Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, January 27, 2012
Why Go Down With the Ship? Schettino, Failed Banksters and CEOs / Politics / Credit Crisis 2012
By: Bill_Bonner
Will no one rise to the defense of Captain Francesco Schettino? No? Then we will!
The poor man is calumnied as a pusillanimous incompetent. Just because he hit a rock. Heck, anyone with a ship that big could hit a rock. And the rock wasn’t s’posed to be there!
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Emperor Palpatine, Obama's State of the Empire Speech / Politics / US Politics
By: LewRockwell
Eric Peters writes: The other night, Emperor Palpatine gave his State of the Empire speech. You know, the Sith Lord from Star Wars. He channeled his Dark Presence right into the Capitol Building, where he transmogrified into our soon-to-be Galactic Emperor. I am far from the only person who noticed this, which proves I was not hallucinating. See for yourself.
Friday, January 27, 2012
The Three Biggest Government Lies / Politics / US Politics
By: LewRockwell
Charles Goyette writes: Government lies are legion.
So many are its lies, that narrowing them down to three of the most important is a demanding task. But our current crisis has been chiefly enabled by monetary policy, fiscal policy, and the global military empire. So I have chosen to focus on lies about each: the Federal Reserve, the orchestrator of monetary policy; the U.S. budget, the accounting of government fiscal policy; and a few of the Empire’s war lies. I am sharing just a smattering of this astonishing record of duplicity in these areas, for life is short, or at least far too short to recount all of the state’s lies about each.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Nigeria Chaos, Geopolitical Stakes and the Curious Role of the IMF / Politics / Africa
By: F_William_Engdahl
Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and its largest oil producer, is from all evidence being systematically thrown into chaos and a state of civil war. The recent surprise decision by the government of Goodluck Jonathan to abruptly lift subsidies on imported gasoline and other fuel has a far more sinister background than mere corruption and the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) is playing a key role. China appears to be the likely loser along with Nigeria’s population.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Economic Austery is a 'Loaded Word' Says World Bank President / Politics / Credit Crisis 2012
By: Bloomberg

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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tail Events, Isolation, New Normal Of Hyper Monetary Inflation / Politics / Inflation
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The year 2012 has started out in strange ways. While celestial forces augur for rare tail events, the assurance of man-made events that stretch far into the extreme tail of probability are not only very likely but will be of a type to reflect the change in the global balance of financial power. The Paradigm Shift mentioned over the course of the last two to three years is at work, having moved into a higher gear. The gold is moving from the West to the East, along with the power. We will not see the process reverse in our lifetime. The sanctions set against Iran have been devised by a former global leader nation that is beset by insolvency, fraud, and lost integrity. The backfire has consolidated forces into a more fortified position against the USDollar.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
America's Shadow Banking System, A Web of Financial Fraud and Criminality / Politics / US Politics
By: Ellen_Brown
The Wall Street Journal reported on January 19th that the Obama Administration was pushing heavily to get the 50 state attorneys general to agree to a settlement with five major banks in the “robo-signing” scandal. The scandal involves employees signing names not their own, under titles they did not really have, attesting to the veracity of documents they had not really reviewed. Investigation reveals that it did not just happen occasionally but was an industry-wide practice, dating back to the late 1990s; and that it may have clouded the titles of millions of homes. If the settlement is agreed to, it will let Wall Street bankers off the hook for crimes that would land the rest of us in jail – fraud, forgery, securities violations and tax evasion.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Something's Fishy in Tripoli / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
Way back in early 2011, members of the U.N. Security Council had no problem getting a resolution through that authorized military force in Libya ostensibly to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to strongman Moammar Gadhafi. The year before, lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic were bickering over who did what and why in terms of the cancer-stricken Lockerbie bomber. This Scottish decision to release him, depending on which U.S. lawmaker you spoke with, was tied to a BP deal to drill for oil in Libya. Despite fractures in the new interim government in Tripoli and reports of renewed protests, a decision by the Italian government to quietly discuss trade relations suggests something isn't quite right in the way Western allies pick their fights.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Geithner's Had Enough, Declares Will Not Serve Second Term as Treasury Secretary / Politics / US Politics
By: Bloomberg
BLOOMBERG EXCLUSIVE: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner spoke to Bloomberg Television's Trish Regan today and said that President Obama is "not going to ask me to stay on, I'm pretty confident. I'm confident he'll be president. But I'm also confident he's going to have the privilege of having another secretary of the Treasury...Something else for me."
Tune in to the full interview on Bloomberg TV tonight at 8pm/ET for "The State of the Economy," a live one-hour special event hosted by Trish Regan.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Will Iran Kill the PetroDollar? / Politics / US Dollar
By: Marin_Katusa
Marin Katusa, Casey Research writes: The official line from the United States and the European Union is that Tehran must be punished for continuing its efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. The punishment: sanctions on Iran's oil exports, which are meant to isolate Iran and depress the value of its currency to such a point that the country crumbles.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Restoring the American Dream: State of the Union Pitches an U.S. Economy / Politics / US Politics
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
In a speech before the nation last night, President Obama's State of the Union Address spoke of a new American economy that is "built to last."
