Thursday, December 24, 2015
Stocks in Interest Rate Hike Cycles / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Zeal_LLC
The stock-market outlook in 2016 is riddled with great uncertainty following the Fed ending its 7-year-old zero-interest-rate policy. With the first rate-hike cycle in nearly a decade just getting underway, traders are anxiously wondering how it will impact the stock markets. While raising rates out of ZIRP is radically unprecedented, stock-market reactions during past rate-hike cycles still offer some interesting insights.
The Federal Reserve’s monetary-policy decisions are no longer peripheral concerns for stock-market fortunes. Thanks to the Fed’s extreme easing of recent years, its actions have usurped everything else to become the stock markets’ overwhelmingly dominant driver. And unfortunately the wildly-outsized upside impact on stock prices by the uber-dovish Fed is highly likely to portend proportional downside.
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Stock Market End of Year Winning Trade Forecast / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Yesterday December 23rd we closed out a nice winning trade in XLE energy sector. If you have not yet closed the trade can should do so today and will locking an even larger gain of 4-5% return in only three days.
The stock market closes early today at 1 pm ET. Today volume will be light and its not worth sitting around watching or trying to trade in my opinion. The best trade for today is to spend quality time with your family and friends.
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
U.S. Dollar Will be Biggest Casualty of Lower Oil Prices - Video / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Mario_Innecco
Transcript Excerpt - hi it's Thursday December 24th Christmas Eve 2015 and can be speaking about the
USDollar and how it's gonna be the biggest casualty lower oil prices and
commodity prices that we've seen for the last over 12 months you know last 18
months that will lead you know to make him in other currencies because the
dollar is the global reserve currency so one of the major while the major reason
why I think the Dalby the biggest casualty is because back in the
seventies after 1971 when president nixon to the dollar off the Bretton
Woods system with which was a Gold Exchange System gold back system in
august of nineteen seventy-one then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger he
put it to you with the saudi government
Saudi Arabian royal family whatever you wanna call it they put a deal that Saudi
Arabia which was accumulating a lot of dollar reserves and a lot of foreign
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve Online Sales 2015, Boxing Day High Street Sales Full List / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Christmas high street sales frenzy is about to reach maximum intensity on Boxing day whilst most major retailers such as Next and PC World / Curry's will start their sales online on Christmas Eve so as to maximise profits from the the army of point and click armchair shoppers. Here is a comprehensive list of sales starting today, Christmas Eve and continuing into the high streets on Boxing day as well as those already well underway.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The International Court for Religious Crimes, Terror and Human Rights Violations / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

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Thursday, December 24, 2015
S&P 500 Clears Huge Moving-Average Resistance... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Jack_Steiman
So what do we make of today's move above two critical, exponential moving averages on the S&P 500. Price talks. Emotion gets in the way. Play what you see. So today we see that the S&P 500 has made the move above those critical moving averages, but we saw this a week back and then the market collapsed right back down. A head fake. Is this head fake number two? Only time will tell. The oscillators are strong on this particular move, so other than short-term overbought, it should try to hang in there better this time. Should is the key word, if we can unwind overbought without too much price erosion that would be a good thing for the bulls to hang their collective bullishness on. How any stock or index pulls back from overbought can be just as if not more important in how it goes higher. If the oscillators pull back to the near neutral zone and price holds this gap up that would be bad news for the bears. You only know when it's occurring, but the move today does seem better than last week's attempt to clear those moving averages due to better looking oscillators.
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Trump Muslim Ban Prevents British Family Pilgrimage to DisneyLand Florida / Politics / Social Issues
By: N_Walayat
The latest news from the war on Muslims follows hot on the heels of Donald Trump pledging to ban all muslims from entering America, that today manifested itself in a British muslim family of 11 heading for their once in a life time pilgrimage to the DisneyLand in Florida, who were all turned back at Gatwick airport by a smirking British border official.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Stock Market Risk On? Risk Off? Find Out Where Your Money Lies / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
A peek at the new free report from the editors of our Financial Forecast Service
It's almost Christmas, "the hap-happiest season of all." Yet, here's a sobering fact for U.S. investors: S&P 500 stocks are actually lower now than at the end of last year (chart: Google Finance):
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Stock Market SPX Being Repelled by Resistance / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX challenged its trio of resistances this afternoon. The Intermediate-term was the last to be challenged at 2064.18. The 50-day was at 2063.14 and the 200-day (not shown) is at 2061.50. A decline beneath that final level appears to have put SPX back on a sell signal.
SPX has now reached breakeven with the December 31. 2014 close at 2058.90. What comes next?
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
The Big Short Movie Review / Personal_Finance / Reviews
By: James_Quinn
"The truth is like poetry, and most people ***** hate poetry."
