Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Why 90% of Traders Lose / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The failure rate for financial market and commodity traders has remained at a consistently high 90% for many decades, this despite all of the advances in information technology, flood of new learning materials that is churned out annually, therefore why is it that 90% of traders still end up losing?
In my opinion, a high 90% of traders are destined to lose because they are in fact listening to those 90% of failed traders who proceeded them that went on to comprise what is trading markets sales industry, perpetually churning out a never ending stream of materials, methods and signal services of how to trade, that invariably don't pan out in reality.
Then there is the commentariat, again 90% of which comprises failed traders. Who may have tried to trade but failed so have gone on to become market reporters, mostly providing rear view mirror in hindsight market commentary, or so vague in outlook that all eventualities are covered as they hope to become the next big media stars, appearing on the likes of CNBC so as to turn failure to trade into full time media careers and thus perpetuate a continuous cycle of failing traders guiding new traders towards a similar fate.
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Saturday, December 29, 2018
How Fractional Shares Benefit Investors / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Have you ever wondered what you would do with the small balance on your gift balance because there is nothing you can afford and buy with it? A similar issue is experienced when buying investments like stocks and ETF in whole share quantities. Fractional shares give investors flexibility in two main areas; to put all the available cash for immediate work and buy fractions of stock in companies with a high price per share.There are sites where you can specify the number of fractional shares you intend to trade. Then, the online calculator helps you determine the number of shares you can actually trade. Shares are whole units which are offered by companies as stock. These stocks are then traded on the open market in full share quantities. Most brokers discourage investors from buying and selling stock in whole share quantities.
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
[eBook] How to Identify Highly Accurate Reversal Signals / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Dear Reader,
Everyone knows that trading reversals are some of the highest profit potential trades out there…
Risk is low and targets can be huge!
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Tuesday, December 04, 2018
The "Special 38" Markets You Should Trade ebook / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
"Special 38" Markets You Should Trade
FREE eBook on profitable trading
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
5 Rules for Successful Trading / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Know exactly when to Enter&Exit trades using this... / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
November off to a flyer!£891 profit in less then 2 weeks!
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Understanding the Benefits of Keeping a Trading Journal / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
There are many ways you can achieve success in the financial markets. One of them is learning from every trade you make. Whether you are trading stocks or foreign currency pairs, keeping track of the positions you open and how they perform is important.
A trading journal is what you need and keeping a detailed one is easier than you think. More importantly, there are many benefits you can gain from keeping a trading journal from the start of your adventure in the financial markets.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Trading Online: How to Find the Best Broker / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Online trading is a burgeoning global industry. The comfort, convenience, and cost effectiveness of financial trading brokerages has put paid to the institutional systems that governed the industry. Prior to the advent of user-friendly online brokers, traders, investors, and speculators were limited to institutional brokers in their ivory towers.
The age-old model favored the broker and the range of financial instruments that he or she was peddling to traders. In the days of old, traders would call their brokers, requesting them to invest in stocks, commodities, indices, forex, or bonds accordingly. Alternatively, brokers would simply recommend ‘company’ funds which benefited the brokerage enterprise and the broker who was paid a hefty commission.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2018
[eBook] How to Identify Turning Points in the Market / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Dear Reader,
Everyone knows that trading reversals are some of the highest profit potential trades out there…
Risk is low and targets can be huge!
But the tricky part is identifying the exact “turning point” within the market so you can setup these fantastic trades.
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Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Successful Traders "Learn to Do Something That Almost No One Else Can Do" / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Why successful financial speculators are so rareMost market speculators dream about trading their way to wealth.
But, also, most discover very quickly that their list of trading "dos" and "don'ts" are just not sufficient.
The hard, cold truth is that most will fail. According to brokers' statistics, up to 90% of all traders will end up losing money. It's a steep hill to climb.
But, there is a way. As you keep reading, you'll discover how to get important insights into what makes traders successful.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2018
What Personality Traits Do You Need to Be a Successful Trader? / InvestorEducation / Trader Psychology
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
When you first start trading, you’ll find there are tons of resources out there. While this can be a good thing, it can also become quite overwhelming. In order to be a successful trader, you need a mix of knowledge and the right personality traits to succeed. All the knowledge in the world won’t help you if you’re impatient and blow your money quickly. In this article, we’re going to look at the personality traits you need to become a successful trader.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Moving Averages Help You Define Market Trend – Here’s How / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
This simple moving average "works equally well in commodities, currencies, and stocksquot;
The "moving average" is a technical indicator of market strength which has stood the test of time.
