Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, May 02, 2013
Gazprom Backs Down And Cuts Its Prices / Companies / Natural Gas
By: Andrew_McKillop
Gazprom has a deserved reputation for price gouging, but only little different from Qatar, Norway and Algeria, all of which have endlessly delayed biting the bullet and accepting to cut gas export prices to Europe, by abandoning "oil indexation" of prices. As some economists say, how would it be if world wheat prices were "indexed" to cotton, rice, or iPhone prices? Would that be "rational" or as Gazprom, and Qatargas, Statoil and Sonatrach have said in the recent past, "transparent"?
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Why Dr. Skousen is Still Bullish on Stocks / Companies / Investing 2013
By: Investment_U
Mark Skousen writes: “Bears make headlines, bulls make money.” – Old Wall Street saying
I have on my bookshelf a series of books with opposing titles: The Alpha Strategy and The Omega Strategy; Asia Rising and Asia Falling; Free to Choose and Free to Lose; How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Lose Friends and Alienate People… Visitors love the collection.
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Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Reasons Why Facebook Stock Price Could Crash After Earnings Report / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Diane Alter writes: Facebook stock rose nearly 3% Tuesday to come within $11 of its IPO price - but a disappointing earnings report could send shares plunging if the social media giant doesn't show healthy improvement.
One of the biggest things to watch when Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) reports Q1 earnings after the close Wednesday will be how the company is managing the transition to mobile.
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Wednesday, May 01, 2013
The Untold Truth About Solar Power Stocks / Companies / Solar Energy
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: The price of solar energy shares has been spiking, leading to the obvious parallel questions:
Is it sustainable?...Or what prospects exist for the average individual retail investor?
Before we address these questions, it would be best to lay some groundwork.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
A Simple Way to Neuter Goldman Sachs and Friends / Companies / Banksters
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: TBTF is the acronym for "too big to fail."
It's the crazy notion that certain banks are so large and systematically important (which really means so threatening to financial systems) that they must be kept alive by the government, because their failure would wreak havoc on the economy.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Secret to America’s Economic Recovery / Companies / Economic Recovery
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: It all started a few years ago with a handful of courageous companies. It has quietly gained momentum in the years since.
This phenomenon is so new, so off the beaten path, the mainstream press isn’t writing about it. There’s no government agency to track it.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
Why Hedge Funds Are a Lousy Investment / Companies / Investing 2013
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: The one thing you can guarantee when investing in hedge funds is, the managers are going to get rich...even if the investors don't.
Don't get suckered into believing you will be taking your investing strategy to the next level. The difference between reality and perception is stark and the only people sure to win are the managers themselves.
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013
What’s Really Happening to the PC Industry? / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: As I have talked about many times before, investing in companies that can grow corporate profits over the long term is essential when it comes to becoming a successful investor. Sometimes, though, it does pay to be a contrarian and go against the herd.
One sector that has been hit hard lately is technology stocks. Technology stocks, especially those that build hardware for personal computers (PCs), have seen corporate profits erode substantially over the past decade.
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Three Non-Financial Measures That Reveal a Company’s Prospects / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: DailyGainsLetter
Moe Zulfiqar writes: William Feather said it best: “One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” (Source: BrainyQuote, last accessed April 18, 2013.) A buyer in the stock market usually believes that what they are buying will soar higher, while the sellers think there isn’t any more room to the upside and the stock is bound to go down.
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Corporate Earnings Results Ahead of the Economy, Day of Reckoning on the Horizon / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: DailyGainsLetter
Mitchell Clark writes: Corporations are reporting a mixed bag this earnings season. Some companies are outperforming, while others have come in just a little bit short with their numbers.
The one thing I would say, however, is that the balance sheets continue to be outstanding, especially in large-cap companies. This gives a lot of leeway for corporations to weather any economic storm down the road.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Warning The Next Bank Collapse Won't Be an "Accident" / Companies / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Big banks turned in a pretty stellar first quarter. All but one beat profits expectations. But as I told you last week, I'm now out of these stocks completely.
Do you want the truth about what shape banks are in right now? Sure you can handle it?
