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Category: Global Financial System

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, October 20, 2008

The End of Friedmanite Economics / Economics / Global Financial System

By: Mike_Whitney

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMonday last week, the stock market recorded its biggest one day gain in history on news that the G-7 had settled on a plan to recapitalize the banking system. The Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England (BOE) all agreed to make direct capital injections into "systemically important" banks so they could resume lending and reduce stress in the credit markets. They also decided to insure deposits and to guarantee interbank lending. Do you think that these unprecedented steps will be enough to avert a meltdown of the financial system?

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Monday, October 20, 2008

The End Game- Greatest Ponzi Scheme in History Part2 / Politics / Global Financial System

By: David_Chu




Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Unprecedented Global Coordinated Interest Rate Cut / Interest-Rates / Global Financial System

By: Joseph_Brusuelas

The US Federal Reserve along with the Bank of Canada, Bank of England, the European Central Bank, Sweden Riksbank and the Swiss National Bank acted in concert to reduce short term lending rates in pre-market hours this morning.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Fear Grips Stock Markets as Economies Tip Into Recession / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Prieur_du_Plessis

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhew – what a wild week! Global stock markets and commodities tumbled, whereas government bonds and the US dollar surged amid mounting fears that the ongoing turmoil in financial markets was foreshadowing a hard landing for the US and Europe.

The first-ever trillion-dollar loss (as measured by the Dow Jones Willshire 5000 Index) on Wall Street came on Monday in the wake of the US House of Representatives failing to gather enough votes to pass the $700 billion bank rescue package. Globally, more than $1.7 trillion got wiped off the MSCI World Index.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mega-Trend: End of the Era of Falling Interest Rates / Interest-Rates / Global Financial System

By: Boris_Chikvashvili

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDear Reader,

In early CAPI(SOPI)TALISATION process of USSR/RUSSIA, they have searched the earth for a nice motto for a newly minted credit card called RUSSIAN EXPRESS. Their search has finally ended when they DISCOVER(ed) the AMERICAN EXPRESS ad with a motto: Do Not Leave Home Without It.

And Bingo. The choice was uncontested. The motto became...

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Russo-Georgian War Aftermath Impact on Financial Markets / Politics / Global Financial System


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleA redefinition of Russia has taken place — rather jarringly — following its war with Georgia, and the entire world is reassessing its position and relations with the resurgent power. This reassessment includes financial factors — a much more tender area for today's Russia than for the Soviet Union, because Russia's large economy is tied into the global economy.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History is About to Unfold / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Ty_Andros

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs we look out over the next six months what we see will be extraordinary. The opportunities for prepared investors have never been brighter as the unfolding volatility will be incredible. “Volatility is Opportunity ” for the prepared investor and it will arrive in spades. After a short period of corrective activity I believe explosive moves in almost ALL SECTORS (interest rates, stocks, commodities, natural resources, currencies, and more) lay on the near horizon.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

G8 Fail to Address Growing Global Instability / Economics / Global Financial System

By: John_Browne

With market watchers the world over feeling increasingly alarmed by spreading economic problems, much hope and attention was focused on Japan last weekend as finance ministers and central bankers of the G-8 (Group of Eight) nations gathered to apparently map out a coordinated global response. In particular, all hoped that the delegates would conjure a plan to save the dollar from the dustbin and stop the price of oil and food from pushing the world into crisis.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Will We See the End of Empire in Our Time? / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Richard_C_Cook

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe following is based on a talk given by the author at the “End of Empire” session of the “Building a New World” Conference of the Prout World Assembly at Radford University, Radford, Virginia, on May 22, 2008.

I believe we have had two Americas. One started with the imperialist state which Alexander Hamilton tried to put into place in the 1790s with the First Bank of the United States. Thomas Jefferson overthrew this early expression of empire in the Civic Revolution of 1800 and created a strong and free America which lasted until 1913 in spite of the convulsion of the Civil War.

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Extraordinary Times, Intentional Collapse, and Takedown of the USA - Part 2 / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Richard_C_Cook

Part 1
“End Times”
Can it be that the last stage of the U.S. takedown is “The Project for the New American Century”? Is this ambitious plan for “global leadership” through military might that was seemingly invented by the “neocons”—many with dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship—a Trojan Horse?

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Extraordinary Times, Intentional Collapse, and Takedown of the USA - Part 1 / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Richard_C_Cook

Much has been written about whether a worldwide plan exists to control events and steer them in the direction profitable to an elite of the rich and powerful. Is this a “conspiracy theory”? While it is difficult to be specific about who exactly may be behind such a conspiracy, if it exists, it is at least clear that the privately-managed system of global financial capitalism gives ample opportunity for the world’s richest people to combine for their mutual benefit. Further, global financial capitalism itself is based on the monopolization of money-creation by a world banking system that is largely privately owned, even while working through the central banks of the largest and most prosperous nations.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Epic Paradigm Shift Looms Against the Acceptance of Fiat Money / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Joseph_Russo

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAdaptive Trading and Investment Perspectives Since we first began offering our market forecasting and analysis services to the public some two years ago, Elliott Wave Technology has been strident in directing our clients focus and attention to the negative wealth effects that eroding fiat-currency's impose - along with the plausibility of epic consequence, if and when an inevitable paradigm shift against the acceptance of fiat-money were to ever reach critical mass. No matter where we are in a given investment cycle, we must first recognize the inherent nature of that environment, and then adapt our various investment postures with fitting perspective.

