Category: Renewable Energy
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Hydropower Solution in Central Asia: Yes But... / Politics / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
Surfing the wave of the hype for renewable energy such as hydropower and the invitation by the United States to many regional countries to get involved in the efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, Tajikistan is bringing back to the table the Rogun hydropower dam project. Rogun, conceived in Soviet days, was planned to generate 3,600 megawatts but the collapse of the Soviet Union halted the completion of this project. Now an independent country, Tajikistan, one of the poorest in the world, sees Rogun as a central element for its energy independence and a source of severely needed foreign currencies that could be earned through the export of electricity.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Green Energy Vanity / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Andrew_McKillop
Since about 2005, as oil prices maintained their relentless march upwards to hit USD 147 a barrel
in 2008, then collapsed to less than a quarter of this, before rising again, the call for ever bigger
and more prestigious Green Energy projects became deafening. In the run-up to the failed
Copenhagen climate summit at end 2009, some OECD leaders, including Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy
and Brown made ever more impassioned and exaggerated claims for how much, and how quickly
"brown energy" must be phased out - and replaced by low carbon, high prestige vanity projects.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Oversold Solar Sector Intriguing TAN ETF / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Mike_Paulenoff
The solar sector was left out of the entire Jan-Mar advance in the major equity market ETFs. However, the chart pattern and the behavior of the Claymore Global Solar Energy ETF (TAN)’s biggest component, First Solar (FSLR), suggest that “this dog” just might have its day yet. The rounded base-like formation that has been established since early February is intriguing technically, within a very oversold condition.
Monday, March 08, 2010
An Energy Comeback Story No One is Watching / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Q1_Publishing
The world is about to change forever.
The International Energy Agency predicts China will surpass the United States as the world’s largest energy consumer shortly after 2010.
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Wind Power Green Tech Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
In this exclusive Energy Report interview, GreenTech Opportunities editor and publisher Lawrence Roulston talks about how private enterprise has stepped up to the plate, managed to tweak technology and bring the costs of wind-powered energy production down 80% since 1980. It's to the point where wind is on the brink of being able to compete directly with conventional energy. Solar isn't as close, Lawrence says, but the virtuous circle of alternative energy is in motion and gaining momentum. Reduced costs lead to further research and development, improvements in technology, industry expansion and greater economies of scale, which lead again to lower costs, more innovation, more industry growth and cheaper energy, and round and round it goes.
Monday, January 18, 2010
China's Commitment to Green Energy and Nuclear Shows U.S. Oil's Future / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Mario_Cavolo
To their peril, there are two critical points still not comprehended by the majority of foreigners, including investment analysts and other supposed gurus chiming in their opinion on China.
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Thursday, January 07, 2010
Mergers Abound in Geothermal Energy Resources Sector / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Although the Copenhagen Climate Conference proved more a lesson in futility than a blueprint for a global energy shift, investors are already chasing green in 2010. But which alt energy source to invest in? One that runs 24/7, according to Steven Li, Senior VP of Technology & Clean Tech at Raymond James. "With geothermal it's always there, all the time," says Li, who examines key drivers for geothermal development and explains how small geothermal companies become "institutionally relevant" in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report.
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Hot Future for Geothermal Energy / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Marin_Katusa
Capturing energy from the earth’s heat is pretty easy pickin’s for geologically-active areas of the world like Iceland, Indonesia, and Chile. In some locations, hot fluids are so near the earth’s surface that heat from naturally-occurring hot fluids can be directly circulated through buildings for heating. Iceland, in particular, takes advantage of this low-hanging energy fruit.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Bullish Developments for Solar TAN ETF / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Mike_Paulenoff
The Claymore/MAC Global Solar Energy (NYSE: TAN) is in the news this morning and appears to be the beneficiary of some exciting news and expectations heading into 2010, perhaps a reflection of a global push towards "going or getting Green" in sympathy with the climate debate. Last Friday's, Deutsche Bank upgraded First Solar (FSLR), and this morning rumor has it that another big Wall Street research department is upgrading the solar sector and, in particular, components Suntech Power (STP) and JA Solar (JASO).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Growing Momentum for Green Energy Investing / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Wherever you look, you can see evidence of growing momentum in the green energy movement. With interest in alternatives to traditional, non-renewable sources of energy picking up steam around the globe, GreenTech Opportunities' editor and publisher Lawrence Roulston says investors in the sector may realize spectacular rewards. As he tells The Energy Report in this exclusive interview, he particularly favors enterprises on the brink of bringing breakthrough technologies to market—technologies that hold the key to making alternative energy production more economical, more efficient and more reliable.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Solar Energy Showing Promising Signs After Years of Disappointment / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
After years of over promising and under delivering, the solar Industry is finally starting to show some interesting developments which have the potential to make solar power as cheap as fossil fuel on a cost-per-watt basis within five years.Getting us to that state, called grid parity, would require solar companies to produce power for around $1 a watt. Is it possible anytime soon?
