Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, August 31, 2020
Tips to Get Started in Stock Market Training / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Submissions
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Knowing the INS and OUTS of the Elite Trading Platform / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
When potential customers inquire about probable trading platforms brokers offer the most popular ones right away. As this is an online sector, every transaction that takes place should be handled swiftly. There are hundreds of software providing the expected capacities but only a few can live up to the hype. In the modern era, any person with simple programming knowledge can create a platform from scratch. It only takes expertise and modern tools that giving a wide range of tools to elevate the performance. If you are not living under the rocks, the name MT4 must have rung a bell. Although it was published many years ago, still it is one of the best-selling and widely used platforms to date. Millions of investors take pride in using this software that gives a sensation of precious execution with minute details.
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Friday, August 14, 2020
A Short Guide To Making Your First Stock Market Investment / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Submissions
Global financial markets have become increasingly volatile amidst the turmoil caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This year the FTSE100 saw some of its biggest losses since the stock market crash of 2008. Sure, it sounds a bit like a doomsday scenario, and for some investors, this may very well be the case. On the flipside, however, is that market falls are often the best time to find yourself a good bargain. For the novice investor, the time may be perfect to make your first foray into the stock market as long as you follow a few golden rules.
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Thursday, August 06, 2020
How to develop your stock trading strategy / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Developing a trading strategy from scratch might seem an impossible task for the rookies. But if they know the common terms at trading, they can do so like a pro trader. The successful traders love to use their trading method as it syncs perfectly with their personality. You can buy the most expensive trading method in the marketplace, still, you won’t feel comfortable since the strategy is designed based on someone else personality. The developers design the system in such a way that it syncs with the personality of the developer.
We all know no one shares the same personality. So, those who are looking to become a profitable stock trader must learn to analyze the stock markets with their trading method. Let’s see how we can create a trading system like a pro.
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Monday, July 20, 2020
ClickTrades Review - The Importance of Dynamic Analysis and Educational Tools in Online Trading / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Justin_Weinger
During challenging periods as recent months have been, trading the financial markets needs to be done with dynamic analysis and with the assistance of proper educational tools. We’re living in unprecedented times, so we need to be minded about how assets might behave in the long run.
Fully aware of its customers’ need for such resources in order to have a better in-depth view of market conditions, ClickTrades had developed a comprehensive trading offer, designed to help traders navigate the volatile behavior of prices.
ClickTrades is a reputable International trading brand owned by KW Investments Limited, authorized and regulated by the Seychelles FSA. It provides access to 2,100+ instruments (CFDs on FX, shares, blends, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, bonds, and ETFs) as well as an innovative trading software compatible with any device, and multiple trading tools like Trading Central.
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Monday, July 20, 2020
Getting Started with Machine Learning / InvestorEducation / AI
By: N_Walayat
Of course investing in the AI stocks is just ONE means of profiting from the exponential machine learning mega-trend. Another way that everyone should consider is to LEARN to program and train neural nets which these days is a LOT easier to do than was the case 10 years ago!
No, you don't need to rush out and invest in a $15,000 3990x system with 4 Titan GPU's and 256gb of ram to get started with machine learning.
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Thursday, July 16, 2020
From a Stocks Bull Market Far, Far Away, Virus Doomsday Scenerio! / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It took me some 6 years from late 1987 to Early 1994 before the cookie finally crumbled and I understood the how to invest in stocks that has subsequently been tested in EVERY bear market and market collapse since, an understanding that has proven to be RESILIANT, so unless the worlds is about to end, or the West turns communist and starts seizing or heavily taxing capital, then the contents of this extensive article should shine the way towards profitable investing for decades to come. With the usual disclaimer that investing in the stock market is high risk. And that you are responsible for your investing decisions and any profits or losses that may occur.
Investor psychology tends to be the exact opposite to that which is required for successful investing i.e. Investors tend to fail to buy when they should buy i.e. when stocks are relatively cheap, instead most tend to buy at the worst possible time in terms of the bull / bear market cycles. And even if they do manage to hit the buy button near the right time, soon afterwards tend to become fearful of every dip, bad news event that erodes the few percent of paper profit they may have gained and thus tend to sell out of their investments too early on hopes that they can buy back later at a lower price, which rarely happens, so are left chasing stock prices ever higher as good stocks are good because they tend to go UP in price!
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Thursday, July 16, 2020
How to Find the Best Stocks to Invest In / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Everyone wants to get an extra buck for their livelihood. It enables one to pay their bills more comfortably, live a good life, and throw some pennies into their savings account. Now, as you may already know, the stock market has been and still is a cash cow for many. Apart from just a side hustle, many people earn a living from stock trading. Some have even managed to accumulate huge wealth, thanks to being strategic and resilient. If you’re just getting started in stock investing or are considering diversifying your investment basket, you probably can’t help but wonder which stocks are the most profitable.
If that sounds anything like you, you are definitely on the right track. But there’s one big challenge as far as stocks investment is concerned. Although you can profit massively from trading stocks, there’s always a certain degree of incurring a loss. This is because the market keeps fluctuating and considering the many stock options out there to pick from, choosing the most profitable stocks can be a real frustration. Read on to discover how to find the best stocks to invest in.
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Sunday, July 05, 2020
How to use Trendlines to Spot Reversals and Ride Trends / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
One reason we enjoy our partnership with the folks at Elliott Wave International is because they have a ton of useful content -- and they are glad to share it.
You may remember how back in April, in the middle of the shutdown, they gave you free access to their popular trading e-course, The Wave Principle Applied.
