Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, March 31, 2021
eXcentral Review – Trade CFDs with a Customer-Centric Broker / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: S_N_Chatterjee
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The Elliott Wave Principle - Prechter's Wall St. Classic: Get Your Free Access Now / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Dear Reader,
90% of traders throw in the towel. One of the main reasons is because they don't have a method.
Elliott Wave Principle is one of the most popular investment method books ever published. And now, we're working with Elliott Wave International to celebrate the book's 40th anniversary by giving you free access to Bob Prechter's bestseller.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Thinking About Starting to Trade This Year? Here Are Some Things to Keep in Mind / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Have you ever found yourself hearing stories of people who make huge profits from investing in the stock market, and thinking, ‘I can do it too’? Well, you don’t have to settle for thinking and wishing anymore. Nowadays, thanks to technology, everyone can invest and trade - and it’s much simpler than you might think.
You definitely shouldn’t be afraid to give it a try. However, before taking your first steps in the world of trading, there are some things you should know about it, like what methods are highly recommended for beginner traders and which paths are to be avoided. We’ve gathered some tips and tricks that can help you get properly acquainted with this fascinating world.
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Saturday, February 13, 2021
A General Overview of the Arya Trading System / InvestorEducation / Trading Systems
By: Submissions
In conjunction with the adaptation of online trading spaces, the ceaseless nature of the forex trade has contributed to the improvement of trading systems. The introduction of automated trading systems has played a massive role in helping users to find out whether to buy or sell currencies accurately.
The user-friendly programming capability allows users to make trading decisions based on the established rules. An automated trading system such as aryatrading.com/en gains popularity as individuals desire to be their self-appointed fund managers.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
The BAN Hotlist trade setups show incredible success at the start of 2021, learn how you can too! / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Even though our BAN Trader Pro strategy and systems have just been released to members, the early price rotation in 2021 has shown how powerful it can be in the first week. Early 2021 BAN Hotlist triggers, used as discretionary trading signals for members, have caught some incredible early success recently.
The BAN Trader Pro system allocates trading capital into four high momentum ETFs with each new leg up in the stock market that meets the BAN trigger setup. This allows BAN Trader Pro members to capitalize on the strongest sectors presenting the highest BAN momentum ranking. We are able to target stronger trends with reduced draw-downs and risks by focusing on the best assets to own (BAN: Best Asset Now) and trading only the best assets when proper alignment between the market and these momentum sector BAN setups occur.
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Friday, January 08, 2021
Stocks trading strategies for beginners / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Sumeet_Manhas
In the financial markets, when you have a good trading strategy, you always get by. If you're looking for the best stock trading strategies for beginners, you are in the right place. Below we give a thorough overview of trading strategies that will help you maximize your profits.
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Monday, December 07, 2020
This High-Confident Trade Set-up Makes for High-Confident Traders / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
"Confident trader." Ten-fifteen years ago, the idea used to be an oxymoron -- and now, it's a multi-billion self-help industry with everyone from Wall Street gurus to armchair experts offering their brand of motivational wisdom: trust falls, vision boards, brain retraining, positive visualization, mentorship, and so on.
The common goal being: Help traders tap into their inner Rocky when they step into the "ring" of financial markets.
The problem is, not everybody can channel Rocky. Some of our inner "champions" have the muscle mass of a mozzarella stick no matter how many can-do mantras you throw at them.
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Friday, December 04, 2020
Eiro-group Review –The power of trading education / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Persistent volatility across all financial markets had facilitated a growing demand for retail trading services. With so many different brokerage houses operating, Eiro-group comes to provide a personalized infrastructure for a broad audience of traders. What are some of the most important benefits, in particular, those related to trading education can be found in this updated Eiro-group Review.
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Saturday, November 28, 2020
How To Spot The End Of An Excess Market Trend Phase – Part II / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Chris_Vermeulen
In Part I of this research article, my research team and I highlighted the five unique components of an Excess Phase peak and breakdown process. We are sharing this data with you because we believe the US stock market has already meandered 2.5 years past the end of a US Stock Market Appreciation phase and is well into an Excess Phase Peaking process. This becomes very important for traders because risks are much higher in these late Excess Phase stages because volatility is usually 4x to 6x higher than previous phases. Additionally, psychologically, many traders want the rally to continue and deeply believe the end of this phase is “just a pullback in a bigger trend”. This can be very dangerous as traders sometimes continue to buy into deeper price corrections – leveraging their accounts to the hilt thinking “they are going to make a killing when the rally resumes”.
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Friday, November 27, 2020
How To Spot The End Of An Excess Market Trend Phase / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Chris_Vermeulen
If you have been following my team’s research posts recently, we have highlighted some interesting new research related to Appreciation/Depreciation phases in the US stock market and how that relates to Gold. Today we will explore another method of identifying the different phases of market trends that appears to show very clear Appreciation/Depreciation phases and extended end-phase blow-off tops and bottoms.
