Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Oil Companies with Natural Gas Assets to Mitigate Risks of Deepwater Drilling / Companies / Oil Companies
By: The_Energy_Report
Blue Phoenix Inc.'s Chief Commodity Strategist John Licata says BP's Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico has already resulted in oily names acquiring gas names. It will soon result in more joint ventures as companies try to mitigate the risk of deepwater drilling. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, John tells us why he's bullish on natural gas and why he sees more M&A activity ahead. He also offers some E&P and services names that could ultimately benefit from the rapidly morphing oil and gas landscape.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Crude Oil Investors Run for the Canadian Border / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Casey_Research
Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Strategist, Casey Research writes: The Gulf of Mexico disaster has changed U.S. priorities, costs, and energy supply sources for years to come. But the fact that the U.S. needs energy isn’t changing anytime soon, and as mass sources of green energy are still a while away, the most likely alternative might be the most surprising one.
Monday, August 09, 2010
JPMorgan's Losses From Indecent Overexposure / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: Janet_Tavakoli
JPMorgan Chase's fixed-income revenue fell almost 28% to $3.6 billion in the second quarter, down from $5.5 billion in the first quarter, and down from $4.9 billion for the same period last year. JPMorgan blamed an interest rate squeeze and bad results in the credit markets and the commodities markets.
Monday, August 09, 2010
New Upleg for Cisco / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Without a doubt, CSCO has carved out a 2 1/2-month base-like accumulation pattern since mid-May, which heretofore registered multiple rally failures in the vicinity of 24.00 ... until today, that is.
Let's notice the upside thrust from 24.00 to today's high at 24.65. My work argues that it is the initiation of a new upleg to fulfill the upside potential projected off of the bullish pattern, which points to a minimum target of 24.90-25.20 to the 27.00 area over time.
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Monday, August 09, 2010
How to Build a Global Investment Portfolio Using ETFs / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
It wasn't all that long ago that global investing was an activity that was restricted to only the wealthiest U.S. investors. If you weren't one of America's ultra-rich, you weren't able to access foreign markets.
That began to change in the 1950s, with the advent of international and global mutual funds, and access further expanded over the next three decades with the introduction of single-country closed-end funds. Today, thanks to the recent explosion in exchange-traded funds (ETFs), investing in overseas stocks is now almost as easy as targeting a given market sector here at home.
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Saturday, August 07, 2010
Healthcare, A Safe Options Strategy for Retired Investors / Companies / Options & Warrants
By: DailyWealth
Dr. David Eifrig writes: Most people know stock options are a great way to get rich in America...
Take Stephen Hemsley, CEO of the big insurance firm United Health Group. His 2009 salary came in around $9 million. But a decade earlier, he received stock options as part of his compensation package. In 2009, he exercised 4.9 million of them for a total gain of $98.6 million.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Power-Up Growth and Income with Utilities ETFs / Companies / Energy Resources
By: Ron_Rowland
Years ago, people would categorize themselves as either “growth” or “income” investors. The latter group typically consisted of people who were either retired or independently wealthy.
Today the lines are a little fuzzier …
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Thursday, August 05, 2010
Will Google’s Android Kill Apples iPhone? / Companies / Google
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
The struggle for dominance in the smartphone market is heating up and Google Inc.'s (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android operating system for handsets appears to be winning the war against Apple Inc.'s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone system.
When Apple debuted the iPhone 4 on June 24 it broke sales records. In the first three days, the company sold 1.7 million devices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, France and Germany, the most for any version of its top-selling product.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Lloyds TSB £1.6 Billion Tax Payer Funded Profits / Companies / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Eric Daniel's and the rest of the management at Lloyds TSB are patting themselves on the back for having turned last years £4 billion loss into a £1.6 billion profit for the first half of this year. However the whole of LLoyds profits and that of the other reporting banks such as RBS, and Northern Rock are as a consequence of the tax payer bailouts without who's continuing support Lloyds TSB and the other banks would still be bankrupt today.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Breakout in China Mobile CHL / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Mike_Paulenoff
So far, the action in China Mobile (NYSE: CHL) has followed the bullish script that we have discussed since Sunday's Chart Video Update. We noted in that video that IF the Shanghai Composite did indeed establish a major bullish signal exhibited by a monthly (July) upside reversal, then a significant recovery rally in the China equity indices should have a supportive impact on some components of the iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (NYSE: FXI), which exhibits a stronger pattern than the Shanghai.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Asian Airlines: Taking Off and Flying High / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Tony_Sagami
I’m beat!
