Category: UK Debt
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, May 13, 2022
UK Public Debt Smoking Inflation Gun / Economics / UK Debt
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britains debt mountain has long since passed the £2 trillion pound mark, so how come the UK managed to do this without paying the piper? A free lunch given low UK bond interest rates, we'll it's because the Bankster of England has MONETIZED near HALF of Britains DEBT! Now do you understand where the INFLATION is coming from? Yes, as I wrote 12 YEARS AGO in my 100 page Inflation Mega-trend ebook that Inflation is by DESIGN caused by rampant government money printing that the central banks monetize! Which the Bank of England has now done to the tune of near £1 trillion! Which resolves in a fake debt to GDP graph such as the one below that the academic economists get their knickers in a twist over without able to think outside of the box and realise the fundamental fact that actual UK market debt is HALF that which is being reported because the Government is effectively PAYING ITSELF INTEREST on HALF of it's debt! Why don't the clowns in MSM report on any of this? After all It's not rocket science!
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Saturday, March 09, 2019
Unsecured Debt hits £15,400 per UK Household / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Submissions
It has been revealed in statistics provided by the trade union body, the TUC, that unsecured debt in the UK has now reached a new high of £15,400 per British household. To compile its figures, the TUC compared the total amount of money lent in overdrafts, personal loans, payday loans, store cards, and credit card debts.
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Sunday, September 02, 2018
How Much does the UK Really Owe in Debt? / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Dylan_Moran
Friday, September 22, 2017
Pensions and Debt Time Bomb In UK: £1 Trillion Crisis Looms / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: GoldCore
– £1 trillion crisis looms as pensions deficit and consumer loans snowball out of control
– UK pensions deficit soared by £100B to £710B, last month
– £200B unsecured consumer credit “time bomb” warn FCA
– 8.3 million people in UK with debt problems
– 2.2 million people in UK are in financial distress
– ‘President Trump land’ there is a savings gap of $70 trillion
– Global problem as pensions gap of developed countries growing by $28B per dayp>
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Why Surging UK Household Debt Will Cause The Next Crisis / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: GoldCore
– Easy credit offered by UK banks is endangering “everyone else in the economy”
– UK banks are “dicing with the spiral of complacency” again
– Bank of England official believes household debt is good in moderation
– Household debt now equals 135% of household income
– Now costs half of average income to raise a child
– Real incomes not keeping up with real inflation
– 41% of those in debt are in full-time work
– £1.537 trillion owed by the end of May 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Are UK Consumers Taking Too Much Debt? / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Nicholas_Kitonyi
The UK lending market has benefited from the reduced lending rates after the interest rate was reduced to an historical low. The UK base interest rate was cut in half in August last year to 0.25% in a bid to stimulate economic growth and it has remained at this level for the last eight months. This affected the UK Prime Lending Rate, which fell to 1.25% from about 1.55% in July and has since remained fixed at this level.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, February 13, 2017
Is the UK An Economy Built on Debt? / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Submissions
Saturday, July 02, 2016
George Osborne's BrExit Excuse to Scrap UK Government Debt, Deficit and Borrowing Targets / Economics / UK Debt
By: Nadeem_Walayat
George Osborne Friday announced that he would be using BrExit as an excuse to scrap the cornerstone of his economic policy, one of ending this parliament with an annual budget surplus, instead now stating:
"The referendum result is as expected likely to lead to a significant negative shock for the British economy. How we respond will determine the impact on people’s jobs and on economic growth.
The Bank of England can support demand.
The government must provide fiscal credibility so we will continue to be tough on the deficit but we must be realistic about achieving a surplus by the end of this decade as precisely the flexibility that our rules provide for, and we need to reduce uncertainty by moving as quickly as possible to a new relationship with Europe and being super competitive, open for business and free trading. That’s the plan and we must set to it.”
Thursday, March 17, 2016
UK Government Debt Propaganda Continues as OBR Revises Borrowing Higher / Economics / UK Debt
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Office of Budgetary Responsibility has once more dutifully pumped out economic propaganda for the UK government in its latest report, where the most notable revision was to increase the amount the government will borrow over its term in office from the original £115 billion (May 2015) to now £178bn, a 54% increase in the amount they said they would borrow at the outset, and which is set against their November 2015 revision higher to £143bn.
