Category: Refugee Crisis
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, April 21, 2016
EU's Growing Refugee Panic, How to Change Terms of Deal with Devil (Turkey) / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: Mike_Shedlock
When you make a deal with the devil, it's certain the devil will insist you keep up your end of the bargain.
That's precisely where we are at today in regards to the European refugee crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel signed off on a deal with the devil (Turkey) that would give 80 million Turkish Muslims visa-free access to the EU. As part of the deal, Turkey will receive €3 billion in aid.
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Wednesday, March 09, 2016
European Migrants Crisis - Be Careful What You Wish For, Angela / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: Raul_I_Meijer
What is perhaps most remarkable about the deal the EU is trying to seal with Turkey to push back ALL refugees who come to Greece is that the driving force behind it turns out to be Angela Merkel. Reports say that she and temp EU chairman Dutch PM Mark Rutte ‘pushed back’ the entire EU delegation that had been working on the case, including Juncker and Tusk, and came with proposals that go much further than even Brussels had in mind.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Germany’s Immigration Challenge / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
This immigration crisis in Europe is a big deal, and it’s a bigger deal for Germany than for any other European country. Germany is directly in the firing line, both geographically and in terms of how many of the migrants want to settle there. Nearly 40% of migrants choose Germany as their preferred final destination, while the only other nation that is chosen by more than 10% of migrants is Hungary, at 18%.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Europe’s Refugees Are A Global Crisis / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: Raul_I_Meijer
At the moment I start writing this, leaders of European nations are in a meeting in which they talk about refugees that, though it was announced over a week ago, was nevertheless labeled an ’emergency’ meeting. The only thing that truly tells you is that Europe still refuses to see the refugee situation as an emergency. And that’s not just semantics.
Of course there’ll be all sorts of bickering about the difference between migrants and refugees, and tons of words about how “we” should separate the two, and send people back, and strengthen European borders, and fight the human smugglers. None of which addresses reality, or at least at best a tiny sliver of it.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Poland, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary Refugee Hypocrisy After Flooding UK with 4 Million Economic Migrants / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The euro-crats obsession with the eastwood expansion of the European Union, one of incorporating former dictatorships stuck in centuries old mind sets is once more being revealed to have been another catastrophic error, one that potentially sows the seeds for the destruction of the European Union. Today, in an attempt at dealing with the refugee crisis facing Europe by means of a drop in the ocean quota of 120,000 refugees to be distributed among EU member states, a quota that is barely 10% of the 1.1 million migrants expected to enter the EU this year. However once more the hypocrisy of the Eastern European states has been exposed as they virulently rebel against any attempts to settle any refugees in their lands, despite the fact that these very same nations have sent several millions of refugees westwards ever since the cold war began and more recently over the past decade flooded western europe with well over 10 million economic migrants, 4 million of whom have settled into the embrace of Britain's welfare state, resulting a huge crisis in social services, schooling and not least Britain's housing catastrophe.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Refugee Crisis - Merkel Opens the Flood Gates / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
“The European Project has very little economic and political capital left to defend it if anything goes wrong now. As Mr Juncker says, the bell tolls.”
– Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Perhaps I should issue a storm warning for this letter. Maybe it’s because I had major gum surgery on my entire lower jaw this week and am in a bit of discomfort, but as I read the news coming through my inbox, it’s not helping my mood. This week’s letter will focus on the immigration crisis in Europe – after I muse on what I think is the very disturbing aftermath of this week’s Federal Reserve meeting.
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Financial Sanctions Against Hungary, Poland, Czech, Slovakia Syrian Refugee Migrants Hypocrisy / Politics / Refugee Crisis
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It speaks volumes that those eastern european nations of Poland, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia amongst others that have over the past decade alone sent over 10 million ECONOMIC MIGRANTS westwards, demanding full equality in every respect, and receiving it despite putting nations such as the UK under immense pressure in terms of social services and housing as a consequence of an influx of 4 million Polish, Hungarian etc. economic migrants are now themselves not even wishing to entertain more than a handful of syrian refugees to seek refuge in their sparsely populated heavily depopulated regions.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Refugee Crisis is a Far Bigger Risk to Your Money than the Fed or China / Stock-Markets / Refugee Crisis
By: ... Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Today we’re going to talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room. No politician will touch it and no citizen wants to acknowledge it in an era where political correctness has run amok.
But we have to.
“It” is Europe’s desperate refugee crisis, and “it” is by far the single biggest threat to your money today. You’re not hearing about this at the moment but you will in the months ahead.
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