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Category: Gas - Petrol

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Morgan Stanley Warns Gasoline Industry Is About to Become Totally Worthless / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: OilPrice_Com

The average energy investor is by now well aware of the sector's monumental shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Coal-powered power plants have been shuttering at an alarming clip as the price of electricity from natural gas and renewables undercuts them while wind and solar generation continue to gain the ascendancy.

But nowhere has this change been as dramatic as the transport industry, with EV titans such as Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) and NIO Ltd. (NYSE:NIO) now commanding substantially higher valuations than their imposing ICE brethren, General Motors (NYSE:GM) and Ford Motors (NYSE:F). Indeed, the global EV sector now carries a higher valuation than the global ICE sector despite accounting for less than 3% of new vehicle sales in 2020.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

UK Petrol and Diesel Pump Prices Rip off Investigation Call / Personal_Finance / Gas - Petrol

By: Submissions

FairFuelUK Campaign: In the last month as the Brent oil price in Sterling has fallen 9.5% or £3.67 per barrel, wholesale diesel fell only 1.8% with petrol, in complete contrast, rising bewilderingly by 1.6%. We are reliably told that the average independent garage should reflect oil and wholesale price changes in just 7 days. True to type, in reality this continues not to be the case. With such significant falls in oil seen since 18th August, pump prices for diesel have instead been hiked by 1.89p and petrol by 1.71p per litre.

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Friday, December 05, 2014

39 cent Gasoline, Man that is GREAT ! A Cautionary Tale / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Submissions

Nicholas Migliaccio writes:  It was sad at today's Update Webinar to hear these esteemed TA market guys falling all over themselves, whistling past the graveyard so they didn't have to call what the markets were doing as Rolling over in to a DownTrend.

                 OMG, did I let that Awful world DOWNTREND see daylight.......?      Oh NO !   Sad, these guys are SO mainstream paradigm that you could hear them tremble.   Damn shame, another place, another time, you'd pub up with them for a beer.  Now however they are just apologists trying to save their salaries.  Investors don't buy their services when they are not outright bullish.  I mean I cannot even get educated astute business people to execute a Sell STOP after their Limit gets violated, that is how brain-washed people are.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Truth About High Gas Prices / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Walter_Brasch

Gas prices at the pump during the July 4th extended weekend were the highest they have been in six years. This, of course, has little to do with supply-and-demand economics. It has everything to do with supply-and-gouge profits.

Over the past decade, the five largest oil companies have earned more than $1 trillion in profits. Last year, the Big Five—BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, and Shell—earned about $93 billion in profits. Their CEOs last year earned an average of about $20 million. Included within the profits is $2.4 billion in taxpayer subsidies because it’s hard to make a living when your hourly wage, assuming you work every hour of every day, is only $2,283.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why Gasoline Prices Are Headed to $4 Per Gallon / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: Futures prices for both crude and gasoline were down yesterday. Unfortunately, that barely tells the real story.

So, enjoy the respite while it lasts.

Thanks to the growing Sunni insurrection and the rapid unraveling of the Shiite government in Baghdad, you can bet that prices for both crude and gasoline will be making the headlines over the next two months.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Pause Before the Storm in Gasoline Prices / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Kent Moors writes: Futures prices for both crude and gasoline were down yesterday. Unfortunately, that barely tells the real story.

So enjoy the respite while it lasts.

Thanks to the growing Sunni insurrection and the rapid unraveling of the Shiite government in Baghdad, you can bet that prices for both crude and gasoline will be making the headlines over the next two months.   

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gas Prices Are Heading Up and the Sector That Will Benefit / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: The price of gasoline in the U.S. is on the rise again.

Futures prices for RBOB ("Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending"), the NYMEX futures contract for gasoline, are up over 11% for the year, and a full 6.6% of that increase has come in the past month.

In fact, gas is up 2.4% over the past week alone. Today, the average retail price is 4 cents higher per gallon than a year ago.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Gasoline Prices are Surging Again / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: The price of gasoline in the U.S. is on the rise again.

Futures prices for RBOB (“Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending”), the NYMEX futures contract for gasoline, are up over 11% for the year and a full 6.6% of that increase has come in the past month.

In fact, gas is up 2.4% over the past week alone. Today, the average retail price is 4 cents higher per gallon than a year ago.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Fast Rising Pump Prices Counterattack / Companies / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Peter Krauth writes: Since the early 1970s, most major oil deals have been transacted in "petrodollars."

But that system has become increasingly challenged in recent years.

The conflict in Ukraine right now has only served to exacerbate things.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

U.S. Gasoline Supplies Highest for July Period Since 1992 / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: EconMatters

Refiners actually try to keep low inventories to have illusion of ‘tighter’ markets

Gasoline supplies had a substantial build in inventories, up 3.1 million barrels, and looking back at the EIA data, July is in the heart of the summer driving season, and refineries run at their highest utilization rates. Well, there has never been a period in July where inventories are as high in gasoline supplies as currently exists in recent energy statistics. We have to go all the back to 1992 to find supplies for the July period higher than they are right now, and it isn`t by much.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Profit from High Gasoline Prices / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Investment_U

David Fessler writes: If you live in a major city, there’s a good chance you rely on some form of public transportation to get around. The rest of us, however, are stuck visiting the gas pumps.

