Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 22, 2008
Paulson's Lies Keep Escalating: What YOU Can Do About It / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Shedlock

Inquiring minds may wish to consider a recap of things that have happened since Paulson made his "Our banking system is a safe and a sound one" speech.
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Financial Markets Stabilize After Recent Beatings / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
By: Regent_Markets
Traders, investors, and financial journalists must have been glad to reach the end of a week that will surely go down in the history of financial markets. The FTSE closed the week just 66 points down which the S&P 500 actually managed a small profit. Homeowner, the closing figures do not even begin to tell the whole story with the FTSE trading in a 521 point range and posting its best one day rally in history on Friday.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Irony: Fed Decisions To Undermine U.S. Banking System? / Stock-Markets / Market Regulation
By: David_Haas
Let's start with an important quote gleaned from an excellent article in today's Washington Post which describes the Fed's massive and unprecedented bailout plans that are intended to rescue the entire financial system from further implosion:
“The program announced this morning runs the risk in the long run of profoundly changing the nature of our financial system and, specifically, undermining the nation's banking system,” wrote American Banker's Association President Edward Yingling.
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Stock Market Cycle Projections and Turning Points / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
Long-term trend -
The Dow Jones Industrials may be deviating from their typical decennial pattern in an election year. Important cycles going into the Fall could be the reason for this, but one also has to consider the possibility that the downward pressure from the 120-yr cycle, which is due to make its low in 2012-2014, has begun to take effect and that October 2007 was the top of the bull market. This is not yet confirmed and remains only a possibility.
SPX: Intermediate trend - Last week's action suggests that the intermediate trend correction may have run its course, but a test of the low is quite probable.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Historic Week: US Government Avoids Financial Armageddon / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The financial markets aptly ended a tumultuous week with record busting rallies as Hank Paulson at the US Treasury suspended the FREE MARKET so as to prevent a collapse of the financial system. The two triggering events for the turnaround in stock markets were
a. The SEC banning of short-selling of 799 financial stocks.
b. The US government announcement of the intention to buy up bad bank debt, where the initial outlay will cost the US Tax payer 700 billion.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Americans Suckered into Bailing-out Investment Banking Drug-pushers / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Alex_Wallenwein

Question: What happens when you destroy a negative? Is that a bad thing, or a good thing?
Answer: It depends on how good of a liar you are. If you can get everybody to believe that the negative is something of positive value, its destruction will be seen as a catastrophe.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Credit Crisis Week's Events / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Money_and_Markets
Jack Crooks writes: I applaud you if you've made it through this past week with only a few scratches and bumps in your trading account. I know for a fact that plenty of traders got their lunch handed to them.
Thanks to what I call the "visible hand" theory of central banks and the U.S. Treasury, times like these make it even harder to get positioned and stay positioned without being whipsawed.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
How to Stop the Credit Crunch and Save the Financial System / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Mick_Phoenix
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week we look at the withdrawal of the US from the capitalist system and why my Moral Hazard Outrage Indicator has melted into a lump of molten plastic.
More importantly The Collection Agency comes up with a viable plan on how we stop the credit crunch, depression and the end of the Western World.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Stock Markets Setting Themselves Up for a October Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Mike_Paulenoff

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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Paulson's Market Manipulation Bailout Will Fail Because.. / Stock-Markets / Government Intervention
By: Robert_McHugh_PhD

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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Stock Market Update: It's A Trader's World / Stock-Markets / Futures Trading
By: Dominick
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
President Paulson's $700 Billion Bailout Plan / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Mike_Shedlock
The New York Times has the Text of Draft Proposal for Bailout Plan . Given this is legislation, under fair use terms, here is the complete draft. My thoughts follow.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Markets and Government Manipulation / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Submissions
Walter J. Burien writes: Let's Talk
Many people over the years have commented to me per the markets: "This is going to definitely happen" and then: " This is unbelievable that this has happened" as they watched their account balances flush down the toilet.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Stock Markets Extreme Volatility / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Mike_Burk
Short Term Over the past week the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) moved and average of 2.4% a day, the highest level of volatility since the low of October 2002.
The chart below covers the past 6 months showing the DJIA in red and an indicator showing the average daily percentage change of the DJIA over the previous 5 trading days in black. The indicator is calculated by adding the absolute value of the percentage change of the DJIA over the previous 5 trading days and dividing by 5. Dashed vertical lines have been drawn on the 1st trading day of each month.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Trading Tactics to Capture Wild Market Swings / Stock-Markets / Futures Trading
By: Joseph_Russo

Amid colossal intervention efforts and unbridled attempts to manipulate markets, socialize losses, and control price levels, disciplined impartial trade executions conveyed through our blended strategic trade advisory continue to produce stellar short-term profits fully consistent with the large market swings inherent with such endeavor.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
United States Becomes Toxic Debt Waste Dump to Stop Financial Armageddon / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The camel's nose got in the tent when Bear Stearns was bailed out. The question is, when will it end? The U.S. government moved to cleanse banks of troubled assets and halt an exodus of investors from money markets in the biggest expansion of federal power over the financial system since the Great Depression.
A toxic waste dump.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Financial Markets Day of Rest / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Doug_Wakefield
“By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” Genesis 2:2
As we head into the third weekend of the month, it looks as though our illustrious financial leaders will once again find no rest this weekend. After working through the weekend of September 5 th , to structure the US government takeover of the two largest holders of mortgages in the world (Fannie & Freddie), they continued over the weekend of September 12 th , deciding that the 158 year old company that is the largest underwriter in municipal bonds (Lehman Brothers) would be allowed to go bankrupt and that one of the world's leading wealth management firms (Merrill Lynch) would be bought out by one of the largest banks in the world (Bank of America), one would have thought that they could have taken some time off. Yet, no rest was found for the weary.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
US Government Declares WAR on Debt Crisis / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Money_and_Markets
Martin D. Weiss writes: In the last few hours of Friday, in a desperate attempt to ward off a catastrophic Wall Street meltdown, the government has announced three unprecedented actions:
First, President Bush, Fed Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson have called on leaders of both parties in Congress to work through the weekend to develop a plan to let the government buy up bad debts from banks.
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Paulson Commits Trillions of Tax Payer Dollars to the Mother of All Bailouts / Stock-Markets / Government Intervention
By: Peter_Schiff

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Friday, September 19, 2008
Credit Default Swaps $57 Trillion Risk to Financial's / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Money_and_Markets
Mike Larson write: It's been quite the eventful week on the bailout front, eh?
The Treasury and Federal Reserve drew the line at Lehman Brothers, allowing the fourth-largest broker in the U.S. to file for bankruptcy.
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