Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monster Reversal In Stocks, Commodities, and the US Dollar in the Works? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Mac_Slavo
The last couple of weeks have been quite eventful for economists and world leaders. First, Ben Bernanke announced the much anticipated next phase of US strategy to get the economy back on its feet, even though the recession has been over for many months and recovery is purported to be in full swing. The Bernanke Plan, to no one’s surprise, entails more monetization of US debt and further injections of liquidity into the system. To the chagrin of Nobel Prize winning economists like Paul Krugman, the announced $600 billion just isn’t going to be enough.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
U.S. Dollar, Euro, Gold, Silver, and VIX Poised For Trend Reversals / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Numerous factors and markets are telling us the odds of short-to-intermediate-term reversals are elevated for numerous markets including silver (SLV), gold (GLD), the U.S. dollar (UUP), the euro (FXE), stocks (SPY), and the VIX (VXX). The objective of both fundamental and technical analysis of the financial markets is to help us better understand the risk-reward ratio and relative attractiveness of a wide variety of investments. Since no chart or annual report can help us predict the future, our study of markets deals in probable outcomes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Stock Market 90-Day Cycle Looking for a Correction / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jim_Curry
In a prior article, I made note of the fact that the larger uptrend was firmly established into the Spring of 2011 (or beyond), with the four-year cycle looking to peak at some point between April and July of next year. In-between, for the shorter-term I mentioned that there was a 90-day (18-20 week) cycle that was due to peak sometime around mid-November (plus or minus). In terms of price, a test or push above the April high of 1219.80 SPX CASH was favored to materialize on or before this cycle turned south, which is obviously what we have seen with the recent action.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Investing in Latin America, the Importance of Politics / Stock-Markets / Emerging Markets
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
Brazil's election win by the Workers Party candidate Dilma Rousseff has cast a dark shadow over the investment prospects of that long-fashionable "BRIC" economy.
And it has underscored an important lesson for investors: In Latin America, the political climate is really the No. 1 factor in determining where to invest for the long run.
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Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Should One Invest Now Invest in the U.S. or China’s Stock Market? / Stock-Markets / Chinese Stock Market
By: Lorimer_Wilson
Nu Yu writes: Where should one invest these days for the greatest projected returns? I do weekly analyses of both the American and Chinese stock markets and have identified specific developments that point the way short- and mid-term and suggest a future scenario for one of them. Let me explain:
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Stock Market Remains Firm At Overbought But Slowly Unwinding Levels / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jack_Steiman
What can I say about this market. It is resilient beyond words. And it is somewhat surprising when you consider just how overbought we are on those daily charts. We started off with selling today, and it looked like things could finally be coming together with respects to more sustained selling. The Dow was closing in on 100 points, which is nothing really, but at least a start. That didn't last long though. The market started to slowly, but surely, come back from the early deeper selling. No great move higher, but enough to take away the edge from the bears. The bears have to be wondering what will it take to get this puppy moving lower. I wonder as well.
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Monday, November 08, 2010
Is the Stock Market Pullback Already Finished? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Mike_Paulenoff
All of the action off of Friday's high at 1224.50 in the emini S&P 500 exhibits corrective form, which "warns" us that when it is complete another upleg should be forthcoming that thrusts the e-SPZ to new highs projected into the 1232-1240 target zone.
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Monday, November 08, 2010
Stock Market Powering Ahead With Significant Momentum / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Christopher_Quigley
The market continues to power ahead with significant momentum. The Dow 30 Industrials, the Dow 20 Transports, the S & P 500 and the NASDAQ 100 all are taking wind from a new quantitative easing policy, extended Bush tax breaks and positive earnings guidance. In addition Wall Street likes the idea that Democrats and Republicans must work together and compromise following the mid-term Congressional elections.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Stock Market Hits Important 61.8% Fibonacci Resistance Level / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Marty_Chenard
For Fibonacci followers, the S&P 500 is a smidgen away from a momentous event.
What is the event?
