Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Stock Market Bottom, but Maybe Not The Bottom… / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
The spring in the financial sector's step last week has some wondering if bottoms are finally forming in for the equities market. This is based on an assumption that weak banks couldn't get much cheaper and that, to Wall St 's way of thinking, a “real” bull rally has to be led by financials. Certainly its true there is much less $ (or £, or €) value that can be chopped off them than has already been. Early year profits indicated by some the larger and weaker US banks, and comment by US Fed Chairman Bernanke that the recession could be over by year's end if the banking sector stabilizes, also helped the cause.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Late Sharp Pullback Closes the Stock Indices at Session Lows / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
The markets had a volatile session, most of it spent trying to take out the highs and lows and doing so unsuccessfully until the last 15-20 minutes of the day when the market rolled over hard and closed at the lows for the day. We weren't surprised based on the oscillators and overbought condition, as the pullback was needed , although it may last a few more sessions.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Can the Banks Toxic Asset Problem be Fixed So Easily? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis Bailouts
Geithner and the Banks - What is one of the major purposes for removing the toxic assets from the banking system? To get banks to start lending , so companies can borrow to keep their operations going, for consumers to start borrowing so they can spend, for mortgage rates to drop so housing sales can start up again ... Everything needed for the economy to start a turn around so that the stock market can get out of this Bear market.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stock Market Cheers Geithner’s Bank Rescue Plan / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
So despite my (misplaced?) reservations yesterday one has to respect the price action! Tim did finally enchant and Geithner's new bank balance sheet plan propelled stocks into the stratosphere . But it wasn't the only catalyst at work yesterday as the bulls' stars became aligned.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Protect Your Wealth from the Secular Stocks Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Almost exactly six months ago, I wrote in these pages to deliver you a message of warning. In a special edition of Money and Markets * on September 22, 2008, I warned you NOT to expect a quick end to this epic bear market in stocks. I also outlined several steps that could help you defend and possibly even grow your wealth in this turbulent market.
The reason for my warning last September is one and the same with my biggest concern today … we remain locked in a punishing, long-term, secular bear market, and I'm concerned your investments may not be fully prepared to weather this financial storm.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Carpet Bombs the Bears / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2- The stealth bull market in a not quite as stealthy manner as I would have liked decided to carpet bomb the bears with a powerful 500 point up thrust that has left many speculators and analysts that are not participating in the rally stunned into inaction as the smart investors continued to accumulate in the face of overwhelming majority of frightened investors to scared to participate in the face of continuing overwhelming bearish data and mis-information most notably evident in the consensus that stock prices will revert to below the mean in terms of corporate earnings.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stocks Bear Market Respite and Reflation Trade Won't Push Gold Past $1,000 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
In the wake of the Fed's announced record monetization some gold bugs remarked about the significance of the date and decision. Moreover, the airwaves were littered with commodity bulls (not the familiar faces). There were a few non-gold bug analysts on live television showing currency from Zimbabwe and relating the Fed decision to what has transpired in Zimbabwe. Hyperbole aside, fed policy of currency debasement and inflation of the money supply is hardly anything new. News is important in that it highlights and reinforces trends. It doesn't create them.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spectacular Session for the Stock Market Bulls / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
It was a fantastic and huge session to start the week, as the indices gapped up big, ran hard in the morning, consolidated mid-day, tried to rollover but held support, and then exploded again in the afternoon as the shorts were squeezed right into the close in a spectacular session.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Dow Transportation Average Exchange Traded Fund (IYT): Itching for Upside / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
Today, we're going to take a look at the iShares Dow Jones Transportation Index Exchange-Traded Fund (IYT) . Within the Dow Transports you'll find sectors that include airlines, shipping, railroads, delivery companies, truckers, etc. With President Obama's gauntlet of stimulus packages, the IYT may soon find some strong support and offer investors attractive valuation for years to come, especially in the railroad industry .Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Rally March Madness / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
For years our local retailers have run advertising tagged on the theme of ‘March Madness', implying they have cut prices drastically due to an uncontrollable psychological condition. Fitting the stock market into this context at present is of course a synch, with prices getting marked down all over the place due to an uncontrollable psychological condition, better know as a panic. And it just so happens that in studying history, March has been a time of conspicuous events in a biblical sense (important events), with the other more recent example being the manic top in tech stocks seen in the year 2000.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Spring Rally Ahead of Summer Lows Retest / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
