Category: Government Spending
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, January 07, 2013
Why The Fiscal Cliff "Deal" is Spelled P-O-R-K / Politics / Government Spending
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
After narrowly missing the fiscal cliff, the President went out of his way to thank the Senate and Congress for getting things done.
Granted, it wasn't an Academy Award speech, but it could have been given the performance he delivered as he congratulated everybody from his "extraordinary" Vice President Joe Biden to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and even Speaker Boehner.
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Saturday, January 05, 2013
Rick Santelli Is Right, the Democrats are the Lunatics! / Politics / Government Spending
By: EconMatters
Today on CNBC during the coverage of the monthly employment report, Rick Santelli pointed out that there is some absurdity in calling the Republicans “lunatics” when they are the only responsible voice in Washington right now trying to call attention to the out of control government spending in the overall context of an unsustainable federal deficit while the Democrats are running the country into the ground with even additional spending programs that the government has to borrow more money to fund.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Pay Differential Between Private Sector and Government Workers / Politics / Government Spending
A dreadful warning arises, when public sector employment pay and benefits outstrips the remuneration earned by the private employment workers. Even the most hardened government proponent, must succumb to the reality that private business generates real wealth that finances government through taxes. The expenditures of government on all levels are linked to the profitability of enterprises and sufficient margin that affords the ability to pay revenue levies. Thus, the proportion of wages between private enterprises and public employees has significant consequences.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Nasa's Martian Boondoggles / Politics / Government Spending
By: Gary_North
There was a recent mini-flap over life on Mars. Some CalTech scientist said that something big is about to be announced about life on Mars. But NASA says it's not true. You can read about this here.
Here is the accompanying explanation.
Read full article... Read full article...The Mars Science Laboratory Project and its Curiosity rover are less than four months into a two-year prime mission to investigate whether conditions in Mars' Gale Crater may have been favorable for microbial life.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Economic Deception At The Heart Of The U.S. Fiscal Cliff / Economics / Government Spending
By: Dan_Amerman
Truth Testing The Narrative
Among many politicians and much of the media there is an accepted narrative about deficits, taxes and the so-called "Fiscal Cliff". It goes something like the following:
"The United States is running massive deficits that are bankrupting the country. These deficits are so high because of the Bush era tax cuts.
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Friday, November 16, 2012
What is the “fiscal cliff”? / Politics / Government Spending
By: Global_Research
Patrick Martin writes: The term “fiscal cliff,” first used by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke last February, refers to the simultaneous expiration of tax cuts and imposition of spending cuts on January 1, 2013.
The American media has seized on the term “fiscal cliff” and promoted it, in part, to suggest that measures which would otherwise be enormously popular—ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy or cutting military spending—are threatening, even dangerous.
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Monday, October 22, 2012
Government Spending, State Education, Dysfunctional, Dishonest, Insane and Intolerable / Politics / Government Spending
By: James_Quinn
“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” – Ben Franklin
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Bernanke Riding Into The Sunset Or A Brick Wall? / Politics / Government Spending
By: Peter_Schiff
A month ago, I presented the case for why Fed Chairman Bernanke would have strong motivation to launch another round of quantitative easing (QE) before the election. In short, it would save him his job. Now, I didn't predict with certainty that he would do so - only the few men at the FOMC knew that for sure - but it seemed likely. Shortly thereafter, Bernanke not only announced more stimulus, but promised to keep it flowing to the tune of an additional $40 billion a month until conditions improve. As I had written, this is essentially the election platform of the Obama-Bernanke ticket: we will keep the party going indefinitely.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Government Dependency Will End in Economic Chaos / Politics / Government Spending
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The media insists on characterizing statements about dependency on government handouts as controversial, but in truth such statements are absolutely correct. It's not that nearly half of Americans are dependent on government; it's actually more than half. If one includes not just people on food stamps and welfare, but also seniors on Medicare, Social Security and people employed by the government directly, the number is more like 165 million out of 308 million, which is 53%.
