Category: Infrastructure
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, October 02, 2011
Infrastructure Spending – What’s Not to Like? / Economics / Infrastructure
By: Asha_Bangalore
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) published a study last month pointing out the cost of failure to address the infrastructure needs of the nation. The study concludes that failing to invest in America’s roads, bridges, and transportation system would cost the nation $3.1 trillion in lost GDP, 877,000 in lost jobs, and a significant reduction in productivity by 2020. The graphic below is a summary of the impact of the failure to address the nation’s surface transportation infrastructure.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
Obama's Infrastructure and Jobs Plan / Economics / Infrastructure
By: Richard_Mills
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (ODEC) the combined economies of Germany, France and Italy will grow by under one percent this year. OECD forecast the US economy will grow at a 0.4 per cent annualized rate in the fourth quarter, while in Europe, the three largest economies (Germany, France and Italy) will contract by 0.4 percent over the same period.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
China to Build a New Sky Scraper Every 5 Days / Economics / Infrastructure
By: Pravda
In 2011, China is to build 200 skyscrapers. The homeland of high-rise buildings - the United States of America - has 200 skyscrapers today. For the time being, the quantity of such buildings in China and in the States is identical. However, during the upcoming three years, China will take advantage of its overseas competitor. A new skyscraper will be appearing in China every five days.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Copper is Talking, Massive Infrastructure Projects to Boost Productivity Throughout the Economy / Economics / Infrastructure
By: Richard_Mills
Pure gold deposits are increasingly difficult to find.
“What really bothers me is that in the 1980s or 1990s, we saw three to five discoveries of 5 to 20 million ounces each, and upwards of 30 to 50 million ounces a year. That is what makes or breaks the industry. There are no discoveries of that magnitude now.” Pierre Lassonde, veteran gold analyst, co-founder/chairman of Franco Nevada Mining Corp., former president of Newmont Mining Corp.
Friday, February 11, 2011
High-Speed Rail Initiative Stoked by Obama Budget / Politics / Infrastructure
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes: U.S. President Barack Obama is poised to submit his fiscal 2012 budget on Monday, and one of its outlays will be $8 billion for high-speed rail development.
Obama first outlined his vision for an expansive high-speed rail network in 2009. The initiative promised to create jobs, lower carbon emissions, increase efficiency, and improve commerce.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
U.S. Infrastructure Investing 101 / Stock-Markets / Infrastructure
By: Frank_Holmes
When you envision America’s future, do you picture collapsing bridges, cracking dams and reoccurring brownouts? That’s certainly not the picture of America many would like to paint but it is a possibility if our country’s long-term infrastructure needs aren’t addressed.
A new article from researchers at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (America’s Aging Infrastructure: What to Fix, and Who Will Pay?) details the precarious nature of neglecting our nation’s network of pipelines, ports and power lines.
Here are some of the paper’s eye-popping statistics:
Friday, December 19, 2008
How to Play the Obama Infrastructure Building Boom / Stock-Markets / Infrastructure
By: Justice_Litle
U.S. infrastructure is crumbling... trillions could be spent in the next few years... and President-elect Obama has told the states to “Use It or Lose it.” Here's how to profit. If you drive on U.S. roads, you probably don't need to be told – the country's infrastructure is in pretty bad shape.
As a nation, Americans like to look forward. We prefer to spend our money building new things (rather than fixing up old things). Issues like repair and maintenance are back burnered for other priorities in state and federal budgets. Over time, the cost of neglect rises.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Investment Momentum for Infrastructure is Building / Stock-Markets / Infrastructure
By: John_Derrick
We've been talking infrastructure for a long time, and more people are now listening after President-elect Obama revealed that his best idea for stimulating the U.S. economy is through a massive infrastructure spending program.
While details are still being worked out, it appears that Mr. Obama will quickly propose a two-year fiscal stimulus package worth up to $800 billion and that much of this amount would be directed toward infrastructure programs. To put this number in perspective, $800 billion is equivalent to about 5.5 percent of the nation's GDP.
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