Category: Crude Oil
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, September 16, 2011
Falling Crude Oil Prices: Worrying Trend or Saving Grace? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Marin_Katusa
Marin Katusa, Casey Energy Team writes: When oil prices start to decline, investors and economists get worried. Oil prices in large part reflect global sentiment towards our economic future – prosperous, growing economies need more oil while slumping, shrinking economies need less, and so the price of crude indicates whether the majority believes we are headed for good times or bad. That explains the worry – those worried investors and economists are using oil prices as an indicator, and falling prices indicate bad times ahead.
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Thursday, September 08, 2011
Crude Oil's Climb Set to Stall? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
This morning's crude oil inventory report showed a bigger than expected drawdown of 3.96 million barrels compared to expectations of 2 million barrels. Let's notice that although NYMEX oil remains up for the third consecutive session, today's high at 90.23 has not exceeded yesterday's high of 90.48 -- despite the bullish inventory news.
That's the first warning signal that the 8.8% climb in oil prices since Tuesday morning is stalling.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Crude Oil Explosive Upside on Supply Decrease Plus Demand Increase / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: The_Energy_Report
Global Resource Investments Founder and Chairman Rick Rule is a self-described energy bull. In this special Energy Report from his latest web broadcast, he highlights the global macro-trends that will drive energy prices—oil, natural gas, uranium and alternative energy way up in the coming years.
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Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Unseemly Scrabble for Libya's Post-Gaddafi Oil Assets Underway / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
While NATO members, led by France, piously proclaimed at the onset of their military offensive in Libya that their concerns were solely humanitarian, a covert tussle to gain a commanding lead in developing the country's energy riches in light of Colonel Gaddafi's departure is well underway.
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Monday, September 05, 2011
Where’s Our Oil Price Collapse? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: James_Quinn
Make no mistake about it, without plentiful, cheap, and easy to access oil, the United States of America would descend into chaos and collapse. The fantasies painted by "green" energy dreamers only serve to divert the attention of the non critical thinking masses from the fact our sprawling suburban hyper technological society would come to a grinding halt in a matter of days without the 18 to 19 million barrels per day needed to run this ridiculous reality show. Delusional Americans think the steaks, hot dogs and pomegranates in their grocery stores magically appear on the shelves, the thirty electronic gadgets that rule their lives are created out of thin air by elves and the gasoline they pump into their mammoth SUVs is their God given right. The situation was already critical in 2005 when the Hirsch Report concluded:
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Libya's Slippery Oil Prize / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
Muammar Qaddafi’s exactly 42 year-old regime is now firmly on its way into the dustbin of history, sealing the fate of his quixotic and brutal administration that many outsiders found more comic rather than dangerous - but above all supplied high quality light sweet crude.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Catastrophic Economic Crunch Will Be Oil Mastitis: Set to Hit USA Just Like 2008 / Economics / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_Butter
Everyone was waiting with baited breath for the news about QE-3. But perhaps the number to watch was Q-3 nominal GDP, coming soon!!
The important message Ben Bernanke had in Jackson Hole was that the Federal Reserve cannot, on its own, create economic growth in America (or jobs), simply by making it more or less attractive for banks to lend; and thus for Americans and foreigners to borrow. Or by printing money to buy over-priced toxic assets so the ATM’s still work, or to help the Treasury improve the structure of their debt, by buying long bonds real cheap from Bill Gross…Hey Bill, that was a patriotic thing to do!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Russia and China's Energy Dispute and the Struggle for Eurasian Dominance / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
China's voracious appetite for energy from anywhere has led most oil-producing nations to attempt to feed the dragon, including Russia.
But a curious situation has developed as regards Russian oil exports to the Celestial Kingdom, underlining that the two nations, which fought for global supremacy over the Communist movement for four decades, remain at best, "frenemies."
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Old Faithful Peak Oil Debate / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
It is a well known refrain: Peak Oil is always now ! The problem is that nobody noticed, because oil prices are so high and demand growth is almost zero. The ongoing and real economic recession in almost all OECD countries more than "trims" oil demand in these countries, still taking about 45 million barrels a day (Mbd) on a world total demand of about 89 Mbd, depending on estimates, which easily range through + or - 2 Mbd, and vary even more than that for seasonal variations.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Crude Oil Looks Weak / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The Oil market, for so long considered a one way bet for the bulls and potentially ruinous for western economies, no longer looks so sure-footed.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Joint Chinese-Indian Oil Tanker Patrols Possible? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Aside from cost, the major problem for oil importing countries is getting the purchases safely home. Essentially, there are only two options - pipelines and maritime transport.Both are vulnerable to attack and this is increasingly preoccupying Chinese leaders, especially as, according to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's dependence on imported oil rose to 55.2 percent for the first five months of 2011, surging to 9.61 million barrels per day. Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Truth About Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes:
Traditionally, demand levels would determine the overall condition of the oil market. Supply (and the investment required for that supply) would be based upon what demand told us.