As we race toward the close of another (negative) quarter, spirits are getting a lift from the fact that Spring has sprung and the markets have put on a rally, making March statements (for now) look a bit brighter than many of the past six months. The focus of Wall Street is not on the economy, but the circus that is Washington. (Warning: political comment!) It is funny to see Congress chastise executives for paying bonuses then turn around and ask for political contributions from the same group – hypocrisy at its best!Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Futures Bounce Sharply Higher / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
Preliminary details of U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner 's (aka the one trillion Dollar man) plans have prompted a strong session in equities overnight with the Dow futures currently up 195 and Europe looking chirpy. Now I may sound like a worn out old 45 but don't believe the hype. The markets are as ever buying the rumour and will sell the fact(s).Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Economic Crisis, No country is immune from the gloom / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
After a volatile 5 days, world stock markets just managed to close last 5 days in the black. It was a week of two halves with the good work from the start of the week being undone in the second half as traders slipped into reverse gear on Thursday and Friday. At least markets managed to hold the gains from the previous week which in the context of the bear market is no mean feat.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Investor Sentiment Indicator Not a Factor / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Sentiment
This week investor sentiment is neutral. The bearish sentiment (i.e., bull signal) of the past three weeks has dissipated. Going forward, equities will need to rely upon their own merits to score gains. In other words, as bears have turned into bulls, sentiment will be less of a factor in any price appreciation.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Indices Witness Strong Selling / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
And this is because the Sp and Dow failed at their 50's and the bulls couldn't stop the same old which has been to fall from those 50 day tests. The Nas and Ndx cleared it but now the Nas is slightly below. Nothing terrible but a few points below and it's not great to see similar behavior as we have seen for this entire bear market. Get to the 50's with some indexes clearing the 50's and then things just fall apart. The bulls need to take a stronger stand than this. The rally so far has been on excellent internals and this has kept the rally going but it's time for the bulls to step up here or we're headed right back down.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stock Market Potential for Continuing Counter Trend Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend - Down! The very-long-term cycles have taken over and if they make their lows when expected, the bear market which started in October 2007 should continue until 2012-2014. This would imply that much lower prices lie ahead.
SPX: Intermediate trend - The index may have started a counter-trend rally which has the potential of extending itself in a bumpy ride for several more weeks if it can overcome the resistance which lies directly overhead.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
Stock Market Final Bottom When Price Earnings Revert to Below the Mean / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
CEP News: Fed expands collateral for TALF
“The Fed expanded the securities it will accept for its short-term lending program just hours before the revamped plan was set to begin.
“The program is designed to free up capital for lending by purchasing securities backed by high-quality assets from financial institutions. The Fed plans to spend about $1 trillion through the program.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
Global Stock Markets Enter Extended Bear Markets, Reflation Ain't Going to Work / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Back in October when that stimulus package was being discussed I wrote a couple of articles, which were posted here, stating that it “Ain't Gonna Work.” This past Wednesday the Fed announced their latest intentions with a plan to buy $300 billion in long-term Treasuries and $750 billion of mortgage-backed securities. I'm now beginning to wonder if the powers that be are really in their minds trying to “fix” things or if they are actually trying to destroy the dollar, the free markets and perhaps even the nation.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Stocks Consolidate in advance of Continuation of Short-term Rally / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The good news is: After 2 consecutive down days there has been no build up of new lows.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Financial Markets Analysis - Fed Adopts Quantitative Inflation / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2009
The big story of the week was the U.S. Fed's head long fling over the cliff into Quantitative Easing by printing more than $1 trillion (electronically) , this is on top of the $800 billion already printed on the sly as the Fed buys toxic junk such as the weeks announcement of buying $1.25 trillion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage backed securities, as well as other junk bonds, on top of $300 billion of US Government bonds to help finance the ever growing budget deficit. The implications of this extra supply of dollars is inflationary that devalues the value of all dollars. I have already warned indepth of the consequences of Quantitative Inflation so won't repeat it here.Read full article... Read full article...