Category: Fracking
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Fracking – An Unconventional Poisoning / Politics / Fracking
By: Richard_Mills
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking as it’s more commonly referred to, is used to stimulate the production of oil and gas from unconventional oil and gas deposits - shales, coalbeds, and tight sands. These types of deposits need to be stimulated because they have a lower permeability than conventional reservoirs and require the additional stimulation for production.
Hydraulic fracturing involves drilling a well then injecting it with a slurry of water, chemical additives and proppants. Wells are drilled and lined with a steel pipe that’s cemented into place. A perforating gun is used to shoot small holes through the steel and cement into the shale. The highly pressurized fluid and proppant mixture injected into the well escapes and create cracks and fractures in the surrounding shale layers and that stimulates the flow of natural gas or oil. The proppants (grains of sand, ceramic beads, or sintered bauxite) prevent the fractures from closing when the injection is stopped and the pressure of the fluid is removed.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Frack Sand: The Unsung Hero Of The OPEC Oil War / Commodities / Fracking
By: OilPrice_Com
The late-2014, Saudi-initiated oil-price war may have taken the ‘boom’ out of the US shale industry as it seriously threatened OPEC market share, but Saudi victory has been elusive: US shale has proven amazingly resilient. The industry has adapted quickly to the new playing field, and the unsung hero of a new uptick in drilling and investment isn’t just true grit—it’s sand.
The Saudi victory is equally dulled by the fact that it was not a decline in US shale production that rebalanced supply and demand; rather, it was chaos in Libya, militant attacks in Nigeria, massive fires in Canada and the destabilization of OPEC’s own Venezuela.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Fracking Bombs In Your Neighborhood / Politics / Fracking
By: Walter_Brasch
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Fracking Boom is a Fracking Bubble / Commodities / Fracking
By: Walter_Brasch
Gas prices have plunged to the low $2 range—except in Pennsylvania.
In Pennsylvania, the prices at the pump are in the mid-$2 range.
That’s because Gov. Tom Corbett and the legislature imposed a 28-cent per gallon surcharge tax. Until 2019, Pennsylvanians will be paying an additional $2.3 billion a year in taxes and fees—$11.5 billion total—to improve the state’s infrastructure. In addition to the increased tax on gas at the pumps, Pennsylvania motorists will also be spending more for license registrations, renewals, and title certificates.
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Monday, December 01, 2014
U.S. Shale Oil is the New Swing-Producer: Output Forecast to 2020 Will Make Saudi Arabia Very Happy / Commodities / Fracking
By: Andrew_Butter
According to Reuters and CNN...and others, “OPEC” has declared war on shale-oil drillers in America.
That’s a serious accusation. In the not too distant past whole countries were bombed back into the Stone Ages for lesser transgressions!! Saudi Arabia was the only OPEC member to forcefully advocate not cutting back, so for “OPEC” read “The Saudi’s”. Bomb-Bomb-Bomb aside, it’s hard not to wonder whether or not a collective schizophrenia has descended on the talking-heads....“Saudi’s pumping more so America pays less...that’s terrible news, because shale oil will suffer**!!”....”Saudi’s pumping less...that’s terrible news, because hard-working -taxpayers will pay more for gasoline, and we will have to borrow more money from foreigners**!!” Can’t win.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Follow The Sand To The Real Fracking Boom / Commodities / Fracking
By: OilPrice_Com
When it takes up to four million pounds of sand to frack a single well, it's no wonder that demand is outpacing supply and frack sand producers are becoming the biggest behind-the-scenes beneficiaries of the American oil and gas boom.
Demand is exploding for "frac sand"--a durable, high-purity quartz sand used to help produce petroleum fluids and prop up man-made fractures in shale rock formations through which oil and gas flows--turning this segment into the top driver of value in the shale revolution.
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Friday, November 21, 2014
How Americans Came to Oppose Fracking / Politics / Fracking
By: Walter_Brasch
For the first time since high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as nonconventional fracking, was developed, more Americans oppose it than support it.
According to a national survey conducted by the independent non-partisan Pew Research Center, 47 percent of Americans oppose fracking, while 41 percent support it. This is a 7 percent decline in support from March 2013, and a 9 percent increase in opposition.
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Thursday, May 22, 2014
The California Shale Bubble Just Burst / Commodities / Fracking
By: OilPrice_Com
The great hype surrounding the advent of a shale gas bonanza in California may turn out to be just that: hype. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) – the statistical arm of the Department of Energy – has downgraded its estimate of the total amount of recoverable oil in the Monterey Shale by a whopping 96 percent. Its previous estimate pegged the recoverable resource in California’s shale formation at 13.7 billion barrels but it now only thinks that there are 600 million barrels available.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
U.S. Energy Renaissance / Commodities / Fracking
By: Frank_Holmes
As we come to the end of 2013, it's a good time to reflect on some of the biggest resources stories of the year. One that immediately comes to mind is the U.S. energy resurgence and its tremendous effect on oil and gas.
Only a few years ago, we were contemplating the supply constraints facing the petroleum industry, as many major oil fields around the world were declining in production. Now, with the disruptive technology in shale oil and gas, we may be looking forward to decades of drilling.
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Friday, November 01, 2013
Why Buy Fracking Stocks and Sell Gold Holdings / Commodities / Fracking
By: The_Energy_Report
Chen Lin, author of What is Chen Buying? What Is Chen Selling?, goes wherever he sees returns. In the summer, he bought mining stocks when the yellow metal hit $1,200 per ounce. Now, he's trading in his gold names and moving into the fracking space after a three-year hiatus. In this interview with The Energy Report, Lin names the companies he's buying to play a likely energy sector bottom and tells investors to actively manage their portfolios in the coming stock-picker's market.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
On the Frontlines of the Global Shale Gas Revolution / Commodities / Fracking
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors write: TJ is one of those functionaries in the British Foreign Office (FO) who tend to keep their heads down and out of the line of fire. He has been my liaison for several years now.
Usually, he only opens his mouth to answer questions or give me the latest revision in my schedule.
So it was a bit unusual to hear him to express his opinions so vividly yesterday. Clearly, he was frustrated.
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Saturday, October 12, 2013
Fracking - An Unconventional Poisoning / Politics / Fracking
By: Richard_Mills
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking as it's more commonly referred to, is used to stimulate the production of oil and gas from unconventional oil and gas deposits - shales, coalbeds, and tight sands. These types of deposits need to be stimulated because they have a lower permeability than conventional reservoirs and require the additional stimulation for production.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Fracking Trucks Reveal Energy's Most Underreported Boom / Commodities / Fracking
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: Now that the rig market for oil and gas projects is heating up again, it's time to invest where energy's big-money cycle actually begins.
After all, without a rig, a well is nothing more than a dot on a map.
That's why the oil field service (OFS) business always improves before the fortunes of field production companies.
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Friday, June 07, 2013
Fracking America’s Food Supply / Politics / Fracking
By: Walter_Brasch
Fracking—the process the oil and gas industry uses to extract fossil fuel as much as two miles below the ground—may directly impact the nation’s water supply, reduce water-based recreational and sports activity, and lead to an increase in the cost of food.
The cocktail soup required for each well requires about two million pounds of silica sand, as much as 100,000 gallons of toxic chemicals, and three to nine million gallons of fresh water. There are more than 500,000 active wells in the country.
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