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Category: China Economy

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

China Ignites Huge Credit Boom, Will it End in Tears? / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleClaus Vogt  writes:  China’s economic successes during the past ten years have been very impressive.

It has remodeled its economy along the guidelines of free market principles.

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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Will China Lead the World Out of Recession? / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleClaus Vogt  writes: The Baltic Dry Index, which measures the freight rates for dry cargo traveling by ship, hit an all time high of 11,793 on May 5, 2008. Then it plunged to 663 on December 5, a decline of 94.4 percent. It was as if trade was coming to a standstill. However, freight rates soon started to recover …

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Friday, June 12, 2009

China's New Commodity Hoard / Commodities / China Economy

By: Jennifer_Barry

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn April, China announced that it purchased 454 metric tons of gold over the past six years. However, gold isn’t the only metal the Chinese have been buying. According to Michael Gaylard of Freight Investor Services, “They are building up some stockpiles right across the commodity spectrum, from base metals to coal.”

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Goldman Forecasts China Economy in the Ascendency / Economics / China Economy

By: Richard_Shaw

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleGoldman Sachs now forecasts that the China economy will overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2027.  Several emerging market countries are predicted by Goldman to overtake key developed market countries in the not too distant future.

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

China Moves a Step Closer to Economic Superpower Status / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: When a Beijing court recently ordered three China automakers to pay more than $3 million in aggregate damages for allegedly selling a knockoff of an upscale German tour bus, it underscored that China is getting serious about intellectual property theft - one of the next major steps the Red Dragon needs to make as it evolves into a true global economic superpower.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

How the New China ‘Yuan Carry Trade’ Could Accelerate the U.S. Recovery / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: [Editor's Note: Money Morning Investment Director Keith Fitz-Gerald is the editor of the new Geiger Index trading service. As the whipsaw trading patterns investors have endured this year have shown, the ongoing global financial crisis has changed the investment game forever.

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

China Succeeds in Fighitng Recession, Driving Gold, Stock and Commodities Higher / Economics / China Economy

By: John_Browne

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThis week, based on indicators of improving Chinese manufacturing activity, commodity and stock markets surged in the Pacific Rim. It appears that China's recession-fighting policies are being judged successful. The 41 percent rally in Chinese stocks in 2009 from the 2008 lows dwarfs the single digit rallies in the U.S. and Europe. With Western economies still sluggish, eyes are turning eastward for solutions to the global economic riddle. As such, recent hints at the direction of Chinese monetary policy should be closely regarded.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Credit Crisis Investment Risks in China Outweighed by Growth Prospects / Stock-Markets / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: MAOPING, People’s Republic of China - I’m often asked if there are investment risks in China.

My answer: Absolutely… there are investment risks everywhere.

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Friday, May 01, 2009

China Profits From the Global Financial Crisis / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: BEIJING, The People’s Republic of China – For the debt-ridden West, the global financial crisis has been an unmitigated disaster, forcing the so-called developed economies to take on financial commitments that will serve as burdens for years, if not for generations.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

China and Russia Sign Oil Deal as America Watches From the Sidelines / Politics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: BEIJING, The People's Republic of China - It's Day Two of my three-week trip here, and already I feel myself getting quickly reacquainted with this capital city. If you've never been here, it's hard to do this city justice with simple prose - and without sounding a bit cliché. Beijing - like much of emerging China - is special. And it deserves to be seen that way.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Positve Signs for China Stock Market Investors, FXI / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTony Sagami writes: Have you become more optimistic about the stock market? If you listen to the experts on CNBC, you might think that a great bull market is right around the corner.

The most commonly cited reason to be optimistic: Some variation of “business isn’t sucking as bad as it used to.”

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

World Bank Calls China an Economic Bright Spot / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe Dow has been on a mini-roll. Therefore, most investors are thrilled to see battered stock portfolios recover even a smidgen of their massive losses. The problem is that these investors aren’t paying attention to what’s happening elsewhere around the globe. And they may be missing out on the opportunity of the decade!

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

China's Economy Recovers as Stock Markets Turn Bullish / Economics / China Economy

By: Prieur_du_Plessis

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleChina's manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) strengthened for a third consecutive month in February, climbing to 49.0% from 45.3% the previous month. Li & Fung Research Centre reports that there were some encouraging signs: all sub-indices were higher than their respective levels in the previous month though many were still lower than the critical level of 50% (i.e. still contracting).

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Old fashioned Leverage as China takes out its Wallet / Economics / China Economy

By: HRA_Advisory

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOne of our earliest editorials (in what was then a monthly only publication) was entitled “ China Beckons”. This was after David's first trip to China in 1995, at which time the stirrings of the country's boom economy was evident in major city core areas, but highway travel still often involved a slow progression around ox-cart and foot traffic. During that trip the central government's mining ministries made it plain they were expected to make their own way while government funds were directed elsewhere. A more appropriate title these days would be “China Buys”.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

China's Commercial Property Market Crash / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: Mike_Shedlock

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleInquiring minds are reading Beijing's Olympic building boom becomes a bust.

Reporting from Beijing -- "Empty," says Jack Rodman, an expert in distressed real estate, as he points from the window of his 40th-floor office toward a silver-skinned prism rising out of the Beijing skyline.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

China's Internal Divisions, Economic Crisis and the Stimulus Plan / Economics / China Economy


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDue in large part to fears of dire consequences if nothing were done to tackle the economic crisis, China rushed through a 4 trillion yuan (US$586 billion) economic stimulus package in November 2008. The plan cobbled together existing and new initiatives focused on massive infrastructure development projects (designed, among other things, to soak up surplus steel, cement and labor capacity), tax cuts, green energy programs, and rural development.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Meat, Milk and Motors: The New China Syndrome / Economics / China Economy

By: Robert_Singer

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAugust 21, theatres around the nation screened the documentary I.O.U.S.A. and a live discussion with America's most notable financial leaders and policy experts, including Warren Buffett; William Niskanen, chairman of the Cato Institute; Pete Peterson, senior chairman of The Blackstone Group and former U.S. Comptroller General, Dave Walker.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

The Great Fall of China / Economics / China Economy

By: Q1_Publishing

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleEarlier today, China announced its economy grew at a 6.8% in Q4. This is not very good news at all. China's GDP growth is inching perilously close to 6% economic growth. Which is viewed as the minimum to keep the lights on. It's a critical level the world is watching closely.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

China Imports Crash by 17.9% in November / Economics / China Economy

By: Eric_deCarbonnel

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleI realized today that if demand for goods from developed nations like US is truly falling faster than demand for goods from emerging markets, then the best place to verify this trend would be to look at what's happening with China's imports. With this in mind, I looked up this Herald Tribune report about an unexpected drop in China's imports and exports .

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

China to Print Money, Devalue Currency to Combat Deep Slowdown / Economics / China Economy

By: Mike_Shedlock

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDeflation talk is surfacing in China as Chairman Liu Mingkang says China December Producer Price Index to Drop .

China's producer price index is expected to drop "sharply" in December, China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Liu Mingkang said. The world's fourth-biggest economy is shifting toward deflation, Liu told a financial forum in Beijing today. Capital inflows may shift to outflows, with gross domestic product projected around 8 percent next year, he said.

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