Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, December 07, 2016
World War II and the Origins of American Unease / Politics / GeoPolitics
By George Friedman : We are at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. That victory did not usher in an era of universal peace. Rather, it introduced a new constellation of powers and a complex balance among them. Europe's great powers and empires declined, and the United States and the Soviet Union replaced them, performing an old dance to new musical instruments. Technology, geopolitics' companion, evolved dramatically as nuclear weapons, satellites and the microchip — among myriad wonders and horrors — changed not only the rules of war but also the circumstances under which war was possible. But one thing remained constant: Geopolitics, technology and war remained inseparable comrades.
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Mass Migration and Bank Weakness Threaten The Italian Economy / Politics / Italy
By: Jeff_Berwick
In the wake of the Italian referendum results and Matteo Renzi’s subsequent resignation, the level of uncertainty in Italy continues to grow both inside the country and among foreign investors.
As many expected, Banco Monte dei Paschi’s shares fell sharply on the news of Renzi’s defeat. And markets reacted in risk off fashion much like they did post-Brexit, with European stocks, US futures and the Euro all rising in response to the news. And it’s likely to stay that way until some sense of calm returns to the market.
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Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Failed EU - Means an Expanded Dictatorship / Politics / European Union
As the people of the world awaken to the pernicious nature and destructive wreckage of European civilization, the EU technocrats and oligarchs respond with even greater measures of control, repression and intimidation. Yet the prospects that they will be able to maintain their autocratic rule lessons with each populist rebellion against the beasts from Brussels. Induced panic is a tool used to scare the peasants into additional submission. The most obvious method will be a major economic and monetary implosion designed to create fear so that their revered and lauded interdependency necessitates another surrender of national sovereignty.
Monday, December 05, 2016
Russia's Path to Another Resurgence / Politics / Russia
After enduring three years of a foundering economy and feuds with the West, things may be looking up for Russia. The Brexit vote in June exposed the deep discord in the European Union, giving Moscow a glimmer of hope that dissenting member states might break the bloc's consensus on its sanctions against Russia in a future vote on their renewal. Though EU members decided unanimously in July to extend the measures, upcoming elections on the Continent could undermine the bloc's unity. In the United States, meanwhile, Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election has opened a potential path to warmer relations between the United States and Russia, and perhaps even an end to Washington's sanctions on Moscow. The turning political tides in Brussels and Washington could give the Kremlin the leeway to increase its influence in the former Soviet Union, leading the countries in Russia's periphery to re-evaluate their foreign policy positions.
Monday, December 05, 2016
A Permanent War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Is Required In India and Elsewhere / Politics / India
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
The heroic war against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Declared by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is only a beginning of the war and not the end. Of course, it has caused pains or problems for the Common People, as no war can be fought without shedding blood, including the innocents; no surgery can be done without harming some of the healthy parts of the human body.
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Monday, December 05, 2016
Carrier Jobs And The Slippery Slope / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences.” – Donald Trump
The reaction to Trump’s deal to keep 1,100 Carrier jobs in Indiana has ranged from outrage to adoration. There are so many layers to this Shakespearean drama that all points of views have some level of credence. I’m torn between the positive and negative aspects of this deal. If you’ve read Bastiat’s The Law and Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson, you understand the fallacies involved when government interferes in the free market. Politicians and their fanboys always concentrate on the seen aspects of government intervention, but purposely ignore the unseen consequences.
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Sunday, December 04, 2016
The World Prays for the End of America’s Global Hegemony / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Dylan_Waller
America’s global hegemony was initially crafted in 1913, through the introduction of the income tax, the creation of the Federal Reserve, and the consequent rise of the military industrial complex. Since then, America now operates 800 military bases in more than 70 countries, which has forcefully been subsidized through the taxation of the American population. While the American government can not be held accountable for its countless and atrocious war crimes, failing to pay taxes to support the military industrial complex will land anyone else straight in jail. While the Federal Reserve and income tax has certainly been a catalyst for the slow, but steady deterioration of America’s middle class, the greater destruction has certainly manifested outside the shores of America.
Sunday, December 04, 2016
India Is Poised To Make A Quantum Leap Under Narendra Modi: Perspective Of A Political Economist / Politics / India
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

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Friday, December 02, 2016
Trump Nominee Will Politicize Dept. of Justice / Politics / US Politics
By: Walter_Brasch
In his successful run to the presidency, Donald Trump spent a lot of time talking about the Second Amendment and defending gun ownership. He spent very little time talking about the other amendments, other than to say he supported the Constitution. He knew his core support came from those who could effortlessly repeat a phrase, “Donald Trump supports my Second Amendment rights,” without knowing much more than that.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, December 02, 2016
Adventures in Castro’s Cuba / Politics / Social Issues
By: David_Galland
Dear Paraders,
Some years ago my then girlfriend, now wife, Deirdre and I set off to search Planet Earth for our personal paradise.
Cuba was one of the places we seriously considered.
My logic at the time—and this would be about 1995—was that Castro’s regime couldn’t last. And that once his heavy grip on the throat of the economy was released, the country’s natural charms and resources, sited as they are just 90 miles off the coast of Florida, would assure an entrepreneurially-minded individual (me) a solid chance of profiting.
