Category: BioTech
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, December 17, 2015
Panelists Select 19 Small-Cap Biotech Stocks for 2016 Investing Watchlist / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
In advance of the Biotech Showcase 2016, The Life Sciences Report has once again solicited top analysts to provide the names of innovative biotech companies that investors should keep an eye on in the upcoming year.
Nineteen companies have made the cut for inclusion in the 2016 Small-Cap Biotech Watchlist, now in its fourth year. The therapies under development address diverse indications, such as rare diseases, ophthalmological conditions, leg cramps, kidney disease, infections caused by catheters, and a number of cancers, with a variety of products, including traditional biologics, cell therapies and vaccines.
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Sunday, December 06, 2015
Biotech Stocks Continue to Offer Huge Returns for Investors / Companies / BioTech
By: Investment_U
Rachel Gearhart writes: Earlier this year, we argued investors should snatch up biotech bargains while they were hot.
And, boy, were we right.
This week’s chart looks at the performance of the NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index (NYSE: BTK) and the S&P 500 since the beginning of the year.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
How to Engineer a Strong Portfolio with Medtech and Biotech / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Zacks Small-Cap Research analyst Anita Dushyanth is a bioengineer with an R&D background, which comes in handy as she researches up-and-coming companies in the medtech and biotech sectors. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Dushyanth focuses on four small- and micro-cap specialty pharma and device names with engineering tie-ins, and she expects all to produce exciting results for investors.
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Regenerating Biotech Portfolios with Cell Therapies, Antibodies and Small Molecules / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Reni Benjamin of Raymond James has watched biotechnology move into a new era in which cells and genes can be manipulated to produce true disease-modifying results. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Benjamin outlines the groundbreaking work being done by a number of companies with the potential to return multiples on investment over the next two to three years.
Biotech Index One Year. Courtesy Google Finance
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Thursday, October 29, 2015
The Small-Cap Biotech Stocks Bull Market / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
SeeThruEquity's Ajay Tandon and Jay Albany are riding the biotech bull by harnessing the huge upside potential of micro-cap companies working in multiple subsectors, particularly in the rapidly advancing cancer immunotherapy sector. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Tandon and Albany toss the names of several companies into the arena for investors' consideration.
The Life Sciences Report: Given the current healthcare market, how does the future look for small-cap biotechs versus large-cap companies?
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Thursday, October 08, 2015
Moving Stem Cell Research Forward: Bernie Siegel of the Genetics Policy Institute / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Regenerative medicine through stem cell technology is a source of hope for many suffering from ailments including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury and cancer. While new therapeutic options are continually in development, progress has, until recently, been hampered by political and medical ethics arguments. Because of patient advocacy, new technologies are now advancing, from development of an artificial pancreas to the hope of culturing intact human organs. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Bernie Siegel, founder and executive director of the Genetics Policy Institute, describes recent progress and developments in the regenerative medicine universe.
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Advice for Biotech Investors: 'Hold Your Powder' 'til Winter / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
While waiting for biotech stocks to correct, investors should be focused on performing due diligence, says Hartaj Singh of investment firm BTIG LLC. Growth in company valuations has outpaced sales for several years, but the coming weeks will see rapid fluctuations as the two begin to realign. In this interview, Singh shares his predictions for the rest of 2015 with The Life Sciences Report, and identifies several companies to hold for potentially big returns.
Monday, September 28, 2015
The One Stocks Indicator to Watch as More Bubbles Burst / Companies / BioTech
By: ...
Michael E. Lewitt writes: One by one, the bubbles are bursting…
First it was the commodities bubble that blew up in mid-2014, which caused the collapse of energy and commodity stocks -they are now down between 40-80%.
It also caused the end of the corporate credit bubble in high yield bonds and bank loans over the second half of 2014 and into this year.
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
Novel Biotech Novel Technology Platforms with Dramatic Growth Potential / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
In the past five years, development of new therapies has aimed for true disease modification and actual cures. Many novel ideas are now in the clinic, and have opened up fresh opportunities for dramatic industry growth, especially in the gene and cellular therapy realm. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, David Nierengarten of Wedbush Securities brings a handful of select names to investors' attention, including a couple of companies with technologies that could revolutionize medicine.
The Life Sciences Report: You are a molecular and cell biologist, but you've been in the world of finance now for about a dozen years. What attracted you to finance?
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Sunday, August 23, 2015
A Perfect Buying Opportunity in Biotech Stocks / Companies / BioTech
By: Investment_U
Bob Creed writes: If you’ve held a position in the biotech sector over the last few years, it may have felt like you were on a roller coaster. Fortunately, this is one coaster that’s well worth the ride.
This week’s chart looks at the performance of the NYSE Biotech Index (NYSE: BTK) since July 2011. As you can see, biotech stocks have seen plenty of volatility. But any big drops were more than made up for by even bigger uptrends.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015
Two Tactics for Bigger Biotech Investing Profits / Companies / BioTech
By: ... Ernie Tremblay writes: Over the past six months, we've seen the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index, an indicator for the entire sector, take some wild swings up and down, often by as much as 10% from week to week.
