Category: Tech Stocks
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, November 01, 2021
The No.1 Tech Stock For 2022 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Submissions
The $11.9 trillion global healthcare industry is in the early stages of a massive upheaval.Frustrated by a lack of information and reliability from their current insurers – and utterly confusing billing systems that are nearly impossible to navigate – North Americans have begun taking their healthcare into their own hands...and in a powerful way.
For example...
- A staggering 1.2 billion wellness apps were downloaded to mobile phones in 2020...
- Every day, one billion people turn to Google to inquire about their health concerns...
- Telemedicine soared in popularity, as virtual doctor visits went from being used by 11% of patients in 2019 to 46% of patients in 2020...
- And providers report they are now seeing 50 to 175 times the number of patients via telehealth than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This sudden, significant shift in consumer behavior has already had a dramatic impact on the fortunes of some companies.
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Friday, October 29, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Portfolio Current State / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This is the third and final part of my extensive analysis - Stock Market FOMO Going into Crash Season, Chinese Stocks and Bitcoin Trend Update
This is Part 2 of my extensive analysis
Part 1 - Stock Market FOMO Going into Crash Season
Part 2 - Chinese Tech Stocks CCP Paranoia and Best AI Tech Stocks ETF
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Friday, October 22, 2021
This Isn’t Sci-Fi: How AI Is About To Disrupt This $11 Trillion Industry / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: OilPrice_Com
TikTok’s nearly 700 million users seek medical advice from random individuals and charlatans, since anyone can claim to be a medical expert on this raging social media machine.
Dr. Google is also working overtime, receiving more than one billion healthcare questions every day.
Web MD is recording over one billion searches a year, too.
When you combine this voracious hunger for digital diagnosis, symptom checkers and immediate medical assistance, with a global mobile app market whose revenues had already hit $365 billion in 2018, and are now on track to generate over $935 billion by 2023 ...
You get one of the best bets on disrupting the virtual medicine industry to date. You get Big Tech built by doctors for doctors in the Global Library of Medicine (GLM).
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021
3 Tech Stocks That Could Change The World / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: OilPrice_Com
The mega-industries of energy, healthcare, and digital advertising aren’t just ripe for disruption … they’re already being shaken to the core by tech advancements that were thought impossible just a short while ago.For the energy industry, solid state batteries could change everything. And it’s not a moonshot, anymore. These are the next-gen saviors of the battery industry, and by extension, the entire EV segment.
Billions of dollars are pouring into advanced technology that is no longer in the realm of pure imagination. It’s being commercialized as we speak, and the auto industry’s giants are piling in.
And the healthcare industry, broken and severely challenged as it has been, isn’t just being disrupted--it’s being digitally rewritten. Telemedicine was soaring even before the pandemic. Now it’s explosive.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Best AI Tech Stocks ETF and Investment Trusts / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
You all know I'm not a funds guy, I prefer to micro manage my portfolio i.e. if I want to sell ALL of my Amazon holdings then I SELL all of my Amazon holdings which is not possible with funds. However in pursuit of an ETF that closely matches my fully invested AI stocks portfolio then the iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF that has been in existence for 10 years in which time comes close by holding all 6 of my Top 6 AI stocks in meaningful levels which has apparently delivered a return of 600% over the past 10 years and carries a relatively low expense ratio of 0.43% (management fee).
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Sunday, October 17, 2021
Watch These Next-gen Cloud Computing Stocks / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Submissions
By Justin Spittler : Adapt or die.
That was the tough choice facing many small businesses when COVID-19 hit.
It was truly survival of the fittest.
The good news is millions of American entrepreneurs rose to the occasion.
According to CNBC, a record 4.3 million new business applications were processed last year. And 77% of those were online businesses!
Meanwhile, millions of existing mom-and-pop shops rapidly retooled to do business on the internet.
Monday, October 11, 2021
AI Stocks Portfolio Buying and Selling Levels Going Into Market Correction / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The US stock market has been content to rally to new highs with many stocks going to the Moon including most of our AI tech giants, a rally that I have been distributing into to the extent that I have now sold 80% of my holdings in the Top 6 AI stocks in my portfolio some of which I have been accumulating for over a decade (Microsoft). The primary objective of this analysis is the determine where we stand in terms of THE TOP, after all, all bull markets eventually do top either ending with a CRASH (1987) or a bear market (2000 and 2007). So what to hold and what to sell is the question I am asking myself, with a view to riding out a potential bear market / crash, where this analysis deploys a new automated metric of individual stock SELLING LEVELs so that one better knows where one stands in terms of ones portfolio, all in just one table. After all the risk we all fear is that of a 2000 style collapse that sends stocks lower for the next 20 years! Remember that bear market bottomed with a 85% collapse for tech stocks! Yes, one could say the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Apple had become dirt cheap, but that would have been a very painful and prolonged discounting event. So a case of balancing the risks of letting some stocks ride whilst cashing in those that will pay a heavy price for their over exuberance all whilst being aware of the AI mega-trend trundling along in the background.