Of course, in the wake of the dot com bubble, the subprime mortgage fiasco and the funny money of the last decade, that's certainly an objective all of us can heartily agree with.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bernanke's Dog(ma) / Politics / Central Banks
By: William_Bancroft
Will Bancroft takes a look at central banking, its intellectual foundations, and its most powerful agents today. What does it all mean for investors? We take a good look at the Bernanke Fed and the cartel of central banks, and wonder whether we are being well lead by our financial captains. Read on to learn more and see how these issues are linked to the gold price.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rational U.S. Tariffs Lower Irrational Trade Deficits / Politics / Protectionism
As historical memory diminishes and the lessons of past centuries are forgotten, the practice of systematically destroying economic independence grows. Forget about real prosperity, the concept of interdependence, coined in popular parlances by the Trilateral Commission, has made the United States economy a post industrial dependency and a bankrupt debtor. The global corporatists despise protective tariffs because these excise taxes must be paid by foreign manufacturing enterprises. Since the rush to escape American shores, the transnational ventures seek not just cheap labor, but scheme to evade any effective regulations for the paradise of third world exploitation.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
America's Education System Teaches "How to Become a Serf" / Politics / Education
By: John_Kozy
How to Become a Serf: Man is a pathetic creature; a brute trying to be god but traveling in the wrong direction.
Educational systems now train workers to fulfill the needs of companies. A society in which people exist for the sake of companies is a society enslaved. But there's a deep problem with the notion that education should equal vocational training. To paraphrase a very famous and renowned person, man does not live by work alone. Indeed, the knowledge and skills needed to earn a living in a capitalist industrial economy are of little use in human relationships, and human relationships are the core of everyone's life. Schools devoted to vocational training provide no venue for teaching cultural differences, for trying to understand the person who lives next door or in another country.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Preparing for America's Next Conquest / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
Richard Lightbown writes: Debkafile reported on 17 January that an imminent joint Israeli-US exercise had been cancelled by Israel’s prime minister, and not by the US as widely supposed. Convinced that Iran has made the decision to become a nuclear power Mr Netanyahu is preparing for possible unilateral attacks on Iranian nuclear sites.
British press reports say agents from the CIA and MI6 are operating within Syria while British and French Special Forces are training members of the Free Syrian Army in Turkey. Pravda has claimed that NATO snipers who fought in Libya have been sent to Syria.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sovereigns Declare War on US Dollar / Politics / US Dollar
By: Chris_Blasi
Iranian Crisis Evolving into Dollar Hegemony and Western Power Challenge
Profoundly significant news came out of the Middle East on Monday January 23, 2012. The headline via DEBKAfile* reads:
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Warren Buffet on Filling the Government Budget Deficit By Taxing the Wealthy / Politics / Taxes
By: Bloomberg
BLOOMBERG EXCLUSIVE: Warren Buffett and Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA) spoke with Bloomberg Television's Betty Liu in Omaha, NE during their first in-person meeting following Rigell's pledge to give 15% of his salary to help pay down the national debt.
Buffett said he would donate 15% of his income if 10% of Congress would, but that donations are ultimately insufficient and "what is effective is changing the law."
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Ron Paul, Stop Internet Censorship / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Although Congress was back in session for scarcely more than a day last week, private citizens across the country managed to cause an uproar felt across Capitol Hill. The uproar took the form of hundreds of thousands of phone calls to both Senators and Representatives, urging them to oppose two draconian new bills that threaten the free and unbridled flow of information on the internet.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Mainstream Media is Harmful if Swallowed, Paychecks, Perception, Propaganda & Power / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" - Upton Sinclair
I began to write this article in early December. I had just written an article that attempted to scrutinize how the American public could stand idly by while heavily armed mercenary thugs viciously crushed the Occupy encampments across the country in a Department of Homeland Security coordinated attack at the behest of the ruling oligarchy. Comfortably Numb made a case that the political and economic systems of the United States have been captured by a few evil men and they use their wealth and power to control the message hammered into the psyches of an apathetic, distracted, vincibly ignorant public. I started to tackle the question of why Americans could stand by as the new Greatest Generation was being abandoned, derided, scorned, beaten, tear gassed, and arrested for having the courage and audacity to stand up to a powerful corrupt unholy alliance between Wall Street psychopaths, corporate fascist barbarians, and Washington DC power hungry jackals. But I became overwhelmed with a feeling of disillusionment and hopelessness and was unable to write anything for about a month. I found myself questioning whether it was worth fighting such a powerful foe after seeing how easily they crushed the opposition put forth by OWS. After a month I decided I am not one to love my servitude.
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Monday, January 23, 2012
America's Great Divide Between Rich and Poor / Politics / Social Issues
By: Stephen_Lendman
In 1962, Michael Harrington's "The Other America" exposed the nation's dark side, saying:
"In morality and in justice, every citizen should be committed to abolishing the other America, for it is intolerable that the richest nation in human history should allow such needless suffering."
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