Category: Renewable Energy
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, December 05, 2010
The Best ETF for Your Portfolio / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Jared_Levy
As a kid, some of my fondest winter memories were driving through the different neighborhoods in and around Philadelphia where I grew up admiring all of the ornate holiday light displays. Of course, being a geek at an early age, I always wondered what their electric bills looked like and how rich someone had to be to essentially fire up 10,000 small lamps every night for six to 12 hours.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How to Get Even With OPEC When Crude Oil Hits $100 / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Jared_Levy
The meeting of the G-20 in Seoul this week still has not produced a solution or agreement to end the global currency war that is ensuing.
Because of the lack of a global currency solution from the G-20 and being that crude oil prices are fixed to the U.S. dollar... we can expect a weak dollar to equal high crude oil prices. West Texas Crude hit $88 a barrel on Thursday, after OPEC revised its 2011 demand growth forecasts upward.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Solar Power Energy Sector Stocks / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report

The Energy Report: Edward, please tell our readers about London-based Guinness Atkinson Asset Management and its namesake Alternative Energy Fund.
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Thursday, September 09, 2010
Investing in Green Energy ETFs / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Ron_Rowland
Remember a few years ago when “alternative energy” was all the rage? With crude oil trading at $150 and gasoline prices above $4 a gallon in many places, breaking free from our dependence on fossil fuels seemed like a good business opportunity.
As someone who greatly enjoys driving, air conditioning and electricity, I totally agree that it would be nice to diversify our energy sources. The question is: How to do it cost-effectively?
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Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Peasgood Preaches Patience on Geothermal Stock Sector Investments / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Wellington West Analyst Sean Peasgood covers the geothermal, plasma gasification and "Smart Grid" subsectors of the alternative energy (AE) market. He believes there's room to make some dough in each of them but believes investors may need to be patient as these growing markets gain traction. "As these (geothermal) projects come online and are proven out, the reward to investors is going to be large," Sean says. He even reveals some names to help you earn your reward in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Obama’s Clean Energy Agenda on Track / Politics / Renewable Energy
By: Richard_Mills
Current global leaders in advanced electric vehicle batteries are based, for the most part, in Asia.President Obama made global warming one of the main planks in his election platform. Included in his Clean Energy Agenda were pledges to eliminate oil imports from the Middle East and Venezuela within a decade and to slash his country’s carbon dioxide emissions by more than 30 per cent by the year 2020.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chinese Renewable Energy Investing, The Green Dragon / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Tony_Sagami
When it comes to green energy, China has become the global leader. Here’s the latest example: Instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build new highways, widen existing roads, dig subway tunnels, or construct expensive bridges, a clever Chinese company has developed a new futuristic bus design that could forever change public transportation.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Solar, The World’s Most Reliable Energy Source / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: Across the northeastern portion of the United States, the expletives are flying!
The reason for it is the stifling heatwave that has held the region in a sweaty, vice-like grip for the past several days. Temperatures in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore all cracked triple-digit territory for three straight days this week.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wanna Go 'Green'? Go Geothermal / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Investment guru Adrian Day likes "green" energy but doesn't see many ways to make money in that space, save two. In this "Coles Notes" interview with The Energy Report, Adrian gives us his favorite juniors in the geothermal sector and even offers a few of the base metals juniors that he owns.
The Energy Report: Could you give us an overview of the alternative energy market?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Investing in the Hydroelectric Renewable Energy Revolution / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Marin_Katusa
By Marin Katusa, Chief Investment Strategist, Casey Research Energy team: Two years ago, British Columbia’s premier electric utility company, BC Hydro, issued its “Clean Power Call” – a bid for the province to achieve electric self-sufficiency through renewable energy by 2016. That aggressive goal sparked an intense competition. Renewable energy companies of all stripes were jostling each other to prove that their project was the best, and to win a coveted Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA).
Friday, May 28, 2010
Lake Erie Wind Farm to be First Freshwater Offshore Project in U.S. / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The first step in an ambitious project to generate 1,000 megawatts of electricity from offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie was taken this week with an order to General Electric for five massive turbines.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Why Google is Investing in Wind Power Energy Resource Companies / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Marin_Katusa
By Marin Katusa, Chief Investment Strategist, Casey Research Energy Division -
What do search engines and wind energy have in common? That’s the question a lot of investors were asking earlier this month, when Google made an almost US$40 million investment into NextEra Energy Resources, a North Dakota wind energy firm. The simple answer: more than you think.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The GeoThermal Option for the Economic Recovery of Iceland / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Open_Foundation

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Solar Energy in Asia / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The Asian Development Bank launched a $9 billion solar power initiative to develop projects generating 3,000 megawatts by 2012.
The announcement, which came at the regional lending agency’s annual meeting in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, said that Central Asian countries would be prime candidates for siting the projects.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Amid Push For Renewable Energy, Saudi Arabia Cautiously Turns Over Green Leaf / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com

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Friday, April 23, 2010
The Global Movement Towards Green Sources For Energy Production / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Electricity Generation Going Nuclear, Obama’s Green Machine Is Ready to Go / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Casey_Research
Marin Katusa Casey’s Energy Opportunities writes: Over the Easter weekend, seven nuclear reactors throughout the United States stopped operations, and natural gas prices skyrocketed by over 20%. And this was when most of the country was enjoying mild weather and businesses were shut for the long weekend.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Industry Insider Explains “Green” Fracking Technology / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Keith_Schaefer

But Dale Dusterhoft, CEO of Trican Well Services in Calgary, Canada, says “we’re to a point now where we can offer a completely green fluid in some cases. We do “microtox” testing, which is very stringent. If a fluid passes that you can drink it, and we have fluids like that.”
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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Is Green Energy Credible / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Andrew_McKillop
Since about 2005, political leaderships and corporate deciders in the big oil importer countries, mainly but not exclusively the OECD group, have continually raised the scale for energy transition away from fossil fuels. This is usually set by targets for cutting CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, rather than targets for substitution or replacement, or reduction of current or future commercial energy consumption.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Geothermal Energy Investing, Hot Rocks and Hot Investments… But Don’t Get Burned! / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Casey_Research
Dr. Marc Bustin, Ph.D., FRSC, Casey Research Energy Team writes:
The geothermal industry has been taking one step forward and two steps back over the last year. On the forward side are grants and interest-free loans aplenty, particularly from governments wanting to jump on the green-energy bandwagon. Pushing back is not only some tough geology with deep, dry-rock drilling projects, but also the public fear of earthquakes along with other environmental issues.