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Friday, December 02, 2016
Rising Populism in America, Russia and Europe & The Rise of India / Politics / Social Issues
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
The entire west is in the grip of Populism. The Spectacular victory of Donald Trump acts as a catalyst for its rise and spread in France, Germany, Britain, Ireland, Italy and etc. The common people in Germany fear that if Angeline Merkel is elected again, Germany will be isolated from the rest of the West or Europe and they have to pay very great price. These rising trends have forced CNN and other media to discuss about the rising or spreading of Populism in the West.
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Thursday, December 01, 2016
America, is it Finally time for us to say Goodbye? / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
few months ago my wife and I made a trip into the city from our small rural community for an evening of dining and visiting with some of her old childhood friends. We started our date with just the two of us at a well known vegetarian restaurant. Later we met up with the rest of the crew at a local park near the beach to watch some skits and some dancing while the sun went down over English Bay. It was a beautiful sunset in an amazing setting.
While we’re sitting and chatting in the bleachers of the small amphitheatre my wife’s friend asks us at which restaurant we ate. We told her and with a raised eyebrow she replies: “Really, Francis actually ate in a vegetarian restaurant? Wow. That must have been quite an experience for you!”
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Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Referendum Puts Italy's Government to the Test / Politics / Italy
- If Italian voters reject a raft of proposed constitutional reforms on Dec. 4, the government will likely resign.
- Should that happen, Parliament could avoid triggering early elections by appointing a caretaker government instead.
- The prospect of a victory by political parties that are critical of the eurozone will continue to create uncertainty in Italy and the rest of the currency area.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The Beginning of the End of the European Union / Politics / European Union
By: Jeff_Berwick
Is this the most important time in the EU’s history?
Italy and Austria take votes at the beginning of December that could destabilize or even end the euro and the EU itself.
This is part of a destabilizing trend that we’ve long noted and anticipated, some 16 months ago with the destruction of the EU’s Schengen agreement that used to stand for free-travel throughout Europe.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Prime Minister Modi's War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Currency Notes in India / Politics / India
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched relentless war against Corruption and the associated widely circulating Black Money and Fake Currency Notes in India with a surprise move, as part of his election promises. Black money and fake currency notes have grown to the extent of even destabilizing the Indian Economy and the Nation for which the enemies of the nation, within and outside, have been working. From the strategic point of view, especially in the wake of the increasing Islamic Terrorism sponsored by Pakistan, India has no other option but to uproot both Black and Fake Money at any cost, along with Corruption.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Can President Trump Really Drain the Swamp? / Politics / US Politics
The glorious and providential intervention that provided the courage and motivation for millions of ordinary Americans to vote AGAINST the globalist system, which is the epitome for national betrayal is a once in a lifetime opportunity to eliminate the traitors in our society. Donald J. Trump is only a man. He is not the savior of our civilization, nor is he a miracle worker. Yet his election provides the last best hope that the forces of human enslavement, within our own power structure, can be defeated. Citizens who actually participate in the political process need to practice RealPolitik, when it comes to influencing or shaping public policy.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
President Trump’s Economic Plan Isn’t Going to Work / Politics / US Economy
By: Mike_Whitney
Will Donald Trump be good for the US economy?
The American people seem to think so. According to a recent survey taken by Gallup “Americans have relatively high expectations (of) the president-elect… Substantial majorities (upward of 60%) believe the Trump administration will improve the economy and create jobs. A slim majority (52%) say he’ll improve the healthcare system.”
Even more impressive, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index spiked to a 93.8 -high in November, signaling a significant improvement in overall consumer attitudes about the economy.
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Monday, November 28, 2016
President Trump Is Facing Lenin’s Dilemma / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
George Friedman: When the Bolsheviks took power during the Russian Revolution in 1917, their intention was to create the dictatorship of the proletariat. They formed an army to fight a civil war against a counterinsurgency of monarchists who intended to destroy the Bolsheviks.
Vladimir Lenin, who led the revolution, appointed Trotsky to form the Red Army.
One problem was that he had never served in an army, let alone commanded one.
But Trotsky was chosen not because he had experience building an army. He was chosen because Lenin trusted Trotsky wouldn’t betray him.
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Monday, November 28, 2016
The US Is Undemocratic by Its Very Nature / Politics / US Presidential Election 2016
By: John_Mauldin
George Friedman : The final irony in an election filled with irony is the refusal of some voters to accept President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. This group includes more than mere protesters. There is a good-sized movement to persuade the Electoral College to vote for Clinton instead of Trump.
The irony is that it was Trump who said he would refuse to accept the results of the election. The Clinton camp charged that Trump was fighting against the sanctity of democracy. Now each has adopted the other’s position. Clinton herself, though, has not sought to overturn the election.
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Monday, November 28, 2016
Fifty Years Later, Moore's Computing Law Holds / Politics / Technology
By Matthew Bey : Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Corp., published his now iconic article — Cramming More Components into Integrated Circuits — in the journal Electronics on April 19, 1965. In this paper, Moore observed that the number of transistors fitting on a computer circuit board had roughly doubled each year. A decade later the time-scale was revised to 18-24 months and dubbed "Moore's Law." Following this principle, a computer purchased today would cost about half the price in two years. Processing is now down to one-sixtieth the cost it was a decade ago.