Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, December 09, 2017
Buying an Approved Used Land Rover Discovery Sport - Travelling the DIstance / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
Thinking of buying an approved used Landrover Discovery Sport or another land rover model? Then here is what you can expect when buying from a main dealer. In this video we literally travel the distance to a main landrover dealer (Hunters - Chester) for the purpose of part exchanging and then driving away with an approx 1 year old Land Rover Discovery Sport.
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
How to Top Up Your Vauxhall Zafira's Brake / Clutch Fluid Reservoir / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
If when driving your Zafira the brake symbol starts coming on and off randomly on the dashboard, then that's a warning that your brake / clutch fluid may need topping up, as the brake symbol light should only come on when the hand brake is on. When driving there should be no warning symbol appearing. So even if your car appears to be driving perfectly well, you should never ignore the brake / clutch light symbol i.e. if ignored your brakes may fail!
Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Big Banks Finally Raise Savings Interest Rates, But was it worth the wait? / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
As we enter the festive month of December, savers will finally see some positive change in the variable savings market as many of the biggest brands have decided to increase their savings rates, but has the wait been worth it?
While many may assume it’s worth celebrating, the latest research from moneyfacts.co.uk can reveal that not all savers will be delighted, as some of the more popular deals have not had the full 0.25% Bank of England rate rise passed on. In fact, the average easy access rate has risen by a pitiful 0.07% in the last month, from 0.39% to 0.46%, and even those banks that do offer the full 0.25% rise can still be easily beaten by alternative brands, as challenger banks continue to dominate the Best Buys.
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Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Advantages of Car Insurance to Protect a Vehicle / Personal_Finance / Insurance
By: Aaron_Abel
Car insurance is important by law because it is illegal to drive your vehicle around in numerous countries. If your country doesn't need a car insurance, you still should have this to protect your vehicle. cheap car insurance companies allow you to protect you from financial damages related to car accidents. Vehicle insurance will help you to get a loan from a bank. A complete insurance offers protection against vehicle damage caused by accident on the road or any incident unrelated to the road. Insurance will cover you from different incidents, such as third-party cover, legal liability, theft and injuries of the third party. There are a few benefits of cheap car insurance:
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Sunday, December 03, 2017
How to Turn off / Reset Vauxhall Zafira Service Inspection Reminder Light / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
Here's how to easily rest your Vauxhall Zafira's Inspection reminder warning light that appears annually reminding owners to get their cars serviced which is fine, but a problem if owners want to save money and self service themselves or if they hardly drive their Zafira's.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
A Wall Street Veteran: Paying Off Your Debt Is the Best Investment Today / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : I try to keep my investment ideas a secret—if you want them, you have to subscribe! But I’m going to give away this month’s idea. Are you ready? Here it is:
Pay down your mortgage.
Yes, that’s a bit unorthodox to hear from a person writing financial newsletters. But people think too much about the next get-rich-quick idea and not enough about their overall financial well-being.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Christmas Cashback Credit Cards Analysis / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: MoneyFacts
The cost of Christmas is officially on the rise, as inflation sits at a five-year high of 3%, and food and energy prices are rising, which means running the boiler and buying those all-important Christmas groceries will cost more. With around five weeks left to go until the big day, consumers are likely to be concerned about how much the festive season will dent their bank balance.
Unfortunately, shoppers will find that interest-free deals on credit cards have been shrinking over the past six months, giving consumers fewer months to spread the cost of Christmas. At the same time, the cost of withdrawing cash using a credit card is on the rise and cashback cards are becoming far less rewarding. The latest research from moneyfacts.co.uk compares some of the best deals around, which could help shoppers make the most of rewarding credit cards and current accounts throughout the festive season.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Morrisons Cheap £5 Christmas 100 LED Fairy Lights Review / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
By: Anika_Walayat
I doubt anyone is going to find 100 LED Christmas fairy lights any cheaper than £5, as which are being sold by Morrisons. These are battery operated so can be put up anywhere without regard to a power source. But before you buy on your next shopping trip watch our video review to see if they are a great set of cheap lights or just unfit for purpose junk.
