Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, August 03, 2020
UK Caravan Park Holidays 2020 Review - Hoseasons Cayton Bay North East England / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Thinking of booking a caravan park holiday for summer 2020? Then look no further than our series of videos of what it's like to holiday at a UK caravan park. This is at the Hoseasons Caravan Park at Cayton Bay, North East England, not 10 miles from Scarborough. We cover everything from checking in to use of the various facilities as well as nearby attractions.
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Monday, August 03, 2020
Best Travel Bags for 2020 Summer Holidays , Back Sling packs, water proof, money belt and tactical / Personal_Finance / Holidays
Here's a real world review of what are the best most useful bags for travel holidays 2019. We tested a wide range of bags from tactical bag packs sling shots, camera / gadget pouches, waterproof dry bags , money belts, document holders and more that conclude in what we found to be the most useful and what are not so useful to save you both time and money when considering which bags to to get for your next trip abroad.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Budgie Clipped Wings, How Long Before it Can Fly Again? / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
So you have just clipped your new budgies wings or are contemplating clipping it's wings. However, your wondering how long will it take for the budgie to grow new flight feathers and start flying again is answered in our latest budgie / parakeet care video where we have 2 budgies. the Green budgie has a total of 20 flight feathers clipped whilst the Blue budgie has 12 clipped. So lets find out how long it takes to grow the flight feather back and more importantly how long before they are able to fly again.
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Thursday, July 23, 2020
UK Covid19 MOT 6 Month Extensions Still Working Late July 2020? / Personal_Finance / Motoring
Are UK covid-19 MOT auto extensions still working as of late July 2020? After all they are supposed to imminently end. Find out in this video of a Land Rover Discovery Sport that's due for an MOT on the 26th of July 2020. Has it been extended by 6 months or not?
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Thursday, July 23, 2020
Parking at Lands End Car Park Cornwall - UK Holidays 2020 / Personal_Finance / Holidays
By: N_Walayat
Lockdown has ended and a mad rush is on to go on holiday in the UK. So if your holidaying in Cornwall or Devon then probably at the top of your must do list is a visit to Lands End, situated right on the very westerly tip of England. Here's what it's like to park at Lands End car park. though be warned it carries a hefty £6 parking charge which in my opinion can be avoided by parking on the road about 1 mile away.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2020
US Online Casino Demographics: Who Plays Online For Money? / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Built PC Review - Delivery and Unboxing (3) / Personal_Finance / Computing
The big day has finally arrived when our OverClockers UK custom built £1,000 PC is to be delivered. Find out what to expect in terms of communications, delivery and of course unboxing, how the PC is packaged and what it comes with in our latest video in buying a custom built from Overclockers UK series.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020
How to Tell Your Young Budgies Gender, Male or Female? / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
Virtually every budgie being sold in the pet shops are less than 3 months old, which means the usual brown nose / purple nose test for whether a budgie is male or female is not going to work. However, this video explains who you can increase the odds of selecting a budgie of the right gender, so that you end up with a male and female budgie if that is what you are looking for.
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Friday, July 17, 2020
The Rise of Online Pawnbroking / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Build PC Review - 2. System Build Changes Communications / Personal_Finance / Computing
This is the second in a series of videos of what to expect when ordering a custom built PC from Overclockers UK (overclockers.co.uk), in terms of build quality and performance. In part 2 it's 15 days since the order was placed and we have some action in terms with overclockers requesting build changes, so find out how overclockers UK. communicates custom builts with customers.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2020
How to Grow Huge Fruiting Magical Indoor Grape Vines at Home UK / Personal_Finance / Gardening
By: Eliza_Walayat
Who says you can't grow grapes in the North of England? Find out how it's done in our latest gardening video.
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Wednesday, July 08, 2020
UK Holidays 2020 - Driving on Cornwall's Narrow Roads to Bude Caravan Holiday Resort / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: N_Walayat
Lockdown has ended. So here's what it's like to follow your Google Map Sat Nav to the Bude Caravan Holiday Resort situated about a mile north of Bude Town just off the coast of North Cornwall.