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Friday, February 29, 2008

Currencies Crises- Two Days in September / Currencies / Global Financial System

By: Adrian_Ash

"...The US Dollar's hoped-for decline had now become a rout, driving the greenback down to new all-time lows on its trade-weighted index..."

Saturday, 19th Sept. 1931 - Montagu Norman – governor of the Bank of England – is sailing back to London from a vacation in Canada . He'd felt "under the harrow" since February, and one day in late July had gone home early "feeling queer".

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Friday, February 29, 2008

The Anti-Gold Standard Gospel According to Barron Smith / Commodities / Global Financial System

By: Professor_Emeritus

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBarron Young Smith is a financial journalist whose piece What Would Happen If We Adopted the Gold Standard? is appended below. He describes Ron Paul's campaign to restore Constitutional money in the U.S. as being "populist". He adds insult to injury in saying that "Ron Paul... is on a crusade to resurrect a great symbol of Wall Street-Washington dominance over the individual".

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Coming Collapse of International Credit Ratings Agencies - Moody's, Standard & Poor, and Fitch / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Alex_Wallenwein

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSo you thought the Ambac/MBIA bond insurers crisis was bad?

You ain't seen nothin' yet

The problem, the challenge, the scandal, is not that the bond insurers are about to be downgraded. The real scandal lies in the fact that they haven't been downgraded a long time ago - and much deeper than from "AAA" to "AA". In fact, what needs to be downgraded are the major international credit ratings agencies, Moody's, Standard & Poor, and Fitch.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Iran's Notice to Crude Oil Importers Results in Monetary Contraction of $500 billion of PetroDollar Reserves / Commodities / Global Financial System

By: Rob_Kirby

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMuch was made of Iran's announcement back in December, 2007 – that they would no longer be accepting U.S. Dollars as payment for their chief export, crude oil:

Iran stops selling oil in dollars - Tehran moves closer to confrontation with U.S.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stock and Financial Market Forecasts 2008 - Currencies - Part 3 / Currencies / Global Financial System

By: Ty_Andros

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIntroduction
This is the master thread to which all economic analysis must be held up due to the fiat monetary systems practiced UNIVERSALLY around the world. Just like a game of musical chairs, or rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic everyone will go down sooner or later. The central reality is that Currencies don't float, they just sink at different rates .

Currencies are no longer backed by gold or silver and are no one else's liability; they are all now IOU's and are the liability of the central bank and country that issues them. The principle reserves of the world's central banks consist of other country's promises to pay (currency and bonds). As we all know, public servants rarely deliver on their promises, and their “promises to pay” are made of the same timber.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Davos, Debt & Systemic Failure - When West Meets East / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Darryl_R_Schoon

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe preferred diet of most Davos attendees is a fusion inspired composition of individual, government, and corporate debt combined with a free-market frisee of lax regulatory oversight held together by a roux of central bank credit that dissolves instantly when paired with matching counter-party risk.

The January 2008 gathering in Davos , Switzerland at the World Economic Forum is similar to the 1957 meeting in Palermo , Sicily of American and Sicilian Cosa Nostra crime families who met to discuss mutual problems and opportunities. The notable difference being that those in the Cosa Nostra live outside the law; while those at the World Economic Forum in Davos make them.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Expert Views on the Stock Market Credit Crisis and Global Economy / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: John_Mauldin

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThis week we do something a little different in our Outside the Box. Every weekend I get a very information-filled blog called Investment Postcards from Cape Town ( http://www.investmentpostcards .com ) by Dr. Prieur du Plessis. In it he highlights what he thinks is the most important portion of the writings of 10 to 15 analysts from around the world on the state of the economy and investing, and summarizes the news and data. I find it very useful, as Prieur generally finds a lot of interesting pieces that I miss and go on to read in my effort to stay on top of the markets. You can subscribe on your own if you like by activating the subscription option on the blog.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shadow Banking System Crumbling as Losses Double to $500 Billion / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: John_Mauldin

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThis week look at a short but very important piece by Bill Gross. He has my same concern about credit default swaps, but he puts a number to it. He thinks the cost to the world economic system could be in the $250 billion dollar range. Add that to the $250 billion in losses due to the subprime markets, and you are starting to talk real money. The Shadow Banking System is at the center of the problem. I trust you will find this of interest.

Bill Gross was just named Fixed Income Manager of the Year by Morningstar. He sits on the largest pile of bonds in the world at PIMCO and is their Managing Director.

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