Category: Great Depression II
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, August 09, 2009
Entering the Greatest Economic Depression in History, More Bubbles Waiting to Burst / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Global_Research
Andrew G. Marshall writes: While there is much talk of a recovery on the horizon, commentators are forgetting some crucial aspects of the financial crisis. The crisis is not simply composed of one bubble, the housing real estate bubble, which has already burst. The crisis has many bubbles, all of which dwarf the housing bubble burst of 2008. Indicators show that the next possible burst is the commercial real estate bubble. However, the main event on the horizon is the “bailout bubble” and the general world debt bubble, which will plunge the world into a Great Depression the likes of which have never before been seen.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Economic Suicide and the ABC’s of DEPRESSION!, Stocks Bear Market Rally Underway / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Ty_Andros
Many analysts are calling an end to the recession. No way, we are only in a countertrend bounce in economic activity before the next leg DOWN. One has to look no further than the incredible bounces of 50% or more in markets halfway to the lows from 1929 to 1933, or in post-bubble Japan since 1989 to see the parallels. The social welfare states of the G7 and their spawn known as FIAT currency and credit financial systems have just masked the unfolding death of their economies.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
This Economic Depression is Just Beginning / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Mike_Whitney
Too bad Pulitzers aren't handed out for blog-entries. This year's award would go to Zero Hedge for its "The 'Money on the Sidelines' Fallacy" post. This short entry shows why the economy will continue its downward slide and why the US consumer will not get off the mat and resume spending as he has in the past. The fact is the Net Wealth of US Households has "declined from a peak of $22 trillion to just under $12 trillion in early March."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Case for Economic Depression, Demographics / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Moses_Kim
If I were a forecaster of economic trends and had access to only one piece of data, it would probably be demographics. The forecasting power of demographic trends is underappreciated even though cycles of booms and busts have historically mirrored the age characteristics of the population.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Baby Boomers Your Financial & Economic Winter is Coming, The Fourth Turning / Economics / Great Depression II
By: James_Quinn

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Friday, July 10, 2009
Japan's Economy Continues to Collapse, No End to the Depression / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Adrian_Ash
Japanese machine orders just sank to a 22-year low...
IF WE ARE SLIPPING into a Japan-style depression, as signaled perhaps by the swollen demand (and supply) for government debt worldwide, then recovery might take longer than almost anyone guesses.
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Unemployment, Not the Stock Market, Distinguishes a Recession From a Depression / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Money_and_Markets
Claus Vogt writes: What are the most important and enduring characteristics of the Great Depression? And what should we monitor to determine how severe today’s situation really is?
The stock market will give important clues. But the economy, especially unemployment, defines depressions.
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Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Obamageddon is Coming! / Politics / Great Depression II
By: Submissions
Food riots, tax protests, strikes and high unemployment all will characterize our economic future according to Gerald Celente.
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Saturday, July 04, 2009
Current Recession Is a Severe Credit Bust of Depression-Era Magnitude / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Mike_Whitney
There's a big difference between inventory-driven recessions and credit-driven recessions. An inventory recession is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand. It's the result of overcapacity and under-utilization which can only work itself out over time as inventories are pared back and demand builds. Credit-driven recessions are a different story altogether. They typically last twice as long as and can precipitate financial crises. The current recession is a severe credit bust of Depression-era magnitude.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The Case for Economic Depression, Credit Destruction / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Moses_Kim
Periodically in history, the expansion of credit creates the illusion of prosperity that ends in the inevitable bust. When John Law seemingly struck gold by introducing fiat currency in France, he was hailed as a financial genius. Four years and an economic collapse later, he was humiliated, shunned, and exiled.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Warning of Severe Economic Collapse, Mainstream Media Sustainable Recovery Hype / Economics / Great Depression II
By: ArbitraryVote
The mainstream media and government are communicating that the economy is on a positive track toward recovery while downplaying the likelihood of another economic catastrophe similar or worse than that experienced in the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009. In actuality, there is a significant chance that the U.S. will experience a severe economic collapse, beyond what has already been experienced, either this year or within the next few years. If there is a perceived, sustainable economic rebound before this happens, do not be fooled - the underlying economic problems still exist and will likely eventually surface in economic collapse.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Coming Economic Apocalypse / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Roy_F_Grieder
Astonishing to me is the fact that no one seems to understand the ultimate result of the current policies and practices of Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed. I have studied our economic situation for about 3 hours per day for the last 8 months and conclude we are bankrupt. Think about the facts.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Decade of Lost Jobs, Worst Since the Great Depression / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Mike_Shedlock
Before taking a look at the worst 10-year job growth record since the Great Depression, let's take a look at the unexpected rise in weekly unemployment claims.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
U.S. Economy Trending Towards an Inflationary Depression / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Global_Research
Bob Chapman writes: As Emperor Obama (Romulus the Usurper) fires GM's CEO, steals money from Chrysler's bondholders, puts together Public-Private Investment Partnerships (PPIP's) that will privatize gains and socialize losses in an attempt to stabilize derivative prices by having banks buy their toxic waste from one another in the usual "smoke and mirror" tradition of Wall Street, and creates what currently is an annualized 1.8 trillion dollar federal budget deficit that will grow exponentially over time to finance zombie banker bailouts, to fascistically nationalize the financial, insurance and auto manufacturing industries, and to provide inane, flash-in-the-pan, socialistic spending programs (euphemistically called "stimulus packages" that will do little or nothing to stimulate production or to create permanent jobs).
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fear for a Lost Economic Decade / Economics / Great Depression II
By: John_Mauldin
Before we get into this week's Outside the Box, let me give you a few pieces of data that came across my desk this morning, which will help set the stage for the OTB offering. Fitch (the ratings agency), in a downgrade of yet another 543 mortgage-backed securities of 2005-07 vintage, gives us the following side notes: "The home price declines to date have resulted in negative equity for approximately 50% of the remaining performing borrowers in the 2005-2007 vintages. In addition to continued home price deterioration, unemployment has risen significantly since the third quarter of last year, particularly in California where the unemployment rate has jumped from 7.8% to 11%...
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Coming Economic Collapse Part3 / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Graham_Summers
Over the last two essays, we’ve detailed:
- How the US outsourced its job market starting in 1971
- The US’s economic shift from manufacturing to financial services
- The rise of credit as a means to maintaining one’s quality of life
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Coming Economic Collapse Part2 / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Graham_Summers
Today’s essay is part two of our three part series detailing the ongoing collapse of the US economy with a focus on why this coming fall will prove the “worst is over” crowd wrong yet again. On Friday we detailed three major developments. They were:
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Coming Economic Collapse Pt1 / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Graham_Summers
Yesterday I outlined how the mainstream financial media is completely overlooking the similarities between this latest rally and the one leading into the summer of 2008.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Economic Collapse, Time to Run? / Politics / Great Depression II
By: LewRockwell
Is it time to run?
That's what I've been asking myself for three years now.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Economic Depression: Anatomy of a Lost Decade / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: If you want a real look at what's headed this way, ask Hideko Toyotomi.
When Japan's so-called "Lost Decade" began with a bang in the early 1990s, she was an "OL" - an office lady - working in one of Japan's mightiest corporations and she kept her job, despite the downturn.
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