Category: Police State
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, March 09, 2018
Sheffield Police State as Tree Protesting Citizens Are Snatched off the Streets! / Local / Police State
By: N_Walayat
Following the thawing of the 'Beast from the East' snow Sheffield's streets have seen a huge expansion in the level of force deployed against street tree felling protestors, with now at least 35 police officers attending felling sites, accompanying 20 or so SIA security and a dozen or so Arb's, as has been the case on many of Sheffield streets this week such as Thornsett Road, Kenwood Park Road and Abbeydale Park Rise.
Sheffield increasingly resembles an eastern european totalitarian police state with police snatch squads in operation literally grabbing people off the streets, then barring them from returning to the street tree protests under threat of prosecution / breach of police bail. The way it appears to work is that SIA security or Arbs snap a picture of an innocent protestor and then later forward an allegation to the police who then grab the invidual off the street at the next street protest, probably identified to the police by the SIA / Arbs. However, so far not one Sheffield tree protestor has been prosecuted for any crime, therefore the objective is to prevent peaceful protests from taking place in Sheffield.
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Saturday, March 25, 2017
Police Body-Cam's - Be Careful What You Wish For / Politics / Police State
By: John_Rubino
After the recent deluge of videos showing police abusing and sometimes flat-out murdering more-or-less innocent citizens, the willingness of a growing number of cities to equip officers with video cameras has been hailed as a victory by civil libertarians.
But what if those cameras also extend the surveillance network exponentially? In the future, if a policeman is facing you, he might be filming you. From there, all it will take is real-time facial recognition technology, and Big Brother will be walking the streets with eyes wide open.
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