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Apple Stock Cash or Trash? / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: With Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) off nearly 50% from its $705.07 a share high set last September, many investors want to know if it's a buy.
Not in my book. Here's why:
1. The company has held on to its premium pricing strategy for too long. Going out on price as it has recently with iPhones, for example, is the death knell of competitive differentiation. Businesses that engage in price wars have a very difficult time climbing back up the proverbial ladder.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
Keeping The Electric Cars On The Road / Companies / Electric Cars
By: Andrew_McKillop
Even if a large number of electric car producers - like Tesla Motor and Fisker Automotive - have major problems producing their cars, in the Fisker case having developed the ultimate dangerous car, the Karma which can burn under water and is banned from sale at present, the urgent pitch for all-electric cars continues. Favoured themes are that "we" must wean western society off oil and save the world's climate with "zero emission" cars (needing no fossil energy to produce, running on roads built with recycled bottle tops and organic household waste!), but the basic reason is a lot simpler.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Intel Paints a Bleak Picture for Desktop PC's / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Profit_Confidential
Personal computer (PC) sales are on the decline.
It’s clearly not a surprise whatsoever, as we have seen this trend developing for years following the major push of tablets into the marketplace, according to my stock analysis.
We have seen all of the PC makers report declining sales and the need to re-invent and adapt to the rapidly changing environment for mobile devices.
Friday, April 19, 2013
How to Find the Best Dividend Paying Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_Morning
Diane Alter writes: It's only April, but it appears dividend payouts this year will soar past 2012's tally - meaning all investors need to know how to find the best dividend stocks or risk missing out on record-high yield.
Barron's reports that in Q1, 944 of approximately 10,000 U.S. companies boosted payouts, either by increases, extras or resumption. That was up a hefty 39.4% from 677 companies a year ago.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Are Corporate Earnings Expectations Realistic? / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: John_Mauldin
In today’s Outside the Box, Sheraz Mian, Director of Research for Zacks Investment Research, gives us a thorough overview of corporate earnings trends for the past several quarters, along with consensus expectations for this year and next. Then he asks, “How realistic are these expectations?”
Not very, he says, and proceeds to tell us why. If we accept his analysis – and he admits right up front that it runs counter to the consensus – then we should be asking ourselves, how does a potential falloff in earnings vs. expectations matter, and why is it important at this particular juncture? I’ll let Sheraz answer those questions, too – he does so convincingly – but I’ll just add that his analysis is a significant piece in the puzzle we’re all putting together here in this tipping-point year of 2013.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Why Facebook is Finished / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) is starting to get a taste of what it means to be the king of the social media hill.
Small and more nimble competitors with novel ideas have sprung up and begun to entice young users away from the No. 1 social media platform - a bad omen for Facebook stock, which 11 months after its IPO still trades 29% below its offer price.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Investing in Biotech Stem Cell Research Companies / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Naysayers may harp on the low market valuations of stem cell companies, but Geoff MacKay has an insider's perspective. The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine chairman and Organogenesis Inc. president and CEO asserts that though the regenerative medicine and cell technology industry is still largely in phase 1/2, phase 3 and commercial success are imminent. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, MacKay explains the promise of cell therapies for both patient health and investors' portfolios.
The Life Sciences Report: Congratulations on being elected chairman of the board of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio). After almost three decades, it's the nation's oldest biotech trade organization. That really speaks to the respect that your peers have for you. Could you tell me a bit about MassBio? What is it about?
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Trend In U.S. Housing Is Up... And Taking Paint With It / Companies / Housing Stocks
By: DailyWealth
Everywhere we look, we see more confirmation that Steve was "right on" with his bullish housing call from two years ago...
Over the past year, we've pointed to uptrends in Home Depot, homebuilder stocks, and "fixture" suppliers as evidence the housing market is improving. These home-specific stocks are among the biggest stock-market winners of the past few years.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Why It's Time to Sell Too Big to Fail Banks / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: I'm not buying any bank stocks here. I don't own any at present. And if I did, I'd either sell them or at least hedge them.
It's not that they're doing poorly. They're not. Bank stocks have been strong because they've been making record profits. It's been a good ride if you're a Too Big To Fail bank or a shareholder.
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