Capitalism / Politics / Business
By: Pravda
Cage Innoye writes: In the article, “Diverse Economy is next after Capitalism and Communism” by this author, a thesis was put forward on a new system of business and finance. Here some basic questions are answered about the operation of such new economy and some suggestions are made.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
America Is Still the Best Place to Make Money / Politics / Business
By: DailyWealth
Tom Dyson writes: There's never been a better time to be seeking fortune in America. Right now, we're in a period of great turbulence. Everything in America is up for sale at "panic liquidation" prices. Each foreclosed property and bankruptcy headline you hear about represents another opportunity to make money.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Business Law Refresher: Useful Legal Definitions Everyone Should Kno / Companies / Business
By: David_Haas
It's time taxpayers begin thinking less in terms of excuses, justifications, rationalizations, and scapegoating for the current financial mess and more in terms of investigations, indictments, arrests, detentions, prosecutions, penalties, restitutions, “clawbacks”, and punitive-damages. Here in the U.S., RICO LAW comes quickly to mind.Read full article... Read full article...