Since the beginning of 2013, it’s been anything but a happy New Year, at least as far as gasoline prices are concerned. Since January 1st, the average price for a gallon of regular gas is up about 45 cents.

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Friday, February 08, 2013

U.S. Gas Prices Up 1.5 Times in Four Years; Government Still Says No Inflation? / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Profit_Confidential

Michael Lombardi writes: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in the U.S. economy was 1.7% in 2012. As I have written in these pages, the way the official inflation rate is calculated is obsolete. Real inflation is running much higher than 1.7%.

Oil Price Information Service reports that, in 2012, $479 billion in gasoline was purchased by consumers in the U.S. economy. If you compare this number to 10 years ago, Americans are spending two and a half times more on gasoline. (Source: CNN Money, February 4, 2013) than they did in 2002. But consumer spending on gasoline didn’t go up because of increased demand; it went up because oil prices went up.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The U.S. Gasoline Market Twin Peaks of 2012 / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: PhilStockWorld

Courtesy of Doug Short.Here is my weekly gasoline chart update from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) data. Gasoline prices at the pump rose last week. Rounded to the penny, the average for Regular and Premium were up four cents.

According to, Hawaii has the highest gasoline price, averaging $3.95. New York is second at $3.72. At the other end of the price range, four states have average prices under $3.00: Colorado is the cheapest at $2.96; the other three are Wyoming, Oklahoma and Utah.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Why Big Oil Is to Blame for High Gas Prices / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: InvestmentContrarian

George Leong writes: While oil prices have fallen to the $85.00 level, the price of gasoline continues to be stubbornly high, and you can blame this on the greed of the big oil companies.

Despite the decline in oil prices, it still costs me over $100.00 to fill up my gas-guzzling SUV.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the price of regular gasoline averaged $3.57 per gallon across the U.S. as of October 29, which is still well below the historical average U.S. high of $4.11 per regular gallon reached on July 18, 2008.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

High U.S. Gas Prices Could Continue Despite Falling Demand / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: EconMatters

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleCrude oil rallied alongside other commodities and the euro to its highest in three months last week on NYMEX, mostly from market's expectation of new Euro Zone bailouts and a third round of quantitative easing from the U.S. Fed.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Gas Prices are Heading Higher / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDr. Kent Moors writes: With "Big Ben" testifying over the next two days on Capitol Hill, the indices will be bouncing around.

I always find it curious that the same Street urchins who criticize government for interfering in the "free market" are nonetheless the same ones pouting in the corner when the Fed doesn't propose a new bailout to improve their portfolio values.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Takes A Global Recession To Reduce Gas Prices By Just 40 Cents! / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: James_Quinn

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleYou can’t watch the mainstream media propaganda channels for more than ten minutes without a talking head breathlessly announcing that gas prices have dropped for the 24th day in a row and are now back to $3.55 a gallon. Wall Street oil analysts, who are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to tell us why prices rose or fell after the fact, are paraded on CNBC to proclaim the huge consumer windfall from the drop in price. This is just another episode of a never ending reality show, designed to keep the average American sedated so they’ll continue to spend money they don’t have buying crap they don’t need. The brainless twits that pass for journalists in the corporate mainstream media never give the viewer or reader any historical context to judge the true impact of the price increase or decrease. The government agencies promoting the storyline of those in power extrapolate the current trend and ignore the basic facts of supply, demand, price and peak oil. The EIA is now predicting further drops in prices. Two months ago they predicted steadily rising prices through the summer. What would we do without these government drones guiding us?    

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Gasoline Futures in Decline ... Ominous Sign for Economy? / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Let's notice that nearby gasoline futures have been in the grasp of a meaningful decline from its March 29 high at $3.45/gal into today at $3.04.

With weekly RSI pointed straight down, suggesting more weakness directly ahead, gasoline points towards an approaching confrontation with its rising 40-week (200 Day) moving average, now at $2.99. This needs to contain the selling pressure to avert downside acceleration towards a test of the major support line at $2.69 off of the December 2008 low ($0.79).

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

U.S. Gas Price Redux / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Andy_Sutton

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIt is truly amazing how much can change in four years. Or, more accurately, how little things change in terms of human behavior. Four years ago the US was mired in the last spike in gasoline prices heading into the summer. Virtually every media outlet was conducting daily interviews, polls, and newsbytes about how Mr. and Mrs. Average were dealing with the high gas prices. Today, we have a new norm, and the wires are rather silent on the high gas prices other than quietly reporting the national averages. We as a country have come to be comfortable with $3.50 gas. Gas is one of those strange commodities too because, unlike so many other things, almost everyone has a pretty good idea of the price they paid for their last tankful.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Beat High Gas Prices / Commodities / Gas - Petrol

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDon Miller writes: Are high gas prices giving you road rage? Well, wait "til you see what's coming.

Prices at the pump currently average $3.89 for a gallon of regular unleaded, up 30 cents in the last month.

But it's already over $4.00 per gallon in many cities - more than double the $1.85 a gallon that prevailed when President Barack Obama took office.

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