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Monday, November 08, 2010
Gold, U.S. Dollar and Bonds Set the Stage / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Jim_Farrish

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Monday, November 08, 2010
Stock Market At Critical Juncture / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Money_Morning
Jon D. Markman writes:
Stocks rose gently like heat waves off a radiator over the past week, as traders guessed, assessed and processed the results of the midterm elections and the Federal Reserve's decision to try to light a fire under the U.S. economy by buying a $75-billion pile of fresh, new Treasury bonds every 30 days for the next eight months.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Fed Inflationary Money Printing Propels Stocks 'Stealth' Bull Market to New High / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Fed pumped market participants full of $600 Billion of fresh QE2 testosterone that sent stocks into a euphoric rally to a new bull market closing high of Dow 11,444, which apparently has major medical consequences for the mainstream press and BlogosFear due to the general outbreak of amnesia as to the commentary that had transpired during the preceding 6 months of deflation, depression, double dips and the bear market rally's always imminent end.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Stocks Soar on Fed Policy But Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis Have Not Gone Away / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Steve_Betts
Lost in all the election and Fed hoopla are the problems in Ireland. The yield on Irish debt is surging and the share price for Bank of Ireland stock is plummeting. Ireland, like it or not, is going the way of Greece. As of Friday the yield for Irish debt stands at close to 8% and that's about 2.5% more than you would pay for a home loan in the United States. With respect to the Bank of Ireland shares lost almost 15% of their value on Friday and, as you can see below, and the share price has been cut in half over the last two months:
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Stock Market Extrreme Bullish Sentiment, Oil Breakout and Gold Rocket / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The financial markets continue to climb the wall of worry on the back of more Fed Quantitative Easing. Those trying to pick a top in this choppy bull market may prove to be correct for a couple hours but over time the shorts continue to get clobbered.
Quantitative easing was enough to turn gold back up and gave oil just enough of a nudge to breakout of its cup and handle pattern explained later.
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Saturday, November 06, 2010
Global Stock Markets Breakout on Fed QE2 / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
By: Tony_Caldaro
The stock markets, worldwide, broke out of their trading range this week after the FED announced their QE 0.6 ($trillion) program on wednesday afternoon. The Bank of Japan followed up by announcing they were going to buy Japanese equity ETF’s and other financial instruments as part of their central bank intervention program. On tuesday, the Liberterian wing of the Republican party gained enough seats to swing the House of Representatives to the GOP. We reported on this event on thursday:Politics and Secular Stocks Bull/Bear Markets, The Fourth Turning Crisis
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Stock Market Incredibly Resilient......Financials Finally Participate... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jack_Steiman
What can I say about this market. It is resilient beyond words. The degree of overbought not mattering for the time being. We're more than a bit overbought here folks. It's at extremes. Many daily RSI's in the 80's. Everything 70 or higher. Stochastics are pushed near the top. The problem for selling is this is a buy the dip market that needs a catalyst to have more sustained selling. News that would stop the bulls from buying any and all dips. We certainly had our chances to find a strong catalyst for the week.
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Saturday, November 06, 2010
The Most Interesting Stock Market Chart of the Week / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jared_Levy
I thought Friday would be the perfect time to bring you a bit of technical analysis insight. This week's stock market chart just blew me away when I saw it and thought it would be a great candidate. Adobe systems, the Silicon Valley software creator, should not only be known as the creator of PDF's and flash players, but maybe also for the enormous and frequent "gaps" in its stock price.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Jessie Livermore and the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Clif_Droke
The legend and romance surrounding the famed stock plunger Jessie Livermore has long held a fascination among traders. Livermore has become somewhat of a cult in recent years and there are several books that purport to reveal his secrets for making a fortune in the stock market. None of them can hold a candle to the book which Livermore himself commissioned (written by journalist Edwin LeFevre) entitled Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Don’t Fight the Fed / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Joseph_Toronto
Does this rule still really apply?
Comparisons of economic conditions of today with those of the Great Depression abound, as well as comparisons with Japan’s “lost decades”, most implying that we are doomed to a repeat of those woeful eras. We know of course that the Fed did everything wrong in the 30′s and made things worse. Beginning in 1990, the Bank of Japan did everything right but it did no good. Why would this time around be any different?
Friday, November 05, 2010
The Fed Bubble Making Machine Is Cranking Up! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Sy_Harding
The Federal Reserve has cranked up the bubble-machine again, pumping up opportunities as well as risk.
In doing so it is on the wrong side of the economic cycle again, as it so often has been in the past, beginning to ease too late to prevent recessions, and then continuing to ease too long after recoveries are underway, creating bubbles.