Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 29, 2008
Stock Markets Crash D-Day as Black October Approaches / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
Martin Weiss writes: Tomorrow is your last chance to get on board with new inverse investments for massive profit potential in a Black October.
Plus, tomorrow is also your last opportunity to join us before we double our prices starting October 1. No exceptions, please.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Stock Market Crash is Inevitable! / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
We've heard that before, huh? But this time it is real.
“The US stock market could suffer a devastating crash with shares losing a third of their value this week…” “…a meltdown of 1929 proportions…” “Officials close to Paulson are privately painting a far bleaker portrait of the fragility of the global economy than that advanced by President George W Bush…” “…the message from government officials is that “the economy is dropping into the john.”
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Unprecedented Stock Market Volatility, Unpredictable Future / Stock-Markets / Futures Trading
Apart from Monday’s opening salvo, it was quieter week for global equities. After Monday’s dramatic reversal, daily movements between high and low, were mostly restricted to sub 2% range days. Between Monday the 15th and Monday the 22nd of September, the level of volatility was unprecedented. The US S&P moved 3.5% between the high and low of the day, something not seen since 1982, according to Jason Goepfert’s Sentimentrader.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Is the West Manipulating the Russian Stock Market? / Stock-Markets / Russia
We have all seen considerable fluctuations on World Stock Markets before, but the recent fall witnessed on the RTS (Russian Trading System/Stock Market) has a hint of more than just a loss of confidence in the companies and Russia.Since a peak in May of this year, we have seen a drop of 46 percent, creating a loss (on paper) of $700 billion! It seems odd that many of the companies hardest hit appear to be oil companies like: Rosneft, Lukoil and Gazprom.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Last Chance for Financial Crisis Truth / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
Martin Weiss writes: On this fateful Sunday morning, while Congress inches closer to approving the greatest financial bailout in history, while we teeter on the brink of what the President himself calls "a financial panic," and while you and I enjoy the momentary luxury of a quiet respite, it's time to sit back and take a long, hard look at what's best for us, our country, our children and their children as well.
This is a defining moment of your lifetime and mine. It's the moment I have been writing you about — and helping friends like you prepare for — week after week, month after month.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Baillout Plan Deal to Ignite Stock Market End Quarter Rally / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The good news is: A bottom is near.
Short Term When, speaking of the economy, the President declares "This sucker is going down", short term indicators lose their relevance.
Intermediate Term The high number of new lows a week ago imply a high likelihood of a retest of the September price low.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bailout Secret- To Prevent $68 Trillion Derivatives Collapse Chain Reaction / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
Paulson doesn't give a toss about the balance sheets. It's what's OFF them that's frightening him to death. When I read Shah Gilani's excellent analysis How to End the Credit Crisis at No Cost to US Taxpayers which was much better than the analysis that I wrote a few days previously “How to save the US Taxpayer $700 Billion and the Failure of "Mark to Market" the penny finally dropped.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
How I Would Have Fixed the Credit Crisis Fiasco / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: I was speaking to a standing-room-only crowd at a North Carolina investing conference recently when a sharply worded question soared over the group from a gentleman seated in the back row – and who was clearly agitated by my analysis of the whole bailout-plan situation.
“How would you have handled it differently, Mr. Smarty-Pants?” he asked, in a challenging voice.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
WaMu America's Biggest Bank Failure / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
In what is by far the largest bank failure in U.S. history, federal regulators seized Washington Mutual Inc. and struck a deal to sell the bulk of its operations to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
The collapse of the Seattle thrift, which was triggered by a wave of deposit withdrawals, marks a new low point in the country's financial crisis. But the deal, as constructed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., could hold some glimmers of hope for the beleaguered banking system because it averts any hit to the bank-insurance fund.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
End of the Financial World- LIBOR TED Spread Flashes Trouble / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis Bailouts
- Who's Afraid of a Big, Bad Bailout?
- It's the End of the World As We Know It
- The TED Spread Flashes Trouble
- The Transmission Mechanism
- Let's Make a Deal
Flying last Tuesday, overnight from Cape Town in South Africa to London, I read in the Financial Times that Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas was quoted as saying (this is from memory, so it is not exact) that he had difficulty voting for a bailout plan when none of his constituents could understand the need to bail out Wall Street, didn't understand the problem, and were against spending $700 billion of taxpayer money to solve a crisis for a bunch of (rich) people who took a lot of risk and created the crisis. That is a sentiment that many of the Republican members of the House share.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Growing Risk of Stock Market Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
As you know, a strong oppositional disagreement occurred in Congress last night causing the current Bail Out Plan to be on hold. This was bad timing as Washington Mutual collapsed last night with J.P. Morgan buying their assets.
