Analysis Topic: Investor & Trader Education
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mistakes in Commodity Trading / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Really…how do I count the ways… ( I believe I have seen them all…as well as all of them that I made in my career)? However I believe the greatest mistake in life is to give up… Possibly the greatest mistake in commodity trading is to give up. In all reality…Commodity trading is the hardest ..yet easiest thing to do. I have seen countless commodity traders give up during a draw down. I have heard the markets changed…the system does not work any more…or simply…I am tired of losing money.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Courage and Knowledge in Commodity & Forex Trading / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Yesterday I had an interesting conversation regarding courage and knowledge in commodity & forex trading. If you have been reading my blog you probably know my favorite two words for success in commodity trading are…Discipline and Patience…
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Free 42-Page eBook: Find Trading Opportunities With Fibonacci / InvestorEducation / Technical Analysis
Elliott Wave International has just released a free 42-Page eBook, How You Can Identify Turning Points Using Fibonacci. Created from the $129 two-volume set of the same name, it’s available free until November 30, 2009. Learn more.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Initial Public Offering, IPO Investors Primer / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Jay_DeVincentis
Here's a stock and an education all wrapped up in one.
This week's stock update: Since March, the market has rallied strongly and leaves many stocks in various set ups. As I'm sure you're aware, it would be great to have a time machine and go back to March and bet the farm. In hindsight, that would be the best time to trade stocks breaking out of bases. We don't have the luxury of hindsight, but we do have stocks in various setups in the wake of this advance. We'll talk about them here and how best to trade them.
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Overtrading in Commodity Futures Trading & Forex / InvestorEducation / Futures Trading
By: Andrew_Abraham
You hear it all the time..A successful commodity futures trader or a forex trader does not over trade. However in reality …what does it really mean over trading? In my definition, over trading can be two fold.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mechanical Trading Systems / InvestorEducation / Trading Systems
By: Andrew_Abraham
If you look in any commodity or forex publication you will see advertisements for mechanical trading systems. This is an area in which commodity traders as well as forex traders seek to find their holy grail. Well in reality this will not happen with any mechanical trading system on the market. However mechanical trading systems have some very distinct advantages.
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Using Mental Stops in Commodity & Forex Trading / InvestorEducation / Commodities Trading
By: Andrew_Abraham
In my years of experience trading commodities, it seems the only time mental stops should be used is by a large trader who doesn’t want his open stop sitting in the market for the fear that someone might run their stop.
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Friday, November 13, 2009
Randomness of Commodity Trading Advisors Returns / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
The reality is there exists a great deal of correlation between trend following commodity trading advisors… But there are always a difference in their returns…Many times because I have managed accounts I see a great overlap. It seems virtually every commodity trading advisor had the sugar trade. The sugar trade was a perfect setup. It was a low volatile period and for whatever reason sugar went upwards. The same can be argued for so many commodity trading advisors were short the US dollar.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Top 10 Rules for Successful Investing / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: With all the financial woes in the global economy, the worst thing an investor can do is to “freeze up.” With all the ups and downs in the market, it’s all too easy for investors to allow their emotions to take control. That’s when the smallest mistakes turn into the biggest mistakes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wheres Does the Money Sit When Commodity Trading? / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Too many investors forget to ask this very important question when trading commodities. In many cases commodity traders leave money in segregated accounts at their Futures commission merchant. As well there are cash management companies. In order to survive in these trying times …using the words of Andy Grove… ” The Paranoid Survive”. I am paranoid…in my trading with my partners in our commodity pool…as well as I am paranoid when I allocate to other commodity trading advisors. As Nissim Taleb has brought out in his book…Fooled by randomness anything can happen and for that fact I prepare for it.
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Monday, November 09, 2009
Stock Market Timing / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Guy_Lerner
Everyone tries to time the market to some degree. Just the acts of buying and selling are exercises in market timing. We want the best price, and I don't know anyone who can argue with that. We all want to buy low and sell high, and we all want to do it over and over again. The problem is that, like hitting a baseball, market timing is not a feat that can be done by everybody, and even the best must accept that they won't be successful most of the time.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Mistakes When Investing With A Commodity Trading Advisor / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Andrew_Abraham
There are exist numerous mistakes when investing with a commodity trading advisor. After being on both sides of allocating to commodity trading advisors as well as being one myself it has become very clear to me some of the mistakes that investors make.
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Friday, November 06, 2009
Commodity and Forex Trading Mistakes / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Trading mistakes are common in commodity and forex trading. I became involved with my partners in order to learn from the mistakes of other commodity traders (and plenty of my own mistakes). In my opinion after being involved in commodity trading and trend following the basis of trading mistakes all boil down to three issues.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Trading and Investing Books to Keep You Sane in an Insane Market / InvestorEducation / Resources & Reviews
By: Vitaliy_Katsenelson
I originally wrote this list of recommended books last year; recently I updated and added a few more. I hope to keep adding to it every year. It contains six sections: Selling, Think Like an Investor, Behavioral Investing, Economics, Stock Market History, and Books for the Soul. Due to its length, I divided it into two parts. I hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Five Tips for Trading ETFs / InvestorEducation / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Ron_Rowland
Every week I tell you about exchange traded funds (ETFs) that you can use for various investment purposes. You could be wondering, though, what’s the best way to buy them. So in today’s column I’ll give you some practical information that will help you implement whatever ETF investment strategy you might want to pursue.
Professional investors make a distinction between portfolio management and trade execution. You might not be a professional, but you can still use the same thought process …
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Thursday, November 05, 2009
Preparation List For Trading Commodities or Forex / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Regardless if you are new to commodities (or forex) or if you have traded them in the past without much success and want to make a fresh start with either a commodity trading advisor or even a mechanical trading system … examine this preparation list to really determine if you are truly ready to begin trading commodities ( or forex).
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Wednesday, November 04, 2009
The Indians Are Gathering Wood / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Charles_Maley
History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it – WINSTON CHURCHILL
Have you ever noticed that all the Wall Street firms are within pennies of each other when forecasting earnings? Have you ever noticed that they are all wrong (and occasionally right) at the same time? I doubt seriously if this is coincidence. It is more likely, that because they spend a lot of time speaking with each other, and reading the same numbers, they come to the same conclusions. It’s a variation on the old “circular argument” in philosophy.
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Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Doing the Hard Thing In Commodity Trading! / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
Too many books and blogs seem to make commodity trading and forex trading seem so easy… The truth can not be further from this…Successful trading is so hard… It is a truly a mental battle..There is no easy money in commodity trading….. You earn it..( that is if you truly want it ). There is only one person that can control your success… that is you.. Regardless if you trade yourself…or if you allocate to a commodity trading advisor. The end of the day..You are responsible!
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Monday, November 02, 2009
Margin to Equity in Commodity Trading / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Abraham
One of the major issues to long term success in commodity trading or forex trading is to know what is the right amount of capital for ones portfolio. The issues are if do not trade aggressively enough you will not obtain results and vice versa if you trade too aggressively you will stand the chance of blowing up. So what is the happy medium?
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Sunday, November 01, 2009
Stock Market Crash Again? Nadeem Walayat's Trading Lesson's / InvestorEducation / Financial Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The crash commentary on every dip has been relentless SINCE the March stock market BOTTOM on EVERY CORRECTION
What happens ? The market subsequently moves to a new high.
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