My research team and I believe the current rally in the US stock markets represents an end-phase blow-off top after a 9.5-year Appreciation phase that began in mid-2009. We believe it is very important for traders to understand these larger Appreciation/Depreciation cycles and how the Blow-Off end phases often create extreme volatility and price rotation.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Small Traders vs. Large Traders vs. Commercials: Who Is Right Most Often? / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
When one of these groups acts, "the odds become high for a change of trend"
It's useful to know who is doing what in particular financial markets.
You'll find out why as we proceed, however, let's first start off with some basic background information.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission follows the activity of three different groups of participants in the commodity markets: small traders, large traders and commercials.
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Friday, November 13, 2020
How Elliott Waves Simplify Your Technical Analysis / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Here's a key insight into Elliott waves and classic technical chart patterns
First, before we explore a key insight into Elliott waves and technical chart patterns, expect to see a growing number of comments about technical analysis in the financial press.
That is, if a bear market in stocks has started. (The rally over the past few days notwithstanding -- after all, stocks are still well off their highs for the year.)
As a classic Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly publication which provides analysis of financial markets and social trends, says:
Technical analysis becomes popular in bear markets and loses popularity in bull markets.
For example, the country's first major books on technical analysis -- Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits (Richard Schabacker) and The Dow Theory (Robert Rhea), were published in 1932. Of course, during that year, the nation was in the depths of a historic bear market.
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Friday, October 30, 2020
Do These Explanations Make Sense for This Intraday Stock Market Turn? / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
The market "is not propelled by ... external causality"
On Oct. 19, the DJIA had been trading higher for much of the morning, but by the last hour of trading, the index was more than 400 points in the red.
During that last hour of trading, a major financial website offered this explanation (CNBC):
Dow drops more than 400 points as stimulus uncertainty grows and coronavirus cases rise
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Monday, October 26, 2020
Try The “Compounding Capital Gains” Strategy Today / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: John_Mauldin
By Justin Spittler : Super-genius Albert Einstein called it “the eighth wonder of the world.” Legendary investor Warren Buffett attributes his $81 billion fortune to this force. And it’s how investors from all over the world have turned small stakes into millions of dollars.
I’m talking about “compounding.” But not in the way you’re probably thinking. Most of us learn about the power of “compound interest” in school. Back in the “good old days” when banks actually paid interest, you could put your money in a savings account.
Slowly but surely, it would grow. $10,000 compounded at 5% per year grows to $16,289 in 10 years, $26,533 in 20 years, $43,219 in 30 years.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Last Chance for this FREE Online Trading Course Worth $129 value / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Hi Friends,
One silver lining of the global pandemic is that many of us are taking time to learn something new -- or to sharpen our skills.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International decided early on that they wanted to help people with this task. So, since April, they’ve been unlocking some of their premium educational online courses.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Top Strategies Day Traders Adopt / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Day trading is an act where you buy and sell financial instruments on the same day. You can also decide to trade multiple times during the course of the day. In the day trading, investors take advantage of the small prices, and results can be lucrative after playing correctly. However, this is a dangerous game, especially for those who are not familiar or inexperienced investors. It is a threat to an investor who utilizes it without having a well-thought strategy.
Day trading does not suit all brokers. But some brokers are designed to have day trade in their mind such as day-traders.net that accommodates investors who want to day trade.
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Sunday, October 04, 2020
Trade Any Liquid Market, Any Timeframe: Know How to Spot New Opportunities / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Learn simple techniques in this on-demand webinar, free ($129 value)
One positive development to come out of the 2020 pandemic is a widespread desire for financial independence. It's led everyone from retirees to Generation Z's to consider stock trading as a "cushion" against job uncertainty.
That's the good news! The bad news is, much of this new investment craze is being fueled by emotions and endorphins (hey -- all new traders have them!) rather than objective criteria. One leading economist coined the term "day-trading pandemic" in June to describe the "legions of participants pouring money into stocks without a care for the risks involved." (June 17 MarketWatch)
An August 11 NPR report confirmed the "addictive," "playing-with-fire" nature of this wave of new investing interest, in which first-time traders use free apps to impulsively jump into popular markets -- sometimes, only to meet ruinous ends.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Online Elliott Wave Markets Trading Course Worth $129 for FREE! / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Hi Friends,
One silver lining of the global pandemic is that many of us are taking time to learn something new -- or to sharpen our skills.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International decided early on that they wanted to help people with this task. So, since April, they've been unlocking some of their premium educational online courses.
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Sunday, September 20, 2020
5 Significant Benefits of the MT4 Trading Platform for Forex Traders / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Friday, September 04, 2020
7 days of Practical Financial Market Trading Lessons - FREE / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Dear trader,
Lots of people are happy to give you trading advice.
"You should buy this!" -- "You should sell that!"
But successful traders know: Your wins and defeats must be your own. Only then do you learn -- and gain true, lasting independence.
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