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Monday, November 20, 2017
UK Variable Savings Interest Rates Fell in the run-up to Base Rate Rise / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Moneyfacts UK Savings Trends Treasury Report data, yet to be published, reveals that average variable rates fell in anticipation of a base rate rise by the Bank of England. This was the first time since April 2017 that the majority of variable rates had experienced a fall.
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Sunday, November 19, 2017
Morrisons Christmas 2017 More Points Bonus Last Chance! / Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps
Today's your last chance to profit from Morrisons More Points Christmas 2017 Bonus. That could yield you as much as an extra £31.50 by the end of December just by shopping at Morrisons. And even if you miss out on the main bonus of £22.50, you still can easily get about £9. Find out how in our latest timely video.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
UK Financial Markets: Pros and Cons of Being a Private Investor / Personal_Finance / Investing 2017
By: Submissions
By Dividend Investments : By definition, a private investor refers to a certain person or a private company who has privately held shares that are not traded in the stock market for investments. Thanks to newly-launched regulations, policies and online marketplaces, having private investments are becoming more common and accessible.
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Saturday, November 18, 2017
Games Betting System For NCAA Basketball Sports Betting - Know Your Betting Limits / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: D_Morgan
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Universal Credit Doomsday for Tax Credits Cash ISA Savers, Here's What to Do / Personal_Finance / UK Benefits
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's hard working low paid tax credits benefit recipients are sleep walking towards their Universal Credits doomsday. Where typically a family of 4 jointly earning £16k per annum will currently be in receipt of £6,700 per annum of TC & WTC, whilst a family of 6 would typically receive £12,400, boosting their annual NET earnings to £28,400 that will have allowed many families to SAVE, without impacting on their tax credit benefit payments as long as the taxable interest earned is under £300. The key here being TAXABLE INCOME, which means interest earned on savings in tax free accounts such as Cash ISA's does not not impact on tax credit awards.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Play Free Online Games and Save Money Free Virtual Online Games / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: D_Morgan
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
UK Savers Left Underwhelmed by Base Interest Rate Rise / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Despite the positive move for savers by the Bank of England to increase bank base rate this month, providers seem to have left savers underwhelmed by their unenthusiastic approach to passing on the rise.
There were, however, some encouraging changes during October, as moneyfacts.co.uk recorded 28 individual rate cuts compared to 150 rate rises (including ISAs), with some deals increasing by as much as 0.85%. This means that rises have now outweighed cuts for ten consecutive months. Nevertheless, inflation statistics released today show that the Consumer Price Index has remained at 3.0%. Therefore, savers’ cash is still being eaten away by inflation, as there is not one single standard savings account* that can beat or match 3.0%.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Why Having Good Credit Is Important If You Want to Invest / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
There are a million and one ways to acquire wealth but the best way to become financially stable involves making long-term investments. And while you only need initial capital to actually make an investment, most people who think about having a better future also know that credit is important. So, how exactly can having a good credit score be beneficial when it comes to investing? Generally speaking, most people who choose to invest their money in stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and bonds have a solid plan for their futures. Not only do they engage credit repair services to eliminate negative trade lines and improve their credit scores, they’re also interested in building investments for retirement, becoming homeowners, and balancing their debt to income ratios. If you are looking to build a healthy portfolio and have investments that you can be proud of these are the reasons that credit absolutely counts.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Smart Ways to Get Loans Online / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Why Are Essay Structures So Important to Essay Writing? / Personal_Finance / Education
By: Submissions
Sunday, November 05, 2017
Article Paper Writing: Generating a Thesis Statement How-To Write a Compare-Contrast Essay / Personal_Finance / Education
By: Submissions
Saturday, November 04, 2017
The Essay Paper . Exposition Paper Writing: Building An Introductory Paragraph / Personal_Finance / Education
By: D_Morgan