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Category: Central Banks

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Truth About The Federal Reserve's Socialist Agenda / Politics / Central Banks

By: Money_Morning

Shah Gilani writes: The top line story, according to the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Review, is that the majority of U.S. banks are in better shape today than they have been in years.

The untold story is that when the Federal Reserve is done transitioning the United States from capitalism to socialism, the few dozen banks that remain in America will all be profitable until they need bailing out again, but will never die and live on in infamy.

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Sunday, December 09, 2012

Public Bank Option for Scotland Independance, Ensuring Economic Sovereignty / Politics / Central Banks

By: Ellen_Brown

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and the Bank of Scotland have been pillars of Scotland’s economy and culture for over three centuries. So when the RBS was nationalized by the London-based UK government following the 2008 banking crisis, and the Bank of Scotland was acquired by the London-based Lloyds Bank, it came as a shock to the Scots. They no longer owned their oldest and most venerable banks.

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Sunday, December 09, 2012

The Federal Reserve Is Socialism's Insidious Tool / Politics / Central Banks

By: Money_Morning

Shah Gilani writes: If you think for one second that the Federal Reserve System is a Godsend that backstops America's banks and our economy in times of trouble, you'd be right for that one second.

But if you take any time to learn how the Fed really works and in whose interest they operate, you'd make yourself sick for a long, long time.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Mark Carney Abandons Canadians Sinking Ship, As Housing Market Crashes / Politics / Central Banks

By: Fred_Sheehan

"Just when scientific progress was supposed to be ridding the world of myths and ghosts, famous people became larger than life.... Fame was found increasingly fascinating. And it seemed to happen by popular demand. The general spread of education didn't make people more resistant to fame. If anything, it made them less resistant." -Clive James, Fame in the Twentieth Century

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Why Loose Money Bernanke Could Learn a Thing or Two From Shrewd Mark Carney / Politics / Central Banks

By: Money_Morning

Martin Hutchinson writes: Now that President Barack Obama has been reelected, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's easy money policies may well be with us for the next four years.

And even if Obama replaces Bernanke when his term ends in January 2014, he's likely to choose another soft-money acolyte like Fed Vice-chairman Janet Yellen to lead the Fed.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mark Carney, A Streetwise Hercules at the Bank of England / Politics / Central Banks

By: Ben_Traynor

Mark Carney's been hired to bang bankers' heads together...

WHERE have all good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need.
I need a hero.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Who Is Mark Carney, Surprise New Bank of England Governor? / Politics / Central Banks

By: DK_Matai

In a surprise move, Sir Mervyn King's successor at the Bank of England has been named as Mark Carney, present Governor of the Bank of Canada. He beat the present Bank of England deputy Paul Tucker to the role, as well as other distinguished candidates including Santander bank's UK chairman Lord (Terence) Burns, Sir John Vickers -- a former Bank of England economist who put his name to the UK government’s review on banking reform -- and Lord (Adair) Turner, chairman of the Financial Services Authority.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

UK Government Recruits Canadian Mark Carney To Rescue Britain from Bank of England Incompetence! / Politics / Central Banks

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The UK government blinked by throwing out the favorite Paul Tucker and appointing Mark Carney with near universal mainstream press approval, the first foreigner in the Bank of England's 318 year history to replace Mervyn King as the next Governor of the BoE, whose term office in virtually every respect has been a complete and utter failure, be it failure to regulate Britain's banking sector that continues to be a drain on UK tax payers, failure in terms of UK economic performance and not forgetting the failure of the BoE's primary remit of keeping CPI Inflation at 2%, instead we have seen inflation soar to over 5% despite economic depression.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why Government and Central Bank Regime of Financial Repression Will Fail / Politics / Central Banks

By: Ron_Hera

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleExcessive leverage and risk in the financial system, e.g., using customer funds to speculate, never ends well.  Stock market crashes, bank and investment firm failures or economic recessions are all potential consequences.  Following the failure of the United States to regulate over the counter (OTC) derivatives and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, U.S. banks became the largest financial business entities in history.  The U.S. real estate bubble, sub-prime lending and mortgage backed securities (MBS), along with unregulated OTC derivatives, then lead to bank insolvencies, a historic stock market crash and a near collapse of the global financial system.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The ECB and Fed Are Worlds Apart / Interest-Rates / Central Banks

By: Axel_Merk

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe contrast in approach to central banking between the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank (ECB) is remarkable. ECB President Draghi has done more to lift market concerns with a targeted strategy than Bernanke's blunt attempts. In announcing the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) program, Draghi not only shored up market concerns, but also forced upon European policy makers a pathway for a fiscal framework and centralized fiscal oversight. From a currency perspective, such steps may serve to bolster the euro. In contrast, Bernanke appears willing to do all the heavy lifting on the economy while gridlock remains in Washington. We fear that the unintended consequences of such accommodative policies may undermine the U.S. dollar over the foreseeable future, and ultimately pose significant risks to the U.S. economy.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Fed's Sole Purpose is to Keep the Banks Afloat / Politics / Central Banks

By: Casey_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIs the Federal Reserve really doing such a bad job… or does it actually do exactly what it's supposed to do, but the average American is in the dark about what that is?

