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Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis

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Thursday, December 03, 2020

What Are the 3 Stocks That Will Benefit from Covid-19? / Companies / Investing 2020

By: Submissions

The current coronavirus pandemic has had a massive effect on almost every aspect of the global stock market. In the United States, for instance, the stock market saw an enormous dip around March. This was the worst market crash ever since the infamous 1987 stock market dip in all the 120 years of its history. 

The majority of the shares in South Africa have also deteriorated in value as a result. However, despite all the pressure that companies continue to experience with this pandemic, some have enjoyed good returns. Institutions actively developing vaccines to help curb this menace have a high probability of reaping their exploits' benefits. 

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Wednesday, December 02, 2020

How An Ancient Medicine Is Taking On The $16 Trillion Pharmaceutical Industry / Companies / BioTech

By: Submissions




Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The No.1 Biotech Stock for 2021 / Companies / BioTech

By: Submissions




Monday, November 30, 2020

The Truth About “6G” / Companies / Internet

By: Stephen_McBride

I’m seeing them pop up more and more. Maybe you are, too. Bold headlines telling you to “forget 5G.” And get ready for—you guessed it—6G!

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Source: CNN Business

I want to be very clear: At this point, there is no such thing as “6G.” It simply doesn’t exist. I suspect some marketer made up the term 6G to attract attention.

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Monday, November 30, 2020

Ancient Aztec Secret Could Lead To A $6.9 Billion Biotech Breakthrough / Companies / BioTech

By: Submissions




Thursday, November 26, 2020

Industries that Require Secure Messaging Apps / Companies / Cyber Crime

By: Sumeet_Manhas

In today’s globalized world, information has become its own form of currency. Due to the interconnected nature of how we work, play, and communicate, data security is now a major concern.

Whether you’re a business owner or someone who regularly communicates over the internet, there is simply no room for complacency.

Hackers and thieves utilize information stolen from our communications for their own nefarious reasons - these can range from credit card fraud to outright identity theft.

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Nasdaq NQ Has Stalled Above a 1.382 Fibonacci Expansion Range Three Times / Companies / Tech Stocks

By: Chris_Vermeulen

The NASDAQ E-Mini Futures (NQ) has rallied and stalled above 12,055, a 138.2% Fibonacci expansion of the December 2018 low range to the February 2019 (Pre-COVID-19) highs three times over the past 4 months.  We believe this resistance level, near 12,055, on the NQ is acting as a major price ceiling and may continue to prompt continued downside resistance as price attempts to break through this level.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Edge Computing Is Leading the Next Great Tech Revolution / Companies / Tech Stocks

By: Stephen_McBride

Do you want in on the next great tech revolution? Well, it’s happening before our eyes. But it’s a shift so subtle, hardly anyone recognizes the profits at stake.

As I’ll show you today, these subtle shifts in computing happen once every 20 years or so. Last time, it handed investors 833% and 2,247% gains in just a few years. And I’m predicting even bigger profits this time around.

You see, every 20 years or so, computers go through a complete transformation. I’m not talking about getting a little faster or a little smaller. That happens almost every day. I’m talking a complete change in how computers “work.”

Let me show you. In 1944, IBM engineers built the first “all-purpose” computer. Weighing in at 10,000 pounds, the Harvard Mark 1 stretched 51 ft. long.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Creating Marketing Campaigns Using the Freedom of Information Act / Companies / SME

By: Sumeet_Manhas

Statistics and data provide a fantastic ‘base’ for an online marketing campaign or piece of content. Statistics often generate hyperlinks from other websites, as copywriters like to back up their comments and insights by referencing data. In turn, links are great for improving your website’s visibility on search engines like Google.

Telephone answering service provider Moneypenny for example recently published a blog-post regarding the rise of remote working, which gained lots of press coverage and over a dozen links from authoritative websites.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

How My Friend Made $128,000 Investing in Stocks Without Knowing It / Companies / Investing 2020

By: Stephen_McBride

If it weren’t for my wife, I still wouldn’t know about that pile of money.

My friend John recently told me a crazy story over coffee. One that’s 100X more powerful than any “hot stock tip.”

“It was 1996,” he said. “I was managing apartment buildings and shopping at Home Depot 2–3 days a week. Every time I walked in there, the place was PACKED. I was just getting started investing… but I knew I needed a piece of this business.”

John enrolled in their direct stock purchase plan (DSPP), which automatically buys a fixed dollar amount of shares on a regular basis. “I put an initial $2,500 in, and set it up to buy $75 more every month.”

For the first couple months, John carefully watched his account grow. Then the newness wore off, and he forgot about it. John moved to Costa Rica and turned his attention to real estate. After a successful career there, he and his family moved to Delray Beach, Florida, in 2015.

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Monday, November 02, 2020

Why Pinterest Has “Monster Stock” Potential / Companies / IPOs

By: John_Mauldin

By Justin Spittler

Shares of Pinterest (PIN) soared 27% last week after the company reported third-quarter earnings that crushed analyst expectations.

And I see PINS heading higher in the coming months. In fact, Pinterest has “monster stock” potential. You see, Pinterest is a different kind of social media company. Unlike Facebook (FB) and Twitter (TWTR), Pinterest isn’t a place where people spew negativity, engulf conspiracy theories, or argue about politics.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Global Banking: Some Sectors Look as "Precarious as Ever" / Companies / Banking Stocks


"Financial flameouts" are occurring despite relief from the European Central Bank

Most people remember that the entire global financial system teeter-tottered on collapse during the 2007-2009 financial crisis due to the debacle related to subprime mortgages.

As you'll recall, even a financial institution as large as Citigroup was brought to its knees.