From door to door, it took me 35 hours to fly to Seattle via Bangkok, Manila, and Seoul. These trips were hard enough when I was a young man, but they are like a death march now that I’m in my 50’s.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
How to Profit from Canada, the Worlds Safest Economy / Companies / Canadian Stock Market
By: Money_Morning
Peter Krauth writes:
Canada is more than just back bacon, maple syrup, and hardscrabble-mining claims. It's a leader in natural resources, precious metals, and such alternative-energy investments as oil sands.
In fact, Canada right now boasts one of the world's most compelling targets for investors' hard-earned money. Consider that:
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Stick with Wet Natural Gas, Heavy Crude Oil Investment Plays / Companies / Oil Companies
By: The_Energy_Report
Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin Editor and Publisher Keith Schaefer specializes in Canadian oil and gas plays. Despite the languishing gas price, he sees opportunities in some hedged Canadian gas companies and unhedged "wet-gas" producers. If you're not into gas, Keith is big on oil. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Keith will tell you how radial drilling is creating opportunities in heavy oil, too.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Bank Stress Test: How to Find the Safest Banks in the U.S. and Abroad / Companies / Banking Stocks
Stress test results for the biggest European banks were recently released, while the largest U.S. banks took their first stress tests in May 2009. But most people don't really care how much stress their banks are under; they are more worried about their own stress levels. One thing that adds to personal stress is worrying about whether their deposits are in a safe place. Bob Prechter has encouraged people to find the safest banks for their money since he originally wrote his New York Times best-selling book, Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression in 2002.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Gold Stocks Warrants, Options and LEAPS – It’s All About Leverage / Companies / Options & Warrants
By: Dudley_Baker
Investors looking for a more interesting and potentially rewarding approach to investing in the natural resource shares should investigate the use of warrants, options and LEAPS.
The use of all three or any of these investment vehicles positions the investor to maximize their gains in the natural resource sector in the coming months.
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
BP New CEO Robert Dudley Isn't the Long-term Answer / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes: When the BP PLC (NYSE ADR: BP) CEO-replacement saga began to unfold earlier this week, and the Money Morning news team was working the story, I contacted Dr. Moors to ask him if he knew anything about anointed successor Robert Dudley.
With that response, Dr. Moors underscored, yet again, why he's the ultimate energy-sector insider: He doesn't just know about Dudley - he actually knows him.
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Attention, Barrelheads: Petrobras Shares Are on Sale / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Investment_U
A touchy subject these days, I know – even with cleanup crews in the Gulf successfully removing much of the spilled oil from the water.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
We Analyze Akamai Technologies AKAM Classical Technical Pattern / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
This stock looks lower based on a classical technical pattern
This is the first time I have looked at this particular stock and it appears to chart beautifully. The stock I am referring to and analyzing today is Akamai Technologies Inc. The symbol for this stock is AKAM and it is traded on the NASDAQ.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Fighting to Feed the Chinese Dragon, McDonald’s Vs. Yum! / Companies / Investing 2010
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes: Speed kills. And in the fast food industry, it's imperative.
The speed of service and the ability to quickly adapt menus, packaging and advertising are what makes a market leader. And right now, the speed at which fast food companies make the transition into foreign markets, particularly China, is what matters most of all.
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Number of ETFs Exploding to Over 1,000 / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Ron_Rowland
As I watch the exchange-traded fund (ETF) universe grow, I keep having flashbacks to the huge increase in the number of mutual funds in the 1990s.
Back then everyone wanted to own large cap growth funds. You could take your pick of hundreds in the category. A few were really good, a few really bad, and most were average. I saw frustrated investors simply give up trying to choose and throw their money at whatever was convenient. Usually it didn’t work out so well.
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