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Distorted IEA Oil Reserve Figures Create Biofuel Opportunities / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: OilPrice_Com
The recent revelations of a International Energy Administration whistleblower that the IEA may have distorted key oil projections under intense U.S. pressure is, if true (and whistleblowers rarely come forward to advance their careers), a slow-burning thermonuclear explosion on future global oil production. The Bush administration’s actions in pressuring the IEA to underplay the rate of decline from existing oil fields while overplaying the chances of finding new reserves have the potential to throw governments’ long-term planning into chaos.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
USA Today, China Pushes Solar, Wind Development / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Trader_Mark
Just something to keep your eye on as your politicians promise you that the US will be the world leader in green tech jobs. In fact they will have to layer countless more debt on your children and grandchildren for temporary "green jobs" jobs, to make this mirage come true - for a while. Most likely this promise will come next spring as the next massive stimulus is pumped to the masses to create "green jobs" retrofitting buildings and such.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Ryan Davies Finds Hot Technology Produces Solar Power for Half the Price / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
A shining example of using the sun's energy to heat, cool and light the homes and businesses of a desert community in California is poised to power up next year. It's due in part to the emergence of a technology that uses refraction rather than reflection to produce solar power on a utility-size scale at half the price of photovoltaic technology. But major credit also goes to the pioneering efforts of REDCO, a privately held company, which Ryan Davies established last year to unite free-market concepts with sound environmental policy.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Investing in Black Gold and Green Oil / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: Marin_Katusa
This summer, there's been a flurry of new green announcements from the world's major oil firms. ExxonMobil, Chevron, Valero, Statoil, Marathon, and Sunoco have all thrown their hats into the green ring.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Renewable Energy Investing, Magma Heating up Geothermal Space / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Energy_Report
Today, geothermal represents a tiny piece of the global energy mix, but it is growing rapidly in some western U.S. states and more than 20 other countries where the ground is literally hottest. According to the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association, global geothermal production may triple over the next 10 to 30 years as demand for clean power increases. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, entrepreneur extraordinaire Ross J. Beaty talks about how he intends to offer investors a heretofore unavailable opportunity to ride that growth wave, what sparked his interest in the geothermal arena, and where he sees many similarities between mining for metals and capturing the energy from the magma beneath the earth's crust. (Hot water and steam from the magma are piped to the surface to drive turbines to generate electricity). Ross, who has earned himself a sterling reputation and world renown for scratch-building wealth-creating resource companies, is applying his considerable expertise and team of experts to a new enterprise, Magma Energy Corp. The company just went public in a heavily oversubscribed IPO in July.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wall Street Is About To Make A Fortune From Rigging the Market and So Can You / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Q1_Publishing
Stock stories just don’t get better than this.
What if I told you I’ve found a relatively small company shaping up to be one of the future leaders in the lithium/hybrid car battery industry?
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Thursday, August 20, 2009
Where are the Opportunities for Investors with Electric Powered Cars? / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Hans_Wagner
Speculation on the prospects for electric cars and their impact on the world’s economies make for interesting chatter. As China, the U.S. and European governments step up their stimulus programs to encourage electrification of vehicles, investors are starting to take notice. The question is which industries offer the best investing opportunity.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Warning: Cap and Trade Bubble Ahead / Politics / Renewable Energy
By: Stephen_Lendman
Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud - On May 15, HR 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA) was introduced in the House purportedly "To create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy."
Friday, July 03, 2009
Lawrence Roulston: Challenges and Enormous Opportunities in Alternative Energy / Commodities / Renewable Energy
By: The_Gold_Report
The Energy Report caught up with newsletter writer and analyst Lawrence Roulston, who recently launched the GreenTech Opportunities newsletter. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Roulston gives us his thoughts on developments that are happening in the alternative energy field, and ideas for profiting in a changing world.