Over 30 years ago, Robert Prechter described this indicator in his essay, "What a Trader Really Needs to be Successful." What he said then remains true today:
...a simple 10-day moving average of the daily advance-decline net, probably the first indicator a stock market technician learns, can be used as a trading tool, if objectively defined rules are created for its use.
So, what is a moving average?
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Wednesday, August 08, 2018
Vestles Platform Offers Several Key Trading Tools / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Friday, July 20, 2018
Diversifying Your Stock Investing Strategies is Smart Investing / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
When you look to invest, you will find that there are a wide range of options to choose from and also a few types of investments you can make. The range of Investments vary from real estate, to stock Investing, bonds, commodities, new companies, and even Bitcoin. Each of these has its own set of parameters and investment guidelines. An investor can also approach investing from a standpoint of risk/ reward. Typically speaking any investment that has a higher reward scenario will be more risky than one that offers less reward.
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Friday, June 22, 2018
Trouble Spotting Market Trends? This Can Help / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
Learn How You can Spot a Market Trend – Before it Starts
Let it be stated upfront that there is no perfect way to analyze and forecast financial markets. No crystal balls.
Yet, let's be just as quick to add that in Elliott Wave International's review of market analysis methods, none approach the utility of the Elliott wave model.
The reason for the Elliott wave model's usefulness is easily explained: Elliott waves are reflections of the repetitive patterns of investor psychology, which is the real driver of prices, not news or events.
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Thursday, June 07, 2018
CFD Assets: Shares / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Friday, June 01, 2018
Here Is Next Week's News In Advance -- How Will You Trade It? / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Avi_Gilburt
The great majority of market participants believe that "the fate of markets is inextricably intertwined with the ebb and flow of geopolitics." So, if I share with you “secret” news that will hit the wires next week, you should be able to make a killing with such information. Right?
While I strongly disagree with this proposition, at least based upon my in-depth study of decades of stock market history, this perspective is so engrained in the investment process of advisors and analysts alike that it is followed even more than the Bible.
So, let’s test this proposition.
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Friday, June 01, 2018
What is More Reliable than the Andrews Pitchfork? / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
By: Ron_Jaenisch
When my friend Professor Alan Hall Andrews was most active as a trader and writer it was prior to 1980. After examining his writings and use (in the 1970’s) of the various lines related to the median lines verses the action reaction lines, it is easy to come to the conclusion that he favored the Action Reaction lines over what is commonly referred to as the Andrews Pitchfork. To answer this question for myself I examined various concepts that Andrews taught in his writings, shortly prior to his passing on found that most of them were median line related. This was when he came up with the modified Schiff line which is actually a derivative of a trend line. Trend lines are lines he advocated using along with the Action Reaction Lines in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
5 Terrible Trading Mistakes That Rookie Investors Keep Making / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Cioffi
Mistakes are very common in the business world. Most experienced businessmen will almost always have an account of some of the memorable mistakes that they made when starting their career. Mistakes help investors learn about the market and how they should approach new challenges. While it is nice to view trading mistakes as learning opportunities, there should be a limit to what is acceptable. Some terrible mistakes might not necessarily provide a learning opportunity but would rather bring total destruction to the business. When you are an investor, it is important to know which common mistakes you should totally avoid. Here is a look at some 5 terrible trading mistakes that rookie traders keep making.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Traders and Investors Stop Blaming Everyone Else / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Avi_Gilburt
While most of the articles I write are focused towards the Elliott Wave analysis we practice, there are times that something comes to my attention which almost begs me to write publicly about it. This article is one of those that beg to be written.
I have written many articles in the past which provide general advice to traders and investors. Some of the articles I have written warn investors of the evils of using leveraged ETF’s inappropriately, or entering a trade or investment without a plan, or not using stops, etc. As I have said before, after running a trading room with over 3500 members for 6 years, I have certainly seen it all by now.
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