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Category: China Economy

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

China Casts Shadow Over Asia, Flawed Conventional Wisdom on the Chinese Economy / Economics / China Economy

By: Vitaliy_Katsenelson

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe summer is over in Denver. Of course, in Denver the summer was officially over Labor Day weekend, when the outdoor swimming pools were drained and locked for the winter. For most people summer ended a few weeks later, when the leaves turned bright yellow. But not me, I wanted to hang on to this summer for as long as I could; I really did not want it to go. But my illusions were finally shattered a few days ago by rain, chilly winds, and almost-bare trees. My deliberate (though mostly harmless) failure to recognize the obvious is similar to an investor hanging on to the illusion that Quantitative Easing, the Sequel will change the fundamentals of the economy. It won’t, it will just entrap us in more debt and low interest rates. But that is a subject for a different time.

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Friday, October 08, 2010

Russia Fears China's Growing Economic Power / Politics / China Economy

By: Pravda

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleChina takes the first place in the world in terms of economic growth. However, analysts say this trend is caused by injections of cheap financing to stimulate the economy of this country. Collapse of the "China bubble" brings a threat of the collapse of commodity prices. This is an extremely adverse impact, particularly for Russia.

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Chinese Factory Workers Fast and Efficient Beyond Beijings Yuan Policy / Economics / China Economy

By: Dian_L_Chu

This video, courtesy of China Hush, illustrates one reason why factory jobs worldwide have shifted to China. Chinese workers have a lot more to contend with than just Beijing's yuan policy.  Washington and many  experts' belief that a totally floating yuan would bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. woudl most likely prove to be an over-simplistic view bound to fail.

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Sunday, October 03, 2010

China’s Syndrome, Housing Bubble Perpetual Economic Engine Prompts Demolishing New Buildings / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: PhilStockWorld

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleInteresting story there [at Zero Hedge].  China has created a monster for itself that has already begun to turn on its master, and will one day devour it. The basic premise of economic growth in China is unsustainable. The government is trying various ways of forcing other economies to import more Chinese goods. But the saturation point has pretty much already been met. Now they are trying more artificial ways to stimulate foreign consumption, e.g. via currency manipulations.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

China Economy Booms as Farmers Get Access to Credit / Economics / China Economy

By: Shae_Smith

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe second stage to the booming Chinese economy is about to begin.

And many of the country's farmers, with little more than shacks and eight kids to feed are going to be the driving force behind it.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

China’s Housing Bull Market Built on $15 Trillion In Home Equity / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: Mario_Cavolo

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleCurrent United States home mortgage debt: $15 trillion. Current China home equity: $15 trillion. Mortgage debt on those homes? Zero. It is easy to suggest that this insight, which reveals a $30 trillion spread between U.S. home mortgage debt and Chinese home equity, better enables us to grasp the underlying forces impacting the economic power shift we are seeing from West to East. While it might be in vogue these days to criticize the United States for being built on a mountain of debt, I’d rather not. Let’s first take a moment to remember the positive effect the world over which the judicious and reasonable use of debt has had over the past 50 years.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

China’s Developing Economic System / Economics / China Economy

By: Frank_Holmes

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article“Global” is part of our company name, and we take it seriously. This week two members of our investment team are in Hong Kong for a CLSA conference, another is just back from China, a fourth will be there later this month and I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Colombia in recent months.

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Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Great Traffic Jam of China, Transport Crisis and Investment Opportunity / Economics / China Economy

By: Dian_L_Chu

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWell, it is official now - in addition to the Great Wall, the Great Traffic Jam started on Aug. 14--60 miles and ten-day long on an "expressway" into Beijing from Inner Mongolia (see map)--has earned the capital of China the top spot among the cities with the world's worst traffic…, at least according to Foreign Policy.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

China Gerts Worlds Largest Traffic Jam, Just a Brief Bottleneck on the Road to Growth / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDon Miller writes: Besides recently being crowned the world's second-largest economy, China now has the dubious distinction of spawning the world's longest traffic jam. And it's all directly attributable to China's voracious appetite for energy and automobiles.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

China Is Winning the Economic War! / Economics / China Economy

By: Sy_Harding

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDuring the ‘cold war’, a term used to describe the tension between communist and capitalist countries, which lasted from 1947 to 1991, one of the fears was a military conflict between Russia or China and the U.S.