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Government Debt Is Not Like Private Debt / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
Simon Wilson writesL As the Labour Party fights with Tories over the need to slightly rein in government spending in the UK, opponents of even the slightest bit of austerity have turned out to claim that there is no virtue in “living within your means.”
In a recent article in The Guardian, Ha-Joon Chang, attacked even the Tory government’s timid claim that it wasn’t a great idea to spend more than the government collects in tax revenues. But for the new radical left Labour Party on whose behalf Chang’s article was written, this notion is as quaint as it is “simply wrong.”
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Friday, April 24, 2015
UK Economy Debt Timebomb Will Explode After Election / Stock-Markets / UK Debt
By: GoldCore
- UK economy a ’timebomb’ and will explode after election – Albert Edwards
- Telegraph warns of “Lehman Moment” stemming from possible election chaos
- Currency traders view pound as being particularly vulnerable
- Latest data shows UK poised to slip into deflation for the first time since 1960
- Polls place Labour and Tories neck and neck as election looms
- Hung parliament may force either side to enter coalition with potentially disliked partners
- Outright majority for either side would also lead to further uncertainty
- Political uncertainty may impact sterling and UK assets
- UK has massive debt and vulnerable to Eurozone debt crisis
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Payless Growth And Debt Disaster For The UK / Politics / UK Debt
By: Andrew_McKillop
The UK Economic Miracle
Only a few key figures are needed to understand how the"fastest growing economy in Europe" has
effectively performed before and after the key date of 2008, whether under a pale pnk-hued New
Labour government operating the Extend-and-Pretend mantra of borrow and spend, or the present
pale blue Tory and Liberal Democrat governing coalition doing the same thing. The political and parliamentary numbers game is at least as important as the economic numbers for mapping the UK's economic future. The present two-party system, in fact, could be the last truly UK-wide bicameral Westminster-dominated system and process that the UK has had, for the last several hundred years.
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Bank of England Cancels Britain's Debt, Coalition Government Budget Deficit Crisis is Pure Propaganda / News_Letter / UK Debt
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle NewsletterDecember 3rd , 2012 Issue #24 Vol. 6
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
UK Household Debt Deleveraging: Are We There Yet? / Economics / UK Debt
By: Adrian_Ash
Who killed the UK recovery? UK households of course...
Deleveraging, like Hamlet's nothing, is only good or bad when you come to think about it.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Fool Britannia / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Jan_Skoyles
So, we started last week with the news that the great British pound, one of the world’s oldest currencies is increasingly being seen as a safe haven. This is alongside the US dollar and the Japanese yen.
Some seem to be surprised by the pound’s climb to safe-haven status, but it may not be that surprising.
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Friday, January 20, 2012
UK Gold and Real Interest Rates, A Free Nation Drowining in Debt / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Adrian_Ash
Take record-high debt, add record-low interest rates, and what do you get in gold...?
SECOND ONLY to Japan, the UK now wears the greatest debt burden of any major economy today – in total, more than 5 years' entire economic output.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
David Cameron Says UK Plan to Cut Debt is Failing / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Mike_Shedlock
Plans to cut debt have failed nearly everywhere I look.
- Greece is obvious enough and a government collapsed over it.
- Spain is obvious enough and a government collapsed over it.
- Italy is obvious enough and a government collapsed over it.
- Portugal is obvious enough and a government collapsed over it.
- US is obvious enough and the failure of the super-committee to come to agreement is proof enough
Friday, October 07, 2011
Mervyn's Pringle Problem / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Adrian_Ash
Bank to Treasury: Forget credit easing. It's your debt that needs queasing...
UNLIKE PRINGLES tasty potato snacks, quantitative easing doesn't come with a resealable lid. So the famous sales line is only more true for central bankers:
"Once you pop, you can't stop!"
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Friday, June 24, 2011
UK Government Bonds, Gilts Rally on Hint of More Q.E. / Interest-Rates / UK Debt
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The rally in government bond markets over recent months has been driven by two anxieties:
1.The health of the global economic recovery, and
2.The Euro zone Sovereign debt crisis.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
UK Government Stealth Debt Default Continues at Minimum Rate of 3% per Year / News_Letter / UK Debt
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle NewsletterSept 19th, 2010 Issue #54 Vol. 4
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