Now, they are doing it again.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
When to Sell Your AI Tech Stocks Investments / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I get many comments asking when to sell the AI stocks given the sharp rallies over the past 6 weeks so as to capitalise on their gains. Which in my opinion defeats the whole point have having invested at deep discounts for 20-30% or so gains from March purchases, which is trading stocks rather than investing and in my opinion is nothing compared to what is to come, for instance imagine all those who bought Amazon at say $1700 and then sold it at $2000, and now are regretting doing so at $2375, hoping that it will fall to $2000 again so they can buy back in, which just illustrates investors in the AI mega-trend need to adjust their mindset.
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Monday, June 01, 2020
Why Multi-Asset Brokers Like TRADE.com are the Future of Trading? / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Justin_Weinger
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Why This Wave is Usually a Market Downturn's Most Wicked / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
The progression of mass emotions in financial markets "tends to follow a similar path each time around"
The Wave Principle's basic pattern includes five waves in the direction of the larger trend, followed by three corrective waves.
In a bull market, the pattern is five up, followed by three down. In a bear market, the pattern unfolds in reverse: the five waves trend downward and the correction trends upward.
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Thursday, April 23, 2020
How Chart Price Gaps Help Market Traders Hit the "TARGET" of Opportunity / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Here's how a bearish price gap on Target's chart foretold of the retail giant's Q1 2020 nosediveAs many of us continue the process of working from home, isolated with young children and significant others day in and day out, the subject of price gaps feels paradoxically fitting.
Here's why: After countless hours of sharing the same tight-knit space of finger-painting on the walls, dirty dishes, and zero social outlet, in comes your partner. You nervously ask, "Are you okay?" To which she replies with the most frightening of all four-letter "F" words,
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Friday, April 10, 2020
See a Stock Price Gap? Learn to Capitalize on Them / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
In volatile markets especially, you often see price gaps -- those blank spaces on a chart where the prices jumped so fast, they left a gap behind.
Did you know there are 4 types of price gaps -- and you can use each type to your advantage?
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Saturday, February 29, 2020
How Moving Averages Help You to Define Stock Market Trend / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
One way to think of a moving average is that it’s an automated trend line.
The "moving average" is a technical indicator of market strength which has stood the test of time.
More than 30 years ago, Elliott Wave International President Robert Prechter described this indicator in his essay, "What a Trader Really Needs to be Successful." What he said then remains true today:
... a simple 10-day moving average of the daily advance-decline net, probably the first indicator a stock market technician learns, can be used as a trading tool, if objectively defined rules are created for its use.
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Investors: Are You in Danger of Emotion-Driven Decisions? You're Not Alone / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
Or...Your Defense Against FOMO
As the winter holidays draw near, many of us will fall victim to the affliction we call "S.N.O.M.O." -- the Sudden Need of More Objects (to own, play with... and eventually, store in the basement).
Lists and budgets are no match for SNOMO once we take our first steps into a big-box store with its flashing signs and blazing blue lights. Within minutes, a powerful urge takes over and suddenly we're leaping in front of an old lady with a cane for the last cat-massage combing kit despite not knowing a single person who owns a cat, self included.
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Friday, December 06, 2019
Why Every Investor Should Be Politically Flexible / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Jared_Dillian
Things used to be so simple.
You buy a stock, the government cuts taxes, the stock goes up.
Actually, things still are that simple.
And yet vastly more complex. We cut taxes in 2017, but future tax increases—large ones—are likely.
The Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates because it is told to by the president.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Calculating Your Personal Cost If Stock, Bond and House Prices Return To Average / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Dan_Amerman
We currently have well above average prices for stocks, bonds and homes. This raises a simple question - what would happen to the average retirement account and to home equity for the average homeowner, if valuations were to return to what long term averages show us are normal valuations?
Using decades of valuation information on stocks, bonds and homes, this analysis develops numbers in each category that show how much of current national stock, bond and home prices represents average values, and how much is a premium above normal valuations.
Using those historical values and the illustration of an example homeowner and retirement account investor, it is demonstrated that the current premium is around 59% above long term average valuations. How the loss of such a premium could have life changing implications for tens of millions of homeowners and retirement account investors is reviewed.
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Thursday, November 28, 2019
Don’t Look for Investing Advice in the Media / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Jared_Dillian
When I was a trader at Lehman Brothers, I was told not to talk to the media under any circumstances. If a reporter calls and says, “I’m so-and-so, and I’m from The Wall Street Journal,” you hang up. Click.
There doesn’t seem to be a good relationship between the traders and the reporters who cover them! I wonder why that is?
You might have heard about the incident at the Des Moines Register a month or two ago. A young man went to a football game and held up a sign on camera, asking for money for beer, as a joke. He got $1 million. He donated it—to a children’s hospital.
A reporter at the Des Moines Register decided to do a story on the young man. He dug up some old racist tweets from this guy—the guy that donated $1 million to a children’s hospital—and published them, in an attempt to “cancel” him.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Want to Identify Market Trends? Watch Elliott Wave Analysis at Work / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
How it anticipated a multi-year crash in one of the world's biggest commodity markets
The large fowl we call "Turkeys" were given that name by the British, who thought the bird came from the country of Turkey. Truth is, turkeys are native to North America. And yet, the question no one will ever hear around the dinner table on Thanksgiving is, "Who wants gravy on their North America?"
This story recalls another fallacy -- or fowl-acy! -- that likewise persists in the face of facts to the contrary; namely, the mainstream financial theory known as "fundamental market analysis." The notions behind this widely held belief go like this:
Financial market prices are driven by external events, or "fundamentals," which can include crop-destroying weather patterns, political unrest, earnings reports, crop data, supply and demand numbers and so on.
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