Your Sat nav is going to take you down Maer lane, which just gets narrower and narrower to the point where barely a single vehicle can get through eventually making it to the entertainment centres gates. However the actual entrance to the resort is further along.
A far better entry route to the resort is to just ignore your sat nav and not head down Maer Lane but instead head towards Bude town and wait for your sat nav to recalculate a better route alone the much easier southern track to the resort entrance.
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Wednesday, July 08, 2020
What Makes Internet Packages Different? / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Travis_Bard
Internet plans vary depending on your needs. Internet connections come in five forms – dial-up, cable, DSL, satellite, and fiber.
- Dial-Up: this is the slowest form of internet connection because it doesn't support broadband and has limited bandwidth.
- Cable: uses the same types of cable that transmit cable television services. Through cable internet, you have the broadband capability and can reach high speeds. Cable internet is usually available through current or former cable television providers in their respective areas. Cable internet can have fast speeds.
Sunday, July 05, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Build PC Review - 1. Ordering / Stock Issues / Personal_Finance / Computing
This is the first in a series of videos of what to expect when ordering a custom build PC from Overclockers UK (overclockers.co.uk), in terms of build quality and performance. The starting point for which is placing an order, which has not proved straight forward as key components have tended to come in and out of stock and thus it took us a good 2 weeks to actually place the order.
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Sunday, July 05, 2020
How to Bond With Your Budgie / Parakeet With Morning Song and Dance / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
Here is a good strategy to bond with your budgie early in the morning, Budgies want to stretch their wings, so create a routine where you take them out stretch, jump and run around on your arms and shoulder as they wake up and sing their morning songs to you before they take their first flight of the day.
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Saturday, June 20, 2020
Intel Vs AMD Ryzen - Best CPU Buyers Guide June 2020 - (Gaming, Workstation, Overclocking, Budget) / Personal_Finance / Technology
What are the best processors in terms of value money in June 2020 based on Amazon prices for budget, mid, gaming, high and extreme end desktops after the release of Intels 10th Gen comet lake processors and AMD's leaked specs on it's Zen 2 3000 XT refresh. With the prime contenders for the high end being ther 10900k vs the 3950x.
Firstly it should be noted that Intel processors are in very short supply, very hard to get most of their processors. Whilst AMD's processors are in good supply.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2020
AMD Ryzen Refresh Bad Value for Money - 3800xt 3900xt 3600xt Specs / Personal_Finance / Computing
Courtesy of a ***** up on Amazon's Italian website we now know the exact specs in terms of gig hz and pricing for AMD's XT Ryzen 3000 refresh cpus, for the 3900x that becomes the 3900XT, 3800x becomes the 3800XT and the 3600XT.
My video of over 2 weeks ago speculated that the 3900XT would be clocked at 4.1ghz base, 4.8ghz turbo. Which was pretty close to the actual spec with the turbo just 100mhz lower.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2020
How to Clip a Budgie / Parakeet Parrot's Wings Flight Feathers: Easy Steps! / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
There are different ways to clip a bird's wings. This video demonstrates how I personally clip my budgies / parakeet parrots to stop them from flying away. . Budgies have 10 flight feathers, the more you trim of them your bird will have a lesser ability to fly, both for your birds safety in not flying to mirrors or windows or worse escape.
Also so that you can take your budgie outdoors for fun in the garden or local park without it flying away.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
Rolex Watches — a Store of Value / Personal_Finance / Investing
By: Kavinesh_A
Any avid watch enthusiast and collector can appreciate the amount of work that goes into designing a Rolex watch. Thanks to its impeccable design and high-quality, Rolex has become the most recognizable name in the industry, synonymous with classy, well-made watches. Thus, either new or vintage Rolex watches can be used as a unique store of value.
History shows that there were more than a few times when Rolex watches stole the show in world-class auctions and sales, with prices going up into the six-figure range.
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Friday, June 05, 2020
Why Land Rover Discovery Sport SAT NAV is Crap, Use Google Maps Instead / Personal_Finance / Land Rover
Viewers requested a video on the Land Rover Discovery Sports Sat Nav, so heres what I shot a while ago but never got around to uploading, answers the question is the Disco sport Sat Nav any good?. Naah, it's crap. Watch the video and see for yourselves.
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