Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, September 12, 2020
AMD Zen 3 Ryzen 4000 Questions Answered on Cores, Prices, Benchmarks and Threadripper Launch / Personal_Finance / Computing
We finally have a launch date for Zen 3 ! October the 8th 2020 when all will be revealed. The first question that will be answered is will Zen 3 by 4000 or 5000 series CPU's the reason being AMD has already released their 4000 series APU's which are based on Zen 2 and not Zen 3 i.e. last Gen so likely to sow confusion in the minds of prospective many buyers assuming that a 4700x and 4700G are of the same generation when they are not. Though it is likely AMD will keep the confusing naming scheme and thus Zen 3 will be 4000 series processors. Whilst the RDNA2 cards are going to launched 3 weeks later on the 28th of October, that I am sure will come close to the Nvidia's 3080 in terms of price vs performance.
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Thursday, September 10, 2020
The Best Mobile Casino / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
AMD Ryzen Zen 3 4800x 10 Core 5ghz CPU, Cinebench Benchmark Scores (Est.) / Personal_Finance / Computing
Latest Zen 3 speculation is that apart from the expected 16 core and 12 core top end processors there could also be a new 10 core 20 thread processor. Which makes sense given that processors that fail Quality control at 12 cores can have 2 of their worst cores disabled and then sold as 10 cores instead of having 4 cores disabled and being sold as 8 core 3800x processors, in fact the 10 core would be the new 4800x processor given that there is already a 8 core 3700x / 4700x. Also it would complete well against Intel's 10 core 10900k, so the 4800x should be a 5 ghz 10 core cpu that would go well with Nvidia's new RTX 3080.
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Saturday, August 29, 2020
12 Essentials for the Home Office / Personal_Finance / SME
By: Submissions
Now that most of us have accepted that working from home is a likely arrangement for the near future, it might be time to make sure your home space has everything it needs to run your business successfully. In order to be as productive and content as possible, we all have a certain number of lifestyle needs to be met. It is worth taking some time to ensure that the office is just right to make working from home comfortable, healthy and enjoyable.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many business owners working from home have been struggling to make the switch to remote sales or keep pace with online demands. Many businesses would be lost without IT support to take off the pressure. For advice on this, How to Select the Best IT Support for Your Startup Company | Computers In The City is a useful guide for companies that need external assistance.
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Saturday, August 29, 2020
How to Choose Best Budgie / Parakeet Cage for Your Birds 2020 / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
Apparently our existing cage is tad bit too small,. so here are the steps we went through to ensure how to get the best sized cage for your budgies / parakeets, good for your birds and your available space.
After much effort we finally narrowed our choice down to 2 cages either of which would do, both of which can be bought off Amazon.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How Much Does Hail Damage Devalue a Car? / Personal_Finance / Motoring
By: Steve_Barker
Owning a car has its fair share of challenges, including suffering hail damages.
If you live in an area susceptible to hailstorms, take precautions to keep off your car from hail damage. If the worst happens and the car is hit, take the necessary steps.
Hailstorms wreak havoc on a sleek car forcing the owner to incur repair costs they hadn’t planned for. Since nature’s behavior is inevitable, it pays to prepare for the worst in case disaster strikes.
A hail junk car not only devalues, but also loses the factory look it had before. So, buying a car with hail damage requires having details about the car first.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How to Start A Junk Car Business / Personal_Finance / Money Making
By: Steve_Barker
Having a less perfect car in your backyard is never an appealing sight. Always find the right company to buy the damaged car.
At times, the company can either repair the car for sale or sell the spare parts for profit. If it’s either selling or buying a damaged car, starting a junk car business is never easy.
In particular, you pay customers to get their damaged cars instead of getting paid. That’s why grit and top business knowledge must apply in this car venture.
Like in other businesses, you need commitment and patience to realize profits.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
AMD Ryzen Zen 3 CPUs Cinebench r20 Scores - 4300x, 4600x, 4900x, 4950x / 5300x, 5600x, 5900x, 5950x / Personal_Finance / Computing
Its not going to much longer before we get AMD's big reveal it's Intel crushing 7nm Zen 3 processors with my focus for the past year being on what to expect for the top 2 Ryzen processors, i.e. currently the 3900x and the 3950x. Back in May I speculated that Zen 3 should see a IPC gain of at least 15% and possibly as high as 22%, and from what I have seen to date we still appear to be on track to achieve those goals, typically ranging from 18% to 22% increases in performance given expected increases in clock speeds of 200mhz and better layout of the CCX's in 8 core chiplet packages resulting in better integration and use of L3 cache.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Budgie Paradise! Ultimate Bird Play Room! How to do for FREE! / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
Try to imagine what the ultimate playroom for budgies / small parrots would look like. I bet you conjuring up a room full of lots of expensive toys and wood and plastic branches of varying lengths and sizes so as to allow your budgies plenty of scope for flee flight. But this video demonstrates a solution that beats ALL of that without spending a single extra penny! The ultimate Budgie playroom for FREE!
