Category: Commodities Trading
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Inverse Energy ETF AT Breakout Level – Could Rally Further / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Following up on an exciting article we shared with friends and followers on January 17, 2020, it appears ERY has reached the first stage for profit taking with a fairly strong potential we may see this rally continue even higher. Please review the following repost of our original research and analysis of ERY back in early January.
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Saturday, November 09, 2019
How Do YOU Know the Direction of a Market's Larger Trend? / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Fundamental analysis versus Elliott wave analysis: the winner for predicting the 9-year long commodity bear market is clear.
95% of traders fail. It's a day-drinking, country-music kind of statistic. Think: "Friends in Sell-Low, Buy-High Places."
One article attempts to quantify the reasons, citing: "SCIENTIST DISCOVERED WHY MOST TRADERS LOSE MONEY -- 24 SURPRISING STATISTICS." See number 14:
"Investors tend to sell winning investments while holding on to their losing investments."
In other words, their timing is off key. And when it comes to seizing market opportunities, nothing is as important as timing. Our friends at Elliott Wave International said it best in the pages of their educational reference guide, Elliott Wave Principle -- Key to Market Behavior:
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Tuesday, June 11, 2019
U.S. Dollar Stall is Good for Commodities / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Donald_W_Dony
After months of advancing, the U.S. dollar's climb is showing signs of weakness.
Over the last five years, the greenback has risen almost 20 percent, whereas other world currencies have not been so lucky.
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Thursday, May 30, 2019
Gold, Silver, Oil, Cryptos - Audio Analysis / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Chris_Vermeulen
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: First, we typically see stocks sell-off and as the old saying goes, “Sell in May and Go Away!” which is what has been happening.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Commodities Are the Right Story for 2019 / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Richard_Mills
The markets are up and down like a bride's nightgown, as my dad used to say, bitcoin is in the toilet, and tech stocks, once as steady as the banks, are as unreliable as an old Apple computer. If you’re reluctant to dip your toe back into the stock market, you’re not alone.
‘The Hunt for Red October’ was a great movie but nobody thought ‘Red October’ would actually happen. In October it did. Anyone that was invested saw their equities turn as red as a Russian submarine commander. The S&P 500 churned. When the calendar mercifully turned to November, the benchmark US stock index had fallen 8.5%, the worst month since February 2009 and the ugliest October since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The Dow and the Nasdaq were equally pummeled.
And then it kept going. December was the worst month since the Great Depression. The financial talking heads couldn’t decide what was going on. The trade war with China, speculation that the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates in December (it did) and slowing global growth, were all trotted out as culprits. Algorithmic trading and end-of-the-year tax selling also played a role, as did good old profit-taking by retail investors, who figured it was as good a time as any to exit a nine-year bull market.
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Friday, December 14, 2018
If You Aren’t Making Music with Commodities, Try This Song Instead / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Cocoa's 2016-7 bear market reversal was in total harmony with one kind of analysis
If financial markets were styles of music, equities, especially the most stable Big Board stocks, are like great classical compositions: They're made up of consistent, steady tempos you could listen to all day with the occasional booming or crashing note.
Commodities are different. They're the jazz players delivering choppy, frenetic tunes with jolting chord changes.
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Friday, December 07, 2018
4 Commodities With Big Potential Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Dear Reader,
Trading commodities is tough business: It's hard enough to spot a good setup, harder still to time pulling the trigger.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International understand this reality -- so, they've put together a free resource for you: They call it, "4 Commodities Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW."
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Monday, December 03, 2018
4 Commodities Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Dear Reader,
Trading commodities is tough business: It's hard enough to spot a good setup, harder still to time pulling the trigger.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International understand this reality -- so, they've put together a free resource for you: They call it, "4 Commodities Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW."
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Have We Seen The Worst of the Gold Bubble Burst? / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Harry_Dent
You know I’ve been fighting the gold bugs for a long time. Gold is an inflation hedge, not a deflation hedge. Turn to gold for safety during a deflationary period and you’ll get your ass handed to you on a golden platter!
Gold is simply another commodity and it burst in the 30-year cycle top between 2008 and 2011, just like it did after the 1980 top.
But my bubble model projected that gold would fall to at least $700 and possibly as low as $400 to $450 per ounce…
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Commodities - What Do You Need To Know? / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Submissions
When dealing with the buying and selling of commodities, there are things which you need to know. It can be a complicated business, and this means that people who buy and sell products can fall into some of the common pitfalls and experience issues.
However, commodities can cover a wide range of different goods and services, so there are things that you're going to need to know. To try and make sure that you've got a good understanding of how things work, we're going to be taking a look at a few of the things you need to know about commodities.
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Friday, November 16, 2018
Gold Oil and Commodities …Back to the Future ? / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Rambus_Chartology
Before we look at tonights charts I would like to take a minute to discuss trading the three X leveraged etf’s. Leveraged etf’s aren’t for everyone as they can be very volatile. These instruments are for those that can take a bigger risk and still come out OK when they go against you. For the average investor a 1 X leveraged etf is all they can handle and that should be fine. When you start playing with the 2 X and 3 X leveraged etf’s your risk factor goes up very fast.
