Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The Political Future Of Dumbing Down / Politics / Social Issues
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Once Was New Thing
About 10 years ago in what are called the “mature western democracies” dumbing down had just been discovered, or invented. Journalists peppered their prose with the term, educationists wondered if it was the reason school kids and college students seemed to be so flaky about learning. Political pundits lambasted politicians for being dumbed down, books appeared in the bookstores talking about it. It was a conversational thing for ordinary people, too.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Ron Paul - Obama's Drone Wars Undermine American Values / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Earlier this month, CIA-operated drones killed as many as 55 people in Yemen in several separate strikes. Although it was claimed that those killed were "militants," according to press reports at least three civilians were killed and at least five others wounded. That makes at least 92 US drone attacks against Yemen during the Obama administration, which have killed nearly 1,000 people including many civilians.
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Monday, April 28, 2014
Putin’s Ukraine Dilemma / Politics / Russia
By: Mike_Whitney
“The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world’s paramount power.” (p. xiii)
“Now a non-Eurasian power is preeminent in Eurasia — and America’s global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained.” (p.30)
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Sunday, April 27, 2014
Stalin, Hitler And The 5-Year Plans Of Banksters / Politics / Banksters
By: Andrew_McKillop
The 2008-2013 Plan
Stalin's infamous five-year plans started with a “trial version” in late 1928. By “trial version” this meant his plans already included show trials of political enemies with frequent death sentences. Designed and executed for Hitler, the German banker Hjalmar Schacht's five-year plan of 1934-1938 directly applied Keynesian “remedies” for the economy and public finances. Schacht's plan was called a “groundbreaking fiscal stimulus program”, creating work by rebuilding the nation’s worn infrastructures, jettisoning the gold standard, imposing capital controls, and increasing State debt, after “diluting” the State's previous debt.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
US Government Can Kill US Citizens, But Not Strip Their Citizenship / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
While Daniel Swalm researched his family's genealogy, he learned about a particular episode in which his grandmother, born and raised in Minnesota, was stripped of her US citizenship after marrying an immigrant from Sweden.
Under the obscure 1907 law called the Expatriation Act, a US born woman who married a foreigner was required to "take the nationality of her husband."
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Sunday, April 27, 2014
Mainstream Financial Press - All The News That's Fit To Print in 2014 / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Fred_Sheehan
The most astounding rubbish is spoken every day by central bankers and other commentators who hold a monopoly on what the public at large knows. Most of the New York Times column (below) in 1929 fits today and is worth more refection than the next hundred speeches by Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Wall Street Greed: Not Too Big for a California Jury / Politics / Banksters
By: Ellen_Brown
United States Attorney General Eric Holder has declared that the too-big-to-fail Wall Street banks are too big to prosecute. But an outraged California jury might have different ideas. As noted in the California legal newspaper The Daily Journal:
Read full article... Read full article...California juries are not bashful - they have been known to render massive punitive damages awards that dwarf the award of compensatory (actual) damages. For example, in one securities fraud case jurors awarded $5.7 million in compensatory damages and $165 million in punitive damages. . . . And in a tobacco case with $5.5 million in compensatory damages, the jury awarded $3 billion in punitive damages . . . .
Friday, April 25, 2014
Is America Preparing For The Wrong War? / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, PM in name only of certain parts of what was once Ukraine, today solemnly declared that Russia wants to start World War III. I am not kidding you. He said it this way: “The world has not yet forgotten World War II, but Russia already wants to start World War III.” An estimated 28 million Russians died in World War II, which might be more than in all other nations combined, so if there’s one country that has not forgotten it, it’s Russia. Yatsenyuk’s remark needs to be seen in that light, because he knows very well how it will be received in Russia. That’s why he says it. It’s such a dark sort of provocation that one might suspect it’s meant to start a war. It’s not that different from accusing a group of Jewish people of wanting to start a holocaust.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Putin is Losing Eastern European Energy Gamble / Politics / Energy Resources
By: OilPrice_Com
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he doesn't think the European community can do without the natural gas it gets from energy monopoly Gazprom. With a Russian economy starting to decline, however, it may be Gazprom that's too strongly interconnected to the European market to break free.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Big, Bad Market: A French Psychosis? / Politics / France
Louis Rouanet writes: There is a cliché according to which the French are genetically against classical liberalism and free-market economics. However, that wasn’t always the case. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, most French politicians and bureaucrats admitted that the State is globally inefficient and should be as small as possible. Even a large number of leftists, inspired by the anarcho-socialist Pierre Joseph Proudhon, were strongly opposed to taxation and big government. They criticized the wastefulness and the parasitism of the State. In his Théorie de l’impôt (Theory of Taxation) published in 1861, Proudhon described taxation as an “illusion” and accused the progressive income tax of being a “joujou fiscal” (tax plaything) used by self-proclaimed progressives in order to amuse the people.