The Big Short opens nationwide today. But it happened to have one showing last night at a theater near me. My youngest son and I hopped in the car and went to see it. I loved the book by Michael Lewis. The cast assembled for the movie was top notch, but having the director of Anchorman and Talledaga Nights handle a subject matter like high finance seemed odd.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Stock Market Breadth-less, Volume-less Rally May be Over / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
The SPX Premarket appears to be marginally higher than yesterday’s print high. Whether today’s opening and subsequent prices stay beneath yesterday’s high remain to be seen.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Gold Market Manipulation - Video / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Gary_Savage
I explain how and why I think the gold bear market is artificial, and due to manipulation by a few big banks in the paper market. I discuss the market reaction that will confirm I’m correct. The analysts that for a couple of years have been trying to deny manipulation are ultimately going to look like idiots, and the Sinclairs of the world are going to have the last laugh, and will be proven correct in the end.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
SME - How to Take Control of your Cash Flow / Companies / SME
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
If your business is concerned with investments or trading then there are a number of checks and balances you need to put in place in order to manage your cash flow. It’s well known that cash flow is one of the most vital and critical elements in the smooth running of a small or middle-sized business. If your enterprise is unable to manage cash effectively, you will be unable to invest in what your business needs and you may lose out. Check out this selection of things you need to have under your control:
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Congress Eliminates U.S. Export Oil Ban / Commodities / Crude Oil
If you want to know how the “so called” Free Trade exponents think about exports, just analyze the impact and actual beneficiaries of the US House passes bill to lift 40-year ban on oil exports.
“The crude export restrictions were introduced in the US in 1975 in the middle of the energy crisis. They followed OPEC’s oil embargo of the US and other countries backing Israel during the Arab–Israeli war of 1973. In the face of embargo-related high oil prices, Washington eased the limits on oil imports and ordered an export ban.”
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
COT Report in the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Submissions
Sasafuturestrading writes: The COT report is issued on Thursday evenings by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. What it does is break down the amount of buying and selling done by three groups: Commercials, Large Traders, and Small Traders.
The largest powers in the marketplace are the Commercials. These are the large users and producers of the commodity. They do not use the commodity markets to speculate or directly make money in the markets. They are producers and users of the commodity, so they sell forward or hedge their production/demand. They use the markets for selling and delivery, not speculating.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
UK Christmas Sales 2015 High Street and Online Start Dates Full List / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's shoppers with more cash in their wallets look set to go on a debt fuelled spending binge at the cathedrals of modern Britain, though not quite as jam packed with shoppers as in years past as 2015 also looks like the first year where online shopping could exceed bricks and mortar shopping totals. Nevertheless there is plenty of cash to go around given consumers infected with sales fever hunting for bargains as Christmas has long since morphed into a month long relentless advertising campaign to keep spending all the way into January.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
U.S. Secular Economic Stagnation? / Economics / US Economy
By: Steve_H_Hanke

Before we delve into the secular stagnation debate – a debate that has become a hot topic – a few words about current economic developments in the U.S. are in order. What was recently noticed was the Federal Reserve’s increase, for the first time in nearly a decade, of the fed funds interest rate by 0.25 percent. What went unnoticed, but was perhaps more important, was that the money supply, broadly measured by the Center for Financial Stability’s Divisia M4, jumped to a 4.6 percent year-over-year growth rate. This was the largest increase since May 2013.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Investors Gear Up for a Violent Uranium Price Spike / Commodities / Uranium
By: The_Energy_Report
The price of uranium is still in the doldrums, but that will change soon—and violently, says Rob Chang of Cantor Fitzgerald Canada. In this interview with The Energy Report, he explains that electric utilities will begin to run short of fuel even before 2020, when 33 additional reactors are expected to come on line. With that in mind, Chang predicts that prices could triple in the next few years, and highlights a half-dozen equities that will likely supply the increased demand and thereby deliver multiples to investors.
The Energy Report: Does cheap oil depress uranium demand?
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
SPX May be Turniing at the 50% Retracement Level / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
I am remiss in not bringing up the Orthodox Broadening Top trendline as a potential target for this retracement. It appears that SPX may have just turned at 2042.74 while the exact location of the trendline is at 2041.61. The 50% retracement point is 2041.57. While I did mention the 50% level this morning, I had not recently calculated the position of the trendline. Now that I have located it properly in the chart, you can see how many times (at least 5) it has provided support in the past month. Today it finally appears to act as resistance.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
HUI GOLD Ratio Chart…Another Grizzly Year! / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2015
By: Rambus_Chartology
I was just going over some old charts and came across this one which is a ratio chart that compares the HUI to gold going all the way back to the bear market low that was made back in 2000. I use to show this chart quite a bit when the blue triangle on the right side of the chart broke down. This chart shows you a good example of how weak the HUI has been vs gold. The initial impulse move out of the 2000 bear market low shows the HUI really kicking gold’s butt until late 2003. The ratio then declined into the 2005 low which ended creating a double top hump.
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