It didn’t happen. The potential of a military war instead morphed into an economic war.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Straddling 3D Super Bus for a Greener China / Economics / China Economy

By: Dian_L_Chu

With its rapidly growing rural-to-urban population, China is in the midst of a massive transportation infrastructure upgrade in order to maintain the country's economic growth and development.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Chinese Real Estate The Mother Of All Bubbles / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: James_Quinn

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn the latest issue of The Casey Report  Bud Conrad does a fantastic job analyzing the truth about Asia. Japan is a ticking demographic time bomb. The Chinese government has created the mother of all bubbles and when it pops, it will be felt around the world. The China miracle is not really a miracle. It is a debt financed bubble. Sound familiar?

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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

BubbleOmics 101: China Does Not Have a Residential Property Bubble / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: Andrew_Butter

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBubbleomics 101:

1: Fundamental Price = Demand divided by Supply (Adam Smith)
2: If not – sorry folks…the market’s  not working properly (Albert Eintein?)

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Monday, August 02, 2010

China Leapfrogs Japan To Become World’s No. 2 Economy / Economics / China Economy

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKerri Shannon writes: As the old Avis rental car slogan used to say: "When you're No. 2, you try harder."

With the growth rates that its economy has turned in the past few years, no economist could ever accuse China's leader of not trying hard. China now claims to have jumped over Japan to take over the No. 2 spot in the world economic pecking order.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

China Has a Painful Debt Bubble Surprise for the Global Economy / Economics / China Economy

By: Claus_Vogt

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleChina implemented one of the world’s most aggressive economic stimulus programs to fight the recession of 2008. And the country went on something akin to a debt binge.

Credit growth surged as much 50 percent — an unprecedented peak. Such a policy can jump start an economy. But it lays the groundwork for imbalances and major bubbles.

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

In the Shadow of the Dragon / Economics / China Economy

By: Peter_Schiff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJohn Downs writes: Although China is not the biggest economy in the world by GDP, (it is third, after growing a remarkable 8.7 percent last year), its exports are increasingly seen as the needed lifeline for many shaky economies. But as China plots its future as the world's largest exporter, it must be of some concern to them that their top two clients (the US and EU) are broke. As a result, China knows that it will have to look beyond developed markets for continued growth.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Will China Housing Market Follow the U.S. In a Mortgage Bust? / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: Hans_Wagner

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs the second largest global economy and one that is growing in the high single digits to low double digits, how China goes so goes the global recovery. A property boom is helping to fuel the Chinese economy. Some analysts claim many new Chinese property owners are encouraged to take out mortgages to buy a home that they can ill afford. Sound familiar? Is China following the U.S.’s example, issuing mortgages that they can cover? If this is true it will bring down the rapid growth of China and the rest of the world suffer. After all China is the economic engine for the global growth story.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

China's Housing Boom a Bubble or Not? / Housing-Market / China Economy

By: Mike_Shedlock

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleStephen Roach does not seem to understand what a bubble is. He makes the same arguments in dismissing China's property bubble that we heard in the US, regarding "solid demand".

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Can China Save the World Economy? / Economics / China Economy

By: Graham_Summers

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleNope. No chance.

For starters, let’s look at the basic numbers. China’s GDP is now $4.3 trillion, making it the fourth largest economy in the world. However, there’s a HUGE drop off from the first two economies (Europe $16.4 trillion and the US $14.2 trillion) to the third and fourth (Japan $5.0 trillion and China $4.3 trillion). 

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

China – The Next Economic Ill-Wind? / Economics / China Economy

By: Sy_Harding

It’s been one world economically, a global village, for years now.

The competition between major countries is no longer fought on the high seas, or on land with vast armies, but in board rooms and markets. That China is a communist country politically is no longer a concern. The competition is economic, for instance whether China’s semi-capitalistic economy, having already surpassed France and Germany, will soon surpass Japan to become the world’s second largest economy behind the U.S.

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