Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, November 21, 2008
Citigroup Blames Short Sellers For Share Price Crash / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Mike_Shedlock
Citigroup is in deep trouble and here is the proof: Citigroup Said to Urge SEC to Reinstitute Ban on Short-Selling .
Citigroup Inc., which fell as much as 25 percent in New York trading today, is urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to revive a prohibition on short-selling financial stocks, according to a person familiar with the matter.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Stock Markets Crash to New Lows as Congress Says No to Auto Bailout / Companies / US Auto's
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
U.S. Auto Makers Driven towards Bankruptcy / Companies / US Auto's
By: Mark_OByrne
As auto manufacturers across the globe go to their respective governments, carrying empty fuel tanks hoping for a bail out, the shine has definitely dulled on platinum and palladium. Tumbling car sales in North America and Europe have contributed to a dramatic shift in investor sentiment towards these metals, which play a vital role in diesel and petrol catalysts in reducing emissions. Johnson Matthey said it expected demand from carmakers in North America for platinum to dip by 36% this year and palladium by 20%. This news coincides with Republican Senators in the US attacking carmaker's pleas for another $25bn bail out on top of the $25bn already in place for the big three US manufacturers.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Ramifications of Bankruptcy at GM, Ford, and Chrysler / Companies / US Auto's
By: David_Urban

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What's ahead for Apple (AAPL), A Stock Worth Shorting? / Companies / Tech Stocks

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Monday, November 17, 2008
Stop Bailout Madness as Congress Targets Ailing Auto Dinosaurs / Companies / US Auto's
By: Mike_Shedlock

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Monday, November 17, 2008
Citigroups Survival in Doubt as 50,000 Jobs Cut / Companies / Corporate News
By: Captain_Hook
In yet another round of massive financial layoffs, Citigroup plans to cut about 50,000 jobs .
Citigroup's layoffs are the latest in a brutal round of job cuts across the financial industry. The cuts have been sparked by unprecedented losses due to bad credit investments, as well as the subsequent precipitous drop in banking and other financial-services business amid the worst economic conditions in 70 years.
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Monday, November 17, 2008
More Bailouts Coming, U.S. Automakers, Freddie Mac and Foreign Exporters / Companies / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes: This week is shaping up to be another active one on the bailout-and-financing front.
First and foremost, Congress returns to work this week to consider a once-unthinkable proposal: Put up billions in taxpayer-backed loans so that Detroit's “Big Three” can be saved. Expect a fight, however, as the bailout debate finally moves past banks to focus on General Motors Corp. ( GM ) , Ford Motor Co. ( F ) , and Chrysler Corp .
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Broadband Penetration: The Next Big Infrastructure Investment Boom / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: As is usually the case, I'm sitting here writing from my comfortable home office in rural northeast Pennsylvania. I often marvel at the fact that even from my remote location, I'm able to do research and submit copy over a broadband connection.
Of course, 20 years ago we never would have thought of broadband penetration as a necessary component to our nation's infrastructure. Back then most of us interacted with our televisions far more than with our computers.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
U.S. Autos Seek Bailout Cash to Prevent Bankruptcy / Companies / US Auto's
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Adsense Earnings Fall Sharply Ahead of Google Earnings Slump / Companies / Google
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Investment Opportunities in High Dividend Paying Tech Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_and_Markets

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Your FDIC Backed Bank Could Fail, Discover the Safest U.S. Banks / Companies / Credit Crisis 2008
With big bank bailouts dominating the news, there's no better time to get the truth about bank safety.
This informative article has been excerpted from Bob Prechter's New York Times bestseller Conquer the Crash . Unlike recent news articles that are responding to the banking crisis, it was published in 2002 before anyone was even talking about bank safety. However, you may find the information even more valuable today than ever before.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Obama's New “Economic Fuel”… and 7 Ways to Profit / Companies / Renewable Energy
By: Investment_U

He's also being presented with an incredible opportunity… one that, if implemented correctly, could have profoundly positive effects on the economic health of the world, just when we need it.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Strategic investing by Focusing on Companies that Sell to China / Companies / China Economy
By: Money_and_Markets
Tony Sagami writes: Beijing's latest stimulus package was a great sign that the country is devoted to future economic growth. And I think all the measures — which include infrastructure spending and tax deductions for exporters — are great news for investors focused on Asia.
But today I want to spend some time looking at another set of important economic indicators — the American pastimes of baseball and basketball.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How to Profit from China's $586 Billion Economic Stimulus Package / Companies / China Stocks
By: Money_Morning

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Friday, November 07, 2008
Yahoo Microsoft Deal- Yang Plus Yahoo Equals Yikes! / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Mike_Stathis

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Friday, November 07, 2008
Warren Buffett Likes Warrants / Companies / Options & Warrants
By: Dudley_Baker
The legendary Warren Buffet is doing a great favor for investors by bring the investment term warrants back into the limelight.
Within the last 2 months Buffett has stepped in and assisted with an infusion of capital in Goldman Sachs of $5 billion and General Electric of $3 billion. In both of these transactions Buffett insisted/demanded/requested/required, that he also receive warrants. These warrants essentially are an equity kicker, an additional incentive or sweetener to get the deals done.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
This Stock is Getting Ready to Fly / Companies / Learning to Invest

I was looking through our email alerts recently and this stock just jumped out at me. I want to share my thoughts about what I expect will happened to this market in this short video. We've discussed this pattern before on several other videos and all have worked out very successfully.
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Friday, October 31, 2008
Hedge Fund Managers in Tears as Volkswagen Triggers Short-Squeeze / Companies / Market Manipulation
By: Adrian_Ash
"I have hedge fund managers literally in tears on the phone..." – a London broker, quoted this week
ODD THINGS were happening to the price of Volkswagen – the world's third-largest auto-maker – long before it leapt 187% higher inside two days at the end of October. For a brief moment, and amid the worst-ever stock market rout in history, VW became the planet's most highly-valued corporation bar none at the end of October.
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