Category: Bio-Fuels
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, October 07, 2015
How to Profit from Government Mandates in Biofuels / Commodities / Bio-Fuels
By: The_Energy_Report
New proposed EPA requirements for the renewable fuel standard program, combined with challenging sugarcane harvests in South America, could increase demand for biodiesel, creating opportunity in a struggling energy sector. In this interview with The Energy Report, Piper Jaffray Analyst Brett Wong names a growing company that could profit from government mandates.
The Energy Report: New proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for the renewable fuel standards (RFS) program could change the landscape for biofuels. What is the new supply-and-demand picture for corn ethanol, biodiesel and sugarcane ethanol?
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Monday, November 12, 2012
Goodbye Biofuels! / Commodities / Bio-Fuels
By: Andrew_McKillop
To be sure, there are biofuels and biofuels. Some, called second-generation non-crop biofuels have "good long-term outlooks", but others are clearly uneconomic and a recipe for bankruptcy for any unwary producer and investor. The first major point is the volume output of "present generation" biofuels makes them a side issue for world energy, for the simple and basic reason they are uneconomic. We can start with the big numbers - for production of "present generation" bioethanol fuels able to subsitute gasoline - dominated by the US and Brazil, noting that world biodiesel production (from vegetable oils and animal fats) is far behind the total for bioethanol.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Which Biofuels Hold the Most Promise for the Future / Commodities / Bio-Fuels
By: OilPrice_Com
Following record droughts across the United States the benefits of the ethanol subsidy were once again hotly debated and biofuels in general found themselves generating quite a few unflattering headlines. But as always the mainstream media overreacted and we wanted to help put the record straight as to whether biofuels are an expensive folly or if they really do offer an affordable source of liquid fuel that can help us lower our reliance upon gasoline.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Enzymes and Algae May Spur a Biofuel Boom / Commodities / Bio-Fuels
By: The_Energy_Report
What is the most viable form of alternative energy? For the oil-centric infrastructure of North America, biofuels make for strong contenders. The challenge facing the sector today concerns low-cost mass production, and researchers are already showing significant progress. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Senior Technology Analyst Ian Gilson of Zacks Investment Research shares select undervalued companies that stand out for their long-term profit potential.