What is now developing is a "confidence crisis" in our banking system, the Federal Reserve, and our Government. That means Congress has less time to act because the probability of panic break outs are increasing.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Stock Markets In Limbo Awaiting Bailout Decision / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
With about three hours remaining in this crazy week, let's notice this morning's weakness established a secondary low in the e-Mini Dec S&P for this week at 1194.75 compared with Wednesday's low at 1180.25--and compared to the week ago yesterday (9/18) low at 1136.25. Can we call these three lows part of a near base-building effort? Yes, unless 1180.25 is violated, which will weaken the base-building scenario. To trigger initial upside confirmation of a near-term base, the e-SPZ -- a proxy for those trading the S&P 500 Depository Receipts (AMEX: SPY) -- must hurdle and sustain above 1218 and then 1225.00. For the time being, however, the index is in limbo -- along with the US Congress.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
America's Financial Apocalypse, What Can YOU Do as an Investor? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
DividendsAt this point, there is very little you can do. If you have suffered large losses, you either have traditional mutual funds or you believed what the “experts” told you on television; perhaps both. If you have not already liquidated your holdings in the stock and bond markets, you might consider doing so after some market strength, if in fact that occurs anytime in the near future. Your ultimate decision should depend in part on your tolerance for more downside, your investment horizon, and whether you can write-off your losses. If you insist on remaining in the market, I continue to recommend healthcare, oil trusts, and cash.
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
China Stock Market ETF Heading Higher / Stock-Markets / Chinese Stock Market
As long as the recent pullback low at 35.58 remains intact and a viable near-term price floor, the overall pattern in the iShares China ETF (AMEX: FXI) off of the 9/17 low at 30.25 argues in favor of a revisit of last Friday's high area of 39.00-40.00.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Who to Blame for America's Financial Crisis ? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
Time for a reality check - The traditional checks and balances of America's financial system have been deliberately bypassed. The Real Estate industry has encouraged the production of very high risk mortgage applications. Most of the Banking system has ignored its responsibility to monitor the credit worthiness of mortgage applicants. And these worthless debt instruments were then passed on to Wall Street which sliced and diced them into $$ billions of highly questionable securities called Collateralized Debt Obligations, Mortgage Backed Securities, credit default swaps, or whatever other name Wall Street's MBAs could dream up. And of course, everyone dipped their hands into the cookie jar along the way. Millions and billions of dollars. Get rich selling worthless paper.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Moral Hazard and the Aggregate Wealth Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
The largest financial bailout in United States history, which some traders are starting to call the ‘Securitized Housing Investment Trust' (hint: think acronym), is causing an existential crisis amongst those who hold to purest free market ideology. Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, echoed this sentiment when he said, “The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America .” These ideologues doth protest too much, methinks.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Historic Week: US Government Avoids Financial Armageddon / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2008
September 22nd , 2008 Issue #27 Vol. 2Dear Reader,
The financial markets aptly ended a tumultuous week with record busting rallies as Hank Paulson at the US Treasury suspended the FREE MARKET so as to prevent a collapse of the financial system. The two triggering events for the turnaround in stock markets were
a. The SEC banning of short-selling of 799 financial stocks.
b. The US government announcement of the intention to buy up bad bank debt, where the initial outlay will cost the US Tax payer 700 billion.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Which S&P P/E Ratio Are We Talking About? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Valuations
Business news about earnings and P/E ratios is frustrating and flawed. If you listen to and read enough reports, you find wide variances in the numbers. Why?
It's all about the “E”. Nobody has trouble figuring out the “P”, but the “E” has many possible meanings:
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Stock Market Meltdown –Watching Rome Burn / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
Both presidential candidates want to crucify SEC Chairman Cox for failing to control our creative financial institutions. But rumor has it that Congress specifically excluded the devilish derivatives from SEC purview. Let's fire the right bunch of "poips" for a change!Scary markets are brought about by many factors, some normal, and some not so normal. It's often helpful to look backwards before getting too paranoid about the present. The S & L crisis of the early 80s might be an appropriate starting point.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Financial and Economic Collapse has Begun! / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
I believe I remember vividly that I wrote at the beginning of this decade around 2002 or 2003 that it would be under President George Bush's watch that the financial collapse would begin in earnest.
It is a historical fact that the few years following 1929 witnessed the addition of 10,000 or so new millionaires in the US . I suppose these were those out of debt and who had prepared for the events of those days. Those days are now repeating themselves once again in our humble generation. Our nation today is definitely hurtin' for certain. And the blood is running in the streets!
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