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Great American Giveaway / Politics / US Debt
By: Andy_Sutton
What do the national debt and a designer Hepatitis C drug have in common? This question actually spans two areas near and dear to my heart: economics and medicine. What I’m going to be covering this week is something that I feel is going to be part of a growing trend in America over the coming decades. You see, too many – myself included for quite a while – were asking the wrong questions. Many still are. We shouldn’t be asking what we can do, conventionally speaking, to pay off the national debt because it cannot be done. Consider the unfunded liability portion and that should be obvious to everyone. So what? We just default? That has been suggested. With devaluation we’ve already been doing it, albeit with sleight of hand. Don’t count on the fact that the debtors are ignorant though because they aren’t. This article is going to prove that.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day / Politics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Sack of Rome
With highly suspicious precision on dates, and disputed by many sources, Wikipedia gives the date of Rome's fall as August 24th, 410 AD, following a two-year siege. In fact, Rome had been falling for a long time. It had fallen in different ways at different times, but at each event and in each of the run-up intervals, the Roman Empire had suffered repeated economic and monetary crises, and partial recoveries. The Sack of 410 by the Visigoths can be called the definitive or final fall of Rome but, here again this was in no way an overnight event. The complete loss of Imperial power and its exercize from the city of Rome is placed by many historians at about 435-445 AD. The process of terminal decline and fall therefore took at least 25 years.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014
Putin’s Secret Weapon – How Russia Could Take Down America Without Firing a Single Shot - Video / Politics / US Politics
By: Casey_Research
Here’s a startling fact most investors have never heard: During the last financial meltdown in 2008, when the U.S. economy was on the brink, Russian leaders met with China to persuade them to dump the dollar – and destroy the world’s reserve currency.
Before they could act, the Fed pumped over $700 billion into the economy and delayed their day of reckoning. Still, the threat remains. China holds over $1.2 trillion in U.S. debt today. And with their Russian allies, they could drop the dollar at any moment. This excerpt from our eye-opening documentary called “Meltdown America” explains the severity of this imminent threat:
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Thursday, April 24, 2014
When Does Government Policy Become Criminal Behavior? / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Raul_I_Meijer
That’s always a hard question to answer. At what point does government policy become criminal? Since governments make the laws, perhaps never. But then again, countries tend to have constitutions, and government actions can violate those. Still, before you know it, you get trapped and stuck in lawyer lingo limbo, and that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m wondering to what depths a government can go in its actions vis à vis it own people. So maybe I should rephrase this, maybe a more relevant question would be when government policy becomes morally repugnant. There I sure have a few candidates.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Great Recession Grinds On - Measuring Misery around the World / Politics / Social Issues
By: Steve_H_Hanke
The Great Recession grinds on. And as it does, politicians of all stripes ask, usually behind closed doors, "Just how miserable are our citizens?" The chattering classes offer a variety of opinions. As it turns out, there is a straightforward way to measure what is termed the misery index.
The late Arthur Okun, a distinguished economist who served as chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers during President Johnson’s administration, developed the original misery index for the United States. Okun’s index is equal to the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014
The U.S. Is Now a Global Satanic Empire / Politics / US Politics
By: Jack_D_Douglas
The rulers of the U.S. have just celebrated the most holy day of Christianity, Easter, by massive secret murders of Muslims from the skies by firing Hell Fire missiles into their impoverished homes, village gatherings, and old family automobiles.
These massive killings of the poor around the world with Hell Fire missiles from the heavens have become a Satanic Celebration for the U.S. totalitarian rulers. It fills them with blood lust, power lust, and blinding hubris.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tony Blair Backs Dictators Over Freedom in New Fundamentalist Christian Crusade / Politics / Religion
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's former Prime Minister who betrayed Britain by taking the country into an illegal 10 year Iraq war on the basis of lies that resulted in more than 150,000 civilians deaths all in the lunacy of praising his own version of the 'man in the sky' cult that goes by the name of the Roman Catholic church, today emerged to further his evangelical fundamentalist message of siding with Russia's Czar Putin in his latest East European war of conquest that first consumed former Tartar Crimea and looks set to ultimately annex half of Ukraine's land mass.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Death Of Capital / Politics / Resources & Reviews
By: Andrew_McKillop
Elite Psychosis Again
Rather predictably, the elite-serving glove puppet media has decided it is right and good at this time to wheel on its handpicked, most obedient and servile journalists to opine about Piketty's new book “Capital”. This coincides with David Stockman's almost triumphant declaration of Greenspan-and-Bernanke's come-uppance Truth Moment (“America's Housing Fiasco Is On You, Alan Greenspan”).
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Bank Depositors Take Up Arms to Protect Their Savings / Politics / Banksters
By: Pravda
The Bank of Russia revoked the license for banking operations from the Moscow-based bank Zapadny ("Western").
The reason for the revocation was the failure of the bank to execute the federal laws regulating bank activities and regulations of the Bank of Russia.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Cold War 2.0 / Politics / New Cold War
By: Stephen_Lendman