Of course, that was more than a decade ago and the fear of a "financial Armageddon" would seem to be a distant memory.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Best Retail POS Software In Australia / Companies / Retail Sector

By: Sumeet_Manhas

A point of sale (POS) software is much more than just a conventional cash register. By integrating POS software to a mobile device or a cloud service, you can be satisfied with all of your hardware and software requirements. Various businesses, from smaller to midsize, all of them are going for a cloud-based POS software because you do not need multiple back-end servers at various locations.

There are many points of sale (POS) softwares in Australia. But finding the best POS software for you is vital to get you paid for your products. If you are looking for a POS to the trick, then POS Australia is one of the best options for you. Here is the guide for you to help you buy the best POS software in Australia.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

AMD is KILLING Intel as Ryzen Zen 3 Takes Gaming Crown, AMD Set to Achieve CPU Market Dominance / Companies / INTEL

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Last week we had another huge reminder of why Intel's stock price has been stagnating for the past 3 years whilst at the same time competitor AMD's stock price has soared into the stratosphere.

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Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Election Does Not Matter, Stick With Stock Winners Like Clean Energy / Companies / Renewable Energy

By: Chris_Vermeulen

If I put the pandemic aside and ignore the current jobs picture there are many reasons that I am bullish stocks.  Housing continues to remain upbeat with sales near all-time highs and consumer confidence is rising, which means investors’ sentiment will continue to trend higher. What is most important is that stocks that have outperformed in 2020 will likely continue to outperform. So my goal is to focus on the winners and avoid the laggers. 

The Election Does Not Matter

It seems clear that investors don’t seem to care who wins the election. Biden is up in the polls, and even though he has repeatedly said that he will raise taxes, the market does not seem to care. If Biden wins he will sign a huge stimulus bill and likely go for an enormous infrastructure spending bill that will propel stocks even higher. If President Trump is reelected, I also expect a stimulus bill with an eventual tax cut. While at Walter Reed Hospital, President Trump tweeted that if he wins he will push for the biggest tax cut in history. The bottom line is that regardless of who wins the presidency, stock prices are likely to continue to trend higher and ignore the weakening economic climate.

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Here Is Everything You Must Know About Insolvency / Companies / SME

By: Sumeet_Manhas

When a company commences business in the market, it has set objectives, functions, and roles. No corporation ever dreams of going into liquidation of becoming insolvent. The framework of law provides specific guidelines, rules, and regulations to assist the procedure of insolvency. Usually, insolvency takes place when the company is going in loss; it is not able to manage its finances and is thriving to survive in the market. Insolvency of a company has a lot to do with the law rather than the dynamics of the market. The internal functionality of corporations has to be transparent with the authorities to not land up in any form of legal action. Let us now understand the meaning and procedure of insolvency and legal accompaniments along with it. 

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Friday, October 09, 2020

Why You Should Look for Stocks Climbing Out of a “Big Base” / Companies / Tech Stocks

By: John_Mauldin

By Justin Spittler : Today I’m going to show you a trading tactic so simple, yet so reliable, it’ll allow you to predict when certain stocks will skyrocket days or even weeks in advance.

Master this tactic and it’ll feel like you’ve got a “cheat code” to the markets. Let me show you exactly how it works. In short, you want to identify stocks that are climbing out of a “base.”

A stock forms a base when it trades within a narrow price range for a period of time. In other words, the stock isn’t crashing, and it’s not zooming higher (yet).

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Monday, October 05, 2020

The Smart Way to Play the Hottest IPO Market in Years / Companies / IPOs

By: John_Mauldin

By Justin Spittler

The biggest software IPO is officially in the books. Two weeks ago, in one of the most hyped events of the year, Snowflake (SNOW) went public.

Snowflake is a data warehousing company. It helps companies better access and make sense of their data. We’ve been “stalking” Snowflake for over a year. And yet, we held off from recommending it to our readers.

There’s nothing wrong with Snowflake’s business. In fact, it’s a phenomenal company. Its customers include some of the world’s most cutting-edge companies, including Adobe (ADBE)Square (SQ)DocuSign (DOCU), and (OSTK).

Not only that, Snowflake is one of the world’s fastest-growing businesses. Its sales have surged an incredible 174% over the past year. That’s faster than Zoom Video (ZM) was growing before it went public.

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Friday, October 02, 2020

Why “AI” Is a Fraud Tech Stocks / Companies / AI

By: Stephen_McBride

Who will be crowned the world’s first trillionaire? Mark Cuban says there’s one disruptive trend that’ll bring a whole new meaning to the word “rich.”

You likely know Cuban as a star investor on ABC’s Shark Tank. The billionaire also owns the Dallas Mavericks. His big call? “The world's first trillionaires are going to come from somebody who masters AI.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most hyped up trend on the planet. The core idea of AI is a machine that learns and thinks just like you or me. Most importantly, it learns all by itself, without human intervention.

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Do This Instead Of Trying To Find The “Next Amazon” / Companies / Tech Stocks

By: Stephen_McBride

Before the coronavirus outbreak, I doubted telehealth had much potential. I remember sitting outside a café with our publisher and telling him it was a bust.

Trust a quack internet doctor? No way folks will go for it. But I’ve done a total 180. Right now, millions of Americans are firing up their laptops and “visiting” doctors virtually. In fact, more than 55 million folks now pay for a telehealth subscription.

And industry pioneers Teladoc (TDOC) and Livongo (LVGO) have handed out huge gains. And here’s what I’ve come to realize…

The coronavirus is not the real reason telehealth stocks are soaring. Of course, it shined a spotlight on these stocks. But above all else, telehealth stocks are soaring because they’re doing something totally NEW.

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