Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, April 14, 2017
KBW Bank Index Extended Correction / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: ElliottWave-Forecast
KBW Bank Index is an economic index consisting of the stocks of 24 banking companies delivering a direct exposure to the banking sector and offering a targeted view to a unique corner of the U.S. financials sector. The top holdings Banks of the index are among the biggest financial institutes in the world and most of them will report earning during this week ( Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America). These companies have a big influence on the financial sector that can be measured by the ETF (XLF), which was up 30% from last year until last month, we mentioned in our previous financial article that XLF was reaching an inflection area which provided the expected pullback.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Westinghouse A Bankruptcy of Nuclear Proportions / Companies / Nuclear Power
In any given year, a handful of companies file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States. Rarely, however, does one of these filings reverberate beyond the boardroom and into the realm of geopolitics. Those that do — Lehman Brothers in 2008, or the "Big Three" U.S. automakers in 2008-10 — usually involve hundreds of billions of dollars. But the next big geopolitically relevant bankruptcy may be on the horizon, and the amount of money involved is tiny next to the collapses of the past decade.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Essay: Brief History of Oracle Database / Companies / Technology
By: Submissions
Friday, April 07, 2017
Don’t Short Retail Stocks - the Trade Is Already Half Over / Companies / Retail Sector
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : A lot of electrons have been spilled in the last couple of weeks about the demise of retail. Particularly malls and mall retailers. Nobody goes to the store anymore. They all have Amazon Prime.
If you are an amateur trader (or even an experienced trader), you might think that this is a good time to short retailers.
Take it from an even more experienced trader: By the time you hear about the trade, it's at least half over, and maybe more.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2017
British Billionaire Jim Mellon Says Biotech Is the Best Investment Now / Companies / BioTech
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK COX : We are in the midst of an unprecedented change. Life spans have nearly doubled since the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, recent advances in computer technology have had a huge impact on biological sciences, which means this trend will accelerate.
Still, most people think that the process of aging will go on pretty much as it is now. They’re wrong.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2017
Tesco Dodges a Bullet Customers to Pay £220m for SFO Fraud Fine and Investors Compensation / Companies / Tesco
By: Nadeem_Walayat
So Tesco managed to dodge a bullet and avoid a criminal prosecution by agreeing to pay a fine of £129m as part of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the Serious Fraud Office for its 2014 false accounting scandal as well as to compensate investors by an estimated £90m (including interest) for those who bought Tesco shares on the basis of false accounting in 2014.
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Amazon is a Destroyer of Jobs and the Merchant Economy / Companies / Amazon
If this is progress, just how much more can our economy afford? The myth of cheap prices, conveniently seldom factors in the structural costs to society. Building an all inclusive monopoly based upon minimal employees and predatory prices ignores the long anti-trust history that helped create the middle class. The last fifty years has demonstrated the systemic retreat from family prosperity, which has produced a vast disproportionate of wealth among the fewer haves and the growing have-nots. The enormous accumulation of market share that Amazon has steamrolled under the hypnosis of ease in selection of products, placing orders, timely deliveries, and most of all; cheapest pricing has caused the demise of much of traditional retail commerce.
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
The US Auto Industry is About to Drive Off a Cliff - Again! / Companies / US Auto's
By: Gordon_T_Long
In the fall of 2015 we released a video study entitled: "The Coming Global Auto Abyss - Too Much Supply, Too Many Brands; Combine with Too Much Credit!". We concluded that low interest rate monetary policy for the auto industry was like handing crack cocaine to a drug addict. The auto industry would rapidly and irresponsibly abuse it, to such an extent that it would once again 'spin out' and careen back to what can only be termed the Washington 'substance abuse center'. Whether mis-management or clever strategy we are unfortunately being proven right and are now witnessing the reality.
Monday, April 03, 2017
5 Industries That Blockchain Will Likely Disrupt / Companies / BlockChain
By: David_Galland
Today, around 80% of banks are developing their own blockchain technology.
In September 2016, Barclays carried out the world’s first trade transaction using blockchain. They cut a process that normally takes 7–10 days down to less than four hours.
IBM is working with the government of Dubai to develop smart contracts that can facilitate all trade that passes through its port. This is huge, given $344 billion worth of goods passed through the port in 2016. Dubai’s government said it plans to shift all transactions to blockchain by 2020.