In this explosive video, Casey Summit speaker G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, talks about the Fed's real role in the US economy and why – contrary to common belief – it is not this banking cartel's mission to act in the best interest of the American public.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Twin Demons of War and Central Banking / Politics / Central Banks

By: LewRockwell

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe 20th century was the century of total war. Limitations on the scope of war, built up over many centuries, had already begun to break down in the 19th century, but they were altogether obliterated in the 20th. And of course the sheer amount of resources that centralized states could bring to bear in war, and the terrible new technologies of killing that became available to them, made the 20th a century of almost unimaginable horror.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fed Money Printing Inflationary Round Trip / Politics / Central Banks

By: Fred_Sheehan

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe dedicated resuscitators of the Federal Reserve are doomed to lose their battle with sanity, akin to Alexander Scriabin's fate in search of the lost chord. Chairman Ben S. Bernanke has not a clue where this will end. Our doleful fate is leading staunch establishmentarians to sink the Fed.

A group of worthies tacked a manifesto to the September 17, 2012, Wall Street Journal editorial page. The five authors are insiders; insiders being those who created and benefited from the false economic structure compounded over the past four decades. " J'accuse" should have been the title under which they charged the Federal Reserve with committing every crime under the sun.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Federal Reserve Policy of Legalized Plunder / Politics / Central Banks

By: Casey_Research

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis Article“Legalized Plunder – Why we have all been had, fooled and deceived…. and the surprising reason we keep asking for more of the same bad medicine”

Author G Edward Griffin was pilloried from all sides when his book The Creature from Jekyll Island was first published in 1994.

18 years later, when prediction after prediction has come true, and Griffins claim that we are in the middle of enormous changes to society that will affect your lifestyle, your livelihood and your financial wellbeing are playing out every day, people are taking notice.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Enough With The Fed’s Transparency Already! / Stock-Markets / Central Banks

By: Sy_Harding

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhen Ben Bernanke became chairman of the Federal Reserve in 2006 he promised a significant change. The Fed would be much more ‘transparent’ in letting markets and the public know more about its inner workings, its concerns, its internal debates, its potential decisions. He has certainly kept his promise.

But sometimes I yearn for the days of former Fed chairmen Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan, who revealed nothing of what the Fed was thinking. Greenspan was particularly adept at befuddling even Congressional committees with his famous “fed-speak” language that left committee members and analysts asking afterwards, “Wha’d he say?”

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why Did Ben Bernanke Cross the Road? / Politics / Central Banks

By: Paul_Tustain

A play in one (very) short act...

"Uncle Ben, what's that over there?"

"Shush, my child."

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jackals of Jekyll Island - Federal Reserve Audit / Politics / Central Banks


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe supreme illicit fraud of central banking embodied in the Federal Reserve, acts as a private piggybank for favored cartel thieves. The liquidity of unlimited credit transfers to banksters, especially at zero interest, financed by unimaginable new Treasury Bonds, indebting the American public; is a crime committed by outlaws. The significance of the evidence for the extent of the crony financial manipulations, that the controllers of international capital use to maintain their power strangle hold on humanity, needs to be fully exposed. Only when the beleaguered and downtrodden become sufficiently indignant to usury incarceration, will heads start to roll.

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Friday, September 07, 2012

The Fed's Campaign / Politics / Central Banks

By: Peter_Schiff

This past Friday, as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered his annual address from Jackson Hole - the State of the Dollar, if you will - I couldn't help but hear it as an incumbent's campaign speech. While Wall Street was hoping for some concrete announcement, what we got was a mushy appraisal of the Fed's handling of the financial crisis so far and a suggestion that more 'help' is on the way.

It is important to remember that it's not just President Obama's job on the line in this election; in two years time, the next President will have the opportunity to either reappoint Bernanke or choose someone else. So we must understand what platform Bernanke is running on, as his office has an even greater effect on global markets than the President's.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Speaking from Jackson Hole / Interest-Rates / Central Banks

By: Ian_R_Campbell

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhy read: You will by now have been bombarded for three-plus days by written and verbal commentary on Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke's Friday, August 31, 2012 remarks made from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. You will have observed last Friday afternoon's U.S.$35+ jump in the physical gold price, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 Index advances on Friday on the same news. Friday was a 'when Mr. Bernanke speaks, everyone listens positively' moment, even if it is 'just possible' that not everything Mr. Bernanke said on Friday ought not to be seen positively.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Central Bankers Fail to Understand Forces Holding Back the Economy / Economics / Central Banks

By: Mike_Shedlock

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleCentral bankers Debating the Limits of Power in Jackson Hole are wondering what's holding back the economy.

"What is holding the economy back? Why is it that we've had such incredibly accommodative monetary policy for so long (but) we've had so little growth? I think it remains a puzzle," said Donald Kohn, who is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington.

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