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Friday, October 08, 2021
How to handle the “Twin Crises” Evergrande and Debt Ceiling Threatening Stocks / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
It’s the most overused word in finance…And right now, markets are being tested by two “crises” at once.
You’ve likely noticed these “crises” are dragging down stocks, especially tech stocks. The Nasdaq just had its worst day since March. It’s now lost 6% in the last two weeks.
A 6% dip might not sound all that big… and it’s not. It’s a perfectly normal gyration that happens a few times a year.
But this dip feels worse to many folks, since it’s the first meaningful drop in the Nasdaq since May.
Today, we’ll look at the “twin crises” the media is focused on. And we’ll evaluate if and where you should shift your money in response to them…
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Wednesday, October 06, 2021
CISCO 2020 Dot com Bubble Stock vs 2021 Bubble Tech Stocks Warning Analysis / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
CISCO, the backbone of the then fast developing internet, much as Tesla is the backbone of the fast emerging EV and automated vehicles sector, with the likes of Google throwing tens of billions into AI and robotics each year. Everyone owned Cisco, just as everyone owns Google, Amazon, Apple or Facebook stock today.
Back In March 2000 Cisco was trading at a price of $146, on a PE of 120, to the moon, TO THE MOON! Where many were concerned Cisco WAS the Internet, one of the most valuable certification tracks of the time were those by Cisco, where even I was CCNA certified, desperately trying not to get further sucked into the highly costly Cisco certification tracks where CCNA gave way to CCNP to CCIE and beyond, the certifications were mushrooming into more OTT levels than what scientology has! CCNA OTTIV where after decades and several hundreds of thousands of dollars one would become one with the internet, be able to move data packets around with their mind! Other companies soon saw what a money spinner the certification tracks were and so the likes of Microsoft started their own such as Microsoft Office certifications, but I digress.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2021
FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG, AAPL and FANG+ '5 Waves' Speaks Volumes / Companies / Tech Stocks
Hi Reader,
On the heels of Facebook's 5% sell-off, it's worth talking about the rest of the FAANGs -- the tech heavyweights: Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX); and Alphabet (GOOG).
Our friends at the world's largest market-forecasting firm Elliott Wave International tell us that for the past couple of weeks, something's been happening in the FANG+ index that deserves your attention.
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Monday, October 04, 2021
NASDAQ Stock Market Head-n-Shoulders Warns Of Market Weakness – Critical Topping Pattern / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The unique technical setup in the NASDAQ over the past 30+ days is warning that the markets have lost momentum and may attempt to break below the $14,700, the Neck Line of the Head-n-Shoulders pattern. This unique price setup crept up over the past 20+ days as the US markets started to move away from upward price momentum as the Chinese and US market dynamics started to shift away from the continued reflation trade expectations. What does this Head-n-Shoulders pattern mean for traders and investors right now?
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021
US Antitrust Against the Big Tech / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Dan_Steinbock
In the United States, the executive branch, courts and Congress are moving to restrict the dominance of the U.S. tech giants.
In the 1960s, the US economy was driven by the automobile sector’s Big Three: GM, Chrysler and Ford. Today, it is fueled by the Big Tech. Over the past decade, US Big Tech has revolutionized internet economy, but allegedly abused its dominance.
In June 2019, the antitrust enforcers agreed to focus on Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon, while dividing responsibility over investigations. In October 2020, the House Committee finished a report recommending a range of measures to address the firms’ allegedly anticompetitive conduct. And in June, the Committee ordered to be reported a series of antitrust bills directed at Big Tech.
Last December, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in cooperation with 46 US states, launched an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook regarding its acquisition of two rivals, Instagram and WhatsApp, and the consequent monopoly power.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Tech Stocks Bubble Valuations 2000 vs 2021 / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The US stock market has been content to rally to new highs with many stocks going to the Moon including most of our AI tech giants, a rally that I have been distributing into to the extent that I have now sold 80% of my holdings in the Top 6 AI stocks in my portfolio some of which I have been accumulating for over a decade (Microsoft). The primary objective of this analysis is the determine where we stand in terms of THE TOP, after all, all bull markets eventually do top either ending with a CRASH (1987) or a bear market (2000 and 2007). So what to hold and what to sell is the question I am asking myself, with a view to riding out a potential bear market / crash, where this analysis deploys a new automated metric of individual stock SELLING LEVELs so that one better knows where one stands in terms of ones portfolio, all in just one table. After all the risk we all fear is that of a 2000 style collapse that sends stocks lower for the next 20 years! Remember that bear market bottomed with a 85% collapse for tech stocks! Yes, one could say the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Apple had become dirt cheap, but that would have been a very painful and prolonged discounting event. So a case of balancing the risks of letting some stocks ride whilst cashing in those that will pay a heavy price for their over exuberance all whilst being aware of the AI mega-trend trundling along in the background.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Nasdaq Rallied To New All-Time Highs – Are We Starting Another Bullish Rally Phase? / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Chris_Vermeulen
After the Fed’s comments in support of the US economy and the transitory nature of the recent inflation, the NASDAQ rallied to new all-time highs and closed at $15,167.75 on August 5, 2021. If the markets fall back into the “melt-higher” mode as we move away from Q2:2021 earnings, we may be setting up for a moderately big rally phase targeting $15,400 or higher in the NQ.