That's in stark contrast to the previous half-year, when we experienced a relatively steady upward swell.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Harness Biotech Stock Volatility with an Options Strategy / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Volatility is the nature of the biotech beast, and it must be tamed or utilized to advantage. That's the philosophy of Eden Rahim, portfolio manager and option strategist at Theta Strategies Capital. Can you grow a portfolio if some of your more successful names are called away by option buyers before the stock goes into the stratosphere? The answer is yes, and in this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Rahim describes his technique and leaves readers with six names that he fully expects to reap very large gains.
The Life Sciences Report: You are CEO and cofounder of Theta Strategies Capital, and also the portfolio manager and innovator of the Next Edge Theta Yield Fund, which derives income from the options strategies you have developed over two decades. These strategies profit, in part, from the decline in pricing that occurs as options approach expiration. Could you describe that strategy?
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Friday, August 07, 2015
This Bioscience Company Has "Nearly Limitless" Income Potential / Companies / BioTech
By: ... Ernie Tremblay writes: Medical device companies can be profit-making machines – one manufacturer of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and other high-tech products is up more than 250% over the past 12 months, for instance.
Most of them make their living by staying on the leading edge of innovation, producing some of the coolest gadgets you can imagine.
And, even better, they can deliver some of the most impressive gains in the bioscience industry to their shareholders.
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Friday, July 24, 2015
Don’t Be Fooled by the “Quiet Season” for Biotech Stocks / Companies / BioTech
Marc Lichtenfeld writes: My favorite time to work is on weekend mornings before the rest of the house gets up.
I wake up, quietly go down the stairs and turn on the computer. While I’m waiting for it to boot up, I enjoy the peaceful scenery of the marsh outside my living room window. There are always amazing birds out there like sandhill cranes and egrets that are just a few feet from my window.
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Sunday, July 19, 2015
BSS Life Sciences Biotech Stock Analysis / Companies / BioTech
By: Richard_Mills
An endoscope is the medical device used - by direct insertion - to visualize suspicious masses in the hollow organs of the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, lungs, urinary tract and uterus.
In 1805, Philip Bozzini used a rudimentary, light-guiding tube he created (a Lichtleiter - light guiding instrument) to view the urinary tract, pharynx, and rectum.
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Friday, July 03, 2015
The Biotech Market Is on Fire / Companies / BioTech
By: ... Spending on drugs here in the United States increased 13% last year to $374 billion – the single-biggest one-year jump in history. That’s a record-setting 4.3 billion prescriptions filled.
That means spending on drugs is rising at a rate that’s five times faster than the growth of the overall economy.
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Friday, June 19, 2015
These Promising Cancer Therapies Are a Biotech Stocks "Triple Play" / Companies / BioTech
By: ... Ernie Tremblay writes: On Jan. 7, 2015, CytRX Corp. (NASDAQ: CYTR) announced positive results from a study of its experimental brain cancer drug, aldoxorubicin, and the company's stock immediately jumped 15.8%. Then, over the next four months, it nearly doubled.
Over the months since June 2013, when Clovis Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: CLVS) released positive trial data for both a lung cancer and a lymphoma drug, CLVS share value has soared 255%.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Capitalize on Comeback Stories in Micro-Cap Biotech Stocks / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
The list of problems with investing in micro-cap biotech stocks begins with extreme volatility and lack of liquidity and ends with the inability to get validation from sophisticated investors who are unable to own such small companies. Nevertheless, sift through the pile and investors can find gems. Joseph Pantginis of ROTH Capital Partners recognizes the characteristics that make some of these tiny companies move up the ladder in market valuation. In this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Pantginis discusses five names with development programs capable of generating dramatic growth.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Ekso Stocks Set to Conquer the Most Valuable Unstoppable Trend of All / Companies / BioTech
By: ... Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Most investors consider themselves fortunate to latch on to one really big trend in their investing lifetime. But imagine what happens when you latch on to two, three, or even four…
… at the same time, with the same investment!
That’s the situation we’ve got right now with one of my favorite Total Wealth recommendations.
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
Fire Up the Immune System to Fight Cancers and Boost Stocks Portfolios / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
An immunotherapy revolution is rocking biotechnology, and investors are searching for just the right way to play the new trend. Do you go with an unknown company where the upside could be unparalleled? Do you go with an older name that has established partnerships with major pharmas? John McCamant, editor of the Medical Technology Stock Letter, has performed some serious diligence, and tells The Life Sciences Report about a handful of names with a range of market caps and the potential to achieve significant investment upside.
The Life Sciences Report: You're quite well aware that investors are looking hard at immunotherapeutics in oncology today. Do you think these initiatives to employ cellular and humoral responses in cancer therapies could be the final frontier, to use a dramatic term?
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