Actually, oil never reflected the demand-supply relationship as well as other sectors of the market. Oil has an irritating habit of not reflecting what it should in the dynamics of market play. Until recently, petroleum economists would comment (or lament) about the demand inelasticity of oil. That means, due to the lack of available alternatives (especially in transportation), demand for oil products would not decline as the price rose.
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Friday, August 12, 2011
Crude Oil Seeping To Lower Levels / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The strong rally in Brent Crude in July put bears on a cautious footing. However, a decisive reversal at Fibonacci resistance has kept the medium term bear outlook intact.
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Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Crude Oil Price Falling Off A Cliff, Like September 2008? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_Butter
I suspect that even the most sophisticated student of Econ-101 would concede that the trajectory of the price of oil in 2008 was a bubble and that 2009 was a bust?
Not that anyone has come up with a convincing theory for what it was that pumped up the bubble or what finally popped it, outside of the old favorites such as…the insanity of crowds, terrorist plots, and Goldman Sachs.
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Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Decline Ended in Crude Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Nearby NYMEX crude oil futures have the right look and the requisite underlying internals to suggest that yesterday's low at 93.42 and this morning's low at 93.81 ended the decline from the July 26 high at 100.62.
If that proves to be the case, then as long as 93.75/42 remains intact as key support, oil -- and the U.S. Oil Fund ETF (USO) --- likely is starting a recovery rally. That rally should revisit key resistance at 98.00-98.60 in oil futures, which, if hurdled, will trigger upside continuation to 100.00 for a test of the July highs.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Peak Oil Has Passed / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: The_Energy_Report
Self-professed contrarian and 321Energy Founder Bob Moriarty expects energy and food prices to follow oil on an upward trajectory, fueling more and more turmoil, unrest and violence around the planet, including the Western world. Read on for more insights in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report.
The Energy Report: The markets don't appear to have slowed for the typical summer doldrums this year. Instead, they seem to be returning to their pre-May highs, testing the 200-day moving averages. What do you think of this rally?
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Need for a Real Domestic Alternative Energy Policy in the USA / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Alternative energy (or renewable energy) is a new manufacturing industry paradigm that is in its infancy. However, the discussion is not new, and it looks as if the United States has positioned itself to be behind history on what can be a very promising industry for a stumbling economy. After the oil shortages in the 70's, government officials began discussing energy policy as a matter of national security, but this misses the point of a globally competitive economic world. It was too early then to begin thinking that China could out-invest the United States in order to produce an alternative energy manufacturing industry.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Will Crude Oil Reach $120 by December? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Eric_McWhinnie
Although there have been numerous economic reports to derail oil (NYSE:USO), the black gold continues to hold firm. Last week, investors were reminded that the employment picture remains weak, as initial claims came in at 418k. Barclays Capital (NYSE:BCS) released a report that inflows into commodity markets fell sharply as the first half of 2011 ended.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Crude Oil Outlook Remains Strong, 2011 Halftime Report / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Frank_Holmes
This year has been eventful for the oil patch. Natural disasters, revolutions, terrorist attacks and political maneuvering kept oil bouncing around $100 per barrel and 3.8 percent higher on the year at the end of June. Despite the volatility and large number of external forces affecting oil prices, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its most recent Oil Market Report that “the bull run evident since autumn 2010 therefore looks in large part to be justified by supply and demand fundamentals.”
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
The last three years of global recession have dealt a major blow to American capitalist ideas trumpeted throughout the world on the value of "free markets." Wall St has been revealed as a form of casino economy, with the bankster insiders gambling with other people's, and eventually, the government's money in the form of bailouts. As the Republicans in Congress, scenting victory in the 2012 presidential elections, hold a gun to the Obama administration's head and rating agencies consider downgrading U.S. government bonds in light of Washington's possible defaulting, many ideas around the world that previously seemed implausible because of the dominance of the U.S. economy are garnering renewed interest.