Global Traders Continue To Bank On A Rally In US Equities
Global traders have poured billions into the US markets over the past 4+ years as the US Federal Reserve has continued to act as the global banker of last resort. Because of this, global traders continue to invest in US equities as the strength of the US Dollar and the incredible post-Covid rally in the markets has blown past everyone’s expectations.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021
AI Stocks Portfolio Buying and Selling Levels Ahead of a Market CRASH / Correction 2021 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The US stock market has been content to rally to new highs with many stocks going to the Moon including most of our AI tech giants, a rally that I have been distributing into to the extent that I have now sold 80% of my holdings in the Top 6 AI stocks in my portfolio some of which I have been accumulating for over a decade (Microsoft). The primary objective of this analysis is the determine where we stand in terms of THE TOP, after all, all bull markets eventually do top either ending with a CRASH (1987) or a bear market (2000 and 2007). So what to hold and what to sell is the question I am asking myself, with a view to riding out a potential bear market / crash, where this analysis deploys a new automated metric of individual stock SELLING LEVELs so that one better knows where one stands in terms of ones portfolio, all in just one table. After all the risk we all fear is that of a 2000 style collapse that sends stocks lower for the next 20 years! Remember that bear market bottomed with a 85% collapse for tech stocks! Yes, one could say the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Apple had become dirt cheap, but that would have been a very painful and prolonged discounting event. So a case of balancing the risks of letting some stocks ride whilst cashing in those that will pay a heavy price for their over exuberance all whilst being aware of the AI mega-trend trundling along in the background.
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Sunday, August 08, 2021
Tesla and Amazon are all in on this emerging tech / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Ready to have your mind blown?LEGO just launched an app that transforms your smartphone camera into the world’s most accurate “eye.”
Start by spreading a box of LEGOs on the ground. Open the app… and point your camera at the bricks.
“Brickit” scans the messy pile and instantly recognizes every random piece. It knows each LEGO brick ever made
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Tuesday, July 20, 2021
AI Predicts US Tech Stocks Price Valuations Three Years Ahead (ASVF) / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My initial attempts some years ago at feeding raw financial data such as PE ratios, EBITA, PEG into neural nets failed to deliver anything useful, clearly it was not going to be that easy! What's required is to preprocess the data to make the various inputs better gel together rather than producing noise which means input from human intelligence (me) to preprocess the data before training the neural nets, and so was born what I call the Expensive / Cheap (EC) Indicator that includes 15 stock financial indicators all fine tuned manually to resolve in better being able to discriminate between stocks in fundamental valuation terms, add price to that to become 16 inputs. that have been preprocessed as per their formulation into the EC indicator.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2021
The Best Stocks to Buy Now / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Russell_Fenton
US stocks have done relatively well during the coronavirus pandemic. The Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100, and S&P 500 indices have all risen to the highest level on record. In total, these indices have almost doubled from their lowest level in 2020. Let us look at some of the best stocks to buy now.
Tesla (TSLA)
Tesla has grown from a relatively small niche electric car company to becoming the biggest automaker in the world. It has a market capitalization of more than $592 billion, meaning that it is bigger than Toyota, Ford, and General Motors combined.
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Monday, June 07, 2021
Computer Vision Is Like Investing in the Internet in the ‘90s / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Did you hear that NASA put a self-driving car on Mars? Its Perseverance rover has been cruising around the red planet since February, and unlike previous space robots, this one features a big technological breakthrough: It drives itself!
Prior versions of the rover had to constantly stop and take static photographs to figure out where to go. It’s no wonder the furthest any rover had traveled in one day is 700 feet. But Perseverance can “see” where it’s going in real-time. Now it spends its days poking around a dried-up river bed looking for signs of alien life.
A world-changing disruption made this breakthrough possible. I’m talking about computer vision. Computer vision is the kind of disruption that only comes around once a generation.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Buying Levels, Expensive / Cheap (EC) Indicator and Buy % Ratings Review / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market is now moving into my forecast time window for a correction to begin of approx 10% decline as illustrated by my trend forecast graph -
9th Feb 2021 Dow Stock Market Trend Forecast 2021
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