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Wednesday, August 01, 2012
The Record of Olympic Economics / Politics / Government Spending

As the world economy plunges and the financial markets debate the future of EU, the London Olympics provide a pretext to take a holiday and party all night. The latest example of excess and self-absorbed haughtiness, promotes an agenda of internationalism. The spirit of the games is less about sportsmanship than promotion of indoctrination. The cost to produce such an extravaganza approaches sums that necessitate a bailout from the IMF. The article, Winner's curse? The economics of hosting the Olympic Games, illustrates a disturbing cost for hosting the Games.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
United States Dependance Day / Economics / Government Spending
By: John_Browne
The Fourth of July week brought unwelcome birthday gifts to the United States in the form of poor domestic jobs data and similarly gloomy information from other major economies. Amidst the heat and festivities, it has become difficult to deny that the economy is deteriorating. Politicians appear helpless, thrashing about for a solution and blaming everything and everyone but themselves. This lack of leadership is apparent to those who have by now lost all confidence of a possible quick rebound, if only the tough decisions had been made early and swiftly.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
High Government Deficits "Crowd Out" Stock Market Returns / Stock-Markets / Government Spending
By: Dan_Amerman
“Crowding out” is an obscure term if you're not an economist – but this replacement of the private sector economy with government spending may end up being one of the largest determinants of your standard of living during retirement. The investment problem is that the past, present and likely future of the US economy is one of rapidly growing government spending. Because the investment models that drive conventional financial planning assume a rapidly growing private sector, this sets up a fundamental competition between government growth and private sector growth for their shares of a single economy, and may lead to a collapse of stock market values and conventionally invested retirement portfolios.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Governments Spend Wealth Instead of Building It / Politics / Government Spending
By: Bill_Bonner
Paris, France – “The US seems to have gotten the worst of it,” said a French friend this morning. We were taken aback. Everyone knows Europe is in a state of permanent crisis. The US seems solid by comparison, no?
“Now that the Supreme Court has approved Obamacare, you have the same problems we have in Europe, social welfare spending with no limits…plus you have your colossal military spending. You have both ‘bread and circuses,’ just like the ancient Romans. You are doomed.”
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
18 Ways Government Wastes Your Money / Politics / Government Spending
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: Never mind the $15 trillion national debt; the government blew $592,000 on a study last year to figure out why chimpanzees throw poop. That's just one example of government waste described in a recent book by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK. His "Wastebook 2011" features 100 examples of needless or ill-advised government spending. It adds up to $6.9 billion that America can't afford. And while such waste is just a fraction of the federal government's $3.8 trillion budget, a country that needs to borrow 36 cents of every dollar it spends should not be throwing money away on non-essential research. Like why chimps throw poop. Here are 17 other things the government wasted tax dollars on last year:
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
What You Need to Know About President Obama's 2012 Budget / Politics / Government Spending
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
U.S. President Barack Obama's 2013 budget proposal will give Republicans and Democrats plenty to fight about.
The $3.8 trillion budget proposal, submitted to Congress, essentially follows the blueprint President Obama outlined in his State of the Union address.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Federal Government Spending, Hey, Big Spender? / Politics / Government Spending
By: Paul_L_Kasriel
Some political movement ought to unfurl the “Mission Accomplished” banner with regard to reining in federal government spending. As shown in the chart below, in the 12 months ended January 2012, the cumulative total of federal outlays – defense, non-defense, entitlements, interest on the debt, the whole ball of wax – increased only 1.5% vs. the 12 months ended January 2011. The median growth in 12-month cumulative total federal outlays from January 1954 through January 2012 is 6.6%. Starting with the 12 months ended March 2010, this measure of growth in federal outlays has been below the long-run median.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Federal Reserve System Set to Bankrupt United States Again / Politics / Government Spending
By: Jeff_Berwick
One of the downsides of having government education camps (the school system) "educate" most of us slaves is that most of us have no clue what occured prior to our own lifetimes. And what we think we know is incorrect or never happened.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Congress Finds One Thing It Can Agree On – Spending Your Money / Politics / Government Spending
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
Time and time again, a divided Congress has failed to come up with desperately needed solutions to America's debt and budget deficit problems.
But when a major spending bill came along last week, members from all across the political spectrum suddenly found themselves in agreement.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
U.S. Credit Rating, Automation can’t Curb DC’s Spending / Personal_Finance / Government Spending
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
As Washington DC frets the automatic cuts coming from a failure of the super-committee, the American public is watching their wealth vanish. This disappearing act of wealth occurs on two fronts, first by the continuous spending and inflating in Washington, and secondly by a loss of confidence, which has sent the stock market plummeting in recent days.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
U.S. and European Fiscal Ticking Time Bombs, Whose Fuse is Shorter? / Politics / Government Spending
By: Peter_Schiff
With fiscal time bombs ticking in both Europe and the United States, the pertinent question for now seems to be which will explode first. For much of the past few months it looked as if Europe was set to blow. But Angela Merkel's refusal to support a Federal Reserve style bailout of European sovereigns and her recent statement the she had no Hank Paulson style fiscal bazooka in her handbag, has lowered the heat. In contrast, the utter failure of the Congressional Super Committee in the United States to come up with any shred of success in addressing America's fiscal problems has sparked a renewed realization that America's fuse is dangerously short.
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