If we can do it then so can you!
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Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Best Cheap Budgie / Small Parrot Toys / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
Here's what you need to buy for your pet budgie / parakeet so that they have fun stuff to do whilst in their cage. The best toys for budgies, what they will enjoy doing every day!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Best Cheap Amazon Gaming Mouse - EasySMX PC Gaming Mouse with Lightweight Honeycomb Shell / Personal_Finance / Gaming
Bought this Easy SMX PC Gaming Mouse from amazon (current price £12) for my son as as the right click button in his existing (cheap) mouse died.
This mouse looks good, it looks like it's been 3d printed with a see through mesh design that is good for grip and has an overall fine ergonomic feel to it.
The mouse has FoUR buttons, which are very responsive which I suppose why its being sold as a gaming mouse.
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Friday, August 14, 2020
AMD Ryzen 4900x / 5900x and 4950x / 5950x Zen3 4th Gen IPC and Clock Speed and Core Specs / Personal_Finance / Computing
Its not going to much longer before we AMD's big reveal it's Intel crushing 7nm Zen 3 processors with my focus on what to expect for the top 2 Ryzen processes i.e. currently the 3900x and the 3950x. Back in May I speculated that Zen 3 should see a IPC gain of at least 15% and possibly as high as 22%. We are still on track for at least 15% gains. I also speculated that we could see a jump in core counts i.e. 4950x jumping from 16 to as many as 24. Unfortunately that was just wishful t6hinking on my part as since there has been nothing to suggest that there will be even a 20 core Ryzen processor let alone 24 core .
Also it looks like AMD has learned it's lesson from it's recently launched APU confusion, with the G chips being 4000 series processors despite being based on Zen 2 rather than Zen 3,. So its probable that Zen 3 naming will be 5000 series processors rather than 4000. Which means for instance a 4950x becomes 5950x, which is what I have my eye out for my next system build, especially if it can be over clocked.
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Friday, August 14, 2020
Is Tech Reality Affects our Dating Possibilities? / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Submissions
Thursday, August 13, 2020
YouTuber Ads Revenue & How to Start a Career on YouTube / Personal_Finance / Money Making
By: Submissions
Technology has changed the way people earn money. Influencers, YouTubers, social media personalities make money by simply talking to a camera, and creating funny content. YouTube places ads on the videos, which helps companies and the YouTubers get cash quickly. This is the dream job, and one many aspire to have. There are many ways to become famous on YouTube. People can even buy YouTube subs to get started (more information can be found at SocialBoss.org). Consult this guide to learn more about how much money YouTubers make and how to become a YouTuber.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Computer GPU Fans Not Spinning Quick FIX - Sticky Fans Solution / Personal_Finance / Computing
Is your computers GPU running hot, well it's likely because the fans have stopped spinning! And if you don't fix it your card will die, and your system will be prone to reboots as the very high temperatures trip your GPU card to switch off.
Here's how to fix your GPU and what to do to prevent it from sticking again in the future.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Find the Best Speech Converter for You / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Submissions
The popularity of online text to voice converters has certainly risen in the past few years. With the demand being so great recently, many more companies have begun to sprout up to grasp a share of the market. Some of these programs offer fantastic services and are great software that creates a natural sounding voice with the text they are given. Others aren't so great. Finding the right company to use can be difficult, but you're not alone!
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Friday, August 07, 2020
Know About Lotteries With The Best Odds Of Winning / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Thursday, August 06, 2020
How to Do Bets During This Time / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Monday, August 03, 2020
Computer Gaming System Rig Top Tips For 6 Years Future Proofing Build Spec / Personal_Finance / Computing
Thinking of specking a new system for gaming and productivity work in 2020, well here are my real world experience top tips of what you should do to ensure your PC is future proof for the next 6 years. As we take a loot at my system that cost £2,500 and see how it has fared over time with valuable lessons for our next build this year i.e. what CPU cores, memory and graphics card capability to go for in terms of addressing bottlenecks.
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Monday, August 03, 2020
Cornwwall Bude Caravan Park Holidays 2020 - Look Inside Holiday Resort Caravan / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
It's not too late to book a short-break holiday at a UK caravan resort for summer 2019. Here we take look at what to expect from typical caravan at a Cornwall holiday caravan park resort. Where this caravan is on the North coast of Cornwall at the Bude Holiday Resort situated 1 mile north of Bude Town. This is a 2 bedroom caravan, and as you will see it's literally like a tardis, how do they cram so much into such a small space? Find out what to expect in terms of facilities and sleeping arrangements.
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