Category: How to Guides
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Time to take the RED Pill / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
By: Nadeem_Walayat
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Monday, August 21, 2023
How to Really Get RICH - Change the Way You THINK! / InvestorEducation / How to Guides
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is part 1 of 2 of my exclusive to patrons brain dump guide on How to REALLY Get RICH that I will seek to update and improve upon on an annual basis. The focus of Part 1 will be on changing the way you think because time and time again whenever I talk to ordinary folk it can be like I am conversing with a different species of human, I get asked questions such as Why do I need all that money, why don't I live in a mansion (a 6 bed house is more than adequate), why don't I buy a lambo or other junk, I mean stuff like gold jewelry and fancy watches to me are just junk, instead most folk obsess over junk. Clearly we are not on the same wave length and I can find it mind numbing engaging in such conversations which tends to make me want to avoid such folk in the future.Yes getting rich tends to make one arrogant, it's because people who are not rich try and give someone who is a lot richer than them advice on what they should do with their wealth because that's what they who don't have much would do, either that or they want me to be in the same debt laden sinking ship as them! This is why the rich don't mix with ordinary folk because they don't think the same way, it can be mind numbing to explain that which one takes for granted, so the starting point towards getting rich is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK!
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Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Fix Dirty Disk Volume Read Only Windows Error 0x80071AC3 / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
Eventually virtually every Windows user is going to come across the Dirty Disk error message that basically locks a hard drive from being able to write to it as a protection. Which usually coincides with an unexpected loss of power be it your computer being switched off without shutting down or more usually an external hard drive being unplugged whilst data is being written to it. Nine times out of ten, your drive will be fine, but there will eventually be that one time when you find that you are no longer able to write data to the drive.
What's basically happened is that Drive has had it's Dirty Bit set, and to get to write again that dirty bit needs to be cleared. Which can prove more difficult to do than many web sites and youtube suggest to run CHECKDISK and the problem will be fixed. Instead in reality you will find that you have less than a 50% chance of Check disk working amongst a whole list of methods often recommended as listed below -
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Sunday, December 15, 2019
How to FIX Dirty Disk Windows Hard Drive Volume Error 0X80071AC3 / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
Eventually virtually every Windows user is going to come across the Dirty Disk error message that basically locks a hard drive from being able to write to it as a protection. Which ususally coincides with an unexpected loss of power be it your computer being switched off without shutting down or more usually an external hard drive being unpligged whilst data is being writtne to it. Nine times out of ten, your drive will be fine, but there will evertnaully be that one time when you find that you are no longer ablto to write data to the drive.
What's basically happened is that Drive has had it's Dirty Bit set, and to get to write again that dirty bit needs to be cleared. Which can prove more difficult to do than many web sites and youtube suggest to run CHECKDISK and the problem will be fixed. Instead in reality you will find that you have less than a 50% chance of Checkdisk working.
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Thursday, April 26, 2018
How to be Financially Prepared When Purchasing Your First Home / Housing-Market / How to Guides
By: Submissions
Getting ready to purchase your first house can seem like a daunting task. You need to take into account credit scores, mortgages, and down payments. Below is a simple guide that will ensure you are ready to make one of the most significant purchases in your life.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Christmas Chocolate Cake Kids Baking Holiday Fun Activity / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
By: Anika_Walayat
Anika aged 9 demonstrates how to have fun during the Christmas holidays as its literally child's play to bake an amazing, delicious chocolate cake. It's easy so come on kids get your parents involved and lets all get baking fresh chocolate cakes during the x-mas holiday!
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Sunday, December 03, 2017
How to Turn off / Reset Vauxhall Zafira Service Inspection Reminder Light / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
Here's how to easily rest your Vauxhall Zafira's Inspection reminder warning light that appears annually reminding owners to get their cars serviced which is fine, but a problem if owners want to save money and self service themselves or if they hardly drive their Zafira's.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Sky Box Planner Rebuild Fix Technical Fault 7 (33) To Try and Fix Hard Drive Error / ConsumerWatch / How to Guides
If you suddenly get the technical fault 7 (33) or (30) error messages on your recordings, usually listed as partially recorded, which basically means the hard drive in your sky box is dieing that manifests itself in stuttering, freezing recordings that are near impossible to lost. However all is not lost because you can buy yourself some time to decide what to do next, upgrade or buy a replacement box as this video illustrates.
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
Used Car Buying From UK Dealer Top Tips, Real Customer Experience / ConsumerWatch / How to Guides
By: N_Walayat

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Monday, October 02, 2017
Switching On a New Custom Gaming PC For the First Time (4) / Personal_Finance / How to Guides
By: Adnaan_Walayat
In part 4 of our buying a custom built gaming PC from an online builder such as OverClockers UK series, we connect the PC up and switch it on for the first time. Lets see what to expect when a new PC power ups for the first time to a freshly installed copy of Windows 10.
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Nabru Self Assembly Sofa Extensive Review and Guide / ConsumerWatch / How to Guides
By: Adnaan_Walayat
This is our extensive review and how to guide for the Nabru and similar self assembly sofa's that allow prospective buyers to purchase sofa builds that match their near exact requirements, not just in terms of material but also in fitting awkward spaces and also given the self assembly nature are not constrained by doorways, stairs other obstacles when moving furniture and that assembly is a straight forward process of slotting and covering, and NO gluing or nailing!