Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, July 30, 2010
Cruise Control Hedging: The Basics of Investing / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Steve_Selengut
Most people enter the investment arena thinking that "Risk" is a board game they played in college. Today, I would guess that the majority of investors have never owned an individual share of common stock or a Municipal Bond.
The popularity of investment products has heightened the risk for all investors and has indirectly led to many of the policy errors that threaten both capitalism and the economic fabric of America. Market prices are increasingly and inappropriately influenced by decision-making based only on the derivatives that contain them.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Ten Risk Minimization Strategies / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Steve_Selengut
In the recent financial crisis, a very small percentage of (I bought my house to live in) homeowners stopped paying on their mortgages. Still, the hysteria over the bursting housing bubble (i.e., lower market values) led to financial institution road-kill because of ridiculous accounting rules.
When the dot-come bubble destroyed "new economy" gladiators in a gory spectacle destined to repeat itself over time, what investment portfolios cheered unscathed from the coliseum bleachers?
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Risk, The Essence Of Investing / InvestorEducation / Risk Analysis
By: Steve_Selengut
Most investors incorrectly think of "risk" as the possibility that the market value of a financial asset might fall below the amount that he or she has invested in the asset. OMG, how could this be happening!
Think about it. The harboring of these misconceptions (that lower market price = loss or bad and/or that higher market price = profit or good) is the greatest risk creator of all. It invariably causes inappropriate actions within the large mass of individuals who are uninitiated in the ways of the investment gods.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Yes, You Can Time the Market – Here’s How! / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Lorimer_Wilson
The trend is your friend and this article reviews the 7 most popular trend indicators to help you make an extensive and in-depth assessment of whether you should be buying or selling stocks, bonds, ETFs, gold or silver for your portfolio. If ever there was a “cut and save” investment advisory this article is it.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Number One Reason You Should Learn How to Short Stocks / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Justice_Litle
There are many good reasons to learn how to go short. One of the best ones is maintaining objectivity.
The vast majority of investors will never short a stock (or an index, a commodity or a currency for that matter). A modest contingent will experiment with options and inverse ETFs. But very few will ever take the time and effort to truly explore the “dark side” of financial markets.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Scaling into Trades for Profits / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: David_Banister
At Active Trading Partners, we believe that nobody can predict exact bottoms nor tops, but we can certainly come close. In light of that belief, we “scale in” to our preferred trade set ups using 1/3 tranches at a time. Using our backdrop of looking for waterfall decline entry points for reversal profits, we add in some Elliott Wave theory and Fibonacci figures to mix up our recipe. As we see a trade set up coming around the bend, we begin to “Scale In” to our trades as each Fibonacci or Wave pattern is reached.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Investment Grading Equity Analysts: Failed & Over Bullish for 25 Years / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Dian_L_Chu
Investment analysts' upgrades/downgrades have historically served as benchmarks for the markets, and could mean life or death to stock prices. However, the story of a 15% price swing in ATP Oil and Gas's (ATPG) stocks due to a $450-million math error by a JP Morgan (JPM) analyst probably has prompted some to question the value and validity of analysts' forecasts.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Ultimate Stock Market Insurance Policy / InvestorEducation / Options & Warrants
By: Investment_U
Karim Rahemtulla writes: It’s a question that trickles in consistently from Investment U readers:
“How do I weight my portfolio properly in terms of asset allocation that offers a mix of upside potential and downside protection?”
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
Seven Golden Investor Rules To Keep You Safe in Today’s ‘New Normal’ Stock Markets / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes:
Pundits are talking about the "New Normal," a not-so-subtle hint at the sub-par growth that's expected from the U.S. economy.
Those pundits have picked the right book. But as far as investors are concerned they're reading from the wrong chapter. The "New Normal" isn't just about the economy. It's an epic story about not-so-great expectations - for the financial markets.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
Leveraged ETF's Warning, Investors Avoid At All Costs / InvestorEducation / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Investment_U
Louis Basenese writes: You see that ugly 268-point Dow sell followed by the 96-point drop the following day?
Whatever you do, don’t panic and run for cover in triple-leveraged inverse ETFs.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
Marc Faber Says U.S. Bonds Worthless Confetti - Video / InvestorEducation / US Bonds
By: Videos
Marc Faber says U.S. bonds worthless confetti, favours gold.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Learn the Basics of Elliott Wave Theory Analysis / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered the Wave Principle in the 1930s. Over the decades, his discovery was kept alive by a handful of individuals. A few of those, such as Bolton, Prechter and Frost, educated investors on how to use pattern analysis in financial markets.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
The Ultimate Technical Analysis Handbook - Free Download / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
Get Your Free 50-Page Download: The Ultimate Technical Analysis Handbook
Dear reader,
Today more and more investors are warming to the fact that psychology moves markets and therefore fundamental analysis, which fails to properly measure mass investor psychology, must be flawed.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Ultimate Technical Analysis Handbook / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
Get Your Free 50-Page Download: The Ultimate Technical Analysis Handbook
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Monday, June 14, 2010
A Two-Bar Pattern that Points to Trade Setups / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Some people like to get outside on the weekends, maybe playing tennis or working in the yard. Some people like to visit their friends or cook a big meal or go out to see a movie. And some people who are passionate about their work -- such as Elliott Wave International's futures analyst Jeffrey Kennedy -- like to stare at hundreds of price charts on their computer screen to find patterns that point to trade setups. We used to worry for his health but not anymore, because he's been doing it for years and he comes up with some neat stuff. A case in point is his discovery of a two-bar pattern that he named the Popgun. Find out more in this excerpt from the Club EWI eBook, called How to Use Bar Patterns to Spot Trade Setups.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Fractional Reserve Banking System Explained / InvestorEducation / Global Financial System
By: Robert_Murphy
Austrian economics is superior to Marxism in every respect, and this includes internal, sectarian squabbles. When we Austrians feel the time is ripe for another bloodletting — it keeps us strong by thinning the herd once in a while — we argue over fractional-reserve banking.
If you have never had the pleasure of watching such fireworks, I point you to Joe Salerno's recent blog post; it has enough links to bring you up to speed. In the present article, I want to walk through a simple example to make sure everyone understands exactly why some of us think fractional-reserve banking is just plain weird.
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Monday, June 14, 2010
How To Trade Stocks and Indices Cup With Handle Patterns / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: David_Grandey
With regards to cup and handles, it helps to know what exactly the components of a cup and handle pattern are. Before you can have a completed cup, you have to have the left side of a cup (usually some sort of downtrend or pulling back chart action). Then comes the bottom of a cup (sideways consolidation, double bottoms, etc.). After that it’s what we call coming up the right side of the cup. The latter is the area we want to key in on today.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Options-Straddle Strategy Defensive Investing to Defeat Stock Market Volatility / InvestorEducation / Options & Warrants
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes: It's often said the stock market can deal with anything but uncertainty, but uncertainty is about all the U.S. stock market has to feed on these days - and that has translated into raging volatility and huge swings in both the major market indexes and the prices of many individual stocks.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Eight Ways to Tell If You Should Hold or Fold Your Mutual Fund Investment / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes: With the whipsaw patterns U.S. stocks have experienced in recent weeks - both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poor's 500 Index are down 12% from their highs for the year - even the most ardent buy-and-hold investors are studying their portfolios, searching for holdings to cull.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
The Greatest Stock Market Trading Indicator in History / InvestorEducation / Stock Index Trading
By: Graham_Summers
I’m about to reveal a true market secret to you.
However, before I do, I’d like to share the below quote with you. I think it summates just how much the world has bought into the notion that the Fed can save the markets.
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