Placing a sell/stop in the correct place works great for the 1 X leveraged etf, but when you are in a 3 X leveraged etf setting the sell/stop is a totally different game. Very rarely do I let the original sell/stop be hit before I will exit the trade as you have to give the stock some wiggle room when you first take a position. As more information becomes available you can start to make adjustments to your sell/stop mentally. A 3 X etf can get away from you in a heartbeat so one has to pay very close attention at all times.
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Monday, November 12, 2018
Cyclical Commodities Continue to Weaken, Gold Moves in Relation / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Gary_Tanashian
Crude Oil and Industrial Metals continue downward. This is significant per this NFTRH monthly chart showing these items and the broad CRB itself having hit trend lines from the 2008 highs. These pullbacks from long-term trend lines are notable and qualify cyclical commodities as risk indicators for the cyclical macro.
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Energy Markets Analysis FreePass / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Dear Investor,
While most traders have been watching the S&P, oil plunged 18% in October. In the process, crude broke below a key long-term trendline. You know what that means: It's an exciting potential opportunity.
That's why we've got an exciting free event starting Tuesday, Nov. 6. We call it our Energy FreePass event, where we unlock our trader-focused Energy Pro Service for 3 days. It's free for everyone.
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Monday, October 08, 2018
Inflation Is Starting To Heat Up / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Gary_Savage
For years now analysts, and the media have been trying to convince everyone there is no inflation despite central banks massive quantitative easing programs. Of course this is ridiculous. They just choose to ignore where the inflation has manifested.
In 2008 inflation spiked in the commodity markets contributing to the severity of the last recession. One could even make a strong case inflation was the main cause of the recession. From 2011 until recently inflation has focused mostly in asset markets, especially the stock market. But it’s also appeared in healthcare, housing prices, insurance premiums, education, etc. So to claim there has been no inflation one has to willfully turn a blind eye to where the inflation is. We’ve actually had massive inflation, it’s just that it has run mostly in sectors that people don’t mind seeing inflation, namely the stock market. I think that is about to change.
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Saturday, October 06, 2018
How Commodities Will Perform in the 'Impending Massive Credit Crunch' / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Clive_Maund
Technical analyst Clive Maund looks at the factors that he sees are behind a massive credit crunch and discusses how the markets could react. An enormous "sword of Damocles" hangs over all markets now. A massive liquidity drain is underway as global QE reverses into QT and rates rise against the background of immense ubiquitous crippling debt burdens. What this means is that the biggest credit crunch of all time is bearing down on us, which will involve markets crashing in the absence of bids, serious dislocation of capital markets and out of control interest rates.
This is probably the high point for Trump's presidency as the stock market enjoys its final "swansong rally" ahead of the crash, buoyed up the last of the stock buybacks before rising rates choke them off, and the dumbest of the dumb money who think that because the market has been in an uptrend for years it's going to continue.
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Saturday, September 22, 2018
Trade War vs. Commodities / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: The_Gold_Report
Lobo Tiggre of the Independent Speculator discusses the trade war and its impact on commodities, and what that all means for resource investors. There is a widespread notion among investors, analysts and pundits that the escalating trade conflict between the U.S. and its trading partners is bad for the global economy. This is no stretch. The leap from there to it being bad for commodities is understandable, but less certain. Still, people who should know, like those running the world's largest mining company, are saying it's so.
Is it any wonder, then, that we've seen the rally in commodities that started in 2016 start to peter out?
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Monday, August 20, 2018
What the Copper and Gold Crash Means for Commodities and Stocks / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Troy_Bombardia
As you probably know, commodity prices have been falling significantly over the past few months on Trump’s trade war, which has caused the U.S. Dollar to rise.
This has some bearish investors afraid of a few things:
- “Contagion” from commodities and emerging markets to the U.S. stock market
- An economic slowdown, because commodity prices are “supposed to” reflect economic data. Conventional thinking states that falling commodity prices = falling demand, which signals a slowdown in the economy.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum Commodities Set Up for a Rally / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund provides copper, gold, platinum, silver and US dollar updates at what he calls a "key juncture."Commodities, including gold and silver, have plunged to become so deeply oversold that a snapback rally looks likely soon. This could be sharp and could trigger a wave of short covering. Such a rally is likely to be sparked by a dollar reaction, as we will see, but it is likely to be followed by further heavy losses across the sector if a general market crash ensues as expected.
We will start by looking at the latest dollar index chart, as a dollar reaction will be what ignites a commodity rally. The 2-year chart for the dollar index shows that the dollar is rounding over beneath a zone of resistance that dates back to a reversal that occurred at this level last October and November. The pattern that has formed from last July looks like a large head-and-shoulders bottom, with the right shoulder of the pattern about to form.
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Monday, June 18, 2018
Orange Juice Commodity Trading Analysis / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Austin_Galt
Latest Price – $159.90. Previous analysis updated – price has traded exactly as outlined, rallying before finding resistance and I now believe the next leg up has commenced.
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Wednesday, May 09, 2018
A Bottom in GOLD and a Top in CRUDE! / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Enda_Glynn
USD: PPI m/m, Core PPI m/m.