Category: Financial Crisis 2015
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, October 30, 2015
One of America’s Largest Companies is Stockpiling Food and Gold for the Next Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2015
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
One of America’s largest companies is taking a controversial stance on employee benefits.
In a move that is sure to draw criticism from the mainstream press, Jonathan Johnson, chairman of online retail giant (OSTK), publicly stated that the company has stockpiled gold and food in preparation of a U.S. financial crisis.
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Thursday, October 15, 2015
The Third Wave of the Global Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2015
By: Michael_J_Kosares
Massive artificial stock, bond wealth will be looking for a place to go. By the time Goldman Sachs published its widely referenced warning of a third wave in the global financial crisis (mid October), the physical precious metals' markets were already feeling the strain of very strong demand against a rapidly dwindling supply. China, the country seemingly at the epicenter of the developing emerging market crisis, by itself had taken 911 tonnes of gold off the market in the first half of 2015 – a number when annualized that represents nearly two-thirds of the world's mine production. India, another of the so-called BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) was a strong second at 400-500 tonnes. In the Occident, gold demand was strong, but silver demand was even stronger. Global mints were reporting off-the-charts demand for silver bullion coins. Coin premiums were on the rise in extremis at one point reaching almost $6 per ounce on the popular silver American Eagle.
Thursday, October 01, 2015
What Two Risks From Rising Interest-Rates Could Each Trigger A New Global Crisis? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2015
By: Dan_Amerman
Why are interest rates at historic lows in the United States and around the world?
The widely-accepted answer is that very low interest rates exist for the purpose of stimulating economic growth and corporate profits, and are thereby helping the United States and other nations that are struggling with persistent and deep-rooted economic and unemployment problems.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
This Global Financial Crisis is Set To Continue…And Get Worse / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2015
By: Harry_Dent
I just landed in Vancouver for our third annual Irrational Economic Summit. Besides losing some luggage on the flight over and a few other hiccups along the way, I’m here, my team’s here, and we’re ready to kick off the event tomorrow.In the past we had only offered small, live conferences to members of our Dent Network. Back in 2013, we opened the doors to a wider audience.
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
The Most Dangerous Financial Headline I've Seen Since the 2008 Crisis / Companies / Financial Crisis 2015
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: In my capacity as Chief Investment Strategist, I read newsfeeds from more than 100 sources every day. That helps me keep tabs on the Unstoppable Trends we follow at Total Wealth, what's going on around the world, and, more importantly, discover opportunities for you that others don't yet understand or even recognize.
Given everything going on – ISIS, Russia, Washington, fabricated economic numbers, earnings… you name it – it takes a lot to surprise me. I'm pretty jaded.
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