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Monday, April 03, 2017
Introducing Britain’s “Penny Tech” Revolution / Companies / Investing 2017
By: Submissions
Friday, March 31, 2017
How will Brexit Affect UK Businesses? / Companies / SME
By: Submissions

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Thursday, March 30, 2017
Elliott Wave Analysis of APPLE (AAPL) / Companies / Elliott Wave Theory
By: WavePatternTraders
With a 5 wave looking advance from 138.57, there are now enough gyrations to suggest that wave [v] could be completed, a strong reversal back below 142.00 is needed to support further downside, although if a peak is in place for wave [v], we need to see a strong break back under 138.57 to confirm wave [v] is completed, as a 3 wave pullback that stays above 140.00, likely favors further upside for wave [v], but I am counting the idea as a completed move for wave [v], so a strong reversal under 142.00, then 140.00 is the preferred route.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Warning: Three Major Stock Market Bellwethers Are on Red Alert / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Graham_Summers
As we have repeatedly warned since mid-December, the “Trump trade” was based on hype.
This is not to say that President Trump will not succeed in generating economic growth… it IS to say that whatever growth is coming will do so in 2018 as opposed to the GDP growth of 5% that the market seemed to believe would be hitting in early 2017.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017
What A Westinghouse Bankruptcy Could Mean For U.S. Utilities / Companies / US Utilities
By: OilPrice_Com
International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation (9502.T) is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as this Monday, March 27. For most of our readers this news evokes little surprise. This is merely another chapter of a slow moving financial and accounting train wreck involving nuclear design and construction firm Westinghouse and its troubled Japanese parent, Toshiba. But like an old, leaky garbage scow there is much to clean up in its wake.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Tesco Dodges a Bullet - £129m Fine to Avoid SFO Prosecution and £90m Compensation / Companies / Tesco
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's largest retailer, near triple the size of its nearest competitor Sainsbury manages to dodge a bullet by being fined £129m as part of a DPA (Deferred Prosecution Agreement) with the SFO (Serious Fraud Office) for its 2014 false accounting scandal.
Which means that Tesco avoids a formal prosecution and that the fine+ investor compensation is about half what it could have been with some estimates ranging as high as £500m, perhaps the SFO took Tesco's distressed state into consideration as the super market giant had been in meltdown, it's stock price having collapsed by 60% from its high and having lost £10 billion in annual revenues to it's competitors.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2017
How do Client Acquisition Offers Affect Businesses? / Companies / Business
By: Submissions
When looking to grow a business there are three key things you need to do. Get more clients, get them to visit you more often and get them to spend more each time they visit you. This principal is true for all businesses that's aim is to turn a profit.
The hardest of these three steps to achieve is arguably ‘getting more clients’. One way that a lot of businesses aim to attract more clients is with acquisition offers.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Here’s How Pharma Is Using AI Deep Learning To Cure Aging / Companies / AI
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK COX : In 2011, scientists made one of the most important discoveries in the history of AI development. They found that graphics processing units (GPUs) are far better at simulating biological learning than central processing units (CPUs).
In retrospect, it seems obvious. Human brains are much more like GPUs than CPUs. Both brains and GPUs rely on parallel processing that simulates and predicts real world physics.
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Monday, March 13, 2017
... / Companies / BioTech
By: OilPrice_Com
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Tesco Crisis - Stock Price 60% Collapse / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Tesco by far ranks as Britain's number 1 retailer in terms of sales of over £54 billion for the last accounting year, more than twice its nearest rival Sainsbury. The Tesco stock price says it all of just how badly run Britain's super market giant has been for many years, which goes beyond the usual dynamics of a badly run businesses that over expanded during the good years. For you know when a companies in deep trouble when the Serious Fraud Office has been investigating it for several years. And whilst the fraud is estimated at £326 million, however when it's all done and dusted the verdict could be accompanies by an even bigger shock to Tesco's finances, a mega-fine of upwards of £500 million that could be the final nail in Tesco's coffin.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Renewable Energy’s Problem and the Solution / Companies / Electricity
By: Richard_Mills
The electric vehicle (EV) market, indeed the entire energy storage market, is at the start of an at least decade long major transition.
Why would I think that? Well…
- Electric cars deliver full torque from a standstill so they have impressive acceleration. They are fun to drive!
- Electric cars are quiet, there is no combustion, no muffler.
- Electric cars do not use explosive fuel, there is no gas tank.
- Electric cars are cheaper to operate, electricity being cheaper than gasoline.
- Electric cars are also cheaper to maintain than combustion systems. Having far fewer parts makes the car less complex, easier and cheaper to maintain – there’s no ignition, exhaust, timing or cooling systems.
- Electric cars can be plugged in at home and you wake up with a fully charged battery every day.
- No more getting ‘hosed’ at the gas station, not even the day before a long weekend when combustion engine car owners are lining up.
- Road trips have currently been extended to over 400 km on a single charge.
- A network of charging stations is being built with potential recharge times as low as two minutes.
- Old batteries can and will be recycled. Current technology saves a minimum of 70 percent on CO2 emissions involved in creating lithium-ion batteries from scratch.
- Zero tail pipe emissions.